
Different Types of Entrepreneurial Ventures


  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3804
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/0495
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Entrepreneurship is a state under which a business owner or entrepreneur establish or start a business with his or her thought, idea, creation and so on. It is a willingness and capability to develop, organise and manage an organisation or business venture along with any of the risk in order to make profit out of it. Any individual who starts a business is known as an Entrepreneur. The present report is in context to entrepreneurship and small business management, it will identify various types of entrepreneurship along with their similarities and differences. The report will also determine impact of small business on the economy and their importance for the growth and development. Furthermore, the report will discuss the characteristic, traits and skills of two successful entrepreneurs.

LO 1: Range of venture types

P1 Different types of entrepreneurial ventures

Entrepreneur is a man who has the capacity and ownership of another undertaking, venture or thought and expect fundamentally responsibility for the natural dangers and results. He or she is an aspiring pioneer who puts resources into the land, work and capital to frequently make and market new products and ventures. There are different sorts of businesses which are as per the following-

  • Small business entrepreneurship- Small entrepreneur are any individual who runs his/her own particular business. They change over thoughts into the real world and manage both assembling and exchanging parts of business. For instance: markets, beauticians, advisers, travel specialists, web trade customer facing facades, craftsmen, handymen, electronic, and so forth. They enlist nearby workers or family (Cherny and et.al., 2017).
  • Scalable start-up entrepreneurship- This enterprise action is connected with sorting out business as indicated by vision and drawing in one of a kind quality highlights with regard to new pursuits. Be that as it may, it is fitting for adaptable plan of action and quick extension of big business. Under this procedure, high sum is required for arranging and actualizing plans for viable reserve and asset distribution.
  • Social business entrepreneurship- Social business people are those daring individuals who focus around giving items that are helpful to settling society's needs and issues. These are non benefit enterprise elements in which restricted dangers happen in working business exercises. Accordingly, its objective is to settle on choices related with society's mindfulness and making riches for authors. It is advantageous for country's improvement and contributing successfully in every single other division of country. For example, business, tourism, creation identified with trade import of merchandise and so on.
  • Trading- This sort of entrepreneur embraces exchanging exercises and worried about promoting. The entrepreneur isn't worried about the assembling works and exercises. They don't manage exercises of generation and acquisition. They simply buy the completed item and straightforwardly pitch it to the clients. In this business, proprietor offer completed item either without anyone else or by retailer. This sort of entrepreneur goes about as the go between among producer and clients and they are the distributor, retailer and merchant.
  • Industrial entrepreneur- Industrial entrepreneur is a producer who begins or set up a modern unit. This sort of entrepreneur recognizes the real client prerequisite related with items and benefits and convey the correct ware to them. The significant target of this sort of business enterprise is to fulfil the requirements and needs of purchasers in the market by assembling items as needs be. This entrepreneur is an item arranged man who understands the chance to set up and mechanical unit as a result of the likelihood of making some new item. This sort of entrepreneur has the capacity to exchange monetary assets and compelling national innovation in to an extensively productive venture. They change over crude material into completed wares.
  • Corporate entrepreneur - This entrepreneur is that who speaks to his expertise in sorting out and dealing with a corporate business with driving development. This entrepreneur needs to design, make and deal with a firm structure.
  • Agriculture entrepreneur- The entrepreneur conducts rural exercises, for example, developing and advertising of harvests, manures and other contribution of horticulture. They are inspired to raise the horticultural results by utilization of viable innovation, water system. They cover a wide range of the agribusiness area and incorporate rural and unified occupation (Charness, 2017).

According to the above discussion, it has been found out that there are different sorts of entrepreneur businesses which have diverse procedures, targets and arrangement of business.

Following are Entrepreneurial ventures in connection with typology of enterprise:

Typology is identified with the frame and subject of different business visionaries. This is helpful for the association with entrepreneur and its business. It helps with creating different thoughts and express need, mindfulness. It is valuable in improving the proficiency and execution of business undertaking. With help of the topology, entrepreneur can create different compelling systems for business and take successful choices for business. As per this, independent venture businesses get defined by applying different inventive states as typologies that prompts progression for the benefit of which choices are made to run substance proficiently.

