
Hospitality Operation Management Technician

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3822
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: LT6017GN
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Question :

Some of the main questions are like:

  • Provide all the recommendations which are given for the food production and service system.
  • Evalaute all the diverse menu planning with costing and the hospitality planning and functions in the Marriott hotel in London.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marriott Hotel London


The specialist Hospitality operation management technician is manger with a professional quality in the Food and Beverage industry, they are responsible for the control and coordinates activities in the hotel sections which is related to the floors, rooms, reception, laundry services and event organization and sales guaranteeing etc.

This report will study about the food & services on the Marriott Hotel London. Which is located in the 140 park and this hotel is run by the Marriott Hotel group. This hotel is having more than 150 rooms, and they are famous in London UK.

This report will analysis the synthesis and creativity of the food production and & beverage services system and it will also analysis the role and responsibility of the F&B manger. This report will also identify the factors which affect the pricing of the menu within the F&B. In the end of this report will explain the menu planning consideration and constraints within the Food and beverage operation of the Marriott Hotel F&B operations.

Food Production Creative System

It is important for the Marriott hotel to bring new creativity in their food production which can attract people to come and take meal in their Hotel. For the creativity in the food production they can follow new trends of this industry which can attract customers and fulfill their demand (Aragon-Correa, Martin-Tapia and de la Torre-Ruiz., 2015). There are some new trends in the industry which can be profitable of the Marriott hotel.

Silver Plate:

In this type of service waiter transfer the food from their container to the dish plates of the consumers. They transfer the food always from the left side. It is being performed by waiters by making use of forks and spoons.

English Service:

This type of service is being done in private dining rooms where wait serves guest from a large dish. They start serving from the host who have hosted the party.

Cart Service:

A serving cart is a kind of smaller food cart. It is typically used by restaurants to deliver or display food. Serving carts are also used in households.

Snack bar Service:

This counter consists of beverage and snack that can be served in restaurant. Snacks are being served usually at counter, consumer can take snacks whatever they wish to have.

Cafeteria Service:

In this type of service, consumer select food from the open counter. Wide variety is being provide to them.


In this consumer need to get food by themselves, no waiter will give customer the food.

Assisted Service:

 In this guest comes into dining room and take plate by themselves and also serve the food through buffet.

Russian Service:

In this food is being served to guests with the help of portions ion dining table.

Green Food:

Nowadays people are health cost, and they like to eat food which is good for their body. Marriott hotel can follow this green food trend because it can attract many customers in their restaurant, and they can also present this in better way like they can parent their food in creative ways and green food also look like luxury food, so they can earn better profit if they bring this trend in their Hotel.

Quality Services:

Most of the customers attract with the services they are getting the hotel so it Marriott hotel employees so give fast services to their customers, so they can be satisfied and company can gain customers loyalty. If they are providing a quality food to the customers, but they are taking time in serve the food and other things then it can disappoint the customer and it will affect negatively on the customers mind set so it is impotent for the Marriott hotel employees to provide quality services to their customers (Baum., 2019). They should give training to the employees, so they can develop their skills more, and they can better in their performance. Tr4aining will increase their performance, and they will provide services to their customers on time.

Fast Food:

Most of the customers choose fast food because it is tasty. This also a Trent because many people like to eat oily food. In the restaurants and hotels people come from the different areas and countries, and they demand for the fast food. It can be profitable for Marriott hotel it they follow this trend, it will attract tourist and other customers who like to eat fast food. Company can achieve high growth, and they can take competitive advantages in the Food and Beverage industry and they can show their presence in this industry.

Food and Beverage services sectors contributes the great deal to the Marriott Hotel, and they this help this hotel to make high profit in their business (Chan and Hsu., 2016). Marriott Hotel is providing F&B services in their hotel and it is impotent for the hotel to follow the trend and bring some innovation in their restaurant, so they can provide better quality food and this will satisfy their needs and demand of the customers.

Food and Beverage Services:

F&B services can be defined as a process of the preparing, serving and presenting the food to the customers. F&B services are mainly two types which is following-

On Premise:

In the on premise food deliver to the place where it is prepared. The customers visit the place where food services are available. This types of premises are kept well-equipped and well finished to attract customers top avail to F&B services. Marriott Hotel also provide on premise services to their customers who visit in the hotel and their F&B services attract the customers to stay in the hotel and this is main source of the hotel to gain profitability. They are providing services such as veg and non- veg food both and this is attracting many customers.

Off Premise or Outdoor Catering:

This kind of service includes partial cooking, preparation, and service at customer's premises (Filimonau and Naumova., 2019). It is provided away from the F&B Services provider's base on the occasion of major events which call for many customers.

Roles and Responsibility of Food and Beverage Manager

Food and Beverage Manager Roles and Responsibility

F&B mangers is specialist in forecasting of the hospitality and tourism they are responsible to controlling and planning the ordering of the F&B for the property of hospitality. They are also been manager of the finance, they decide all the process and how much financing business will take. This can include sourcing, transporting of the food and recruitment of the skillful staff in the restaurant.

