
15+ Biology Research Topics to Understand the Evolution of Life

This blog provides biology research topics and ideas to students for academic paper writing tasks

15+ Research Topics for Modern Biology
01 Dec 2020 2154
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    Biology is a subject that gets updated every single day. There is a discovery of new species of plant or animal, or organism of some kind every week. Evolution is an ongoing process, and this means that life will keep evolving into different shapes and sizes. This requires students to evolve their biology research topics with the changing and expanding life. These researchers can produce results that can address challenges that are still hidden from humanity.

    Some most recent examples are the rise of new strains of viruses like Ebola and Corona that have played havoc on humanity. But quick research will tell you that both have behaved in completely different manners than each other. While Ebola affected the nations of the African continent, Corona has shown very little impact there when compared to the rest of the world. These are topics that will become part of modern research in biology as humans still struggle to understand life.

    There are other fascinating areas where there is a need for advanced research as the future of life depends on them. Some of these areas are; the survival of humans outside earth, the development of biofuels or climate-resistant crops, etc. Before taking a deep dive into the exciting topics of research in modern biology, one must first review the nature and evolution of life on earth.

    1. Biology 101 - A Brief History of Life

    It all started when a cocktail of chemicals made of hydrocarbons developed at the bottom of our oceans. It is surprising for many as the place of the evolution of first life was dark, cold, and under the immense pressure of water in the depth of the ocean. The human body can not survive beyond the depth of 60 meters (without gear) and 500 meters with some protective equipment. Beyond that, one needs to be in some submersible vehicle like a submarine.

    This was hard baffling for many when the research was first conducted, and myths were created that life arrived from the universe as extraterrestrial beings. As astrology developed, it became clear that it is not possible for life to survive the vast intergalactic distance. The researchers started to look for signs of life on the Earth itself. They studied fossils that dated millions of years back and found signs of evolution.

    This evolution started from a single strand of protein formed in the presence of red hot lava and freezing cold water of the ocean. These strands started to bunch together to form the first living cells. Slowly, these cells started to replicate themselves and developed attributes like motion and digestion. The sense of protection and survival evolved them into multi-cellular organisms. Here, different cells performed different tasks.

    Soon some special proteins started to develop that carried the genetic information of the cell to its replicas, and the nucleus started to develop. This genetic information and development of the nucleus diversified these cells into the life that we see today. Some organisms started to develop a liking for the warmth of the sun and shifted to the plant-based diet of land to avoid predators in the seas.

    One principle that is the core of evolution is ‘consumption and survival.’ As life moved to the land for safety, the predators started to move to the land as it was easier to hunt here because of daylight. The conditions on land were favorable for vertical growth as the pressure in water only allowed flat and streamlined shapes. The abundance of food and sunlight resulted in the rapid growth of organisms. Soon, the earth was populated in all three biospheres.

    The development of humans is a well-researched phenomenon, and the roots can be found in the grasslands of Africa, Asia, and America. They came with a brain that developed over time, and DNA carried these new features forward. The information gathered was transferred over the years by several means. The curious brain started to question its own existence and the content of its body and surroundings, which resulted in the emergence of biology.

    As the subject evolved, researchers discovered more about life and found millions of species. Some can be only be seen under a microscope, some are extinct, and some are yet to be revealed to the world. This diversity has created a huge scope for research on the subject. The importance of this research is growing every day as the nature of the Earth is changing because of human activities.

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    2. What Is the Relevance of Research in Modern Biological Studies?

    The subject has been under study for millenniums. There are thousands of years old examples where people performed surgeries in Rome and India. The ancient Egyptians used to preserve the bodies of their rulers using chemicals. Some recreational people discovered the use of yeast and started brewing wine. All this has not been possible if some curious mind wouldn’t have dared to research.

    One can think that after so many years, what may have been left to research on a student's level and new things can only be found in laboratories. This is a false assumption, and one is underestimating the diversity of nature. Does this bring to the point of how relevant is research for students studying biology?

    • Developing Skills: Research develops new skills and an appetite to discover a new thing. One may not be able to find something new in their work, but they can learn to use modern instruments and methods of research. They get exposed to new developments that are taking place in the field and include them in their document.
    • Enhances Knowledge: Everything these days is available at the fingertips of each and every student. This doesn’t mean that there is no need for research. Research is meant to uncover new information and open new avenues in the field. A good quality paper consists of exclusive information and a study of unexplored avenues. It adds quality to the subject and enhances the material available for future students to study 
    • Experience Provider: Research is not just an exercise of collecting information and data and analyzing it for your document. It gives you an opportunity to learn more about the subject. When one is researching, they have to go through several works done in the past. This exposes the students to information that may not be related to their topic but is important as a whole. A researching student can learn how to gather information and which tools to use for a particular analysis. This experience comes in handy when you become a professional of the subject.
    • Scientific Temperament: One learns to respect even the slightest of the information as it can have a huge implication on the outcomes of the research. This helps in developing a liking for science and motivates one to develop new techniques to get more information from a specimen. One needs to be curious to gain the most out of biology as it is a very complicated and diverse subject.
    • Respect Nature: When you are researching biology, you get familiar with the complexity of nature. One learns the minute details with which the organisms are formed and how a single cell turns into a living being. This develops one's respect for creation and evolution. Research makes one understand the dependency of humans on each and every organism and how all lives are linked to each other. For example, life wouldn’t have been possible on earth without algae.

    This shows that research is still an important part of studying biology. It helps in discovering new species that may become useful for us in the future. Scientists are trying to develop organisms that can produce fuel for our transportation. These can be useful for us in space travel where there are no sources of fossil fuel.

