
Equality and Diversity is Important in Working of an Organisation


  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3243
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 732
Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Conduct research methodology which integrates knowledge in to the research process.
  • Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen business research project.
  • Generate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.
  • Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.


Answer :
Organization Selected : Aston Martin


Background of research

Equality and diversity play important role in organisation as it provide equal opportunity to each and every individual person working within business firm. In addition to this, it also results in creating positive working environment as well as equal and fair job opportunities. This report is based on Aston Martin which is part of Automobile manufacturing and luxury goods company. It was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford. Headquarter of respective company is located at Gaydon, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom as well as serving at worldwide level. This research is based on topic “To investigate how Aston Martin responded to current issues of equality & diversity such as Gender pay gap within the workplace”.

Research Aims

“To investigate how Aston Martin responded to current issues of equality & diversity such as Gender pay gap within the workplace”. A study on Aston Martin.

Research Objectives

To determine the concept of equality and diversity practices within workplace.

To identify problems develop from gender pay gap within Aston Martin.

To analyse different ways through which HR manager of Aston Martin resolve issues like gender pay gap.

Research Question

What is the concept of equality and diversity practices within workplace?

What are the problems develop from gender pay gap within Aston Martin?

What are the different ways through which HR manager of Aston Martin resolve issues like gender pay gap?

Purpose and scope of research

The aid of conducting this research is to find out different ways by that equality and diversity will maintain in organisation as well as problems related to gender gap will resolve. The scope of the study is that it will help Aston Martin in maintaining equality and diversity within business firm.

Rationale for selection of topic

Main reason behind selecting this specific topic is to provide vast growth as well as opportunity to automotive company by which they can grow effectively and efficiently. In addition to this, it also provides assistance to scholars in enhancing their knowledge on automobile and luxury goods as well as related to the topic. This will also help these scholars in getting jobs in the same sector in future after completion of their studies.

Research Time Line

-Gantt Chart It is tool developed by Henry L. Gantt in 1917 by American engineer and social scientist. Gantt Chart is horizontal bar chart which was developed with motive of production control. Moreover, this tool frequently utilise in project management as it is graphical illustration of schedule which assist to plan, coordinate and also for tracking specific task in project. Gantt Chart is constructed with horizontal axis which represent total time span of task or project as well as vertical axis shows task which make up the project. Horizontal bars of varying lengths represent the sequences, timing, and time span for each task.

Work breakdown Structure

- Dividing complex projects within simpler as well as manageable tasks is the procedure known as Work Breakdown structure. In addition to this, project manager utilised this method for simplifying project execution. Within Work breakdown structure larger projector task has been broken down within manageable chunks of work so that it will easily supervised as well as estimated. Best thing of Work breakdown structure is that its not restricted to specify filed when it comes to application. As it can be implement for any type of project management.


The concept of equality and diversity practices within workplace.

As per the view point of Klein, 2016 it has been identified that equality and diversity play important role in business firm as it assist in providing equal opportunities to the personnel's. By implementing such practices of equality and diversity within workplace it result in enhancing efficiency of staff members within workplace. Along with this, they feel motivated when equal opportunities are provided to them and also diversified working environment. Thus, in simple term it can be said that everyone in company will have equal opportunities as well as rights. Whereas if talking about diversity practices, it has been said that it is highly associated with human rights & opportunities.

Problems develop from gender pay gap within Aston Martin

On the basis of thought of Cardoso, Guimarães and Portugal, 2016, it is said that there are different issues create from the unjustifiable sexual orientation pay hole which influence the entire execution of the organization. In this respects it has likewise been distinguished a portion of the issues which impact the business usefulness in negative way. A portion of these issues incorporates demotivation, decline in general execution of staff individuals, uneasiness, disappointment, dis-fulfillment and some more. Every one of these elements emerge inside the working environment because of inconsistent sexual orientation pay framework. This accordingly make negative condition inside the work environment which influences the entire execution of individual just as association all in all. In this manner, it is basic to consider every one of the issues in a fitting way with the goal that positive results will be created.

Different ways through which HR manager of Aston Martin resolve issues like gender pay gap.

