
Importance of Sustainable Practices and Their Impact over Improving Business Productivity


  • Unit No:
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 47 / Words 11683
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
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Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Provide critical understanding and comprehension of the relationship between theory and practice and the application synthesis of theory into practice.
  • Design and execute a research project.
  • Implement research skills, critical thinking skills, and comprehensive skills in business, management, and organizational into fields of inquiry and form conclusions and recommendations.
  • Identify the field and subject area of research or business opportunity; carry out research based on consideration of evidence which leads to the formation of the consideration, evaluation, and interpretation of evidence, and the formation of rigorous conclusions based on the evidence.
Answer :


1.1 Background of The Study

In the current years, the hospitality industry has flourished with great rate. Both business and leisure travellers have grown and there are many reasons to travel. As the number of visitors increases per year for hospitality industry, the pressure on the environment is also rising. Hotels have become aware about the fact that their activities and functions have direct impact on the environment. The major role of sustainability is also important in the hospitality industry. Hotels require water, electricity, goods that are both durable and consumable and it also leads to the making of waste. The waste is made in the type of equipment, bulbs, appliances, furniture, tubes etc. In the recent years, it is determined that green technology has created great importance and it is also available affordable and nominal rates. There are many hotels in the United Kingdom which are using green development projects. Such projects are greatly dependent upon advanced technology and considers the alternate source of energy like air, wind, solar etc. for producing energy (Modica and et. al., 2020). Hospitality industry of the United Kingdom is greatly dependent over several types of sustainable practices so that hospitality companies can stand out.

In today's time, hotel bookers, travellers, shoppers and restaurant patrons care about substantiality. Customers are more aware because now they only want to give their business to only those hotels that are following socially, environmentally and culturally sound practices. Generation Zers and millennials are more likely to pay to those hotels which do not harm the environment, not waste natural resources or negatively impact the lives of wildlife or people. Environmental issues and the popularity of eco-friendly methods like green meetings continue to rise (Cerchione and Bansal, 2020). Many hotels of the United Kingdom have undertaken a great commitment of decreasing their footprint and increasing the sustainability of the services they offer. Leaders in the hotel continuously put their efforts to integrate sustainability concepts into their business strategies and objectives. When a hotel starts practising sustainability then it comes with various advantages.

Apart from attracting more number of visitors and responding responsibly to what many consider a moral imperative, in light of the present climate crisis, sustainable initiatives provide hospitality businesses incentives. Many hospitality companies have adopted sustainability plans (Hussain and et. al., 2020). This intentional approach includes using sustainable practices that reach across all business functions and operations. The plans of sustainability contribute in improving brand image of the hotel and majority of consumers care about practices of sustainability adopted by hotel. Nowadays, travellers only opt for hotels which are environment friendly hotels, transportation and food. Therefore, the existing investigation aims at collecting in-depth information about the significance of sustainable practices and their impact over improving business performance and productivity (Floričić, 2020). This study will collect insights from reliable and accurate sources to showcase the different sustainable practices and different benefits gained by hotel while maintaining sustainability in the operations. The major focus will be upon UK hospitality industry because it is continuously putting efforts to come up with several sustainable practices to maintain sustainability in their hotels. So, this study will have detailed data about the innovative sustainable practices along with their advantages adopted by hospitality industry of the United Kingdom (Abdou and et. al., 2020). It will also include the ways used by hotel to maintain sustainability and roles performed by them to protect the environment as well as society.

1.2 Research Aim, Objectives and Questions

1) Research Aim

To determine the importance of sustainable practices and their impact over improving business productivity and performance. A study on UK hospitality industry

2) Research Objectives

  • To evaluate the concept and importance of sustainability within hospitality industry
  • To examine the sustainable practices adopted by UK hospitality industry and their impact over improving business productivity and performance
  • To identify the benefits gained by UK hospitality industry through adopting sustainability in their several business operations

3) Research Questions

  • Explain the concept and importance of sustainability within hospitality industry?
  • What are the sustainable practices adopted by UK hospitality industry and their impact over improving business productivity and performance?
  • What are the benefits gained by UK hospitality industry through adopting sustainability in their several business operations?

1.3 Rationale of The Study

The primary motive of conducting the existing investigation is to accumulate detailed information about the practices of sustainability adopted by hospitality industry of the United Kingdom. This report will showcase the significance of sustainable practices in the hotels operating in the United Kingdom. Along with the benefits of sustainability for hospitality industry this study will carry out challenges which are faced by leaders and managers of hotel while maintaining sustainability in the hotel. In the modern world, every individual and organisation has become more careful about the protection of environment and the society. People now book those hotels which are providing services without harming the environment and the society (Olya and et. al., 2021). With the help of existing report, there are two vital objectives which researcher will achieve. The two most valuable objectives which are aimed by researcher through this study are: personal and professional objective. In terms of personal objective, investigator will be getting clear and detailed content about the research methods.

Researcher will learn about the Saunders research onion framework which covers the multiple layers used for collecting and analysing information. Researcher will also get an opportunity think in with broader mind-set rather than only depending upon single perspective. On the other hand, investigator will also be attaining professional objectives by understanding about the sustainable practices through which an organisation can grab the attention of customers. All these learning learnt by the researcher will be used by them in the future when they will be performing the role of manager. Thus, with the help of this study, researcher will gain certain advantages in their personal as well as professional life. Therefore, the study will be recording in-depth information regarding the importance of sustainability for hospitality industry and its direct connection with grabbing attention of the large number of customers.

