
Greatest Things That the UK Has Given to the World

Here is a list of seven gifts that have been given by the UK to the rest of the world.

 United Kingdom
01 Mar 2018 4264
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    We always see the United Kingdom as a royal nation with beautiful architectures and streets. Moreover, it has led all other countries in everything that is civilized be it culture, fast horses, or condiments. But apart from this, there are many greatest contributions from inventors to actors, authors to a musical band that has changed the world and proved to be nothing less than a blessing. They all have influenced the people all across the globe and even had the potential to bring the revolution.

    Here is a list of such gifts that have been given by the UK to the entire world. Take a look:

    Music revolution

    Music is the best form of expression, and many musical bands are gaining immense popularity over a decade. The UK has been the origin of many such bands who have taken the world by storm and became household names over the last many years. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, are the few examples which have made their names not only in the nation but also a dozen of other countries and will be remembered for the generations to come. These groups artfully adopted the different cultures and their influence which is the primary reason for their success.

    J.K. Rowling

    We don't think there is anyone in the world who hasn't heard of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. The person who created the famous characters of Harry Potter series and magical world of Hogwarts- J.K. Rowling was born on 31 July 1965 in Yate, United Kingdom. She brought the dream into reality, and we all loved every bit of it. Be it an 11-year-old child or a 30-year-old man; almost every bookworm must have experienced the adventure and fun ride of this eight books series. Another gem given by her is ‘Fantastic Beasts and where to find them' which has recently been made into a movie and earned huge profits.

    English language

    English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, the official language of a number of countries than any other, and the second language for many nations. It can be considered as the influential invention of the UK as people from different parts and cultures of the globe can easily communicate with each other in this global language. It has united us with the people of the foreign country and has made the trade, industrialization, treaties, scientific advancements, convenient and easy as billions of individuals can speak and understand English. It is used as the intermediary language at global events and international summits. Most of the papers, proposals, theories, designs, have one common aspect, i.e., English.


    The person who demonstrated the television for the first time is a Scottish innovator named John Logie Baird. He invented the machine in 1925 and also holds the credit for giving us the fully electric color television tube. His model displayed 30 lines vertically that scanned image at five frames per second. This technology paved the way for further advancements such as digital TV, place-shifts, and is used by NASA to get the live color TV pictures of the moon.

    Chocolate Bar

    In 1847, a UK native Joseph Fry mixed cocoa powder, sugar, and cocoa butter to make first solid chocolate. After that in 1866, his company produced the Fry's Chocolate bar which was then followed by over 220 products in the coming decade. It also included the first ever chocolate Easter egg in 1873.

    Various Sports

    The UK may not be the birthplace of many modern sports, but it certainly takes the credit for their standardization of rules and structure. There are sports which are the varied form of British ones like Baseball, a derivative of Rounders, and American Football, derived from Rugby. We totally agree that the UK was not the first one to think of hitting/kicking a ball, but definitely raised their bars by making them widespread and competitive be it Cricket or Tennis.

    World Wide Web

    Let us not get confused here with the internet, as it was invented by the USA, but World Wide Web was introduced by British Scientist Tim Berners-Lee to the world. It is the interlinked hypertext documents system which is accessible through the internet. He proposed the concept in 1989 and later along with Robert Cailliau, pitched it at CERN, who then presented it to the whole world in 1990. You may not know that he did not patent the idea and instead of making huge profits, he opted for making it available without any royalty or payment.

    So remember thanking the UK whenever you feel grateful for these mentioned gifts. And for more such informative yet interesting blogs, keep visiting our page.

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