As per the thought of Van der Vleuten, 2016, it has been said that there are different techniques with the assistance of which issues, for example, sex pay hole. There are different systems utilized by Human asset chief which help in settling issues emerge inside the working environment. Supervisory group embrace techniques, for example, customary premise coaching program, advancement and profession movement, reasonable contracting rehearses and a lot more which impact the exhibition of staff individuals in a viable way. Every one of these techniques help in settling issues emerge inside the association because of sex pay hole with the goal that positive result will be created in a powerful way.


Research methodology is important part of entire research project as it help in collecting information as well as data for purpose of making business decision. It may involve publication research, surveys, interviews as well as several other research techniques and also involve both current and historical information.

Research design

Research Design is a particular method which utilised by researcher for gathering and collecting commerce exam in as well as interpreter information in relation to selected issue or problem. In case of research design, there are various approaches which includes descriptive, exploratory and experimental. In the present research, investigator use descriptive design so that they will be able to conduct the whole research in an effective manner and get authentic information. With the assistant of this type of research design, investigator enhance it's knowledge along with reader. There are three methods with the help of which researcher can accomplish it's task these are case study, survey and observation. In the present research, investigator adopts survey method for gathering information in order to accomplish the research. For this, researchers collect data through questionnaire.

Data collection

There are two type of data collection method i.e., primary and secondary methods. Both utilise for gathering authentic information or data. Explanation of these are as follows

Primary data

- Primary data is conducted by researcher in order to gather authentic information. It is type of first hand data which has been never utilised or published in any books, journals etc.. There are several sources of collecting or gathering primary data such as questionnaires, interviews, online survey and many more. Through this data collection tool researcher will be able to gathering authentic

Secondary data

Another method of data collection is secondary, it involve information and data which has been published before. There are several sources of gathering secondary data such as television, newspaper, articles, journals, books and many more.

In the present research, both primary as well as secondary method is used for collecting data. For this, questionnaires, articles and journals are used by researcher. As these both methods will provide assistance to researcher in completing research within effective manner as well as help in coming out with better outcomes.

Research approaches

It refers to a research which develop a method for conducting research. Methodology aid in identifying different ways for gathering data with the help of which they can accomplish their goals and objectives effectively (Silverman, 2016). It refers to a systematic procedure used by researcher while conducting research. In order to gather and collect data researchers use two methods i.e. quantitative and qualitative research.

Qualitative Research

In qualitative research, investigatoruse open ended questions for collecting information. It is the kind of research which is based on observations of individuals. Main focus of this research is to examine various factors, beliefs and experience of individuals. In this, research collect data other than quantitative research.

Quantitative Research

- It refers to a type of research which is used by researcher in order to describe the characteristics of the population. In this, questions are close ended and data which is gathered are in numerical manner (Flick, 2015).

While conducting this research, investigator use qualitative method as it will aid in gaining knowledge related to a particular topic.

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Research Philosophy

There are two type of research philosophy i.e., positivism and interpretivism. Within this, positivism research philosophy utilise by researcher who re concerned about observing as well as predicting outcomes. On the other hand, interpretivism utilise by researcher who is concerned with collecting rich insights into subjective meanings than providing law-likes generalisations.

Sample Size

It is the total number of respondents used by researcher for gathering and examining required data. There are various methods which includes while collecting information which is random sampling techniques and non random sampling techniques. In the present research, random sampling method is adopted by researcher. On the other hand, respondents are 30 which aid in gathering authentic data.


It is an tool which utilise by researcher for gathering information and data from individuals.

In addition to this, it involve set of questions which are answered by respondents so that authentic data will be gathered in effective manner. It is one of the easiest method through which researcher can gather primary data and produce positive outcome.


Theme 1:

Are you aware with the concept of equality & diversity practices within workplace.

Interpretation -

It is important for conducting survey to identify that respondent are aware about the selected topic or not. After going through a bomb mention graphical presentation it has been analysed that most of the people are aware with the concept of equality and Diversity practices within workplace. Out of 30 respondents 20 are saying yes that they are aware about entire concept whereas remaining 10 I don't have any idea about equality and diversity in workplace.

