
Five Reasons Why Humans Couldn't Have Built the Great Pyramids of Giza

Read this blog to know why humans couldn’t have built the great pyramids of Giza.

aliens pyramids
04 Dec 2017 16708
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    First traces of human literature dates back to 4700 BCE. However, there is no trace of construction of Sphinx. It's said that ancient Egyptians of the first dynasty found Sphinx and later built the three pyramids to be superior. The great Sphinx itself aligns perfectly from west to east. Like every other pyramid, there used to be an entrance to the lion pyramid, as well. And, even after years and years of research, we haven't yet found the entry. Sphinx is an ancient untold mystery, possibly the one that humans can never solve.

    Here are the reasons why humans couldn't have built the Great Pyramids of Giza:

    1. 1000 tonne stones

    Each stone is carved from granite rock in a shape, perfectly cuboid. Also, to carry those stones from the quarry to the construction site, workers had to cross the Nile. It's impossible for a human to move a 1000 tonne stone and cross the river carrying it. Even if it were a group of humans who brought the rocks across the Nile, it still seems practically impossible.

    2. Alignment of individual pyramids

    All the three great pyramids of Giza face the exact North. The other three sides of the great pyramids face precisely East, West and South direction which means that when they built the pyramids, they had some sort of directional assistance. What's surprising is that there were no compasses, back at the time. How did the Egyptians calculate directions without an outsider's help? The question still baffles our mind.

    3. Alignment of the three pyramids

    All the three pyramids are linearly assigned. They all have an entrance, and about every monument, there is a conspiracy theory that the pyramids are interconnected by a secret web of tunnels. Taking our eye off the conspiracy theories, all three pyramids are said to be aligned with the three stars in the belt of Orion in such a way that the tip of all three pyramids points toward their respective stars.

    4. Alignment of all historic sites around the globe

    Different civilization sites that have been dug out are Giza, Siwa, Tassili n' Ajjer, Paratoari, Machupicchu, Ollantaytambo, Nazca, Easter Island, Aneityum Island, Preah Vihear, Sukhothai, Pyay, Khajuraho, Mohenjo Daro, Persepolis, Ur, and Petra.


    Have you ever tried to connect every ancient civilization sites to each other on the globe? You will find that each of them follows a strange perfectly circular pattern. It depicts as if they were established around the north pole on a circular path.

    5. 6666 km theory

    It is doubted if prehistoric humans had any contact with people on other continents at all. Even if they were connected, the accuracy found in calculating the distance between different archaeological sites doesn't stop to surprise us. Observations that have been made about the distances are as follows:

    Distance From (site) Distance To (site) Distance (kilometers)
    Mt. Kailash North Pole 6666
    Mt. Kailash Stonehenge 6666
    Pyramids of Giza North Pole 6666
    Stonehenge Devil's Tower 6666
    Stonehenge Bermuda Triangle 6666
    Bermuda Triangle Easter Island 6666
    Easter Island Tazumal 6666

    If you say that it doesn't boggle your mind, you're probably lying. Humans of the 21st century haven't thought of doing that. And, even if they did, some or the other government would have a problem with the concept. On the other hand, builders of the ancient pyramid seem to follow the pattern, even though they were wholly alienated from what was happening in Meluha.

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