
Knowledge Regarding Use of Substances in our Daily Life

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3065
  • Paper Type: Essay
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Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover following questions:

  1. What is the reason that people are addicted to drugs. Explain the same using current statistics?
  2. Why does most of people consider wine as a combination with pizza?
  3. Describe the punishments that is considered for the consumption of crime?
Answer :


Drugs the substances which are used by humans and it is changing human psychology when it is consumed. Drugs can be consumed by way of injection, smoking, ingestion and dissolution under the tongue. It can be a big reason why criminals are consuming drugs, and they are committing crimes. Drugs are also sold in the market in the form of medicines but these drugs are sold to patients who need these drugs. These drugs which are sold on medical are pharmaceutical drugs. It will help to treat patients' diseases and cure them. The report provides knowledge regarding the use of substances in our daily lives. Substances like drugs are consumed and what might people face after consuming drugs is also discussed in the report. The legal classification of drugs is also provided in the report. There is a strong relationship between drugs and crime and that relation is also discussed in the report (Dostoyevsky 2017).

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What is Drugs

Reasons for taking drugs: There are several reasons for taking drugs and it varies from person to person as per their situations or conditions. The main common reason for taking drugs is to change something about lives. Other reasons and factors for which people take drugs and gradually become addicted such as: To become fit, to relieve boredom, to escape or make themselves relax, to experiment etc. In the context of drugs, it can also be said that it is essentially poison. The amount in which people take it determines the effect. For example: If people take it in a small amount and as a medicine then it acts as a stimulus and healing. On the other hand when it is taken to a great extent or in a great amount then it acts as a sedative or even can lead to death. It mainly affects the minds of people and slows down their speed of thinking and working.

Prevalence rates: It refers the proportion of an individual in a population who has some specific or particular disease at a specific point in a timely manner. It can also be said that it refers probability that a member of the population has been given treatment at a specific time.

Theories of addiction: There are several theories of addiction which are being developed with the main aim of identifying the mechanisms that can help psychologists in understanding as well as observing behaviours of patients and people who are drug addicted.

Bio-psychosocial theory: This theory is mainly for critical pain. This theory suggests that physiotherapy should integrate psychological treatment to address all components comprising the experience of people who are in critical conditions. It also helps psycho logistics in identifying relation between biology and socio-economic factors in order to better understand the type of disease, and human behaviours for improving their health. (Fishman 2018).

Illicit drugs

Common types of drugs which are used by people in their daily lives are cigarettes, alcohol and paracetamol tablets. Coffee can also be said drugs because if anyone is addicted to coffee one cannot leave without coffee even for a second. Coffee can be said as drug because it contains caffeine which cannot be consumed by people in large quantities. In the case of cigarettes and alcohol, people are consuming these substances and these are having a major effect on their health. An excessive amount of cigarette and alcohol is not only damaging part of the body but it will also damage the image of a person in public.

Paracetamol is a drug which is consumed by people in case of a headache and it will provide instant relief to patients. Paracetamol is the best way for people to cure their problems and it will have an effect on the health of people because it can be said a slow drug. These slow drugs are affecting the health of people but the effect of consuming tablets will be seen after the age of 40. There are some rules and regulations made by the government on the consumption of drugs. The government is taking effective measures to control the consumption of drugs (Wright Musini and Gill 2018).

What is crime

Crime is related to drugs because it will possess manufacture or distribute drugs. Crimes are conducted like abuse, cocaine, heroin and morphine. Drugs are cause for drug trafficking, and drug production and these all are controlled by way of drug cartels and gangs which are supplying drugs in youth and teens. In the case of drug consumption sexual assault and robbery are also involved. In the UK there are some jurisdictions which are made for stopping crimes. According to research conducted, it will be stated that rug-related crime is being increased in the country. Problematic crimes will include shoplifting, property crime and drug dealing as well. As per research, 70 % of people are consuming drugs in their daily lives which will affect drugs to a large extent (Samuelsson and Bohlin 2017).

Legalization of drugs

In these laws, enforcement strategies are made by the government to reduce crime in economical way. There are no possible ways to violate laws and people are finding loopholes in laws for safeguarding themselves from penalties. Drug-related crime is increasing because of the psychological effects of drugs which will have having effect on the health of people. Drugs are traded in unequal ways which will result in illicit trade and violence. These drugs are sold in the market but are sold at large cost and are quite expensive. People are committing crimes because they are not able to buy drugs. So, they are committing crimes and stealing money to buy drugs (White Haines and Asquith 2017).

