
Managing the Customer Experience in Hospitality Industry


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Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Critically Investigate the impact of digital technology in customer relationship management in context of Haze restaurant
  • Hazev provides international food services to the people. Implement effective customer experience management within a service sector business to maximise customer engagement in the restaurant.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Hazev Restaurant


Hospitality management refers the study of hospitality industry. The main goal of hospitality management is to manage hospitality in hotel so that number of customers gets values of their money. On other hand customer experience management mention the practice of modifying and reacting to customer action and meets their objectives, take customers in trust by giving values of their money . Hazev restaurant is one of the London's best Turkish restaurant, in which offers exciting tastes of traditional, chargrilled meats etc.



P5 Impact of digital technology in CRM

Digital technology plays vital role to elevate customers experience in hospitality industry. For example organization, restaurants offers software services to each customer where they can share their experience regarding their food services and hospitality services (Goodman, 2019). On other hand it becomes easy for customers to tell about their good experience or complaints regarding food services and other services. Digital technology such as-

SOFTWARE SERVICE: Hazev restaurant offers software services to customers where customer can reserve their dining for family purpose or private, so that customer doesn't have to waste their time to wait and all. Thus, restaurant maintains their well-being.

ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY SERVICE: restaurant also offers online food delivery services to customers. While customer gets beneficial impact because they can get food directly to home without inconvenience to go and buy foods from restaurant (Homburg, Jozić and Kuehnl, 2017). Thus, it becomes easy for each type of customer's for example academic students and other type customers. Thus, kind service enhance customers experiences. Beside of this restaurant offers tracking services and mobile contact services to customers where they can direct track food service location and an contact to service man for finding location.

CHATBOX SERVICE: it is also plays important role to improve customers experience regarding services where they can complaint regarding product and their services. While restaurant gives response on their complains and resolve them so that customers gets satisfaction regarding product and services (Peppers and Rogers, 2016). Beside of these customers can cancel their food during inconvenience.

ONLINE TRANSACTION SERVICES: Hazev offers online transaction services to customers where they can pay online rather to paying by cash. Restaurant offers discount during first transaction which excites customers (Melero, Sese and Verhoef, 2016). This services helps customers to payment by digital media.These software help customers to take advantage of service sector while restaurant gets beneficial impact to retain number of employees in restaurant.

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT: It is digital technology which uses by businesses or restaurant for gathering, storing and managing information about the guest. Beside of this system includes various information of customers such as buying behaviour, contact number, birthdays and Dietrich restriction. Through the information system manages their relationship with customers in service sector.


CRM helps restaurant to enhance customers experience by managing various operations such customers' information and their buying behaviours (Kandampully, Zhang and Jaakkola, 2018). CRM helps to introduce various strategies which helps customers to retain customers in service sector. Management listen customers complaint regarding food and price and resolves them. Above digital services are managed by CRM in service sector. Thus, it helps to retain customer customers and enhance trust of them on restaurant regarding their services.


CRM is expensive which is the biggest challenge for hotel or restaurant industry because CRM requires large number of software to gather, storing and manage information relevant to customers. It is not possible to afford for service sector. Another drawback is that CRM requires high leadership to manage each project of CRM which is not possible for restaurant. That why system requires expertise to operates various operation well-formed.


P6 Customer Service Strategies

Customer services strategies supports restaurant to improve customers services so that they get value of their money and gets satisfy from restaurant services. There are various strategies which Hazev restaurant adapts for improving customer services. Strategies are-

SET LEGIT EXPECTATIONS: it is most important strategy to improve customers loyalty regarding restaurant, Where Hazev restaurant offers only those services which is actually available in restaurant rather to keep fake promises regarding dish. Thus, restaurant gains trust of customers and retain them by meeting their objectives.

TRAIN STAFF: Restaurant offers training facilities to waiter and server where makes them understand how to perform at workplace and how to offers services to customers so that customers gets values of their money (Merrilees, 2016). In training sessions makes understand to waiter and server some time customers need privacy, in that state waiter doesn't bother customers to moving here and there. While staff gets golden opportunity to sharp their skills which they can apply at workplace during offing services customers.

