
Eid-ul-Fitr: The Holy Day to Celebrate Your Blessings

Read this blog to know the importance of celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr.

Tips to Celebrate Eid
13 Jun 2018 4739
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    Table of Content

    Eid-ul Fitr is the most important religious festival for Muslims across the world. It coincides with the first day of Shawaal which is preceded by the month of Ramadan. The festival day often varies from one country to another as it depends upon the observation of new moon by the local religious authority. Well, today the three-day long celebrations are not limited to Mohammedans, rather non-Muslims are equally encouraged to join in the celebrations by indulging in excessive amounts of food and exchanging gifts with their Muslim friends.

    As per legends, Prophet Mohammad was given the sacred knowledge by Allah in the month of Ramadan. Thus, as a mark of respect to the Almighty, Prophet asked his followers to do fasting, prayers, and other austerities during this time of the year. Eid-ul- Fitr is basically the day for breaking the fast. As per another legendary belief, when prophet Mohammad arrived in Medinah during 622 AD, he witnessed some people celebrating together with their family and friends. On asking the reason behind the merriment, the natives answered that they were happy to get rid of the days of Jahilliyah(Ignorance). Then, Prophet Muhammad pronounced that Allah has set two holy days, one is Eid-ul-Fitr and the other is Eid-Al-Adha. Many people also believe that Eid was started when Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medinah from Mecca.

    It is said that during the month of Ramadan, Allah imprisons the Shaitan(devil). Thus, it is obligatory for everyone to remain mindful of namaz, charity, and abstinence. The core principle for celebrating Eid is showing gratitude to Allah. On this day, millions of Mohammedans, gather with their family and friends for attending morning prayers, giving donations to charity and having feasts together. Besides this, Eid also gives an opportunity to reflect on the wonderful aspects of our lives that we are blessed to have. Let's know about the significance of this festival...

    Gratitude for Food

    By abstaining from food and water during the month of Ramadan, people get to understand how lucky they are to be able to satiate their stomach. Beside this, it also helps them realize the condition of the poverty-stricken people. In turn, this makes them more generous. During Ramadan and on the day of Eid, it's mandatory for everyone to make charitable donation.

    Gratitude for Health

    Eid is like a thanksgiving day on which Muslims express their gratitude to God for giving them the strength to fast and to be able to practice resilience and self-control. The month of Ramadan also teaches the lesson that one should never take health for granted as an unhealthy person may not resist the hardships of life.

    Gratitude for Family

    In this fast-paced life, we hardly get any time to spend with our friends and family. But in the month of Ramadan, we are encouraged to eat together during Iftaar(when Muslims break their fasting at the time of sunset). Moreover, on Eid, we come together as a community and spend this occasion together. Thus, Muslims thank Allah for bestowing them with loved ones.

    Apart from recognizing our blessings and thanking the Almighty for the same, Eid also signifies communication with the celestial spirits and religious merits, characterized by sacrifice, self-control, self-righteousness, and self-discipline. We hope you all are set to spice up the festive spirits of Eid-ul-Fitr. In case your pending assignments are not letting you enjoy the occasion up to the hilt, just take help from the experts working with us. The entire team of Assignment Desk wishes you a very happy Eid, and may all your good deeds be accepted by God.

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