
Understand Reflection Through Gibbs Reflective Model

University: Mont Rose College

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2141
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 4958
Question :

Reflection is the process of paying attention to the own thoughts, decisions, and emotions. This unit is going to cover reflection through Gibbs reflective model. It will include the following-

  • Introduction to the reflective journal.
  • Personal feelings and thoughts about clinical practice issues.
  • Logical order of ideas.
Answer :

What Happened?

There are different issues in clinical practice which are identified by me such as mishandling, communication with superior, reporting, deficient practical skills, etc. All these are main issues during the nursing practices. Mishandling: I encounter a few challenges and issues in handling with a clinical learning atmosphere and in interaction with patients, departmental and instructor personnel. Besides this, I had very much interactions and connection with the instructors and consider that the mode an doctor treats a patients. It effects is view to clinical learning situation (Borders, 2014).

Communication with superior: It is another issue which is identified by me in during the nursing practices. In this, I have lack of confidence while communicating with my superior, tutor regarding the nursing practices. In involving in this study became overwhelmed and distressed in dealing within unique experience and occurrence within the environmental learning of clinic. As per the student perspective, giving care for service user is stressful to them.

Reporting: It is another issue which is face by me in reporting with my superiors about the treatment process and many other activities. I had experienced discrimination issue which is divided into various parts. I am whining regarding a level of discriminatory behaviour and activity and seeing at the beside that irritated me. In this I said “The head nurse of the department explain about to stand up and exist the nursing place whenever we go there and desire us to let medical scholar and students sit on chairs (Gunn and Taylor, 2014).”

Deficient practical skills: It is another main issue which effect on the health and safety of patients and staff member. Clinical environment is more suitable for learning skills and knowledge required to tending for patients. In this regard , I had different difficulties in working and performing process in few conditions, due to lack of required skills.

What was I doing/ involved in? When? Where?

In order to analysed and present this I prefer a Gibbs reflective cycle which has different points that are determined as under:

Description: In during the practices of nursing I identified different issue like discrimination, stress, deficient practical skills and many other (Ready and Veague, 2014). All these are effects on my learning skills which is not good for me to provide proper care to the patients.

In order to analyzed and present this I prefer a Gibbs reflective cycle which has different points that are determined as under:

Description: In during the practices of nursing I identified different issue like discrimination, stress, deficient practical skills and many other (Ready and Veague, 2014). All these are effects on my learning skills which is not good for me to provide proper care to the patients.

Feeling: According to the stress issue I feel low confidence and lack of knowledge about the work in the medical sector. It highly effects on emotion and motivation level which is not effective for me to deal with difficult situation easily.

Evaluation: In this nursing practice I had bad and good experience. In this good experience of my is coordination and higher level of motivation which is provided by my senior manager. Thus, it help me to overcome all issues and problems in an effective and efficient manner. On the other hand bad experience was, large number of the student are not contribute their full efforts in this practices that hinder on my work and performance (Richards and Bergin, 2014).

Analysis: I am capable to analysis different difficult situation and their solution also. In this I prepared various plan which help me to effective deal with complex situation in an easy manner. Another contribution of my in such situation is to use different kind of digital tools related to the medical equipments such as, CT-SCAN, MRI machine and many other.

Conclusion: From the above mentioned information I could play different role and responsibility in dealing with some difficult situation in an easy and effective manner. In this I was used different kind of communication channel that help me to provide all information and data to the patients in an accurate and effective way (Richards and Bergin, 2014).

Action plan: In future, this difficulties is again arise then I will apply many other concepts such as to provide accurate care related to the patient health in an accurate and proper manner.

What did you observe?

In this I feel in nursing practice is that there are different patients are come having different problems so in which I am not able to solve all issue in an accurate manner. I am also feel that some patients are ask various question about the medicine, treatment process and many other that irritate me. In this I organise released planning with the patients which is good and essential in handing all conditions in an accurate and proper manner. I face various issue such as low confidence, lack of communication and many other. All these are effects on my learning and skills. So that I am not able to able to solve all problems in a proper and exert manner. Beside this, behaviour of some patients are not good so I can try to provide best facilities to the as per their needs in the hotel. Along with this, I will provide few services to the patients so that they are happily collect all information and data in an proper manner. A medication fault is a failure in the process of treatment that leads to, and has the possible to lead to, damage to the service user. Errors related to medication can happen in deciding which dosage regimen and medicine to use. There are some errors which are observed by me such as wrong dose, route, duration and frequency. Another error is over use of danger drugs such as prednisone, Chemotherapy Drugs, prescription medication, Statins for Cholesterol Reduction, ADD/ADHD Medication, Blood Thinners, Prozac, Pain Killers, Diabetes Drugs etc. Avoiding medication errors is essential in balanced prescribing, which is the apply of a medicine that is proper to the patient's situation and, within the time limits developed by the uncertainty or precariousness that go to therapeutic decisions, in a dose regimen that best the balance of advantages to harm.

