
Social, Cloud & Security Management


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2908
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Introduction to Social, Cloud & Security Management

In the modern era, there lies a wide range of technological advancements that certainly evolved the way business activities are being conducted and performed. With the help of this, the overall scope of the companies increased and essentially supported them in attaining a high amount of efficiency and efficacy in their operations. Moreover, it also aids them in enhancing their market share by significantly cutting their various operational costs. In this regard, a few of the prominent advancements and developments that can be considered are social media from which information can be shared with mass audiences in just a few clicks (Furht and Escalante, 2010). Further, cloud storage is another crucial practice which changes the way information is managed and transferred among key participants of business. In addition, security in information management supports organizations in sharing highly authentic and delicate information also and hence possesses a high amount of importance (Jackson and Bunch, 2013). In order to gain better ideas about these mentioned aspects, Dell Inc. is taken into account which is an American multinational firm that operates in the field of computer technology.

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Social media in the modern context is one of the most effective systems and sources from which information can be shared in a much more effective manner to a large set of audiences and interested participants. From this real-time communication can be entailed and also support can be obtained from receiver in a coherent manner. With this feature and benefit and general, the majority of companies in the present time are incorporating more of social media in their operations in order to convey their messages to audiences in a proper and real sense. Dell being a multinational company possesses a wide range of employees, customers, shareholders, investors and other key stakeholders throughout the globe and hence they have to communicate with all of them so that support can be gained from it (Pew, 2012).

This case study from assignment desk explains that social media certainly helped the company, especially with context to employees and customers in enlightening them with a new set of information in a much better manner. With social media, the whole information management of Dell evolved and certainly boosted the level of efficiency of their Social media communication. They utilize it for communicating with their employees that exist throughout the globe and it essentially supports them in integrating them all in a more advanced manner. Companies with the help of social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter and several others able to develop a platform where employees of different regions interacts with each other in order to share different sets of information (Kelkar, 2004). This essentially supported the company in gaining support from their side and also it enhanced the level of innovations and creativity among organizations with the perspective, whole operations of Dell enhanced and dependency over technology increased from which they were able to boost their efficiency and reduce different sorts of operational and communication costs.

Social Media

On the other hand, social media also plays a crucial role for Dell within the context of communication and information sharing with their target customer in a particular region. This certainly emerged as one of the key marketing tools from which they were able to boost their sale and market share over a period of time. With this practice, they are able to offer different sorts of information to their customer regarding different products and features so that they can able to gain attenuation from their side (Mohtasebi and Borazjani, 2010). Moreover, it also acts as a communication platform that involves relatively less cost than that of other practices like advertisement in television, magazines and through other related means. It also supported Dell in handling queries and grievances of their customer through social media which essentially boosted their efficiency level and also enhanced their customer loyalty.

In addition, social media for Dell also proved its effectiveness in the field of conducting market surveys in order to gain ideas about the needs and wants of the customer with context to laptops and computers so that it can be developed in that manner. This portion of information management essentially supported the company in gaining a high amount of edge over its rivals and at the same time enhanced its market share in a significant manner (Sosinsky, 2010). Moreover, from social media, they are able to communicate with their target audiences about their latest products that will be launching in the market so that they can cater for the attention of a large set of individuals and hence be able to enhance their sales volume in a much more effective manner. With this discussion, it can be stated that social media certainly change the overall prices of information management and hence play a crucial role in this regard.


