
Marketing Design And Innovation


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Marketing is the activity that helps the company promote and develop the identity of its products and services in a competitive marketplace. This is such a concept that needs several sorts of concepts and perspectives so that innovative product design can be developed and at the same time, it will also inspire other activities to be conducted well enough (Verganti, 2013). The present research report is thus made with the purpose of comprehending the essentiality of product design, concept, and shape and its value over time. Another section of the report emphasizes the self-reflection report which consists of learning and findings of the study. Hence to support the content, the present study has emphasized on products and categories of the Apple iPhone which is changing over the past many years for the motive of coping with the needs and demands of customers. Demand for IPhone has been increasing as that assists in reflecting the status of people and it highly deals with technological aspects.

Moreover, demand is also increasing because of several crucial elements such as the range of services that; IPhone delivers, facets of technology, and quality of life. The company has been targeting only high-profile customers as they can only prefer such products. Since technology has been developing for the past many years; therefore company has been making favorable changes in its existing product line. However the products of Apple are quite costly and thus because of that price conscious people are unable to buy it (Vaccaro, 2009). Still the company is getting huge appreciation from different customer segments only because of the advanced technical products. The company has been producing a range of new category products so that to satiate the needs and preferences of all types of customers. Hence the company is seemed to be focused towards changing needs of end users.

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Characteristics of the Chosen Product

The present case has undertaken Apple iPhone, which is getting customer appreciation as well as recognition and which is also the one and only reason that increases ratio of market growth. Customers of iPhone claim that they are satisfied enough with the current products and services; hence, price actually does not matter to them. Since past many years, Apple has been trying to value the customers by identifying their needs and demands, which also makes them satisfied enough with the usage of products (Stamm, 2008). Moreover, Apple has introduced different categories of products in terms of innovation; for instance, earlier only normal iPhones were on the market; however, as per the passage of time, changes in perspective have taken place in the category of products. This is the main reason that the growth rate and market share have been increasing up to a certain limit. The company seemed to be focused on the branding model, which is the only reason that develops the life cycle of Apple's products (Slater and Olson, 2001).

The Benefits as Well as the Value Derived by the Clients or Customers

Apple IPhone provides number of values and benefits to the customers since the product is of great use for all sorts of customers. From the customer's point of view, it can be said that they are getting varied advantages from the products, such as technological learning, internet facilities, status symbols, and many more elements (Singh, 2013). Apple has come up with the iPhone 5 to satisfy the needs and preferences of customers, and at the same time, demand for smartphones has been increasing. The major competitors of Apple IPhone are Samsung, HTC and Sony Xperia. Apple iPhone and all its products are high-tech, which even provides online services to the customers wherein they can chat with people without having internet services. They are also allowed to access information about the company, which assists in dealing with the range of products. This also increases the ratio of market share and growth as well (Saunders et al., 2004). Although the phones of Apple are expensive enough, they are still useful for different categories of people as they ensure several types of applications that they can use even at the office. On the other side, youngsters are the main segments that are using the Apple iPhone 5 only for the motive of reflecting their status symbol.

The young generation of all the countries uses the Apple iPhone 5 for the sole motive of entertaining themselves and also to grab more opportunities and information about technological gadgets (Martin, 2009). Recently, Apple is also providing 4G internet services in which a large pool of information can be derived about different aspects, and similarly, one can also pass time with distinct applications. Apple iPhone 5 facilitates consumers to use multimedia to a wider extent so that end users can remain connected with different types of customers (Linus, 2001). It is the quality of smart phones that helps people to remain connected with people through different social networking sites, which is also becoming a major source of entertainment. However, such high use of the internet makes people addicted to social networking tools, and this also detaches them from their family. This, however, is also affecting the health of human beings, as sitting in front of a computer system for a longer period is injurious to the eyes, eye sight, and retention aspects.

Value of the Products

As per the study of various articles, it has been found out that smart phones are very crucial for Apple, as that assists them to get huge customer satisfaction, and at the same time, it also manages the current customer base. Since Apple is focused on a customer orientation approach, therefore the products of Apple help the customers fulfil their needs and demands associated with subsequent products (Lin, Chen, and Chiu, 2010). However, this assists the company to provide valuable benefits to end users. Customers of Apple iPhone 5 are provided with a range of services and applications that aid them in sharing information and other aspects successfully with people. The company has also started innovation in maintaining safety and security aspects of data contained in the mobile phones; thus, innovative work can be performed in such smart phones (Lamb, Hair, and MacDaniel, 2008). Customers of Apple iPhone 5 are also provided with a mobile tracker system wherein they can find it out when lost the phone. Apple has been emphasising several marketing strategies so that to make the products managed at the market place and also to attract a large pool of customers towards innovative phones. To consider the value of customers, Apple has come up with convenient services wherein customers are allowed to make payments of all types of bills through online modes (Hsu, 2011).

