
How to Write an HSPS Personal Statement? Know Here

29 Apr 2024 344
How to Write an HSPS Personal Statement? | Assignment Desk

Students who want to pursue their degree in HSPS at Cambridge need to go through multiple admission protocols. Hsps is a course that includes Human, Social, and Political Sciences. Therefore, the university offers admission to only those students who show a keen interest in these fields. To determine this, Cambridge University asks students to submit an HSPS personal statement. So, if you are a student applying to this course and want to write an admission letter, this blog is the perfect guide for you. All you need to do is read the pointers given by our experts and start drafting.

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What Is an HSPS Personal Statement?

What is HSPS personal statement? An HSPS personal statement refers to an application letter submitted to get admission to the degree program in Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS). In this letter, students discuss their academic background, relevant experiences, interests, and motivations. Apart from this, in the Cambridge HSPS personal statement, they may highlight their passion for this particular course, their academic achievements in related subjects, and any extracurricular activities or work experiences that reflect their commitment to the field.

Many times in their HSPS admissions test, applicants may discuss their future career goals and how this degree aligns with their goals. Also, they explain why they are interested in this program and why they are choosing Cambridge to apply.

Thus, the HSPS personal statement is an opportunity where student to showcase their academic achievements, talents, goals, and commitment to this field. Moving further, in the next section we will learn how to write this letter from our essay help experts.

How to Write an HSPS Personal Statement?

In this section, we will learn how to write hsps Cambridge admission essay. So, follow the steps given below and you can curate an outstanding personal letter.

1. Understand the Requirements:

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and guidelines provided by Cambridge University. It is because every institution has a different set of guidelines. If you get stuck in understanding these rules, you can always contact our experts providing academic writing services. Make sure to note down the word limit, formatting rules, and other vital instructions.

2. Reflect on Your Motivation:

Now, after reading the rules and regulations, you can start the paper by reflecting on your motivation for studying HSPS. Find answers to questions like What interests you about the field? What specific aspects of human behaviour, society, or politics intrigue you? Apart from this, you can delve into your personal experiences and academic interests that are suitable for your HSPS admissions test and letter.

3. Highlight Relevant Experiences:

Our third step will be to showcase any academic and extracurricular work or any other job experiences that are relevant to the HSPS degree. It can be anything. You can include completed coursework in related subjects. If not, you can also send in your research projects, internships, volunteer work, or leadership roles. To make the HSPS Cambridge personal statement stand out, highlight your key accomplishments and skills.

4. Demonstrate Intellectual Curiosity:

If you read HSPS personal statement examples, you will see that students demonstrate intellectual curiosity. So, try emphasizing your eagerness and showcase your ideas that align with the HSPS course. You can also discuss any research that you have conducted. Also, share examples of how you have engaged with the academic literature, current events, or societal issues and what your role was.

5. Connect Your Interests:

Combine your academic interests with experience in specific areas within HSPS. Identify the sub-fields or disciplines you are particularly interested in and explain why they affect you. Demonstrate how your background, interests, and hobbies align with the degree, expertise, and research opportunities of the course you are applying to. You can also describe your talents and other skills that make the letter interesting.

6. Be Personal and Authentic:

Write in a clear, concise, and authentic voice that reflects your personality and values. Avoid cliches, generic statements, or overly formal language. Instead, share genuine insights, anecdotes, or reflections that convey your unique perspective and passion for HSPS.

7. Address Any Weaknesses:

If there is a learning gap or any academic setback behind you, try to tackle it in the Cambridge HSPS personal statement. You can do this by sharing a story and explaining the academic setback situation. Take this as an opportunity to address it honestly and proactively. Describe the challenges you faced and how you overcame and learned from these issues over time.

8. Tailor to Cambridge:

In an admission essay or statement, you have to curate your own story for each organization or program you are investigating. Therefore, to get admission to Cambridge, understand the university, and learn HSPS meaning. Also, examine the strengths, values, and culture of the program, and align your own story with what they are looking for in potential students.

9. Edit and Revise:

Now, the last step is to take the time to edit and revise your statement carefully. Check for grammar and spelling errors, clarity of expression, and coherence of ideas. After this, consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to ensure that your statement is polished and practical. Re-read the personal statement before your final submission and make the essential changes.

10. Seek Feedback:

Before submitting your statement, ask your peers, professors, or friends to read it. Ask them to review it thoroughly and provide detailed feedback. They can offer valuable insights, suggestions, and corrections to help you strengthen your statement and make it more compelling.

Well, with these ten steps, you can write an excellent admission essay. Still, if you get stuck, you can always seek assistance from our personal statement writing service. Moving ahead, we have marked some do's and don'ts for you that will guide you in writing the essay. Or, you can just reach out to our experts for the same, as well.

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Do's and Dont's of HSPS Personal Statement Writing

In this section, you will learn the dos and don'ts that will guide you in writing the perfect hsps admission test or personal statement. So, dive below and keep learning from the best experts in the UK.


1. Demonstrate Keen Curiosity: Demonstrate your interest in the topic and demonstrate intellectual curiosity by citing relevant books, articles, or research projects outside of your school curriculum.

2. Highlight Critical Thinking Skills: Emphasize your ability to think critically and analytically about complex issues in human behaviour, society, and politics. Provide examples of how you have used these skills in your coursework or extracurricular activities.

3. Show Evidence of Independent Study: Discuss any independent study or research projects that you have done. It should reflect your ability to work and engage deeply with the HSPS course.

4. Reflect on Cambridge-Specific Resources: You can add references to Cambridge-specific resources, such as faculty members, research centres, or specialised libraries, and explain how they align with your academic interests and aspirations.


1. Use Generic Language: Avoid using generic language or complex jargon while you are applying for the HSPS program. Instead, focus on simple writing and things that make you and the program stand out.

2. Exaggerate or Fabricate Experiences: Be truthful and authentic in your statement. Exaggerating or fabricating experiences can undermine your credibility and integrity as an applicant.

2. Focus Solely on Grades: While academic achievements are significant, don't solely focus on grades or exam scores in your personal statement. Admissions tutors want to see evidence of your passion for the subject and your potential to thrive academically.

3. Ignore the Cambridge Context: Don't overlook the Cambridge context. For this, you can read a few HSPS personal statement examples. Take the time to research the university's approach to teaching and learning, as well as its academic and extracurricular options.

We hope that now you have a clear idea on writing the personal statement for hsps course. Still, if you face any issues, you can contact our experts and they will assist you instantly. Want to know more about our assignment writing service, read the last section.

Need Help with HSPS Personal Statement? Contact Us

Securing admission in a university like Cambridge can be challenging. Especially, when you have to write a personal statement. But, do not worry, you can contact our experts for assistance. They will write an excellent submission for you. You can seek assistance with custom writing and personal statement at any time of the day. So, what are you waiting for? Seek help now!

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