Theme 2:

Major issues which developed within Aston Martin by gender pay gap

Interpretation -

There are several major issues develop within organisation by gender gap pay such as the demotivation, reducing overall performance and anxiety. Out of these three, one of the major issue which Aston Martin facing is demotivation as out of 30 respondents 15 are in favour of this. After this second issue is reduce overall performance within this 10 respondents are agree. Whereas, remaining 5 are taking about anxiety. Thus, Aston Martin Lagonda have to take care of all this issues because they have negative impact of working on it.

Theme 3:

Several ways by that HR manager of Aston Martin solve problem of gender pay gap

Interpretation -

There are several ways by that HR manager of Aston Martin solve problem of gender pay gap such as promotion and career progression, mentoring program and fair hiring practices. There were 30 respondents they are saying that all these are way through that Aston Martin can resolve their problem of gender pay gap. 10 are in favour of Promotion and career progression and remaining 20 was taking about mentoring program as well as fair hiring practices.

Theme 4:

Are you in the favour with argument that implementation of equality and diversity related practices within Aston Martin enhance efficiency of employees.

Interpretation -

After going through above mention graphical presentation it has been identified that implementation of equality and diversity related practices within Aston Martin enhance efficiency of employees. As out of 30 respondents 20 are agree with this whereas, remaining 10 are disagree. They mean that implementation of equality and diversity related practices within Aston Martin will not enhance efficiency of staff members.

Theme 5:

As per your view point, Aston Martin gain advantages with the assistance of implementing equality & diversity practices.


Through respective graphical presentation it has been identified that yes Aston Martin gains advantages with the assistance of implementing equality and diversity practices. As out of 30 respondents 25 are in favour of yes whereas, remaining 5 are saying that no respective organisation will not gain advantages by implementing equality and diversity practices.Thus,Aston Martin have to implement equality and diversity practices within their working as it is advantageous for them.

Theme 6:

The advantages that HR manager of Aston Martin will gain by implementing equality and diversity practices within their working


There are several advantages that HR manager of Aston Martin will gain by implementing equality and diversity practices within their working such as enhance brand image, raise profit ratio and increasing efficiency of staff members. After taking views of respondents it has been identified that major advantage which HR manager of respective organisation will gain is Enhanced brand image by implementing equality and diversity practices as out of 30 respondents 15 are in favour of this. Apart from this second major advantage is increasing efficiency of staff members as 9 respondents are in favour of this. Whereas, remaining 6 was taking about raising profit ratio.

Theme 7:

Management team of Aston Martin gain positive benefits at the competitive marketplace


Through above mention graphical presentation it has been identified that advantages that HR manager of Aston Martin will gain by implementing equality and diversity practices within their working. As out of 30 respondents 20 are in the favour of this. Whereas, remaining 10 respondents are taking about that respective organisation management team will not gain positive advantages of competitive market place.



After doing research in an impressive way several suggestions are given to the management team of Aston Martin. Below mention suggestions help managers of respective organisation in getting positive outcomes why their effective implementations. Some of them are as follows :-

First commendation is that management team of company e need to follow code of conduct in proper manner because it results in creating positive working environment within workplace. In addition to this it will help in motivating staff member by giving them equal rights as a right as well as a opportunity.

Along with this manager required to implement all the practices related to equality and diversity in ethical and effective way. So that, every staff member will feel safe as well as motivated while conducting their day to day activities. Along with this manager have to develop Strategies and policies as per the equality and Diversity practices so that positive outcome will be gained.

Furthermore, it has been suggested to the manager that they have to provide training and development session on continuous basis to their staff members for enhancing efficiency as well as for getting various possibilities at both personal and professional level. This will provide assistance in retaining potential staff members for long duration within workplace.


While conducting entire search it has been observed by me that there are several issues which arise as well as affect entire investigation. For conducting whole research in proper manner I have developed aims and objective that assist me in conducting whole research effectively. Apart from this it has been observed by me that my communication skill is not effective which identified while collecting data and information from respondents. But through conducting this research I gain deep knowledge about quality and diversity through this in future I can conduct for the more discussion. I have to work on my communication skill because it will provide me various opportunities in future.


After going through above discussion it has been summarised that equality and Diversity play essential role in working of an organisation. As it help in retaining staff member for long duration within organisation. But there are several issues which company face while implementing equality and Diversity practices so it is necessary for company to focus on this.

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