Apart from social media, cloud services are another set of innovations that change the process of conducting business activity up to a certain extent. It can be understands as a practice in which a large number of computers are connected to a network of communication in order to share and transfer different sets of information to interested participants. These computers are connected to the internet in order to store and retrieve information from cloud from anywhere in the world so that work can progress with its reference. In general, it is a network-based services that act as a virtual hard drive in order to store data in it. This mechanism generally makes an impact on the operations of Dell and essentially supports them in conducting their business activity in a much more effective manner (Josyula, Orr and Page, 2012). The company utilized the concept of cloud services in their operations so that they can able to share and retrieve information from this server in order to progress with their work in a much more effective manner. From this activity, they are essentially able to gain a high amount of benefits in different fields. However, it can be stated that the cloud serves to make both positive as well as negative impacts on the operations of Dell. In this regard, one of the main positive impacts that can be viewed in the operations of Dell is that they are able to share different sets of information with interested participants in order to conduct better communication among organizations (Bradley and et.al., 2013). Moreover, it also assisted in making sound and effective practices of decision-making by involving key employees of different regions over the cloud. With this, an employee within the organizations became more productive due to large access to data from which they were able to perform their job in a much-desired manner. Also, regular updating of data from different participants also aids in this regard and hence ultimately leads to the attainment of an edge over their rivals. Further, cloud services also proved its effectiveness in the context to handling customer queries and feedback from different regions of the world (Anderson and Gantz, 2012). Dell has stored all relevant information about their existing customer such as purchase date, model numbers, amount paid, region, nationality and various other sorts of information over their cloud server in order to offer tailored services to them so that better loyalty from their side can be attained.

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Additionally, every employee is offered their own cloud folder in order to save their crucial information related to the job over the cloud so that it can be retrieved by them from anywhere. This offers them a high amount of flexibility to work from any place. This also offers benefits to Dell in attaining an edge over their rivals by boosting the productivity of their employee in a significant manner. In addition, cloud services also support in collaboration of different set of activities and individuals from which better conducting of the job can be done. This leads to group decision-making and hence supports gaining a high amount of support and commitment from different groups (Molen, 2010). This situation boosted the efficiency of Dell and hence caused a positive impact on their operations. It aids in employee engagement and other non-monetary motivational practices towards employees so that a better working environment can be created and sound results can be attained in return (Sitaram and Manjunath, 2011). This makes the employee work with advanced systems and also aids them in boosting their efficiency over a period of time. Also, it supported doing work in an integrated manner which was not possible in earlier phases.

Moreover, data mining is another set of practices that supported Dell in gaining benefits from cloud service and also supported them in enhancing their efficiency in a manner. With this, they are able to accumulate large amounts of data over their servers from which they can develop strategic decisions in order to gain further advancements from the business environment they are operating (Kim et al., 2011). In addition to it, the company is also able to develop and host different sets of applications from which they are able to safeguard their capital up to a great extent and hence certainly increase their profit margin in a global context. However, the negative impact of more usage of cloud services is associated with data thieving and leakage from which a company's privacy reclined towards various sort of risk factors. These risks can result in economic harm or loss of market share of Dell. Clouds are highly on the verge of being attacked by various external participants and hence this can cause serious threats to the company's authentic information and strategic activities (Ahmed, McKnight and Oppenheim, 2009). This is one of the highly threatening impacts of cloud services on the operations of Dell and hence it has to be managed by different security systems so that these sorts of attacks can be reduced and neglected. Moreover, hacking into internal servers is another impact from which the overall operations of Dell can be hampered for a particular time span and hence differences can be witnessed in their efficiency and productivity. Apart from this, the cost is another factor that makes an impact on the usage of cloud services in Dell as it essentially involves different types of maintenance and development costs (Huy and Shipilov, 2012). From regular incurring of these costs, the profitability of the firm got hampered and hence they have to take corrective actions in this regard in order to get rid of it. Threats to the privacy of customers and their information are another set of problems that have to be managed by Dell in order to continue gaining fruitful results out of it. Hence, with the help of this discussion, it can be synthesized that cloud services have both positive as well as negative impacts on the operations of Dell (Anthonysamy and et. al., 2012). However, they have to entail a different set of steps in this regard so that they are able to enhance the positive side of it and can also get rid of it and boost the overall proficiency of the firm.