Responsibility of the F&B Managers

  • F&B manger of the Marriott Hotel will responsible for the forecast (Gibson and Parkman., 2018), plan and execute food and beverage order.

  • They also process the complains of the customers and try to solve their quarry

  • They plan the alternative resapies for the customers which can attract customers, and they can earn profit mainly they plan for the dietary needs of the customers

  • they decide the supplier for their food related row material and according to that they place the order from the supplier when they need. They can change the supplier as well, if they well that they are not providing quality food or if they are getting row material in less prices.

  • They take the order from the customer and according to their customers order they provide food to the customers.

  • They plan all the design of the restaurant, and they also recruit skillful employees who can work with them and help them to achieve customers locality

  • after the recruitment of the employees , food and beverage manager provide them a training, so they can make them understand that how to gain customers loyalty and what will be their responsibility in the Hotel restaurant.

  • They also careful about the food shifty of the customers, and they have knowledge of all the legal rules for the customers heath shifty.

  • They also welcome the customer when they arrive and if customers have any quarry. They have to solve every customers quarry if they are interested in the restaurant or not they have to give answer of the question of which is asked by the customers.

  • They supervise the employees and record their performance, if any employees is not doing well then they have a rights to replace them with the other employees (Gursoy., 2018). They decide the duties of the employees.

  • They also track and order shipments.

Food and Beverage Manager Requirements and Qualifications

To become Food and beverage manager people need some qualification for this job because food and beverage manager of the hotel are responsible for the paining, controlling , recruitment of the staff and y many and most impotently they should have knowledge of this industry, and they also require proper qualification to become a Food and beverage mange. Here is requirement and qualification for the food and beverage mangers-

  • They should have almost 2 years of experience in this field, and they should have knowledge how they will mange all the activity in the restaurant and how they will recruit skill full employees in the restaurant of the hotel.
  • They should have knowledge about the current trends in the industry so the hotel can be up top date for their Food and beverage services.
  • Most important ability they should have is communication because they will responsible to handle customers and conflict in the workpolace (Gursoy., 2019). They should have effective communication skills, so they can handle this all with their effective communication skills.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills required for this post.
  • they should have knowledge of the team work because it is impotent for the every organization and field. Team work help to make relation in employees, and they can give their best to product good outcome for the restaurant.
  • Time management is also important skill which is required for this job. Food and beverage should have time management skills because they will be inspiration for the other, and they also have to provide fast services which can be only possible if they have time management skills.
  • Leadership quality are important for this job because they have to lead their own them, and they have to make aim of the business so employees can help them to achieve.
  • They will mange all the activity of the Food and beverage in the hotel, so they should have knowledge of the management.

Identification of the Factors Affecting Menu Pricing Within the Marriott Hotel

There are five major factors which can affect the menu pricing of Marriott Hotel. This can effect their probability of the hotel. It can effect hotel in both positive and negative ways so it is important for the Food and beverage manager of the hotel to know about these factors.

Tradition and culture: It also has a great contribution in developing the prices of food and beverage that is being served by hotel. In this the traditional dishes of the place where the hotel chain is being established can have high charges. They are also engaged in setting price of food according to the liking of product.

Seasonal availability: This factor also affects the price of food. Food which is available only in some season have the high price. Price can also be set up by likes and dislikes of individual.

Weather and Temperature

During the growing season all the crops affected because of the weather conditions. If the weather have conditions such as too hot, too, dry, too wet and too cold then crops cannot thrive. A shortage of the crops effect the Marriott Hotel menu pricing, and they have to increasing the price in the menu which can effect the customers, and they can avoid taking food from them, and they will prefer eating food at their home (Hassanien. and Dale., 2019). When a good growing season in a supply effect the menu and Food and beverage manager of the Marriott Hotel can decrease the prices because they will get crops in the low prices, and they can provide food in their hotel in low prices.

Pests and Disease

Weather factors such as the pest damage and the decease can destroy the crops and it wi8ll also affect on the menu pricing of the hotel because of the crop's shortage in the market (Ionel., 2016). Most of the time this factor affect the menu because they are having good reputation I n the market, and they cannot serve low quality food.

Transportation Cost

When the prices of the gas and oil increases then it cost more in the transportation of the food from firm to the plate. Marriott Hotel have to increase their prices of the food in the menu because of expanses in the transportation they have to change from the food, and they increase the prices of the food in the menu, so they can recover all the expanses of the transportation.

Labor Cost

Company must also take care of all workers which are working in company, as if labour cost increases it will also increase expenditure of firm. Food and beverage manager of the Marriott Hotel have to pay wages to the employees (Kuo, Chen and Tseng., 2017). Wages of the employees also they give from profitable, so they have to increase the prices of the food in their menu, so they can can give wages to them according to the labor rates.

Political Factor

some factors such as political factors also affect on the the Food and beverage industry. If government increase tax in their country then they have to increase the taxes in their food, and they have to make new menu for their hotel.

