
Use of Technology in Living Independently

University: ITCM College London

  • Unit No: 20
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3565
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/601/1642
  • Downloads: 3012


Living independently is not so easy, as most people think it would be adventurous. Technology has been a great asset in relieving the pain of people who are using health and social care services (Turnbull et. al., 2015). It has provided support in living these users without depending on others. Advancement in technology has given hope to those who need to self-manage their lives and don't want to depend on others. This paper is about how technology has an impact on the user of health and social care.


1.1 Use of Technology to Help Users of Health and Social Care Services Live Independently

This era is the generation of technology and it has made the life of people smooth. People are surviving but not living their lives, so to give them hope, technology has been a boon for them. Some people are deprived of living their lives normally because they are differently abled or abnormal. These abnormalities are either from their birth or due to some incident causing a lack of control of their body. To overcome such inabilities, technology has proven itself a reliable substitute.

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The medical field is that region of society that has utilized the innovation in technology or its advancements on improving hospitality and facilities provided to its users. Also, it has played an important role in studying the anatomy of human beings, which has helped to a greater extent. New machines to diagnose the human body in a precise manner have helped in identifying the real reason for any disability possessed in a man. The approach to medical sciences has always been inspired by advancing technology. The research and development sector has seen immense growth in a new generation of gadgets and machines. From MRI machines to FitBit technology, it has grasped every person intact (Turnbull et. al., 2015). It can be said that it is not limited only to those who are in grave need of supporting devices but people who are fit or don't need much amount of health care are using technology to maintain their lifestyle healthy and full of energy.

Even at a small scale, technology has benefited people in regulating day-to-day functions that are directly or indirectly linked with the health and care of users. For example, earlier thermometer readings were in analogy type, which made it difficult to note down the temperature of patients, but now digital barometers and thermometers are used, which has helped to know the exact readings of diagnosis. Moreover, advancement in radiology has also provided treatment of cancer in a precise way. Medical facilities are innovating day by day. Engineering and medical sciences are working hand in hand to improve the equipment and gadgets used in health and care services. The Department of Surgery is advancing with 3D technology; complicated surgeries are practiced by using 3D technology to see their outcome, and then it is applied to the human body. Moreover, side equipment is also modified, giving a detailed report about the information of the patient. In this manner, technology and its impact on health and care service users.

1.2 Barriers to Using Technology to Support Health and Social Care Services

Technology has always been a subsidiary asset in providing benefits to the common man. Similarly, it has its negative effects. Technology plays a vital role in health and social care services as it assists in improving the health of Sally at a significant level. She is facing the problem of multiple sclerosis that requires proper treatment, and this can be possible by adopting an advanced and modern technology system (Stephenson and Limbrick, 2015). Hence, it assists the patient in fulfilling her actions and responsibilities effectively and efficiently. Sally requires proper treatment with the use of a proper technology system, and one of the practitioners shares his views that the PDA that has been selected to solve this disease is lacking in the number of uses of correct and accurate technology. Sally is facing numbness and blurred vision in her body. For example, an individual is facing several health issues that do not have any option to solve the challenge as they have to be under control 24*7.

Several challenges occur with the use of technology in the health and social sector, including breakdown and defectiveness that cause barriers to development in the health of a person. Hence, to remove such an issue, the patient has to consult a good doctor so that the problem can be removed. The technology involves the proper utilization of machines that are utilized in treating several diseases that may cause obstacles, which contribute to the repair of parts that get destroyed with time. Therefore, in such conditions, technology does not support fulfilling the final objectives and aims of the removal of a particular disease from the patient. The difficulties that are faced by particular patients, like emotional stress, various other disorders, and depression, can be removed with the introduction of proper and modern technology as they assist in implementing personalized health care.

1.3 Benefits of This Technology to Health and Social Care Organizations and Their Users

Applying technology to proper managers leads to the generation of numerous benefits or advantages so that they can live a happy and healthy life (Reichherzer et. al., 2016). Some of the benefits of technology to health and social care organizations are illustrated below:

  • It assists in bearing the overall cost of available social care services by making use of proper and problem-free technology modes or techniques.
  • The improvement that can be seen in the life of Sally is that she has gained control and protection in her life in the form of freedom in carrying out her daily activities.
  • The day-to-day actions of Sally are also potentially conducted by her with the help of a technology system. Activities related to home and career are all carried out by her in an improved way.
  • The attitude and beliefs of a person also get changed or modified optimistically, and this can be possible through adopting technology.

