When you look in the mirror, you appreciate your looks, your dress, and hair. Do you ever think about the body that you see in front and how it works? Your eyes, hands, hair, tongue, legs, even your eyebrows may seem very general to you as they have always been part of your identity. But, there is much more than your eyes can meet. A human body is made up of so many elements and functions in such a scientific manner that we cannot even begin to imagine. Earth is the only planet where humans exist and how our body survives and how all the organs co-ordinate to make it perform various work and activities is a very interesting field of study. You might know the number of bones, strongest muscle, etc., but there are many other details that would surprise you.
So let us begin reading some interesting facts about our body:
- Have you ever noticed the flexing muscle on your biceps, it looks like something is moving under your skin? Well, that is the reason why it is called muscle as it is derived from the Latin word ‘musculus' which means little mouse and that is what Romans thought about the flexed skin.
- A person spends around five years of his life eating.
- Do you ever wonder about the importance of the little finger in your hand among the palm and other fingers? Well, your pinky finger holds the 50 percent strength of your hand.
- Here is one more unbelievable fact, blood runs the total distance of 29,312 kilometers in your body.
- You know your eyes can differentiate between as many as 10 million colors, but your brain remembers just a few of them. Also, your nose can identify 1 trillion smells.
- Another interesting fact is that your nose and ears regularly grow from the time you were born till you die but the size of your eyes always remains the same.
- Our skin sheds dead cells almost every minute, i.e., 30,000 to 40,000 cells per minute which are equal to one million skin cells in a day. So, every year a human body loses more than 8 pounds in a year.
- You might be surprised to hear that you are 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening.
- If you spread blood vessels of a child end-to-end, then it can cover around 60,000 miles which is almost 2.5 miles around the world. In case of an adult, it would be 100,000 miles.
- In our whole body, the cornea is the only part with no blood supply and gets oxygen directly from the air. It is also the fastest healing tissue as the corneal abrasions can be healed within 24 to 36 hours.
- It is commonly known that 75 percent of your body is water but do you know that 80 percent of your brain is water too.
- Most Caucasian babies are born with blue or gray eyes due to no melanin. But when the melanin gets enough time to build up and due to exposure of Sun, eyes change to its real color.
- A human skeleton takes ten years to renew itself. So, after every 10 years, you have a new skeleton.
- And the most shocking one is, a human body can survive even after you remove the stomach, spleen, one kidney, 75 percent of liver, one lung, 80 percent of intestines, and every organ from pelvis and groin area.
These were the only few out of many interesting and fun facts of the human body. If you ever search or read articles and blogs about them on the Internet, you will be left wondering all the more, and it would make your study of science even more amazing.
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