This saves time and other resources, and hence it also works as a portable device, which avoids the need for portable systems. This states that the Apple iPhone 5 can perform a number of functions at a time; thus, it makes the product highly useful for potential consumers. The company has changed the perspective of value in which they provide high speed and accessibility to the customers (Saunders et al., 2004). Such products are suitable for school-going students as they have to prepare several projects related to work study. In order to comprehend such theory, distinct motivational theories, a value chain model, and customer-derived theory are needed. The theory of Maslow states that at present Samsung is the only provider on the competitor's list, which has changed their way to deal with customers, and thus they came with several improvements in existing products (Singh, 2013). With this, they are satisfying the needs and demands of customers by emphasising technology and other aspects. Such services help the customers stay connected with their families since the Apple iPhone 5 can be used by sitting at any place, anywhere.

The Uniqueness of its Design elements—shape, colour, Colour, Design, relevance, along with Usefulness

Apple's products are the most attractive ones, as that persuades a large pool of customers since the company follows the concept of uniqueness. Design, colour, and shape have all been determined after considering the status and preferences of customers.

A range of enticing products is there in the category of Apple's products, which also states how much they are offering different functions in a single featured product. The design of the Apple iPhone 5 is very unique and new, and it is essentially not copied by any of the competitors in the mobile world (Slater and Olson, 2001). The products are provided in single shapes, which makes it different from competitors, and that also reflects its uniqueness. In terms of usefulness, the Apple iPhone 5 leads people to carry out a number of activities as the instrument is competitive enough. There are so many colours in all categories of phones, which increases the demand ratio. Thus the main motive of the Apple iPhone 5 is to help people to reflect their status symbol in front of others (Stamm, 2008). It has also been observed that Apple provides relevant information to the customers about the usage of its mobile phones, which encourages faith in the company's products and services. Only limited colours are provided, such as black, white, blue, and green, because Apple considers colourful aspects as cheap, which could lead it into a typically defined plastic smartphone (Linus, 2001). A common problem with many plastic smart phones is a lack of rigidity when compared to metal devices like the outgoing iPhone 5 and its replacement, the iPhone 5s. In order to overcome this issue, Apple has introduced a new construction method that attaches a steel-reinforced sun structure to a hard-coated polycarbonate shell. IPad and other music devices from Apple are also available in single colours, as that makes the product different from others (Hsu, 2011).

Apple's Brand Appeal in Relation to Competitors in Contemporary Markets

The major competitor's of Apple are Samsung, Sony, HTC and Nokia, and they are using competitive brand appeal strategies so that to promote mobile product appropriately at market place. In several research studies, it has been seen that the brand appeal strategy of Apple majorly focuses on acquiring huge market share with adequate ratio of customer satisfaction (Lamb, Hair and MacDaniel, 2008). Thus the main motive of Apple iPhone 5 is to deal with technological facets and also to enhance brand image of I phones in contemporary markets. It is the product attribute and design alone that help Apple acquire a huge range of business and this is the only reason of getting enhanced market share (Lin, Chen and Chiu, 2010). Moreover, the main aim of Apple here is to create competitive edge to other rivalries so that brand identity of Apple can be developed. The features of Apple are quite attractive and useful, which helps the customers perform a number of functions at same time.

The product (Apple iPhone 5) is highly useful for all types of customers and that also ensures minimum cost on different applications (Linus, 2001). Apple iPhone 5 is composed with full speed and greater amount of applications in it, which helps in posing challenges to different other players in same industry. The design of Apple's products are also changed as per changing time since earlier it was available only in square shape; however, now curve-shaped and slim phones are coming. Laptops and projectors are also there in the list in which improvised technology is taken into account (Martin, 2009). Apple has been constantly changing design of its products so that customer-related issues can be eradicated. However, at the same time, it has also been analysed that Apple is considering brand extension strategy in which they use single branding concept to promote the product even in different market places. Through the concept of product autonomy, it is evident that apart from basic functions, Apple iPhone 5 has fast internet access and sharp picture capability (Slater and Olson, 2001). Through the concept of augmented products, Apple has been emphasising those elements which are unexpected to customers.

