
101+ Best Debate Topic Ideas for Students to Choose in 2022

This blog highlights 101+ best debate topics to become a winning debater.

101+ Best Debate Topics to Be A Winning Debater
28 Nov 2022 6308
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    “Debate Competition in College This Week. Register Today!” Seeing this notice on the class bulletin board, many students feel excited. Debate competitions are often organized in colleges and universities to level up public speaking skills of students. These types of activities play an important role in increasing their confidence and critical thinking abilities. Students also show active participation in debates and even desire to be a winner in it but often they get stuck with choosing a good debate topic.

    So, if you are looking for a blog that has the most trending and interesting debate topics, congratulations! You have landed at the correct page. Apart from this, if you have a solid urge to win a debate, then there are some great secrets lying here. Hurry up! Read now to know more.

    First of all, let us quickly have a brief idea of some basics.

    What Is a Debate?

    Well, many of you will say “an interesting argument”. Yes it is! Basically, a debate is an activity in which there is a speaker also called as debater who presents relevant arguments to support his point of view. They are organized in academic institutions, such as schools and colleges, public meetings and law-making assemblies.

    When we talk about debates that take place at academic institutes, they are an important part of the extra-curricular activities. Many times inter-college and intra-college debates are organized wherein many students participate with a strong desire to win and be the best debater of the college. If you also dream for the Mr. Debater or Miss Debater trophy in your hand, than choosing a good and strong topic is a must to win the debate. Want to know how? Read the next section.

    How to Select Good Debate Topics?

    A good debate topic is one statement that lets the participants and the audience learn about both sides of an issue. If you are also stuck with choosing the debate topic, then look at the pointers below. Students should consider the mentioned factors while selecting the dynamic debate topic:

    1. Interesting Topic

    You first need to understand that you are interested in the topic. The topic you are choosing will be interesting for your classmates? Will the audience listen to the debate? While selecting the debate topic, students must think from both perspective audience and participants. Choose a topic that you are interested in preparation for. Check out the themes that make your debate more lively and interesting.

    2. Potential of Argument

    Once you choose the theme, check that it has solid argument potential. Check out the topic that helps you to convey strong pointers to the audience. If one side is right, on the other hand, there is not much scope for the available information; then it would be hard for you to convey your pointers.

    3. Data Availability

    If you are presenting a debate, you must have strong points to convey your pointers. With great and strong points, you can make the arguments more robust. So go with the topics with lots of empirical data that helps students to pull from the bolster the argument. Do thorough research before selecting any topic on how you can convey your pointers.

    Above mentioned are important pointers that every student should consider before choosing the best debate topics.

    How to Win a Debate?

    Everyone thinks in a different way. There are many real life situations where your opinion on a subject can contradict with someone else’s point of view. For example, if you and your friends sit together and this topic arrives like which girl deserves to win the beauty pageant? In this scenario, if you can’t justify your own views, you will simply feel angry and less confident. This happens with many students who have amazing ideas in their mind still they are not able to win the debate. So, here are some tips for you to follow:

    1. Prepare Yourself Well on the Debate Topic

    If you have chosen a strong debate topic to argue, you should first gain knowledge about its each and every detail. Go through books, magazine, internet sources and make notes to study its various aspects.

    2. Work on Your Communication Skills

    To win a debate, you should be able to express your ideas and opinions with confidence. Stand in front of the mirror and speak on the debate topic twice and thrice. This way, you will realize where you fumble or stop in between. Besides, it will also increase your focus on the topic so that you do not deviate from your path.

    3. Be a Patient Listener

    In a debate, you need to argue with an opponent. So, unless you listen to his views patiently, you will not get reasons to prove him wrong. That doesn’t mean that you should not speak; instead, wait for the right moment to deliver a strong argument of yours that can’t be opposed.

    Now, you must have realized that the first thing to reach a debate win is selection of a strong debate topic. So, here we have listed some of the most trending topics related to various areas of knowledge. Choose from them and become the best debater of your class.

    Good Debate Topics for Students in 2022

    Now, it is no more difficult to choose a good debate topic. Here is a list for you. Just select the topic as per your area of relevance and start preparing for a debate.

    Political Debate Topics

    1. Do you think freedom of speech is needed for a nation to grow?
    2. Explain the statement that there should be a comparable ratio of male and female employees at the workplace. It is best political debate topicsto choose for presentation.
    3. Is it true that many people are misusing the MeToo movement? What obscures its fundamental objective?
    4. What do you mean that every citizen should be mandated to perform national public service?
    5. How do you explain the term that climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today?
    6. It is necessary to ban animal testing.
    7. Violent video games should be banned. But how is it beneficial for society?
    8. The government should legalize every drug.
    9. How do you explain that mobile banking is not a safe procedure?
    10. Why are all automatic weapons illegal? Explain the whole document with the proper pointers.