1.4 Significance of The Study

The present report is significant as it covers detailed information about one of the trendiest topics i.e. sustainability within hospitality industry. This investigation will be using several methods of research for the accumulation of valuable piece of information in a systematic manner (Bhutto and et. al., 2021). Thus, this report covers the information which is useful for students, professionals, small scale companies, other researchers and investigators. It is the study which is useful for students because they can use recorded data of this study for their academic purpose. With this study, students can clear their concept about sustainability within UK hospitality industry. In respect of small scale companies, they can easily learn about the hospitality practices adopted large scale hotels for maintaining sustainability level in the organisation. This investigation will also be helpful for those researchers who are depending upon secondary methods for accumulating information about the same topic as the current report.

1.5 Outline of The Methodology

The present study will be using only secondary research methods for the collection of information. With the help of secondary methods, investigator will be collecting detailed piece of information in relation to the topic. Thus, along with secondary research methods, researcher will be considering qualitative research methods (Hossain, Kannan and Raman Nair, 2021). Qualitative research methods will accommodate investigator to record information which is of theoretical nature. The collection of secondary data will be done through magazines, newspapers, journals, publications, articles etc. Researcher will also be considering thematic analysis so that relevancy and accuracy of the assemble secondary data can be identified and objectives of the study could be achieved.

1.6 Structure of The Dissertation

  • Introduction: The first chapter of the current study is introduction. It provides the information about the research aim, objectives and questions along with the motive of conducting the investigation.
  • Literature review:The other significant chapter is literature review that covers second-hand data. This section depends upon the secondary sources such as journals, books, magazines, newspapers etc. It addresses each research question with great quality piece of information.
  • Research Methodology:It is the chapter that provides information about the methods generally considered for the accumulation and evaluation of information. The current study will be depending upon secondary methods and this will assist in recording in-depth theoretical information.
  • Data analysis and findings:The other vital chapter is data analysis and findings and this covers the analysis and discussion of information assembled in section of literature review. Investigator will be selecting thematic analysis to evaluate and analyse data.
  • Conclusion and recommendations: It is the chapter which offers brief about each included chapter in the study. On the other hand, the chapter of recommendation covers the relevant suggestion to the industry which is facing problem in the particular area.


2.1 Explain The Concept and Importance of Sustainability Within The Hospitality Industry?

According to the point of view of Tasci, and Pizam (2020), Sustainability is refers to the process of complex concept. It is the holistic approach that is consider as ecological, economic dimensions, social and recognising which is all considered as together. The mean of sustainability is to meeting with own needs and wants without compromise with future abilities and generations. There are three main pillars of sustainability such as environmental, economic, and social. It is informally refers to the planet, people, and profit. In relation to the hospitality industry, sustainable practices are important. It is help in positive impact on the customer experience. It is help in better loyalty and higher customer satisfaction which is good for the hotel industry. It is help to save the money by reducing the extra cost and waste spendings. It is also help in environmental goals. It is providing the advantage for public relations. It is help to create the strong connection with local public. Sustainability plays a vital role in hospitality industry because it is help to conserving energy, reduce the waste cost, using the organic amenities and many more.

A sustainable hospitality industry helps to develop skills. It is help to understand the business management of hospitality which incorporates the people, planet, ethics, profits and equity. It is help to creating the environment which is the most important part in current times. it is providing many economic advantages for the destination which is help in economy growth. it is providing support to local communities or society (Lee, and et.al., 2020). It is allowed peoples to be more aware about their choices. It has the power to create the better work culture and maintain the work life balance that is help in great impact on the world and customers. Sustainability development help to create a healthy environment which makes the employees happier and increases the productivity of the industry.

In the opinion to Ezzaouia, and Bulchand-Gidumal (2020), sustainability is the term which is refers to the societal gaol such as economic, environmental and social dimension. It is help to develop the industry or an organization which increasing the productivity, and performance. It is providing many short-term and long-term benefits. It is called as the ability to maintain the economic growth at a certain level. In context to hospitality industry, sustainability is playing an vital role. It is help to develop the overall industry. It is help to develop the industry by three natural resources such as economic, environment, and social. It is help to reduce the damages within the industry. A successful hospitality depends on a culture and natural attraction because its is help to attract more visitors towards the hotel. It is help to reduce the negative impact on the hospitality industry. It is increasing the more benefits to industry. It is providing many activities on social and natural environment. It is help in customer satisfaction and increasing their experience towards the hotel. Sustainability is helping the industry by changing the overall process and activity of the industry. A sustainability hospitality industry needs to increase the vegetarian options in the menu, using the eco-friendly products and services, BYO containers, encouraging the reusable coffee cups and many more which is help to increase the sustainability within the hospitality industry (Hwang, and Lyu, 2020). There are many importance and benefits of sustainability hospitality industry which includes it is help to create the healthy environment, it is provide many economic advantages, it is support the local communities. It is the key role for hospitality industry which help to change the overall production of the industry. It is help to increase the number of customers which increasing the profitability and productivity. It is help to increase the performance and future growth of the industry. It is improving the customers experience by having the positive impact on the customers.

As per the view of Okumus, and et.al (2020), sustainability is the process of the meeting with own needs and wants without compromise the future generation abilities. It is providing many natural resources such as social, economic and environmental resources that is help to make the healthy workplace. It is help to maintain and control the work life balance which help to increase the productivity within the workplace. In relation to hospitality industry, sustainability development help to support the local communities, environmental needs and social demesne which is help to increase the growth of the industry. It is help to change the overall process of the industry that is necessary for increasing and attract the more visitors towards the hotel and its services. It is help to maintain or support the industry with the help of three resources such as social, environment, and economic which help in increasing the growth of the industry.