In symmetrical prescribing the chemical mechanism of activity of the drug should be joined to the pathophysiology of the simplicity. In the practices of nursing, I see that large number of the person are in take that medicine on regular basis. It effects on its body and health in a direct and negative manner. It is one of the main issue which kill human being in the environment. In order to overcome such issue I am provide my full contribution in organising health related classes to the suffered patients. Beside this I was doing to apply different techniques to solve such issue when patients are need more. In this my main attention in order to control drugster who are eat this on daily basis.

There are different dangerous Drugs such as prescription medication, prednisone, Chemotherapy Drugs, Statins for Cholesterol Reduction, Blood Thinners, Prozac, ADD/ADHD Medication, Pain Killers, Diabetes Drugs, Arthritis Drugs and Beta Blockers. In a Nursing practices I observed large number of the person are use prescription medication which is a part of its daily life in across the world (Ten Most Dangerous Prescription Drugs. 2018). These drugs can serve harmful and negative impacts equal to different illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. I am also observed that chemotherapy drugs such as methotrexate are really poisons that are ordained to kill cancer cell in the human body. In this health risk is highly associated through such drugs such as fetal death, congenital abnormalities, kidney toxicity, lung disease liver toxicity and suppressed immune system.

What seems significant to pay attention to?

One of the main issues is dangerous drugs that effect an individual life. It is my pay attention to solve this so I follow Drugs & Poisons Regulations 2014 in these boundaries are fix up in the Poisons, Drugs and Controlled Substances Act 1981 and Regulations 2014. The department train business and health professional on the lawful holding, prescribing and provide of chemicals and medicines. It also controls and acts on non-compliance (Medicines and Poisons Regulations act, 2018). This act is more beneficial and essential for me in during the nursing practices because with the help of this act I am easily inform the patients about the dangers and harmful effects of drugs.

There are different strategies are used to solve above discussed all issue in a proper and effective way. Some strategies are determined as under:

Communicate properly: It is one of the best strategy which is apply be me in order to communicate all information and data about the medical to the patients and many other staff. Thus it help in dealing within difficult and conflict situation in an easy manner (Moore, 2014). It is most beneficial and essential for me to reduce conflict and misunderstanding in an accurate manner.

Applying digitalisation: It is another important and valuable tool which is used by me to implement different kind of machinery such as CT-SCAN, MRI machine, catheter, Nebulizers, Syringe and many other.

Provide free advertisement: This strategy is also applied by me in order to provide free advertisement related to the some heal related issue to the people who are not aware about the diseases. It help the person to aware regarding the health issue.

Give free services: It is also followed by me to provide free service to the poor people who are not able to go in hospital and achieve some services. It is one of the best and effective strategy which help the patients to happily deal with difficult situation in a proper manner (Moore, 2014).

All this are main issue which effects on my working practices in a direct manner. In the hospital main issue is workplace conflict, in order to solve such issue I am play vital and effective role by applying different kind of communication channels and motivational theory. Thus all these are I support me to reduce such issue easily at workplace. As a above information I will find out different issue such as impacts of dangers drugs. In order to overcome such problem I take mu full contribution in providing better services and facilities to the patients.

A reflective journals is identify as a personal record of people's learning experiences. It is a kind of space where a learner can rearrange and reflect upon their responses and observations to situation. It can be used to explore and evaluate different ways of thinking. This report is based on medical clinic located in Australia where I am working as a practising nurse. There are various objectives which is posses by me to achieve better understanding of an advanced level of nursing practice.


From the above mentioned report, it has been concluded that heal and care of the patient is more essential and important. In the nursing practice, as a student different roles roles and responsibility such as to provide effective services to the patients and give feedback from the user about the business services.


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