
Effective Tips to Stay Healthy in College

02 Sep 2017 4070
stay healthy

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Between classes, assignments, exams, extracurricular activities and maintaining an active social life, many college students often feel that they can't find the time to take care of their personal health. But with most colleges, providing health care facilities and special provision to promote physical activities among students have nowadays become a primary concern, and thus staying healthy in college is as easy as it was never before. In this blog we have discussed about the various ways in which students can keep themselves in the pink of health.

Here are a few tips to help students to stay healthy and illness free throughout their academic life:

Stick to a healthy diet

One of the most essential factors in attaining mental and physical health is having a balanced diet. Your daily meal should fulfil all your nutritional requirements including proteins, fibres, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Besides this, you should follow a proper dietary routine and never skip your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, avoid the excessive intake of junk foods and caffeine. Along with that, alcohol and drugs should strictly be avoided.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercising is good for your body as well as the mind. While taking out time for exercising from a busy college schedule can be difficult, most colleges make it easy for students by offering them the facilities of gym and sports clubs within the campus. Depending on your class schedule, you can take out 20 minutes to one hour for doing exercise every day. Moreover, if your college offers physical fitness classes and intramural sports programs, then take advantage of these for a fun way to exercise.

Get enough sleep

College-going students need at least seven hours of sleep and getting this amount can improve their overall health. Sleep deprivation can lead to headaches, reduced brain function, fatigue and weight loss or gain. So, do not deprive yourself of a good night's sleep. Moreover, to stay refreshed throughout the day, try taking a short nap.

Keep yourself hydrated

Maintaining the water level of your body is quite important for your physical fitness as well as increased mental alertness. For students living in cold regions, the average requirement of water is between 4 to 5 litres in a day, and those living in temperate zones, it is at least 8 litres per day. So, maintain that amount of water intake at any cost.

Beat the stress

College students usually get stressed due to loads of classes and exams, but relaxing or having downtime is essential to staying healthy. The easiest way to relax is to give yourself regular breaks and take some time for things that please you such as music, dance, sports, reading a book, watching your favorite television show or picking up a hobby. Also, meditation and aerobic exercises are the perfect cure for stress.

Maintain a healthy social life

College folks need to learn how to balance a healthy social life with their academic studies. A great way to meet new people is to join academic clubs. Most colleges offer a number of social groups for everything ranging from language, sports, to science. Students should always join a group of similar interest.

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