Resources help to replaced the damages within the industry which is help to reduce the damages within the workplace. It is help to create the healthy environment which attract and motivate the employees towards the work. It is basically defined as the process or action to avoid he depletion of natural resources. Resources of sustainability is also known as the pillar of sustainable. It is considered as the environmental concern with the economic development which focuses on the social programmes (Zhong, and et.al., 2020). It is a positive impact on the customer which help to increase their experience towards the hotel and services. It is help to increase the profitability and performance of the hotel industry by providing the services and product according to the customers needs and wants. It is help to fulfilled the customer needs which help in customer satisfaction. It is the continuous process which support the industry lifetime by providing resources of culture to meet the present needs and wants without hesitate about the future needs.

According to the perspective of Ozturkoglu, Sari and Saygili (2019), sustainability plays a vital role within hospitality industry as it helps in increasing the brand image and reputation due to which hospitality organisation can attract more and more number of potential guest towards the brand. The implementation of sustainable practices helps in creating a positive influence on the customer experience. It also helps in improving the loyalty of customers towards the brand and also enhance their satisfaction level. Nowadays, customer generally prefer sustainable brand as it reduces the negative impact from the environment and also preserve the natural resources for the future generations. Hotels and travelers become aware about the sustainable practices and its impact on the environment due to which it is necessary for an organisation to focus on implementing green practices so that customers can be attracted in better manner. Sustainable practices helps in saving the money of hospitality industry by reducing waste and spending (Cerchione and Bansal, 2020). In hospitality industry, sustainability plays an important role as they need electricity, goods, water which are both consumable and durable and it leads to creation of waste. The use of green technology is cost effective as it helps in achieving better performance in producing effective operational procedures. It also helps in improving the guest experience by implementing the technology that helps in reducing waste energy and recycling the waste materials. Thus, the use of sustainable practices helps in improving the brand image of company due to which the profitability of business increases.

2.2 What are the Sustainable Practices Adopted by UK Hospitality Industry and Their Impact Over Improving Business Productivity and Performance?

According to the view Al-Swidi, Gelaidan, and Saleh (2021), sustainability practices is refers to the services process which is help to maintain the qualities of physical environment. It is the steps that improve the environmental sustainability. It is help to support the human, ecological and economic health. In relation to hospitality industry, there are some sustainability that are adopted by the industry to improve the productivity and performance of the overall industry. The industry used energy conversation. It is the important area of sustainability which is help to reduce the energy consumption and increase the daily room rate. It is help in profitability. They used amenities which is help in cleaning the products that help in reduce the negative impact of hotel. They used to reduce the waste reduction and efficiency from the hotel which is help to increase the profitability and productivity of the hotel. They used to promote the sustainable or transportations that is help in customer services.

They choose to clean the product to overcome the impact on the environment. They carefully select the local food products at the restaurants which is help in customers health and care. They encourage the people or guest to make their decisions sustainable. They were promoting the ecotourism. they change the operational system. They conservation the water plant to save the environment. These all-sustainability practices are used by UK hospitality industry that is help the hotel to improve and increase the productivity and performance of the hotel. It is help to change the overall environment of hotel. It is help to attract more guest towards the hotel and take services of the hotel (Saha, and et.al., 2020). The practices of sustainability help to develop the industry and increase the profit of hotels. It is also helps in increasing the future growth of hotel and increase the customer experience which is the good thing for the hotel and their services. The practices help the hotel to improve their services according to sustainability. As it is help in change the work place and maintain the work life balance of the hotel.

According to the point of view of Yadegaridehkordi, and et.al (2020), sustainability practices is help to support the natural resources such as ecological, economic, and human health and vitality. It is promoting the resources for the long-term period. It is the process to maintain the services and qualities of physical environment which help to make it more valuable and reliable. In context to hospitality industry, it is helping the industry in green space, crop rotation, water efficient fixture, renewable clean energy, water treatment, waste energy recycling and sustainable designs which is help in human health and care. There are some practices which are adopted by the hospitality industry to improve the productivity and performance of the hotel. They used practices in energy conservation to increase the rate of rooms on the daily basis. They used to reduce the waste efficiency and reduction to increase the profit of the hotel. They promote the transportation services for increasing the customer experience towards the hotel. It is also increasing the hotel's reputation and image. They used to select the best local food products that is help in customer health and care. They promote the ecotourism which is help to increase the customer and aware the customers about their product and services.

They change the overall operational system that is help in maintain the business activity of the hotel. They used to clean all the product and services for the hygiene services which is help in healthy environment. They save the water conservation which is help the environment and its impacts. They encourage the guest for making the sustainable decisions and ideas which is help in economy, environment and social goals (Gupta, and Gupta, 2020). These all-sustainability practices are used by the hospitality industry which is help the industry to increase the productivity and performance. It is also help in global warming. It is help to attract more guest and increase their buying behaviour. It is help to maintain the overall activity of the hotel and manage the process of sustainability management of the hotel which is the advantage for the hotel in future growth.