Sally is gaining a precise set of health, and this is recorded through medication, which goes through technology (Ni, García Hernando, and de la Cruz, 2015).

Apart from the advantages that are enjoyed by individuals, some benefits are adopted by organizations as well; some are discussed below:

  • The major advantage of benefiting the company is that they could be able to meet the health issues of their patients in effective and efficient means.
  • They could be able to solve several diseases that require modern and advanced technology.
  • It also results in formulating a correct structure so that the organization could be able to build a good planning system. It also assists in earning a sustainable amount of goodwill in the marketplace.
  • It aids in posing a positive effect on patients' health as it results in increasing the productivity of the organization so that their self-sufficiency can be maintained.


2.1 Health and Safety Considerations During the Application of Technologies

Application of technologies is essential to bring improvement in the health and social care sector and provide a higher amount of safety to the individuals of society. It is the responsibility of the management to effectively consider all the aspects that are important while using and implementing new technologies within the healthcare home (Linner et. al., 2015). Here, there needs to be more emphasis on the safety and reliability of the technologies adopted for the treatment of patients in innovative ways. From the diagnosis, Sally identified that she was suffering from a medical illness. The issues from which Sally is suffering are related to standing and eyesight. It is observed that to treat Sally effectively and for their timely recovery from such issues, it is required to apply innovative technologies such as AFO and PDA, which allow living her life comfortably. To optimally utilize the capacity of technology, one needs to understand the dos and don'ts while operating them; this will not only ensure the safety of patients but also employees. If proper considerations are not taken regarding the use of technologies, this will enhance the chance of failure and result in a negative impact upon the health of Sally. It is assessed from the above discussion that to attain positive results, one needs to rely on medicines instead of technology (Kerssens et. al., 2015).

The government of the nation has the responsibility to provide appropriate guidelines that direct the personnel of the health and social care sector to effectively consider all the aspects that are important while implementing technologies. However, it is observed that the government has failed in its task, which hurts safety issues in this sector. This will lower the quality of services that are provided by healthcare homes. There is a need to develop adequate training programs for the improvement of skills and knowledge of staff members regarding the use of new equipment. This will ensure the higher safety of Sally during the process of treatment and reduce the chance of mistakes. There is also a need for simple risk assessment mechanisms in place before the application of technologies for the identification of risk factors in advance. This will not only provide the opportunity for the removal of such risks but also help in the improvement of the decision-making of personnel while providing their healthcare services (Hackney et. al., 2015). This will also enable them to effectively understand the specific needs of every individual and provide treatment according to their problem. Overall. It is assessed that consideration of health and safety aspects is essential before the implementation of technologies to attain positive outcomes.

2.2 Ethical Considerations in the Use of Assistive Technologies

Ethical considerations refer to the process that includes the determination of the right and wrong aspects that are present within the organization. These considerations are defined as values and principles required by the management of healthcare homes to provide their services effectively and appropriately to attain desired results within the given frame of time. So, it is important to comply with all the standards and principles while adopting assistive technologies within healthcare organizations to accomplish their desired objectives and effective treatment of patients (Van Hees, Moyson, and Roeyers, 2015). According to the present report, new technologies are used regarding treatment of Sally for the diseases of Multiple sclerosis and cognitive inefficiencies. The ethical considerations that are required to be overseen by the government, practitioners, and patients are defined below:

  • The patient has full authority regarding deciding on getting the treatment with the help of assistive technologies or not. If the patient is not satisfied with the working of technologies, then he/she is not forced to get the treatment from them.
  • Another aspect that is included under ethical consideration is not using the confidential information of patients without their confirmation. The code of conduct, which is framed according to that, restricts the personnel from misusing the information for their benefit. All the information that they get from the patients is only used in the case of their treatment. In this regard, healthcare organizations must secure all the data of patients that are properly lined with them and take adequate measures that are essential for their safety.

One of the ethical considerations is related to the relationship that persists between service users and providers. This will include the fact that the services that are provided by healthcare organizations are optimum in quality, which ensures higher safety of the health of service users (Greeson et. al., 2015).

  • There is also a need to pay attention to aspects such as religion and cultural practices while treating individuals. This will provide the opportunity to attain the trust and loyalty of service users. This enables the practitioners to effectively guide the individuals in respect of living a better life.
  • While providing the medical services required to keep the interest of patients as a prime consideration and not to use any unethical practices. There is always a need to get approval from the patients while using any technologies for their treatment.