There is a strong nexus between drug use and crime because people are not able to buy drugs, and they are committing crimes. Drug legalization will not decrease the consumption of drugs. The government must take effective measures to stop the availability of drugs in the market. If the drugs are stopped from being in the market people will not buy drugs and it will not have a negative effect on the health of people. Suppliers are selecting target markets which are universities which can afford to buy drugs. Those people who want to leave drug consumption cannot leave it easily and so, these types of people must be admitted to rehabilitation centres. Rehabilitation centers are centres where these types of patients are treated and cured. In case when people are not getting drugs they can harm anyone even family is these types of patients must be admitted to rehabilitation centres (Kanehisa, and et.al., 2017).

Theories of Addiction

Biopsychosocial theory: Research suggests that a family history of addiction makes a person more likely to develop an addiction compared to people without a family history of addiction. Therefore, it is possible that a person's biological factors could play a role in the development of addiction. Individuals whose families are addicted to drugs are at more risk of developing the habit of consuming drugs. The social circumstances of individuals also lays emphasis on consuming drugs. Like for example lack of education, and poverty can force individuals to take drugs.

Family is dealing with problems like they are facing problems relating to money and the financial condition of the family is also not so good. The family is facing mental stress and worried about family members who are consuming drugs. In case of person is sent to rehabilitation centers family is facing stress and trauma which will have an effect on their health. The person who has consumed drugs is dealing with mental pressure but the family of that person is also facing the same problems (Gossop 2017).

Drugs have a severe effect on the health of a person, they will have a negative effect on the heart, mouth, kidneys, chest, nose and hair. The kidney and liver will be affected on a large scale by consuming drugs. The skin of the body is affected because of the overconsumption of drugs. There are severe consequences of drugs on the human body and it will have an impact on the mental health of individuals. That person will not be communicating with anyone and that person will be facing mood swings.

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How do We Measure Drugs and Crime in the UK

Drugs are consumed by people on a large scale, people are consuming opioids, cannabis and cocaine. Opioids are particularly known as heroin and these drugs are called illicit drugs. In UK majorly 51% people are taking injection of cocaine and heroin is must to common drug which is taken by people in UK. For the first time, client cannabis is given to them which enters their body. Then, the second time cocaine is given to people because it will capture the minds of individuals on a large scale. Proper treatment services are given to people but in the case of treatment, people must have the ability and confidence to leave drugs for a lifetime (Procyshyn Bezchlibnyk-Butler and Jeffries eds., 2019).

Cocaine is usually given to young people who are consuming drugs, females are consuming 2.9 % and males are consuming 6.6%. The majority of drugs are consumed by age groups of 15 to 24 which can be found at universities and schools. Trends are decreasing but at a slow rate. MMDA is a drug which is sold to young adults on a large scale. In these females are consuming 2.2% and males will consume 4.4%. In these also age group of 15 to 24 are consuming drugs and which is 5.1%.

Amphetamines are drugs which are given to people and females are consuming 0.7% and males are consuming 1.2%. In these young adults are consuming 1.5% of drugs. The trend of consuming drugs is decreasing but it has had an impact on the health of people. In the UK majority of people are consuming drugs of heroin it is said a primary substance which can be traded in the UK easily. The government is spreading awareness among the public and this has decreased the usage of drugs in the UK.

Why drugs cause crime

Drugs are the main cause of crime because drugs are sold too expensive in the market. Once people start consuming drugs and have taken two to three dosages of drugs then they will demand more. So, people are committing crimes for buying drugs. People are so mad about drugs that they are committing serious crimes for drugs. People can use abusive language, and they are even ready to steal money to buy drugs. Drugs are sold illegally in every part of the world so suppliers are supplying drugs confidentially and if they are caught they will tell their customers. Those customers who are using drugs are levied with heavy penalties (Sun, and et.al., 2019).

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What does the Government Says?

