
How to Be Safe from Disasters of Phishing or Spoofing E-mails?

28 Jun 2017 4439
How to Be Safe from Disasters of Phishing or Spoofing E-mails

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As a university student, you might have subscribed to a lot of websites, and eventually, you end up getting thousands of e-mails. Some might be authentic and some not. But how will you identify if the email sent is phishing or spoofing email? The online professionals providing the most reliable assignment help to the scholars have conveyed that no matter what steps you take, some phishing emails will always make it to your inbox. And those are extremely effective— approximately 97% of people across the globe cannot identify a sophisticated phishing email.

Here are seven tips on how to identify a phishing or spoofing email.

Let's get started!

Don't trust the display name

A favorite phishing tactic among cybercriminals is to spoof the display name of an email. If a fraudster wanted to spoof the hypothetical brand “Your Bank,” the email may look something like:

To : You<>
From: yourbank<>
Subject: Unauthorized login attempt

This email, once delivered, appears legitimate because most user inboxes only have the display name. Don't trust the sender just by looking at the display name. Check the email address in the header from—if looks suspicious, don't open the email at any cost.

Look but don't click

Hover your mouse over any links in the body of the email. If the link address looks fishy, don't click on it. If you want to test the link, open a new window and type in website address directly rather than clicking on the link from unsolicited emails.

Check for spelling mistakes

Brands are pretty serious about their email. Legitimate messages do not have major spelling mistakes or poor grammar. Read your emails carefully, and you'll find if anything seems suspicious.

Analyze the salutation

Is the email addressed to as “Valued Customer?” If yes, then watch out because legitimate businesses will use a personal salutation with your first and last name rather than a vague salutation.

Review the signature

No details about the signer or how you can contact a company strongly suggest a possible phish. Legitimate businesses/institutes always provide contact details along with the designation of the person.

Don't click on attachments

Attaching malicious files that contain viruses and malware is a common tactic. Malware/viruses can damage files on your computer, steal your passwords or spy on you without your knowledge. Don't open any email attachment that you weren't expecting.

Don't believe in everything you see

Phishers are extremely good at what they do. Just because an email has a brand logo, language, and a valid email address, does not mean that it's legitimate. Be skeptical when it comes to your email messages and do not open any email that you are not expecting.

Hope you'll implement these to get assured the security threats do not attack you.

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