    Academics Debate Topics

    1. Should students of primary classes wear uniforms?
    2. How music and art classes are beneficial in schools?
    3. Should computer tablets be allowed at school?
    4. Social networking sites are not used for communication but only stalking profiles
    5. Torture has no justification, no matter what the situation is.
    6. How peer pressure can be harmful for an innocent soul?
    7. Crazy games should be prohibited for teenagers.
    8. The present-day college education system is better than the conservative one.
    9. Physical education should be mandatory in schools
    10. The pros and cons of early admissions policies in modern colleges and universities

    Technology Debate Topics

    1. Is online study more successful than traditional?
    2. How has TV degraded cultural values in our country?
    3. Are people good at logical mindset more successful?
    4. Do you believe that cost of travelling in space is economically worthy?
    5. Genetically modified children: Disadvantages and Advantages
    6. How can science progress without animal testing?
    7. Should we explore Mars?
    8. Hazards and Benefits of Fully Automated Cars
    9. Can the laws keep pace with today’s internet technology?
    10. Technology is a boon or a curse?

    Fitness and Medicine Debate Topics

    1. Discuss one or more medical phenomenon
    2. How the Internet has modified our health?
    3. What are technology threats for human health?
    4. Should health insurance be made mandatory?
    5. The influence of air pollution on our health
    6. Are natural medicines a good option to pharmaceuticals?
    7. Are private sectors beneficial in medical science? Or they are just gaining profits?
    8. Artificial intelligence in medicine, an acceptable change?
    9. Name brand medicines or generic drugs
    10. Is Covid-19 artificial or natural?

    Ethics Debate Topics

    1. Do religious beliefs make us happy?
    2. What will happen if prostitution was legal?
    3. Is there any true proof of God’s existence?
    4. How to explain violent behavior among school students?
    5. Should ethics be taught to students in schools?
    6. How do social groups impact child behavior?
    7. Should cigarettes be prohibited from our society?
    8. Why the students are becoming more angry and violent?
    9. Should ethics be a part of major school subjects?
    10. Does social environment has more influence than school upbringing?

    Money and Finance Debate Topics

    1. What are key elements of a country’s financial stability?
    2. Is Taxation right or wrong?
    3. Should we completely rely on banks?
    4. Will there be a woman president in USA in the coming years?
    5. Is mobile banking totally secure?
    6. Should we adopt a fee-only standard for financial advice?
    7. Should children learn finance management in schools?
    8. Can financial problems ruin a country?
    9. Do wars have economic benefits?
    10. Do you think voting age should be still lower?

    Recreation Debate Topics

    1. Which is better: Games or television?
    2. Debate how social networks are good or bad for our society.
    3. Why social networks should be restricted for children above 18?
    4. How is Social Media useful?
    5. Give reasons why alcoholic drinks should be or should not be available for young people below 21 years of age
    6. How is music helpful in reducing stress?
    7. Is art therapy a good technique for fighting mentally challenged people?
    8. Does listening to music benefits pregnant women?
    9. Should video games be used in education?
    10. Can movies be good education tools?

    Nature and Surroundings Debate Topics

    1. Give some best ideas to protect nature and environment
    2. How would future cities look in 200 years?
    3. Explain why all plastic packages should be banned?
    4. How can we prevent ourselves from an environmental calamity?
    5. Is solar energy over-priced?
    6. What should be done by people to protect wildlife?
    7. Reforestation as a suitable remedy to the potential problem of global warming
    8. Vegetarianism: threats, advantages, and disadvantages
    9. Explain some vehicle fuel economy standards
    10. How oil drilling affects wildlife shelters

    Business Debate Topics

    1. Employees that work from home are more constructive.
    2. Companies should perform drug test on their employees.
    3. Hiring an MBA is a bargain-counter
    4. Non-financial rewards are better motivators than financial rewards.
    5. Pay-day loans must be controlled by the government.
    6. Pro sports leagues should not have a charitable status.
    7. Men should be given more paternity leaves.
    8. We need laws to control the uncertainty of part-time schedules.
    9. Companies must provide health care to full-time employees.
    10. There should be gender quota for women in the management board.

    History Debate Topics

    1. The Soviet Union provoked the six-day war
    2. Historical Context of World War II
    3. Is It Important for immigrants to pass a historical test?
    4. Importance of Britain in the First World War
    5. Who is the unexcelled president of the USA?
    6. Was Hitler solely responsible for the Holocaust?
    7. Justify Vietnam War
    8. Does Che Guevarra should be considered as a symbol of revolution and disparity?
    9. How direct democracy is most suitable for US?
    10. Do royal families still have importance in today’s world?

    Fun & Comedy Debate Topics

    1. Do you think Santa Claus is wicked?
    2. Today, men chatter more than ladies.
    3. Which is better Cartoons or Animated Films?
    4. Do aliens still have existence?
    5. Which Pizza topping is the best?
    6. You are 30 and still living with your parents. Is it Ok?
    7. Books Vs Movie Transformations Which is better?
    8. Handwriting no longer matters in today’s digital world.
    9. Would you rather be the hero or the sidekick?
    10. Will Netflix eliminate movie theatres?
    11. Should minors be treated as adults?
    12. Should people live together before marriage?

    So, these were 101+ debate topics based on all the major knowledge areas. Choose a good debate topics that interests you the most, but remember to prepare for it well before you go for a debate competition.

    Choose a Good Debate Topic with Experts Help

    If you have little preparation time and you are unable to choose a good debate topic, then refer to the aforementioned list of topics that is prepared by our skilled experts. Apart from this, if you are also facing problems in writing academic papers like research papers, essays, dissertation, case studies than we are happy to help you with our best assignment help services. Contact assignmentdesk.co.uk for more information.

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