P2 Similarities and differences between the entrepreneurial venture



Entrepreneurial ventures are key parts for more benefit picking up and growth of elements. In such manner, business person go for broke and get ready procedures for better execution of substance. All variables actualize plans for more activity and more vitality. It is helpful for private company's broadening and riches creation. In any case, developments and new advances are acknowledged for improving subjective administrations of organizations undertakings.

In addition, through entrepreneurial ventures, diverse associations accomplish proficiency and increment quality with respect to business and focused systems. It impacts methodical asset and reserve designation for ventures' development. In any case, these entrepreneurial ventures stays accommodating for country's development too important for successful financial profile of firm. In such manner, diverse business assumes essential part in business and different areas of nation for enhancing working proficiency of country. Moreover, it is resolved that entrepreneurial parts are successful for creating for high development and legitimate getting ready for business substances.

Contrasts between entrepreneurial ventures:- All entrepreneurial ventures are diverse for different areas and business in various ways. Along these lines, distinctive enterprise including private ventures, social, huge substances and social business visionaries go out on a limb and develop in various structures. Along these lines, all ventures have distinctive levels of dangers and commitment at a few phases. In this procedure, independent venture business enterprise includes privately-owned companies, retail organizations and all little medium ventures that gets ready arranging and oversees business exercises at little level. There are vulnerability for benefit at typical level to execute activity designs with respect to business and venture arranging. Under private venture enterprise, business visionary settles on choice for administration and extension of firm at low level.

What's more, adaptable business incorporates vital plans for broadening and effective characteristics of association. In this way, as per vision and prerequisites, inventive thoughts and procedures are executed for steadiness. In agreement to this, estimation of business exhibitions and exercises are examined in the interest of which element extends. It continues to take after arranged techniques productively to connect set target. Be that as it may, business venture is made for successful business association. It impacts appropriate administration and quality administrations of firm successfully. Also, substantial organization business enterprise includes creative instruments and methods at most elevated amount of hazard vulnerability. Under this framework, new market and entering imaginative items are produces for planning more effective administrations. Consequently, there is abnormal state of dangers happens for actualizing activities identified with business viability.



LO 2 : Impact of small businesses on the economy.

P3 Interpretation and assessment of relevant data and statistics of SME's impact on the UK economy

Small business is an important part of UK economy and they largely contribute in the growth and development of the economy. These businesses offer innovative and efficient products or services at small level in the nations as well as encourage competition at a great level so that it can help in increasing the growth rate of the economy in a country (Castello, Barbera and Vaara, 2017). According to the statistics of the year 2017, there were more than 6 million small businesses operating within UK. These businesses are developing a high level of competition within the industry, that's the reason the small businesses are referred as the economical powerhouse of the country sufficiently in the business environment within UK.


Total Entrepreneur


United Kingdom

6 million


From the above table, it can be that, in UK 6 million of SME is operating effectively within the industry and they are devising more effective generation of profit and revenue from the small industrial market in the country. Therefore, it could be said that, SME's in the UK is rendering more revenue in the market and making efficient share in order to economic growth of the country decently.

P4 Small business and business strat-ups contributing to the growth of the economy

Because of Brexit, United Kingdom get separated from European Union. In this way, nation's structure affected in various areas as monetary, business, generation and different divisions. Be that as it may, monetary condition and different segments of nation influenced at various levels. It continues to upgrading business association also setting up new undertakings for country's improvement. In such manner, imaginative thoughts are produced for amplification of private venture elements also openings are got for setting up new substances. It is interrelated with business.

It is resolved that Brexit makes open door for beginning up new organizations and extending little level association at abnormal state. It is valuable for nation's improvement stays ready to lessen movement and upgrading interest for picking up benefit. Be that as it may, diverse parts of country impact proficiently with respect to independently employed and different occupation manifestations are perceived. It influences on GDP information and government strategies to get profited identified with vital zone for boosting development. In understanding to this, receiving creative thoughts and systems prompt expand little and medium size substances too openings are developed for building up new entrepreneurial businesses. It builds quality too diminishes shortcomings of country for monetary security of nation (Carraher and Paridon, 2017). It interrelates with different areas of country, for example, work, generation, fund and tourism. Notwithstanding, request and supply including administration characteristics of country get affected. It is interlinked with different developments to upgrade effectiveness.