    There are several such topics in which the research is in its early stages, and a student can use these to develop a quality research paper. Here are some topics and research ideas for students to explore and come up with a unique and useful document.

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    3. 15+ Biology Research Topics for Students of Life Sciences

    There is no dearth of topics on the internet, but most of them are frequently used and have become stale. A good research paper requires a topic that is fresh and relevant to the subject in current settings. Here are some topic suggestions that can provide you some idea of the current events important for life sciences.

    • Has Corona Virus strain mutated as it spread across countries? Why are the death rates starkly contrasted in Europe and Asia/Africa?
    • What are the similarities and differences between the strains, symptoms, and fatality rates of Ebola Virus and Covid-19?
    • What are the similarities between the pandemics of 1918 and 2020? How is related to the immunity of human beings, then and now?
    • How is a vaccine developed? Which are some of the most successful vaccines and why?
    • How does herd immunity works, and what are the risks involved before this achievement? 
    • Can human being transform into a Sulphur based life? Will it allow them to survive in space?
    • Why are viral infection only manageable and not curable by medications?
    • How can one develop Bio-Fuel from algae? Which cells are responsible for this process?
    • How will the food chain get impacted if all humans shift to a plant-based diet? Will it result in any mutation in our genes?
    • Which human organs gets most affected by pollution? What is the impact of PM 2.5 on our respiratory system, and can it be reversed 
    • How will the depletion of the ozone layer result in skin problems in humans? Can it result in skin cell mutation?
    • What is the impact of climate change on the biodiversity of the planet? How will the rise in ocean temperature impact marine biology?
    • Is it possible that life on the Earth has interstellar origins? What does this tell us about alien life? Can alien life survive in the Earth’s oxygen-rich environment?
    • What do the microorganisms present on asteroids and meteors tell us about the creation of life 
    • How closely are dinosaurs related to modern-day reptiles? Why did they not survive climate change like other organisms?
    • Which species would have dominated in case extinction didn’t happen, humans or reptiles?
    • Was early man more resistant to viruses? Has our lifestyle destroyed our immunity?


    These were some intriguing topics that one can research to come up with ideas for a fresh and modern research paper. But the problem that students are stuck with old topics in the current times is widespread, and there are several reasons for it.

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    4. Why Are Students Stuck on Out-Dated Topics for Biology Research?

    Every student wants to score big in their academic work but not all succeed. Some because of the lack of research or writing skills, others because of lack of interest. There is another big reason for average quality work, that is, topic selection. 

    Students panic when they are asked to write a biology research paper. It is a complex task, and one has to come up with concrete results based on real data. This requires a lot of studying and sifting through mountains of documents. A glance at papers submitted every year shows that more and more students are choosing topics that are already saturated with research. Thus, the topics will only result in average grades as the work has been reproduced several times. One wonders why this happens when the results are suffering. There are several reasons for it.

    • Lack of Motivation: Sometimes, professors fail to motivate students to take up challenging tasks as they too have to analyze the work on merits. They provide students with a list of outdated topics as suggestions, and students pick them thinking that this is the only choice. Mentors have to encourage the students to explore the subject themselves and come up with unique topic ideas based on their interests. This will improve both the knowledge of the students and the content of the paper.
    • Lack of Research Skills: Students are afraid of getting stuck with a topic that they don’t have enough material on. They lack the required research skills and methods to generate new information. A research paper can not be completed with incomplete information that fails to reach a conclusion. This makes the students go for already researched areas where information is available in abundance on the internet.
    • Lack of Time: Research takes time. Students are involved in several other activities, along with their studies. This means that they won't be able to manage enough time to conduct thorough research. This makes them go for topics where they can easily find past documents and come up with a mediocre paper. They may be satisfied with this, but it doesn’t result in any value addition to your skills and knowledge, which can hamper future prospects.
    • Lack of Interest: Students sometimes take the subject in peer pressure or to stay with their friends. This means that they have taken a tough subject without giving it a thought. They can pass the exams with help, but when it comes to research papers, things can get pretty tough. A friend can not help you when you have different topics, and they are working on their own document. This forces students to go for outdated topics that don’t result in any value addition to their academics. 
    • Lack of Subject Knowledge: Some students hardly pay attention to the lecture. They may be preoccupied with some personal concerns or may be involved in jobs to make a living. This leaves them inattentive, and they may miss important portions of the class. It can result in a lack of knowledge about the essential topics suggested or mentioned in the discussions. They may end up choosing topics that are unimpressive for the mentor.

    This brings in the need for an expert who can provide suggestions that are current and hold importance to the subject. These topics should seem to be making a contribution to the subject and impress the professor.

    Students search for biology research topics online and can get drowned in the flood of suggestions. One can get thousands of suggestions on one search, which is of no help and confuses them more. This leaves them with one simple question, which is;

    5. Where Can I Find the Best Biology Research Topic Suggestions and Paper Help?

    There are many confused students looking for the best biology research topics on the internet. They can find a lot of suggestions, but none of them are up to the expectations. A research paper needs stellar research and which requires an interesting topic. There are several service providers available online, promising a path-breaking paper but the results and reviews only speak in favor of one.

    The writers of Assignment Desk have been providing assistance to troubled students for a decade now. Students have been taking suggestions on biology research topics and research paper help from them frequently. Along with these suggestions, they are also the leader in providing paper writing help to students. Many students have taken benefit from these services, which are accompanied by some popular features.

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    There are several other features that can be included in this list. One can visit us to know more about our services. All your queries will immediately and satisfyingly be answered. The writers of Assignment Desk have never failed to impress, and you are just a click away from their brilliant writing skills and knowledge.

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