The government has adopted a drug strategy, in 2017 in which they are being involved in stopping the usage of drugs. This strategy aims therefore to reduce all illicit and other harmful drug use and increase the rate of individuals recovering from their dependence. The government is engaged in gathering data about the effectiveness of efforts which have been taken by them. They are involved in reducing the demand for drugs. This can be done by motivating youth to visit rehab centres so that they can get free from this habit. Also, they are trying to restrict supply. In order to achieve this government is taking help from coordinated partnerships. It will also assist them in tackling drugs and criminal activities which are being done from it.

The government is taking effective measures to stop crime which is related to drugs. So, the government is taking effective measures for drug consumption and also against drug suppliers.

What Does The Media Say?

The use of illicit drugs is the most popular topic among media in the UK. Media says that most of the individuals who are engaged in taking drugs are also involved in criminal activities. It has been analyzed that Television, radio and print media have a significant impact on the perception of individuals related to the usage of drugs. Some media also misrepresent the role of drugs. They do not display exact scenarios which happened at the crime place. The media also provides that there must be a ban on the usage of drugs in pubs and bars.

Schedule 2 will include a high rate of potential and abuse lag which will also have an impact on the health of an individual. Cocaine and meth are included in this schedule. Cocaine falls under the category of stimulant and it is known as coke in general language. It is a recreational drug which is commonly snorted or inhaled. It can also be taken by way of dissolving in cokes and drinks.

In Schedule 3 drugs are moderate and they are not used by people for misuse. It will include steroids, testosterone and many more. Steroids are given to reduce inflammation in hormones. These steroids are as known as Corticosteroids. Anabolic steroids are used by people for bodybuilding (Robinson and Adinoff 2016).

In Schedule 4 there are drugs which are used by people in medicines and they will not have a major effect on the health of humans. The drugs in Schedule 4 are Valium, Italian, and Ambien. These are medicines which are prescribed by doctors to patients to cure them. These will cause problems like cramps and vomiting.

In Schedule 5 drugs are medicines which are used for antitussive, analgesic and antidiarrheal. These medicines are prescribed by doctors to cure patients with diarrhoea. Drugs are divided into different schedules which are classified on the basis of usage and effect of drugs.

Critically Analyze the Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

There is a strong relationship between drugs and crime because crime is started in need of drugs and after consuming drugs (What's the Relation Between Drugs and Crime, 2018). These all will have an impact on the health of people who are consuming drugs. Drugs are sold illegally in the market and so, people tend to buy drugs on a large scale. So, these drugs are sold expensively in the market. People are committing crimes like shoplifting, property crime and violence as well. Drugs consuming people are violent and can harm anyone including their family members. So these will have an impact on the health of the family as well (Ecker, and et.al., 2019).

There is a significant relationship between drug use and crime, one survey was conducted by NIJ sponsored, report of this survey explains that drug encourages people to commit crimes. Criminal behaviour is generally high in people who are addicted to any kind of drug. In the year 2012 department of Justice revealed that there are many criminal cases which are related to drug offenses. It is found that more than 50% of criminals are clinically addicted and around 60% of people arrested and their test results were positive that they had taken drugs while committing that crime (Fact Sheet: Drug-Related Crime, 1994). In the year 2013 research was done which revealed that most people commit crimes because of having lack of income sources hence they have to fulfill their basic needs hence they get involved in drug dealing, prostitution etc illegal activities. When they live in such an atmosphere they become addicted to drugs and when they fail to buy it with money then they commit such kind of crimes or get involved in such dangerous activities to buy drugs. If the person starts taking painkillers and becomes addicted to them. In such a condition, if the person fails to buy it then the individual starts taking the wrong way to buy it to get relief from their pain. (Borges, and et.al., 2016).


From the above study, it can be concluded that drug use promotes criminal activities in the country. Users of drugs are more likely to engage in such kinds of illegal activities. Once a person becomes addicted to any kind of drug then to get that drug person goes ahead towards illegal activities. The use of drugs encourages criminal behavior and individual fails to realize the difference between right and wrong. These patients are quite violent and can harm so these patients are kept at rehabilitation centers. There is a strong relation between crime and drugs because people are committing crimes for drugs. Drugs also have some positive impacts these drugs can be used by people to cure their diseases. The dosage of the drug must be prescribed by doctors because it will have severe effects on the health of people of consumed in more quantity. The report provides knowledge regarding drugs and drug classification. Hence, it has been evaluated that drugs must not be consumed by people.

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