Diverse financial specialists express their perspectives on UK economy that Brexit produces open doors for little elements to create too beginning up new associations can be compelling for country's advancement. Nonetheless, whole advancement and great relations with different nations of the world is acquired that remaining parts accommodating for viability. For financial dependability of country, developments are resolved which is identified with appropriate administration of country successfully. In such manner, commitment of little elements and new foundations are valuable for country's viability. Business exhibitions of substances get enhanced by exploiting and following arranged methodologies for creating effectiveness. According to dissect, it is viewed as that Brexit impacts on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) position. It reflects with connection of nation with different countries. It creates open door for little level associations for upgrading fare of products. It upgrades money related advancement of association that is helpful for country's financial profile. It stays as a test for UK after Brexit to build efficiency and gainfulness. Hence, different strategies are executed for independent company extension too beginning up new elements for country's advancement. In this manner, extension and beginning up of new business elements are helpful for development of nation that effects on fare and import of products gave by organization (Carland, Carland and Stewart, 2017).

LO 3. Determine and assess the key aspects of entrepreneurial mind-set

P5 Characteristics, traits and skills of successful entrepreneurs

Business visionary is that individual who is capable to take business exercises and do business. He/she steps up with regards to perform business work alongside the risk. Business person build up the business technique and actualize that with a specific end goal to get powerful accomplishment in the market. A portion of the critical qualities of perfect entrepreneurial are as per the following-

1. Positive attitude -A viable business visionary must have quality and expertise of inspirational disposition so as he/she can undoubtedly impact to another individuals at work environment. In the business association, business person assume an exceptionally essential part with a specific end goal to oversee individuals and encourage them so he/she should have nature of uplifting factors of motivation for high efficiency and benefit.

2. Initiate to take risk- Another vital aptitude and quality in a viable pioneer is activity disposition. It implies business person should constantly prepare to confront the difficulties and activity to go for broke in the business venture. Counting this, distinctive imaginative thoughts and strategies are created for delivering new items in advertise also novel assortment and highlight of administrations are acquired (Bruni, Gherardi and Poggio, 2017).

3. Self confidence powerful business person must have quality and expertise of viable self-assurance so as they can without much of a stretch deal with the high workload circumstance in the company. Certainty can be a unique little something either have or don't have yet individual trust that it can be drilled and learned. A compelling business person must have viable self-assurance so as they can undoubtedly rouse and motivate other persona s well as total the abnormal state task inside a particular day and age. For instance, after Brexit, UK get isolated to European Union that effects on viability and structure of country including financial and different divisions.

4. Effective competitor powerful nature of business visionary is a flawless contender. It implies they have quality to contend with other venture by creating powerful system and approach. It needs to build up a viable arrangement and approaches with regard to showcasing exercises of the association. In the event that a business person have nature of contender then they can without much of a stretch rival equal in the market. In this way, business visionary must have nature of imaginative musings, abilities so as he can without much of a stretch build up a powerful and solid rivalry in the market (Bird, 2017).

P6 Aspects of the entrepreneurial personality

Identity of a business visionary thought about positive effect to accomplish wanted outcomes and results too. Along these lines, every business person perform distinctive abilities and qualities that depends on various way of life, execution, and so forth. What's more, it likewise urges them to bring a few creative thoughts and assessment to achieve more victories at working environment. It makes positive outcomes for mentality and set goals to achieve more noteworthy exercises at work environment. Business enterprise requires viable identity which impact to other individuals to set and achieve wanted targets. Thus, following are sure measurement in OCEAN model that incorporated that helps to make huge outcomes at work environment. They are as per the following:

  • Openness: In regard to include component of receptiveness, it has been viewed as that each business person need to include culture, inventiveness which increment diverse experience of person. It likewise viewed as successful outcomes in the business condition that make inventiveness at work environment.
  • Consolidation: Further, this component achieves and create propensity which helps to make fulfilment in the general objectives and focuses in new regions of the world. In regard to grow more efficient work execution, it makes more fruitful program in the business condition .
  • Extroversion: to incorporates extroversion it has been seen that vitality thought about positive feelings to accomplish wanted outcomes at working environment. It focuses around the inventive thought that expands effectiveness and methodical work execution as well.
  • Accommodation: furthermore, inclination likewise include to merciful rather than suspicious. Accordingly, it likewise impacts positive to make efficient work execution in nature. It additionally grows greater imagination at working environment that helps to look towards the deliberate work exhibitions (Baker, Grinstein and Harmancioglu, 2017).
  • Neuroticism: It helps to create understanding and defeat the issues with feelings. As results, exercises created to ensure that coveted objectives and activities will be considered in orderly way.