In the opinion to Mihardjo, and et.al (2020), sustainability practices help to create the long-term consequences of industry. It is help to support the resources which is help to maintain the qualities and services of physical environment and make it more valuable. It is the process of resources such as environment, social and economy which support the human, economical, and ecological vitality and health. It is hep to support the industry for a long time. It is help to reduce the negative impacts on the environmental growth. in context to hospitality industry. There are many practices which are used by the industry for improving their productivity and performance. They used practices for energy conservation, waste reduction and efficiency, promote the ecotourism, operations change, water conservations, amenities, promote the transportation, encourage the guest for making the sustainability decisions, selecting the best food materials, cleaning the product and many more. It is help to make the environment healthy. It is help to attract more customers towards the hotel and services. It is help to change the operation system. It is helping in customers health and care and increasing their experience towards the hotel (do Prado, and et.al 2020). It is help to improve the productivity and also increasing the performance of the hotel which is help to attract the customers. It is help to increase the customer experience. The practices of sustainability help to develop the overall industry and its services for the future growth. it is help to maintain the work life balance of the industry and provide many beneficial advantages and opportunities to the hotel industry.

Sustainability practices is playing a vital role to develop the industry and its operation. It is help to control the work environment and culture of the hotel. As it is help in increase the profitability and productivity of the hotel. In order to have eco-friendly hotel it is necessary for the brand to focus on listing out the suitable ways and products, form a green team, avoid plastic, automation for conservation of water and energy, investing in green energy and also focus on implementing various other sustainable practices. These are the few ways which helps in making business sustainable and also attracts maximum number of tourist and guest towards the brand. Hotels must focus on reducing waste by implementing recycling in common areas, made newspaper available in common areas, reusable food service and many other ways. They can also focus on implementing reusable water bottle by installing filtered water stations. Hotel must focus on conserving the energy so that the probability of brand increases (Su and Chen, 2020). The practices which hotel must adopt in order to reduce the energy are having digital thermostats in the guest rooms, energy tracking and using LED light bulbs. Therefore, the other way for reducing the energy consumption is installing one switch system for lights so that it don't get left accidentally and also hotel can focus on installing solar panels in order to power water heating. Hotel should also focus on choosing the amenities and cleaning products that are friendly to the environment and also reduce the negative impact on the hotel.

2.3 What are The Benefits Gained by UK Hospitality Industry Through Adopting Sustainability in Their Several Business Operations?

According to the view of Hamdoun (2020), there are several benefits gained by the UK hospitality industry by adopting the sustainability. Sustainability is the term which provides many resources such as environmental, social and economic. It is help in healthy environment, natural resources, environment growth etc. the benefits with the sustainability within the UK hospitality industry is, it is help in conserving energy. It is help to provide training to employees which is help to gain the information and reduce the energy use. The benefit of sustainability is to reduce the waste materials which is help to save the cost and money of the industry. It is help to using the organic amenities. It is help to save the overall environment and nature. It is help the hospitality industry to improve the brand image and reputation. It is help in future growth and profitability. It is help to attract more customers towards the industry and its services. It is help to establish the energy management programs. It is help in manage the energy of employees for the growth of the industry. It is help to evaluate the energy use (Riva, Magrizos, and Rubel, 2021). As it is help to save the energy for the future. It is help to embracing the renewable energy that is help to manage and control the energy. It is help to provide educated employees which is help in development of the industry. These all benefits are gained by the UK hospitality industry. It is help to increase the performance and productivity of the industry. It is help to improve the employees performance. It is help to attract more customers towards the industry. It is help in profitability of the industry. The benefits of sustainability helps to reduces the waste materials and cost. It is increase the industry's production and profitability. It is help to aware the needs and problems in the environment. It is help to promote the development of business operation of the industry and increase it with effectiveness and efficiency.

In the opinion to Gerwe (2021), there are some benefits which is gained by the UK hospitality industry by adopting the sustainability within the workplace. It is help in development of the industry. It is provide many beneficial services to the industry. It is help to reduce the waste reduction and efficiency. It is help in increase the profitability and production of the industry. It is help to provide the educated employees within the industry that is help to manage the overall business operations of the industry. It is help to increase the industry's image and reputation which is help in attract more customers. It is help to save the water conservation. It is help in environmental growth. It is help to provide the transportation services which is help in customers satisfaction. It is also increase the customer experience towards the industry and change their buying behaviour. Sustainability help to maintain the industry as resources such as environmentally, socially, economically which is the benefit for the industry. It is help to develop the overall area of operation of the industry and increase the performance and growth for the future production. It is help the industry economically by reviewing the rural areas. It is help in hospitality industry to take place. It is help to make the industry more efficient and effective which is help to gained more customers towards the industry and its services (Bello, and Kamanga, 2020). it is help to increase the sales by attracting more customers towards the industry. It is help in boosting the morale in workforce and innovation of the workforce. It is help to make the working environment relaxed and cool which is help in employee satisfaction. It is help to provide the overall information of the industry which is help in study about working environment. It is help in growing the hospitality industry. It is help the industry to pay well from its customers. It is help to communicate and interact with new peoples. It is providing the resources for meet the present needs.

As per the point of view of Gürlek, and Koseoglu (2021), there are many benefits of sustainability for UK hospitality industry in their business operation. There operations increases with the help of sustainability. Sustainability development is necessary for industry development. It is help to make the environment of the industry healthy and relaxed. It is help the employees to work with effectiveness and efficiency. It is provide many beneficial services to the industry such as it is helping to reduce the waste reduction and efficiency from the industry. It is provide resources which is help to increase the productivity from the factors which includes environmental, economical and societal. These resources help to develop the overall operation of the industry which help to increase the productivity and performance of the industry. It is help to provide the well manner and knowledgable employees to the industry which help in increasing the industry growth and performance. It is help to save the extra cost and money of the industry which is help in profitability. It is provide many opportunities to develop the industry for the future growth (Lee, Che-Ha, and Alwi, 2021). It is help to develop the hospitality industry environmentally, socially and economically which help to fulfilled the overall operation system of the industry. It is also increases the industry image and reputation which is the most necessary part for the industry growth. It is providing the transportation services to customers. It is help to attract more customers. It is help to boost the morale in workplace and innovate it for the development. It is help to reduce the waste reduction and increasing the sales which is the profit for the industry. It is help to increase the production and cost of the industry which is help to develop the operation system of the industry. These all benefits help to make the business operation effective and efficient and develop the overall industry and its profitability.


