Learning outcomes-
LO1 in context to specific and general organisation, analyse the impact of changing needs of employers and along with this report on the changing nature of workplace
LO2 by linking career development with the personal, what crucial skills are required
LO3 What suitable methods can be applied in context to applicant-employer communication which is related to the employability in a particular sector
LO4 with reference to employment and employability, provide the standard IT packages with respect to production of reports and other documents
Section-1 Reflection on Assessment Centre
Provide the reflection on the experience gained and identify the way in which employer assessment centre is prepared as part of recruitment process in context to internship, placement role and graduate job
Part-A Provide a reflection on your Assessment centre experience day
- Group exercise- Show the way you performed and what strength and weakness you face while performing
- Presentation -Show the learnings gained and experience earned while performing along with the strength and weakness
- Interview-In context to next assessment centre, provide a reflection on enhancing the performance
Part-B Provide a way that will help in approaching employer Assessment centre in future
- Elaborate the key learnings gained from the experiences
- While preparing employer Assessment centre, show the experience gained will be used
Section-2 Personal GAP Analysis
By pursuing present skills, knowledge and experience, how can this be applied to the chosen sector or career
- This is to be considered of utmost importance that will use the GAP analysis in the appendix. You are required to provide a short brief about most important areas in the report.
- Information gained through the test of personal evaluation should be used as tool for self-evaluation and self-assessment. You are also required to include the output from personal evaluation in your appendices
- By looking into the personal analysis in comparison to some specific requirements, you are required to identify some specific areas that will provide focus to your personal development. You are also required to reflect on the areas where you lack evidence in. suggest the areas where it requires the application of examples or illustrations.
Section-3 A well-articulated personal development plan in context to career
In this area you are required to take into account the specific as well as personal development that will provide a support in your overall development.
- Recommend a brief summary related to the key development and action plan area that will include the details and actions and what you expect to gain from them
- The plan prepared must consist knowledge, skills and experiences that is required to develop further. For example, requirement of commercial awareness and specific activities that will support you in selection process.
- You are required to use the information gained through lectures, tutorials, team presentation and by conducting you own research, examine the actions that will take you to the place desired by you.
You are provided with a template in context to your PDP within the project information. The headings clearly prescribe the quantum of information required for this plan.
A summary of the reflection about a way of developing the employability in reference to completing the module and your intention to use a personal development plan.