LO 4. Examine the different environments that foster or hinder entrepreneurship

P7 Background and experience can hinder or foster entrepreneurship.

In regard to thought about the exploration for entrepreneur's improvement, it has been seen there are distinctive elements exist that execute to make victories. It has been seen that reward and disadvantages for the most part make effect on the business enterprise program. Along these lines, pivotal aptitudes and capacities rivals different ventures. There are a few elements exist that effect on the cultivating business enterprise which helps to achieve wanted outcomes and results. They are as per the following:

1.Experience: Further, involvement of a man additionally effect to make orderly work execution in the business. In such manner, entrepreneur has high and inventive information to fill in as free business person. It will likewise help to take a few errands in the business through business visionary work in orderly way.Accordingly, it helps to make more benefits and results in nature.

2.Education : Education of business person for the most part make affect in light of the fact that along these lines, they increment their abilities and improvement program at working environment. In this thought, it has been seen that abnormal state of training expected to play out a few objectives and goals in the business condition. As results, it expands execution level and show positive effect as well (Bae and et.al., 2017).

3.Family Background: Family foundation additionally effect to cultivate the business. Along these lines, aptitudes and improvement exercises helps to actualize innovative outcomes at work environment. What's more, to look towards the present contextual analysis it has been seen that entrepreneur chose to take a shot at the imaginative attributes that helps to accomplish more critical outcomes at working environment. Alongside this, entrepreneur is additionally dedicated to string foundation in everywhere throughout the market which helps to make appropriate fixation in the business.

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The above report concluded that there are various micro and small businesses in UK which are operating their organizations effectively on a small scale for earning profit. The report identified various types of entrepreneurial ventures such as social entrepreneurship, scalable entrepreneurship etc along with similarities and differences they share. The report also determined various skills and traits in a successful entrepreneur. Furthermore, the report also discussed various impacts of small business on the growth of UK economy.

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  • Bae, T.J. and et.al., 2017. The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions: A metaanalytic review. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 67(2). pp.217-254.
  • Baker, W.E., Grinstein, A. and Harmancioglu, N., 2017. The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Overcoming Known and Unknown Barriers to Entry in Foreign Markets. In Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. 76(6). pp.96-97.
  • Bird, B., 2017. Entrepreneurial intentions research: A review and outlook. Internafional Review of Entrepreneurship. 56(3). pp.143-168.
  • Bruni, A., Gherardi, S. and Poggio, B., 2017. Gender and entrepreneurship: An ethnographic approach. Routledge.
  • Carland, J.C., Carland, J.W. and Stewart, W.H., 2017. Seeing what's not there: The enigma of entrepreneurship. Journal of small business strategy. 6(1). pp.1-20.
  • Carraher, S.M. and Paridon, T.J., 2017. Entrepreneurship journal rankings across the discipline. Journal of Small Business Strategy. 87(2). pp.89-98.
  • Castello, I., Barbera, D. and Vaara, E., 2017, January. Legitimizing Entrepreneurship Identities through Failure Narratives. In Academy of Management Proceeding. 8(6). pp.15535.
  • Charness, A.N., 2017. The Role of Practice and Coaching in Entrepreneurial Skill Domains: An International Comparison of LifeSpanChess Skill. The road to excellence: The acquisition of expert performance in the arts and sciences, sports, and games. 89(5). pp.90-99.
  • Cherny, V.V. And et.al., 2017. Tryptophan 207 is Crucial to the Unique Properties of the Human Voltage Gated Proton Channel, hHv1. Biophysical Journal. 89(3). PP.601.
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