Research methodology is most important part of the investigation which discussed about the kind of data used in the investigation. This chapter critically discussed about the ways used for identifying, analysing and interpreting the data for the study. It is one of the systematic process which collects and analyse information for the investigation (Brennen, 2021). Research methodology is that part which is divided into various sub parts so that accurate data can be gathered. The research aim and objective is also attained in appropriate way. Research problem of the study is also address using the data which is being extracted in this section. The stages of research methodology are discussed below:

3.1 Research Philosophy:

It is the first layer in the methodology which used that data through which social world can be recognised easily. Research philosophy is a set of principle which tells about the phenomenon to develop skills and knowledge related to the topic. Positivism, interpretivism and realism are the three different types of research philosophy. Positivism philosophy gathers and identified objective data for the study. Interpretivism philosophy collects and analysed subjective data and in the end realism philosophy use both types of philosophy to understand society (Smith and Luke, 2021). According to the current investigation, to recognise the social world researcher has opted for interpretivism philosophy. This is because it helps in knowing the social world in deeper manner with the help of quantitative data. This is also one of the approach through which deeper insight about the topic can be made and aim of the investigation can be attained accurately. The reason for not choosing positivism philosophy is that it only considered objective data to understand the society in accurate way.

3.2 Research Approach:

Research approach is another significant layer of the investigation. This is the stage which make general plan to address the research problem. It is divided into two forms which are inductive and deductive approach. In inductive approach investigator uses qualitative data to address the problem. Whereas, in deductive approach quantitative data is used to determine the problem. As per the existing investigation the chosen approach for the investigation is inductive (Young and Babchuk, 2019). This is because through this method a new theme about the investigation can be formulated. This method also uses textual or written data for discussing the research problem in deeper way. Investigator has not chosen deductive approach because it only considered numerical data while addressing the problem. Positivism philosophy also evaluate existing hypothesis which is developed just after the research problem is being identified.

3.3 Research Strategy:

The third layer of the research methodology is strategy stage. This is stage which uses various strategies to gather information for the chosen research subjective. It is a step by step plan which collects appropriate data. Research strategy also provide path to the thoughts and idea of the investigator. There are various types of research strategy such as survey, experimental research, case study, systematic literature review, grounded theory and many more. The most common types of strategy which is used in many research are survey, systematic literature and case study (Brooks and Normore, 2018). For the current investigation research has opted for systematic literature review. The main advantage to use this strategy is that secondary data for the study is accumulated. The time to gather raw data is less as well as lesser cost is also incurred. Another big advantage to use this method is vast data for the study is accumulated from various secondary source. Acquiring this information is quite easy as researcher did not lay stress on choosing the method through which data from the participants can be collected.

3.4 Research Choice:

Each and every research different type of data so it is very important to know what kind of information is needed to carry out the investigation. There are three research choice which are quantitative, qualitative and mixed research choice. In quantitative research method numerical data is gathered and analysed. In qualitative research method non numerical information is being used (Kiyimba, Lester and O'Reilly, 2019). At last, in mixed method both quantitative and qualitative research method is used for the investigation. For carry out the investigation investigator has selected qualitative research method. the reason for this is non numerical data helps in analysing the gaining deeper insight about the topic. It provides quality result for the investigation in the textual form. This method is also one of the method which aid the researcher to execute the investigation in detailed way.

3.5 Data Collection:

It is the research method which is directly linked with the procedure of collecting information and content from the available different sources. It is the approach which allows researcher to show dependence over primary and secondary information for meeting the investigation's aim and objectives (Ravitch and Carl, 2020). Generally, the method of data collection is categorised in the two forms which include: primary and secondary data collection method. Primary method is the type of collecting data which mainly focuses over recording raw information. It is the information which are not gathered earlier and recorded for the very first time. On the other side, secondary method is about the accumulation of second-hand data. Second-hand content refers to the information which is already assembled by other people for meeting their own goals and objectives. It is the kind of data which holds great information in meeting the research aim, objectives and questions. According to the requirement of current investigation, researcher has only used secondary data collection method because they had limited duration for collecting and analysing data (Drisko, 2020). Second-hand information is easier to accumulate because it is already available because they are already gathered by the other people for attaining their own purpose. With the help of secondary data collection method, an investigator tries to address all the objectives and questions of the investigation. The section of the literature review is majorly dependent over the second-hand data because through this gap is identified in earlier conducted investigations. There are many secondary sources which help in the accumulation of secondary content such as journals, publications, newspapers, books, articles, already conducted survey & interviews and so on. Thus, the main reason of selecting secondary method over primary method is that it makes possible for the researcher to collect great information in the short duration of time in a systematic manner.

3.6 Data Analysis:

It is the research method which helps in the analysis and evaluation of collected data. This is necessary step in every kind of investigation because it eliminates the data which do not hold any significance in the investigation (O'Donoghue, 2018). It is mainly classified in the several techniques which include: content analysis, thematic analysis, frequency distribution analysis and so on. Investigator has used thematic analysis because it assists investigator to evaluate and examine secondary and theoretical data in a systematic manner. The major advantage experienced by the investigator is that it allows researcher to highlight the significance of evaluated secondary and theoretical piece of information.