Economical Factor

there are some economical factors which can affect the Marriott Hotel menu pricing such as labor rates. There are various factors which can affect the production of food supply, like for example if labor rate increases then the cost pricing of food will also increase. This can occur as a loss to firm. It will increase their operational cost. Food and beverage manager of the Marriott Hotel have to pay wages to the employees. Wages of the employees also they give from profitable, so they have to increase the prices of the food in their menu, so they can give wages to them according to the labor rates.

Analyse the Menu Planning considerations and constraints within the Marriott Hotel

Ala carte Menu:

Hickory Nut Gap Sausage Sandwich, Aged cheddar, over easy egg, City Bakery croissant 9, Wild Mushroom + Egg White Omelet GF, Shitake + cremini mushrooms, gruyere, asparagus 7

Wine-Beverage Menu:

 Bud Light, Corona , Heineken are being served by Marriott hotel in wine beverage menu. They have set different prices in this.

Static Menu:

 In this type of menu, the lunch and dinner which will be served by Marriott hotel will be displayed.They have various varieties like grilled chicken, soup and many other.

Day Menu:

In this the dishes which will be served in day will be reflected on this. Consumers can select wide variety from it.

Desert Menu:

In this the prices of desert and variety of desert will be reflected upon. Guest can choose from it.

The Major Considerations and Considerations in Planning Menu

Importance of Menu Planning:

Its important to understand the basics before creating menu for the Marriott Hotel;

Guest of the Hotel:

It is impotent for the manger to understand that who they are and what they will eat and what they will prefer to eat in their hotel so it is necessary for them meet the needs and expatiation of the customers by considering their personal characteristics (Losekoot and Theresa., 2018). They have to understand the health issue of the customers, and they have to follow all the rules and regulation which is made by the government for the customers health and shifty related top the food and beverage. After analyzing all this they have to price the dishes according to what guest will be comfortable with and what they will prefer to eat in their hotel.

Production and Services Capability:

Size of the establishment

  • they have to see the size of the service area and kitchen it should be comfortable for the customer and staff both.
  • They have to see the cook which can fulfill the needs of the menu, and they should know all the dishes recopies given in the menu
  • They have to decide how many workers will work in the hotel restaurant (Papargyropoulou and, 2019), and they have to distribute them in the kitchen areas as a helping hand of the cook and other who will serve food to the customers

Skills of the Available Staff

  • They have to recruit employees and staff who have work in the industry, so they can use their experience in the Marriott Hotel
  • Cooking method are they family-er with
  • They have to see that how much can be dishes out at every services time
  • They have to recruit cooks who should have ability to make food according to requirement of the Marriott Hotel menu.

Available Tools and Equipment's for the Preparation and Services

  • Equipment should be available for the cook and staff, so they can make food and provide better services to the customers
  • The cook before Top bring those tool in the workplace, so they can prepare food for the customers, and they can provide services to the customers.
  • Equipment plays important role in the food industry and during the work this equipment can damage or broke, so they should have extra equipment in their hotel for the food service staff.

Food Budget:

Company also needs to prepare food budget in this they need to make sure Food and beverage manager requirements has been addressed to requirements of all employees working in company. Marriott Hotel have to study about spending of the people for the food and Beverages. It can be fielded according to the income of the prole in the London. Most of the prole who earn more they like to visit in hotels, and they take their food in the hotels but some people do not spent that much money on the restaurant and hotel food, so they have make menu which can be affordable for the middle class prole (Xu and Gursoy., 2015).

Time available for the presentation and services

  • they have to decide that how much time they will take to prepare the food and serve the food to the customer.
  • They have to decide that they are going to offer supper, morning breakfast or afternoon team for the gust who are staying in the Marriott Hotel.
  • How many hours will be allotted for preparation and cooking?
  • How many meals can the staff prepare and dish out

Availability of the Ingredients

food and beverage manager of the Marriott Hotel considers the availability of the ingredient which can be used in the recipes;

Market Locations

location of the Marriott Hotel can affect the guest

Ingredient Seasonality

Food and beverage industry should also make use of various special ingredients so that it can increase liking of the products and services. This will help company in increasing experience of consumers. Also it will support them in increasing goodwill of their food and beverage industry.

how much are the ingredients in your area (Van der Wagen and Goonetilleke., 2015). What is the range of prices from supplier to supplier they have to find supplier who can provide food row material in low price with good quality, so they can gain competitive advantages in market

Food Cost

Food and beverage manager of the Marriott Hotel have to study about spending of the people for the food and Beverages. It can be fielded according to the income of the prole in the London. Most of the prole who earn more they like to visit in hotels, and they take their food in the hotels but some people do not spent that much money on the restaurant and hotel food, so they have make menu which can be affordable for the middle class prole.

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As per the report has analyzed the synthesis and creativity of the food production and & beverage services system and it also has been analyzed the role and responsibility of the F&B manger. This report has been also identified the factors which affect the pricing of the menu within the F&B. In the end of this report has been explained the menu planing consideration and constraints withing the Food and beverage operation of the Marriott Hotel F&B operations.

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