PROVIDE CONSISTENT EFFORTS: Hazev is turkey restaurant which offers Turkish or traditional foods to customers. Beside of this restaurant keeps variety of foods so that they can meet each type of customers objectives and can offer according to their orders. The main goal of their restaurant to cover each type of customers such as academic students and other customers in restaurant. On the basis of customers Hazev offers different type of foods on different price so that each type of customers can afford food service in restaurant.

FEEDBACK SERVICES: to improve customers experience in restaurant, offers software services to customers where they can share their experience regarding products and waiter services in restaurant (.Bustamante and Rubio, 2017). If customers doesn't happy from waiter services or food services, in that state they can give feedback to restaurant by social media. If they have complaint from waiter or food service as result restaurant resolves their issues. Thus, restaurant maintains their relationship with customers. Hazev offers feedback note services for customers where they can give rating restaurant for services.

APPOINTS CUSTOMER CARE CHAMPIONS: to improve customer services Hazev appoints champion who plays vital role to introduces customer service strategies in restaurant. Champion gives contribution in restaurant operation where identifies need of staff and customers and on the basis of needs implements strategies within restaurant so that positive outcomes comes in restaurant. Champion also supports restaurant to retain number of talented staff at workplace so that restaurant enables to take competitive advantage in global market.

P7 Demonstration of Strategies on Customer Experience, Business Standards

  • To give the training staffing is more effective strategy because it improves customer performance at workplace which supports staff to offers their services in well-formed so that customers gets values of their money. Whatever services offers by staff in restaurant improves customers experience and customers becomes assure regarding restaurant services. Improvement in performance helps restaurant to retain customers prolong time and taking competitive advantage in global market. Beside of this such kind training sessions keeps excited to staff in restaurant.
  • Product strategy is also beneficial strategy for restaurant because it attracts customers to buying food services of restaurant. Through the strategy restaurant enables to offer variety of products for each type of customers and maintains quality of products. Vast variety of food along with various taste enhance customer experience, and they like to visit again in restaurant. While restaurant gets positive impact they sell services and elevates economical scale in restaurant.
  • Legit strategy also plays integral part in restaurant because staff provides those services which is actually available in restaurant rather to create delusion regarding dish and other services. On other hand customer gets loyalty regarding restaurant services. On the basis of loyalty customers like to visit in restaurant. While restaurant enables to gain customers trust and enhances their purchasing behaviour. This strategy supports restaurant to establish good relationship with customers.
  • Taking feedback also improving strategy in restaurant because it helps to identify customers demands and their expectation regarding food services and other services. While customers gets chance to share their experience about restaurant services which is provided in restaurant to them. Customer can advice also for improving customers food services and staff services (Halvorsrud, Kvale and Følstad, 2016). While restaurant gets chance to improve restaurant facilities so that they can meet customers objectives.
  • Customer care champion strategy helps restaurant to keeps position in global market and helps to lead customers satisfaction by meeting their objectives. Champion introduces various strategies in restaurant so that both staff and customers well-being is maintained. Thus, it helps to elevate customers experience in restaurant and retains customer. it reduces high turnover of staff at workplace and retains talented staff who supports to achieve restaurant objectives.

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  • If restaurant implements customer relationship management(CRM) and maintains well-formed as resulted can improve customers experience in restaurant and can retain customers for long time.
  • If restaurant offers incentives and reward schemes for staff in restaurant, can improve staff performance and helps to retain them within restaurant.
  • If restaurant takes helps of investigation technology in restaurant as result can improve convenience for customers. Second it can help to resolve customers issues quickly.


In this report it can be concluded about hospitality management which is important to improve customer experience. This report has been concluded about customer relationship management where explained its positive outcomes and negative outcomes. This report has been concluded strategies for improving customers experience in business market.

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