3.7 Time Horizon:

Time is the most significant element which helps in conducting and completing the whole investigation in a systematic way (Leavy, 2020). Time horizon is one of the research methods that allow an investigator schedule time duration for each activity and task in a systematic manner. It is mainly of two important kinds which are: cross-sectional and longitudinal time horizon. Investigator has used cross-sectional time horizon because it allows researcher to collect information in real-time and only depend over updated information. It is the method which allows investigator to assemble the data in the pre-defined set duration of time.

3.8 Research Ethics:

Research ethics are the collection of values and principle which is followed at the time of investigation. Using the belief while gathering data from the society helps in reducing vicious conduct that happen during investigation. Research ethics also assist in gathering data which is ethical and using this data in the investigation does not create any problem. Some of the research ethics which are obeyed in the current investigation are as:

  • Credibility:The foremost ethic which is to be obeyed is credibility. In this researcher should provide credit to all those investigator, author or researcher whose data is used for the investigation. This helps them to carry the investigation in fair and transparent manner. The credit is given by citing the source in the investigation. This also help the reader of the study to know the perception of other investigator on the topic (Azungah, 2018).
  • Confidentiality:Another principle which need to be followed is securing and protecting any personal information while using the secondary data. This is because it helps them to safeguard the interest of others.

3.9 Research Limitation:

Research limitation is those hurdle which are being faced while carrying the research. In the current investigation the foremost limitation which is faced is lack of knowledge about the topic. This creates problem in developing smart aim and objective for the study (Kennedy, 2019). Another limitation which is faced is lack of time management approach. This create problem in executing each and every activity of the investigation in given time period. There are limited resource as well to gather information as only secondary data is used for the investigation.


4.1 Concept and Importance of Sustainability Within Hospitality Industry

As per the information generated in the section of literature review, it is determined that sustainability is one of the practices that hold great importance in the hospitality industry. It is the holistic approach which includes economic, ecological and social dimensions. The meaning of sustainability is achieving the requirements and needs without making any compromise with the abilities of future generations (Linneberg, Madsen and Nielsen, 2019). It is identified that there are three significant pillars of the sustainability which include economic, social and environmental. It is defined as profit, planet and people (Della Volpi and Paulino, 2018). As per the hospitality industry, it is identified that sustainability is very important for them because it helps them in conducting their business operations without creating negative impact over environment and society. With the help of sustainability, hospitality tries to create positive implication over customer experience. It directly assists in creating great customer satisfaction and better loyalty. It is quite good for several hotels and resorts operating under hospitality industry. When hotels adopt sustainability practices then it helps them to decrease the cost and decrease the amount of wastage by the hotel.

When an organisation invests in sustainable practices, it assists them to achieve environmental objectives and creates great relationships with the public. In simpler words, with the help of sustainable practices hotel build trust among customers and engage them with the offered services. It is determined that hospitality industry is majorly dependent over the number of customers and they are continuously putting efforts to engage and retain large number of customers (Shurrab, Hussain and Khan, 2019). People get attracted towards those hotels which are following sustainable practices in their business operations and functions. Customers have become quite cautious towards the environment and they are very aware about the fact that hotels are using natural resources and create negative impact over the environment. So, sustainability is one of the terms which assist in attaining societal objectives such as social, economic and environmental dimension. It facilitates in developing the whole industry and directly creates positive impact over improving the performance as well as productivity. Sustainability plays great role as it helps in reducing the damage to environment and society by hospitality industry (Roxas, Rivera and Gutierrez, 2020). The success of hospitality industry directly depends over the efforts they are putting for protecting the environment and society. It is also determined in the literature review that hospitality industry is taking help of social media marketing to promote the strategies they are using to keep their business operations and functions sustainable. Companies are showing customers how they are contributing creating sustainability in the hotel. With the help of social media, they are grabbing attention of the customers and influencing them to book their hotels. So, with the help of social media marketing hotels put photos and videos to make their existing and potential customers familiar aware about their eco-friendly steps in carrying out the business functions and operations (Kim, Barber and Kim, 2019). Therefore, sustainability is the term which is directly linked with the success and development of the hotel along with creating positive impact over environment and the whole society.

Sustainability is considered as the process which is related with meeting needs and demands of future and at same time no compromise could be seen by future generation in using natural resources. Sustainability accommodates different natural resources such as social, economic, environmental as these are helpful in creating healthy working environment. These practices help in maintaining and controlling work life balance so that productivity in overall manner can be increased. In the context of hospitality industry, sustainability is one of the major measure which helps the industry to acquire different dimensions such as social, environmental, community and different others. This helps the industry to change its traditional processes and attract more customers towards their products and services. Sustainability supports the industry to make balance between three resources such as social, environmental and economic so that overall growth opportunities can be undertaken. Using such measures healthy environment can be created within the organisation which leads in minimising negative implication.

Sustainability is dependent upon upgrading environment concern so that economy can be developed and at the same time natural resources can be used to its maximum. Sustainability draws positive impact over the customers in which their experience for hospitality can also be improved. Using such measures needs of customers can be fulfilled and in the same manner customer satisfaction can be increased. Sustainability is the useful measure so that to increase brand image and market reputation so that by these positive implications potential customers can also be increased. By understanding current market trends customer prefers to use services of such businesses those are using sustainable business practices. These practices reduce negative implications over the industry in which natural resources can be preserved for longer time duration.