In addition, security plays a crucial role in information management and supports organizations in safeguarding the interests of different individuals in a better manner. Due to more of involvement of technology in business operations and information sharing, it is required to incorporate a certain set of security mechanisms in order to gain sound and fruitful results out of it. In this regard, security has a wide range of importance in the information management of Dell Inc. (Hanuliak and Hanuliak, 2006). With this, they are able to restrict the access of information by unwanted and unauthorized parties so that firms can able to conduct their activities in the best manner. Also, security supports reducing the level of attacks from hackers and other individuals so that better and sound business activity can be performed in the organization. Also, it aids in storing crucial data in protective folders that can be accessed by officials only. With this overall efficiency of the firm increased. Further, it also aids in safeguarding the server from malicious attacks that can hamper the overall activity of Dell (Halpert, 2011). Data breach is another concern that can be managed with the help of security system. This is done by involving a different set of passwords such as digit passwords, thumb impressions, retina scans, voice recognition and various other sorts.

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Apart from this, it aids in preventing and reducing the impact of various security incidents from which all performance and productivity of the firm can be hampered. Further, it supports managing the information related to customers in a better manner. The importance of security also lies in retaining the authenticity of data that are being saved over clouds and another server so that the same can be used for future references for the purpose of making healthier business activity. It also aids in taking corrective actions as and when required so that the whole operations of Dell work in a desirable manner and can also attain their goals in proper way (Willcocks, Venters and Whitley, 2011). Also, security over information management also supports preventing crucial data and ultimately assists in gaining fruitful results it. Risks and costs associated with the loss of important data business are also managed with the help of this mechanism. Risk assessment is another set of practices that can be performed through it and favourable results can be attained from which better progress with business activity can be attained. Dell with the help of a security system over their information management, they able to develop an environment which is much more protected from external attacks. Also, they are able to gain a high amount of customer loyalty by safeguarding the data of their customer in the best manner (Tan et al., 2011). In addition to it, companies also secure themselves from various economic losses that can happen to them in case of data loss or hacking.

In addition, the security mechanism also aids Dell in gaining the trust of their customer, employees and other key stakeholders by managing and storing their information under security. With this practice in general, they essentially able to gain high amount of support from their side and also it acts as a factor from which Dell is able to attain their business objectives in a desirable manner. Also, sound and protective decision-making is being entailed in Dell with the help of security over information management from which it can be shared with concerned participants only and hence cannot be leaked to general audiences (Crutchfield, 2014). This element of security certainly supports them in gaining an edge over their rivals and also supports them in involving more innovation and development within their product set and strategies. Furthermore, chances of server breakdown and virus attack can also be minimized with the help of security or information management and essentially aid in conducting business activity in an appropriate manner. Also, it helps organizations share and transmit information in a better manner and it also ensures that data must be remitted and retried in a real sense without any chances of miscommunication or barriers. This essentially supports in doing sound communication practice and also aids in gaining sound results out of it (Velte, 2009). Timely delivery of messages and information is another aspect of society in information management. Hence, in this regard, security possesses a high amount of advancements in information management and also supports organizations in doing their activities in the best manner along with sound attainment of the business objectives.


With this discussion, this can be very well stated that companies are certainly able to gain different sets of benefits from social media in the practice of communication internally. It essentially offers them a platform from which strategic communication can be entailed and also it aids in boosting the motivational level among employees. Apart from this, cloud services essentially offered benefits to organizations such as better integration of teams, effective sharing and retrieving of information, data mining and several others from which the overall efficiency of the firm developed. Also, it certainly evolved the scenarios in which organizations were performing their task earlier. In addition to it, security to information management certainly supported organizations like Dell to get rid of data thieving and hacking and also it aids in making business activity much more protected from spam and attacks (Hanna, Rohm and Crittenden, 2011). With this better safeguarding to information was attained and hence ultimately led to attaining of edge over rivals. Hence, social media, cloud services and security certainly evolved the mechanism of information management and hence supported organizations in gaining a high amount of benefits from it.


Chinnaiyan, R. and Somasundaram, S., 2010. Evaluating the reliability of component-based software systems. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.
Furht, B. and  Escalante, A., 2010. Handbook of Cloud Computing. Springer.
Halpert, B., 2011. Auditing Cloud Computing: A Security and Privacy Guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Hanna, R., Rohm, A. and Crittenden, L. V., 2011. We're all connected: the power of the social media ecosystem. Business horizons.
Hanuliak, M. and Hanuliak, I., 2006. To the correction of analytical models for computer based communication systems. Kybernetes.

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