Essay On Journey Of Discovering Present Study

At the time of preparing the current study, I am very clear about marketing planning and its concepts and what factors the company is undertaking to make the product more attractive. This has helped me to have in-depth knowledge about the activities prevailing in product development. I have acquired deep knowledge about Apple and its market strategies and what factors they are considering to maintain their existing customer base. To prepare the study in a relevant manner, I have used primary as well as secondary sources, both of which helped me to collect relevant and quality information. All the sources not only helped me to complete my assignment with thorough research but also in practical application of the subject matter. I can now also identify the authenticity of the sites as which one to consider and which one to not. The current study has also helped me to know about those sources, which are not at all relevant and germane. The entire coursework was a challenging task to me as it made me think deeply about analytical concepts.

If I talk about learning derived from the current study, I can say that I have acquired knowledge about concepts of marketing and what forces they are considering to increase the brand awareness of Apple's products. Further, I have also analysed that marketing is the only concept that assists the company in enhancing the ratio of growth and success and also in maintaining its brand identity in the market marketplace. From the entire course work, I have also realised that Apple has been following a concentrated marketing strategy in which each and every aspect is well defined, and that also helps the business to emphasise specific market segments. Moreover, the concept also challenges detailed research, which further takes time and resources. Instead, I have also faced some types of limitations while making the study, such as the adoption of irrelevant sites and the concept of websites that are not useful for different types of studies. Sources were required not only to complete my assignments but also in overall knowledge enhancement and learning towards marketing promotion activity in the context of the present scenario of Apple.

The most essential part that I have realised is that the pricing factor of Apple sometimes leads the business to face many sorts of difficulties, which further impacts the profitability ratio of Apple. Most of the cases were also revealed at the time of preparing such a study, which also helped me to validate the content of the research. At the same time, I also realised that different sources of information need to be collected while coming up with new research. I have deeply analysed that Apple has been making several types of changes in marketing planning perspectives only for the purpose of coping up with the needs and demands of customers. Hence I also realised that it is the concept of marketing planning that leads the business to avoid all sorts of complexities, and therefore it produces a valid study. Today, the mobile industry has captured almost 39% of the overall market, which is the main reason that development is taking place in the entire field. To overcome issues related to customers, Apple has been focusing on determination on the needs and demands of customers. The company is also maintaining direct and effective relationships with the customers so that possibilities of errors and market failures can be reduced. It is recommended that Apple proceed with the marketing planning concept, as through this, the ratio of customer satisfaction can be increased.

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From many researches, I have analysed that Apple has been investing a lot of resources in the R&D area to make its research strong and also to develop competitive policies for business upliftment. I have also realised the importance of brand appeal and its concept in business expansion. Moreover, the study also helped me to ascertain the areas whereby Apple needs to emphasise so that the demand for products can be enhanced. I also realised that the design, colour, and shape of the product are quite essential to consider while promoting the products in the marketplace since these are the only elements that persuade a large pool of customers. From a research review, it is recorded that customers of Apple are quite satisfied with the design and attributes of products, as this helps them to show their status symbol. Concluding, it can be said that Apple is the only competitive brand in today's mobile world whose products can even survive in the international market without having any trade barriers. The major competitors of Apple state that they need to develop essential strategies to cope with the brand awareness of Apple, as this may impact sustainability aspects. In many cases, it is revealed that customers of Apple are switching to other companies only because of the pricing factor, as sometimes purchasing power and ability influence their buying behaviour. Hence the major factor by which Apple is increasing its market share is its brand value. People prefer to have products from Apple and Apple iPhone just to show their status and to increase their standard of living.

Apple and its competitors are coming up with a range of competitive strategies that lead them to sustain themselves in the contemporary marketplace. However, at the same time, I have also realised that to enhance or promote products in the marketplace, Apple, as well as other competitors, needs to invest huge resources in the marketing research process. Hence, to conclude, I can say that the current study essentially helped me develop several sorts of skills, such as marketing skills, research skills, planning skills, and so on.


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  • Linus, O., 2001. Marketing and advertising. IP research and communities.
  • Martin, M. D., 2009. The entrepreneurial marketing mix. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.
  • Saunders, J. A., et al., 2004. Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. 3rd ed. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
  • Singh, S., 2013. Smartphone Market Share By Country - Q2 2013: Android Leads, iPhone Slips, Windows Phone Inconsistent.
  • Slater, S., and Olson, E., 2001. Marketing's Contribution to the Implementation of Business Strategy: An Empirical Analysis. Strategic Management Journal.
  • Stamm, B. V., 2008. Managing Innovation, Design, and Creativity. 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons.
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