4.2 Sustainable Practices Adopted by UK Hospitality Industry and Their Impact Over Improving Business Productivity and Performance

As per the gathered information using literature review this can be summarised that sustainable practices are considered as the processes which are helpful in taking care of environment and managing business functions as well. These practices help in supporting the human, ecological and economic health of the nation and society. In context of hospitality industry there are different measures which are being followed within the organisation such as:

The company is using local food products and restaurants in which local shops are promoted. This will encourage the people and guests to make their own decision regarding purchase. The organisations are also promoting eco-tourism so that natural aspects can be upgraded. The organisation is also emphasised over developing water plant so that environment protection can be provided. These sustainable measures are helping UK hospitality industry to improvise their productivity and performance. These measures help in increasing guest satisfaction in which the organisation may improvise overall profits. Using such measures future growth opportunities can also be increased in which overall experience can also be increased. Hospitality industry is also developing renewable energy sources so that minimal natural resources can be wasted. These methods are reliable in nature and would create optimal future benefits for the industry and customers as well. Energy conservation is another sustainable measure which is being used by the hospitality industry.

This practice helps the industry to earn higher profits and to deal with needs and demands of their customers. Waste efficiency is another sustainable practice which helps the hospitality industry to optimise use of natural resources and to gain attention of their customers. These measures are helpful for the industry to manage needs of their customers and to gain edge into competitive market. Water is one of the most useful scarce resources and there is no substitute for water. So that the industry is also using measures for water conservation so that negative implication over the environment can be prevented. Within hospitality industry water plays essential role as water is the amenity which is used by every guest. So that with the help of such measures wise decisions regarding business existence can be taken by the hospitality industry. Energy conservation is used in a manner that overall efficiency and productivity can be increased.

The another measure is related with choosing of food material with keeping in mind the decision of managing sustainability. Food materials are highly consumed within hospitality industry and by involving sustainability in such area positive decisions can be taken. This will create higher value for the organisation in terms of customer attention and business viability. It helps to change the operation system and customers health and care and increasing their experience towards the hotel. These measures support the industry to manage environmental value and develop their growth opportunities as well.

4.3 Benefits Gained by UK Hospitality Industry Through Adopting Sustainability in Their Several Business Operations.

It has been discussed in the above literature review that UK hospitality industry would prove to be helpful for the environment for maintaining the stability and sustainability in various business activities and operations being carried out by them. There are many benefits which a company is enjoying due to such practices in long run. It would also help to render training to employees which would help them to understand and take in account ways which are going to assist in methods such as saving energy, eliminating ways which would be contributing in elimination of unwanted wastage. There are many advantages which are being taken into account which would help business to run more efficiently and effectively as well. Sustainability would be helping the industry to work in a way on environmental, social grounds (Alnawas and Hemsley-Brown, 2019). Hospitality industry in UK has contributed in certain ways such as finding best possible methods for carrying out ways which would help the companies to adapt cost effective approaches. The funds which would be saved in the process could be used for further development and that would also contribute in various areas such as elimination of expenses which would hinder the growth and expansion of business enterprise in the environment. It has also been noticed and observed that the hospitability industry is covering larger areas of companies working and functioning in the economic environment. It would also help in increasing productivity and profitability in the industry which would prove to be advantageous in the long run.

It would help in developing a strong brand image of the business in long run, carry and choose innovative ideas for understanding what could be done and how could be done as well. The hospitality industry helps to find ways which would prove to be beneficial and fruitful for the organisation. There are many opportunities which are being provided by the business to workers such as contribute in their growth and development as a person and professional areas as well. The business would be helping to find solutions for the unpredictable issues well in advance such that it won't be affecting the working of business on larger scale and would prove to be fruitful for the company and hospitality sector as well. From the above carried literature review it is also being fund that every area covered in hospitality sector by managers and workers would be generating demand which must be fulfilled on due time such that it would be helping them to cover unwanted losses and issues. Sustainability is a measure which serve as a competitive advantage over others already competing and working in the environment as it would help to understand what is being expected and what is being rendered by the business to its linked customers and users and how they can improve their performance in given time frame (Xuhua and et. al., 2019). The business would help to understand ways which would be contributing in understanding where the business is lacking and lagging behind and which measures would help the company to overcome such measures.


5.1 Conclusion

It is concluded from the above gathered information that sustainability plays a very important role in the hospitality industry because it helps in managing the operations of the business in an effective manner. Sustainability generally help in conserving the resources, energy, reducing the cost and extra expenses, using the organic amenities in order to manage the productivity and performance of the business organisation in a proper manner. It mainly helps in creating a healthy and positive working environment for employees so that they work with high efficiency and effectiveness. It also helps in maintaining strong relation with the public because they are ultimate consumes that avail the services of the hotel at the time of stay within their spacious and well maintained rooms. Sustainability is the most important factor within the hospitality industry that help in maintaining the work life balance of workers and this results in gaining high productivity in the business market. It helps on changing the overall process of directing the functions involved in an organisation for providing better services to the customers and in satisfying them in an efficient manner. Optimum utilisation of resources impacts the performance and growth of the business organisation so that they develop the employee morale for working more deliberately.

With the help of sustainability the business organisation can improve their services towards customers and this helps in increasing the experience of customers so that achieve the predetermined objectives more appropriately. It generally creates a positive impact on the customers towards receiving the services and products of the hotel in a better way. Sustainability helps in utlising all the business resources in a proper manner and this result in optimum utilisation of electricity, water and goods so that they use in an appropriate in order to reduce waste. With the use green technology the business can manage its operations in a cost effective manner and this results in achieving high growth and success in the competitive hospitality industry in providing best services to customers. This whole process also helps in improving the overall experience of guests because sustainability helps in minimising the waste of resources, time and energy. Sustainable practices help in improving the overall image of the brand of an organisation which results in increasing the profitability of the business in the market. The hospitality industry also gains several benefits with the help of sustainability within the business organization. The main benefit gained by business organisation with the help of sustainability is that it helps in reducing the waste materials in order to save extra cost of the business. This helps in attracting more number of customers towards availing the services of the hotel and in increasing the overall growth and profitability within hospitality industry. This also helps in improving the performance of employees so that provide best and effective services to customers while staying within the hotel for their peaceful stay. It is also been evaluated from the gathered information that suitability is said to be the main concept for the hospitality industry. As it is known to conserve the energy which can be done by training the employees which tend to reduce the energy use.