2.3 Impact of Recent Technological Development on Health and Social Care

It is assessed that a large number of technological advancements have been incurred overhears. Such developments not only have an impact on the health of patients but also improve the capacity of the care or organizations and deliver their services more effectively and efficiently. In the present report, it is identified that Sally is suffering from many diseases simultaneously, which makes her unable to live her life normally and independently. The advancements in technologies enable professionals to easily detect the problems that need to be addressed in future periods for their optimum health (Fischinger et. al., 2016). The application of technology provides innovative ways to treat individuals without harming their mobility. For example, in the present report, AFO is used regarding the treatment of the right foot of Sally. Also, to treat the problem of Sally regarding vision, a specialized keyboard is used in the task, removing the issues that are faced. This will allow healthcare organizations to serve their services to a large number of individuals effectively. This will enable the patients to get that positive outcome in a shorter period.


3.1 Identify the Specific Needs of an Individual Requiring Support to Live Independently

For an individual, it is required to live a healthy life that helps to maximize their specific need. Along with this, it is required to analyze Fernando's effective frameworks and structures that can affect an individual's health as well as abilities (Dunlop et. al., 2015). If an individual is suffering from any kind of disease, they need to get proper treatment at an appropriate time. Through this, they can easily analyze how to protect themselves from such diseases as depression, Different types of issues arise with individuals who have specific needs and wants. Thus, health and social care organizations need to understand the individual requirements and their needs to provide the appropriate treatment as well as care services. All these activities assist in raising the fobstaclesacle, the possibility of proper recovery soon. According to this case study, Jane wants to go back home with positive health. She is troubled by depression, which makes her depressed and unhappy. So for this, it is needed of Jane to get impactful care, support, and motivation to recover easily from such issues. She is suffering from some learning disabilities, so it is the responsibility of healthcare organizations to provide them with proper treatment and care to make them healthy in the short term. In this procedure, they need to use advanced digital technology to provide maximum benefits to clients. This kind of activity helps to analyze innovative ideas to resolve issues of individuals properly. For this, the management of health and social care organizations needs to provide proper training to their employees to implement transformational treatment procedures. In this process, effective planning is required to frame a proper structure of healthcare activities and practices. Such learning and training modules aid in analyzing all needs and wants of individuals to provide them with proper and impactful treatment easily (Blackman et. al., 2016).

3.2 Recommendations for Technologies Use That Might Support Independent Living

In health and social care, there are continuous improvements so that the quality of services can be improved. It is of great importance that whatever is done is being adopted by the care workers so that the total standards and good health standards of the firm can be improved. Assistive is one of the most important applications, which is giving a major helping hand to the caregivers and receivers. It has assisted individuals with their specific needs, which further helped them live better lives. Jane has a range of specific requirements, which are as follows:

Reminder message system: This is a new system in which audio recording is done of a special task that needs to be performed by the different dependents. It helps them by reminding them of the important tasks they have to do specifically for their health. This way they do not skip important tasks and can help themselves lead a healthy life (Al-Shaqi, Mourshed, and Rezgui, 2016).

Wheelchairs—it is an important medium of moving for Jane. As he is incapable of moving here and there, through this medicine he could move easily and achieve a better life. It has also reduced the dependency of Janee on them for their day-to-day operations.

The above-discussed applications are effective enough in providing assistance to Jane and leading a better life. It is suggested that there should be continuous work on further developing these applications so that they can contribute to the development of the present state of healthcare users.

3.3 Usefulness of Technology for Users of Health and Social Care Services

To improve the state of health of a particular user, different technologies must be used so that what is best is delivered to the care requirements. Its usefulness can be evaluated in the following manner:

It raises the state of health for the caretakers, which helps them in living a possible better life.

Through the advancement of the latest applications, caretakers become more self-dependent, and hence their lives become less complicated, which further reflects upon the speed of their recovery (Bedaf, Gelderblom, and De Witte, 2015).

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It has been concluded from the above-prepared report that technology plays an effective role in social and healthcare organizations. These technologies, if implemented effectively, will result in supporting the independent lives of individuals so that they can live a healthy life. Apart from this, the assignment also highlights the ethical requirements and considerations that are implemented in social care companies. There are some unique needs and necessities of patients that have to be solved by health organizations.

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