
Tips for HR Students to Handle Grievances

30 Jan 2018 5032
Tips to handle grievance

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As a human resource student, you might have to handle some of the toughest situations in your career. One of them is grievance management, which is one of the key responsibilities of any HR. They are the link between employees and employer. Many a time, they are required to solve complaints at their own level without creating any fuss. You may also encounter complaints from any of the workers and it could be about their work, who they work with, etc.

Suppose, one of the employees is not satisfied with a particular policy of the company, or he/she thinks that they have been unfairly transferred to another department. What will you do in such situations? How will you react and respond to the problem? Can't find a satisfactory answer? Well, here are the tips that might help you in your career to handle grievances of employees intelligently:

Listen patiently

All employees must be heard and listened carefully even if it's an insignificant issue. When someone put forth their problem, pay complete attention and assure a solution as fast as possible. In case you fail to do so; they will be frustrated and dissatisfied always. Moreover, they will be not motivated enough to give their best in their work. Foremost point that every HR student should remember is to be a good listener. This will give them positive attitude towards the company, which is very important to have a healthy and happy working environment.

Acknowledge them properly

Just lending your ear is not enough, but properly acknowledging the issue is equally important. After they express their problems to you completely, respond them formally. Do not ignore or disregard them, promise them to resolve the issue instead. This way they will return back to their work with an assurance that they are taken seriously.

Be rationalized

Next step is to ascertain the truth by considering all the facts without being biased. Even if you are still in the process of determining the validity of grievances, start analyzing the situation in a neutral way. For this, keep an open mind to investigate the matter before arriving at any conclusion. You need to maintain an independent view and opinion before things go out of hand.

Have alternative solutions

There should not be any rigid course of action, identify other solutions instead. If the first option is not acceptable by all the concerned parties, then you should be ready with other options. It should cover all the important scenarios to avoid wasting time by thinking of other alternatives in future. It will also help you to cut down the cost and resources involved.

Eliminate the root cause

Once a problem is launched by any employee, try to eliminate it once and for all. Your solution should be long-lasting, and no other employee must face the similar situation in future. If you fail to do so, then workers may return back again and again with the same issue which can be really annoying for both the parties. So, find the root cause of the problem which is a key attribute of any HR personnel and get rid of it completely.

Communicate the solution to all the concerned entities

No time should be wasted in communicating the decision to all the concerned people. They may or may not be very happy or satisfied, but convey it peacefully and make them understand your point of view too. The future course of action should be clear to everyone. In case of any doubt, clarify them patiently.

Review your decision

This is the last tip but the most important one. After implementing your decision, it is better to evaluate the impact and result. If you can't see the expected outcome, then take the corrective measures immediately. But, if it is the other way round, then incorporate the actions into future policies.

These were a few tips for grievance management. We hope that the aforementioned points helped you to understand the tasks you need to perform as an HR in your future.

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