Companies in the hospitality sector have various opportunities to limit the level of wastage. Further it can also be said that a successful hospitality mainly depends upon the culture and natural attraction since it tends to help to attract more customers towards the hotel. It also supports to reduce the harmful impact in the hospitality industry. It can be said that it aids in bringing more benefits to industry. With the help of using various sustainable practises the company will be able to provide many activities on social and natural environment. Along with it, it also supports to keep the customers satisfied and increasing their experience towards the hotel. That is why the sustainability helps the industry by changing the overall process and activity of the industry.After the impact of Covid-19, the economy is required to make a comeback in relation to all the industries. It is a known fact that hospitality industry mainly depends upon the global ecosystem. Sustainability also helps in building a strong and positive image of the hotel brand in the mind of customers and this result in increasing the value of the hotel and its reputation in the competitive hospitality industry.

According to the information above, it can be said that the sustainability is one of the main necessities for the companies and modern world. For that companies are required to have proper strategy which can be measured by monitoring the journey of sustainability. And in that business plays an essential role in the sustainable development and in hotel sector considers appropriateness to be its central idea. As it is well known, staff can be trained to consume less energy, which can help conserve resources. There are several ways for businesses in the hospitality industry to reduce waste. Furthermore, as they tend to draw more guests to the hotel, it can also be claimed that a thriving hospitality industry heavily depends on the local culture and natural attractions. Additionally, it helps to lessen the negative effects on the hospitality sector. It can also be said that with the help of numerous sustainable practices, the organization will be able to offer a variety of activities on social and environmental settings. Additionally, it enhances guests' perceptions of the hotel and contributes to the maintenance of customer satisfaction. Because of this, sustainability helps the sector by changing the overall processes and activities of the industry. Following the effects of COVID-19, the economy must recover across all sectors.

The importance of the global ecosystem to the hospitality industry is widely acknowledged. Businesses demonstrate to the customers how they contribute to the sustainability of the hotel. They are attracting clients' attention on social media and persuading them to reserve their hotels. In that process hotels use social media marketing to increase awareness of their eco-friendly practices among current and potential clients by posting pictures and videos of their daily operations. As a result, the concept of sustainability has a direct bearing on the growth and prosperity of a hotel as well as having a favorable effect on the environment and society as a whole. Hotels are known to use sustainable practices which can save expenses and waste while boosting the level of productivity. A corporation can achieve its environmental objectives and develop close relationships with others when it invests in sustainable practices. Simply said, a hotel can use sustainable business practices to gain more client's confidence and interest in its services. Since it has been established that the hospitality industry is greatly reliant on the number of customers continual efforts are made to draw in and retain a substantial number of customers.

5.2 Recommendations

As per the above information it can be summarized that sustainability is a complex idea and a constant effort. In addition to taking these factors into consideration, the holistic approach recognizes their interdependence. The definition of sustainability is being able to fulfil one's own needs and desires without compromising the abilities of present or future generations. Environmental, economic, and social sustainability serve as its three fundamental pillars. For people, money, and the environment, it is slang. For the hotel sector, sustainable practices are said to be crucial as it helps to enhance the client experience. By encouraging greater consumer loyalty and client happiness, this benefits the hotel sector. One may save money by cutting out on extra and unnecessary spending. There are various ways which can be used to enhance the sustainable practices and its impact on the business to enhance the productivity and performance which are listed below-

  • Respective company must integrate the sustainability into the business model of the company and the employeesmust be educate about sustainable practises so that better coordination must be built in the company.
  • The company is required to reduce its energy usage that can be done by using energy efficient appliances. One of the best recommendations is to encourage employees to speak in relation to the sustainablepractices by keeping lines of communication open with them. Productivity levels at the company typically rise because employees feel valued despite any potential difficulties. They will also be able to discuss with management the extent of employee on critical processes that has already taken place in the company.
  • As it can be said that sustainability is not a choice but it is a necessity which must be supported by all the companies. For that recycling is one of the best ways to promote the level of suitability and the company make use of efficient waste management which is crucial for encouraging sustainability and minimising environmental damage for the society.
  • The selected organisation must ensure that management more strategically and effectively assigns sustainable work to employees. The right tasks must also be assigned to the right people at the right levels in order to optimise better level of productivity in the company.
  • High levels of cooperation are also necessary at work in order to promptly exchange information and address issues that could risk stakeholders, infrastructures, resources, and the growth of the organisation. The staff members must also obtain education by providing them with access to training and awareness programmes. Senior management can keep an eye on their job and provide the right guidance for the tasks.
  • The selected company must set performance criteria because training and development will help to boost the employees' capabilities. As a result of such improvement, each person is typically able to build their own skills. To control benchmarks and raise profit levels, the organisation develops specialised knowledge and skills.
  • As the employee feedback is said to be one of the greatest ways to gather data because it will reduce the probability of misconceptions during the new training process. Such collaboration will enable the chosen organisation to achieve its operational goal in decided time.


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