
How to Write a Quality Discussion Section of a Research Paper?

Learn the way of writing the discussion section of your research paper from the best guide online.

Guide on Discussion Section of a Research Paper | Assignment Desk
25 May 2024 1163
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    Are you facing issues while writing the discussion section of a research paper? Worry not! Our blog teaches you how to write it effectively. It covers the definition, structure, and example of the discussion section. If you understand them once, you will never face any problems while writing any of your research papers. So, without wasting a second, let's learn how to write a discussion section, beginning with its meaning.

    What Is a Discussion Section of a Research Paper?

    The discussion section is the second last section of a research paper that comes after the results section and before the conclusion. It differs from the findings page as it includes more explanation, importance, and subjective opinion. Moreover, the discussion section also covers the interpretation and limitations. Lastly, it also includes a comparison with your previous work, if you have done it on a similar topic. In some papers, the content of the discussion and the conclusion section is almost the same, so many even combine them.

    What to Include in the Discussion Section of a Research Paper?

    • Research Summary
    • Result Interpretation
    • Comparison with Your Similar Work
    • Implications of your Findings
    • Limitations of your research

    Purpose of a Discussion Section

    The discussion section is mostly the last part of your whole research paper. So, why do you have to add it? This section explains your results and why they are essential. Without it, the reader may feel that the paper lacks something and may not fully understand your viewpoint on the results.

    How Long Should a Discussion Section Be?

    Now, let us know the ideal length of a discussion section. You can keep it as long as you require, but the rule is to make it no longer than any of the other sections of the research paper. This section should be of 7 paragraphs and each of 200 words. So, the final length would be 1200-1400 words, but why many paras? Because one long passage would look messy and difficult to understand. If you cannot write this long, then get online help by searching for "can i hire someone to write my paper."

    Structure of a Discussion Section

    You have understood the basic definition and details of a discussion section. Let us now discuss the structure in depth and what goes in each paragraph. We have broken down it into five divisions, so let's learn how to write a discussion section with the summary part first.

    structure of a discussion section

    Research Summary

    The first paragraph will deal with the summary of your work. Remember to start with the research topic, which will help the readers to recall your results section and understand your upcoming content. Second, write about the methods you have used to conduct your research. Lastly, tell about your research results. But you do not have to explain every detail, write in 3-4 lines concisely and clearly.

    Results Interpretations

    The second paragraph interprets your results. If the previous division answers to what, this part answers why, how, and when. Here, you can also analyze your findings. Lastly, discuss the unexpected part of the results and why it occurred. If you find it difficult, search for online assignment help.

    Comparison With Your Similar Work

    After your result interpretations, compare your findings with your previous work, if you have on a similar topic. For instance, the last time B occurred, A was the reason. But now, C is seen as the reason for the happening of B. So, you can talk about why it varies this time. Compare your results with the past work and add the reasons for variations and similarities.

    Implications of Your findings

    The fourth paragraph talks about the importance, which means why your research is useful. How it can serve society, tell if B was the result then how society will benefit. Second, also talk about the evidence and reasons if your research contradicts or supports the existing material of the other scholars. For instance, if you say A is the reason for B, but others say X is the reason for B, tell why you are correct and they are wrong.

    Limitations of Your Research

    Lastly, talk about the limitations of your research process, your findings, the data sample you collected, or problems you faced during research. Tell about the errors you made which can prove your research wrong. Lastly, tell readers the way to use the data even with flaws. Be authentic and do not try to hide them.

    So, this is what goes in the discussion section of a research paper. Let us now learn about the things to avoid which can degrade the quality of your writing.

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    What to Avoid while writing a Discussion Section?

    So, now that you understand the structure of a discussion section let's learn some pointers to avoid. If you do not correct them, then your writing quality will degrade and your section may not be able to fulfill its objective.

    Adding More Findings

    Never add any new findings in your discussion section. Only discuss the one which you have already written on the results page. Adding new ones may confuse the readers. If you have something more to add, first include it in the findings and then explain it in the discussion section.

    Forgetting Any Part

    Sometimes, we are in so much rush that we forget to add any part of the structure of the discussion section. Every division has its importance, do not think anyone is less relevant and delete it. Not including any part will hamper the effectiveness of the content and readers may find it inadequate.

    Writing False Claims

    Sometimes, while researching, you may find something interesting to add that can elevate the impact of your research paper. But you are not sure whether it is true or not. So, avoid adding such findings, as they can affect the credibility of your paper. If you still want to add them, write "it looks like" as the readers will understand that the information can go wrong.

    Pasting the Result Section

    As stated earlier, the discussion section is the place where you analyze and discuss your results. Do not finish it by just copying the content of your results section. Yes, you have to introduce your findings, but then there is more to add like the results' purpose, analysis and limitations. You will get more clarity with the discussion section example added later.

    Making It Dull

    The discussion section should be positive and energizing. The reader must feel to read even further by going through your paper. You can do that by adding something interesting from your whole research. The second way is to start it with the research statement which will introduce the topic to the readers. If you cannot put it down interestingly, you can search for custom writing.

    Inflating the Results

    It means that you should avoid over-saying any pointers related to your results. Do not exaggerate the result data or importance and mislead your readers. You may get caught later, there are consequences for that. Be true to your research and audience, and do not fool them.

    Under-State Your Research

    Do not say anything less about your results' numbers, importance, and interpretations. It also does not mean that you will overemphasize the limitations of your primary research. Critically write them with insights and positive language. Do not make the limitations sound too negative.

    Disconnecting to the Previous Sections

    It is essential to write your discussion in a manner that connects to all the previous sections (method, results, etc). If you fail to connect it properly then it will be difficult for the readers to understand.

    Excluding the Proofreading

    Remember to proofread your discussion section when you do that for your whole research paper. If you avoid it, you may leave room for errors. Mistakes like incorrect information, grammatical errors or unclear sentences can make piss off your audience.

    Exceeding the Word Limit

    Often having so many things to add to the discussion section makes it too long. First, if you make it longer than 6-7 paragraphs, the reader is less likely to read it. Second, you may make long sentences that are even more difficult to understand. Write it concisely and remove the fluff.

    An Example of a Perfect Discussion Section

    The discussion section example is here on the topic - Stress or Reward: the better motivator. It is small just for your explanation, you can increase it as per your requirements.

    The research question is what motivates the employee better- stress or reward? For that, we have taken twenty employees of the same company. We asked 10 to deliver X in ten days and if they fail, their salaries will get cut. The other ten will get a 10% bonus as a reward if they deliver X. Both of the groups have the same capabilities and were given the same amount of time and resources. After ten days, the reward group delivered 95% of the X, while the stressed group completed only 60% of X. It happened because the group who wanted rewards was working peacefully, unlike the other one who was always in fear of losing something. This data again supported the previous research and will help the businesses to increase the productivity of the employees. But it has some limitations like the sample was too small and the employees were of only one industry.

    So this was the discussion section of a research paper example, hope you now have fully understood the structure

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