The rapid development of competition and volatility in the market is making individuals come up with a high degree of efficiency and preparation. In that respect, leaders who aspire to establish prominent positions are required to do self-assessment and identify certain attributes such as emotional intelligence, decision making and leadership assessment to pursue the work effectively Herman (2011). The report is prepared to elucidate the tests taken in that respect and their impact on organisational contributions and leadership. It further throws light on the contribution of identifying the above traits in enhancing individuals' roles in an organisation.
Closely associated with effective leadership, three assessments are used which are emotional intelligence, decision making and self-assessment. Emotional intelligence is the core requirement to lead people efficiently which contributes around 80-85% in deriving the competency level of an individual as a leader. It is the manner in which a person understands his own and others' emotions and moods and labels them in the appropriate places. It is the basic feature which directs towards processing thinking and showing behaviour patterns. It attributes the control of an individual to rationalising the impulses and moods and enable the process of thinking before acting. It channelizes the energy towards pursuing goals and maintains persistence in the achievement of goals and targets Waldman, Balthazard, & Peterson (2011). Through a good level of emotional intelligence, networking can be built and relationships on professional and personal grounds can be maintained. With four types of abilities that perceive, use, understand and manage emotions Professional outcomes are also optimized.
Secondly, self-assessment decision-making is a crucial factor which plays a vital role in leading people more effectively. It refers to the manner in which an individual makes decisions from available options. There are fundamentally two ways on the basis of which decisions are made which are either based on facts and logic or through gut instincts. It is the Practical approach in which all the facts and information are considered and then they are used to make inferences and steps ahead (What Is Your Preferred Decision Making Style?, 2016). On the other hand, decisions are taken in a more general way in which an individual through self-realisation and belief gets inclined towards the use of any option and implement it.
Lastly, a direct assessment is made of the leadership motivation. This assessment is done on the basis of some parameters which create the basis to lead people. Such as visionary attributes enable the members to proceed towards certain goals and targets., identify members' strengths and capabilities, enable a creative and healthy environment with better resolution of conflicts and disputes, creating some values on the basis of work supposed to be done, motivating members to stay them dedicated and inspiring them and directing them with clearly stated way Jones, Lefoe, Harvey & Ryland (2012).
To identify the following traits, a few tests have been taken which specify the results and outcomes by adopting scientific and practical approaches. Firstly, the matrix EI test is taken to check emotional intelligence in which the quotient is determined on the basis of four factors that are self-awareness which checks emotional presence and self-confidence, Self-management which determines the degree of attributes possessed by an individual with reference to the self-control and self-management, achievement orientation and adaptability. Self-management decides the attribute of a leader to seize the opportunities and possibilities to convert them into action (Discover your level of EI, 2016). Next, two are social awareness and relationship management. Social awareness is the tendency to be acquainted with the requirements and needs. Social awareness includes traits such as empathy, organisational awareness and service orientation. Lastly, relationship building is a trait which plays a vital role in emotional intelligence. The determinant of this factor is the ability to bring proficiency in creating new ideas and strengthening the capabilities of members adopting visionary leadership. With the second test taken for the self-assessment in the decision-making helps in knowing whether the decisions are made on the basis of facts and information or on the basis of gut and instinct voices. It helps in knowing the degree of inclination towards the rational approach of opting right way to proceed by making decisions. At last, the test for the leadership assessment helps in deciding whether an individual possesses the traits which prerequisites of a good leader. It answers the question that how motivated an individual is towards leading people.
Possessing qualities such as emotional intelligence, decision making and leadership is a prerequisite to providing effectual contribution in an organisation. Empirically proved, emotional intelligence with the ability to guide thinking and behaviour abilities drives the leadership performance Parris, & Peachey (2013). With considerably good emotional intelligence, a person is acquainted with good mental health and job performance which helps the organisation to enhance its productivity. Self-assessment helps the individual to make effective decisions and lead towards getting productive results. Further leadership with the integrated system having many style elements such as visionary, directing, afflictive, and participative as well as motivating an individual is able to affect the working in the organisation in a very crucial manner Van Knippenberg, D., & Sitkin, S. B. (2013). By possessing these attributes an individual is able to take team members together and strive towards achieving organisational goals and targets.
One can be a better leader and decision-maker if he possesses the mentioned traits in a significant amount and applies them rationally in their operations. In order to become the effective leader, it is imperative to have good emotional intelligence. As a leader, he is supposed to make crucial tasks and make their members to follow their prescribed tasks and make them work productively (The Leadership Motivation Assessment, 2016). Emotional intelligence enables him to handle different types of situations in the proper manner. Further, this trait helps him to identify the strengths and capabilities of a person so that he can be made to work more appropriately. Further, decision-making is a crucial part of leadership. A leader is supposed to make rational decision making avoiding one sided inclination towards one part. At last, it can concluded by saying that emotional intelligence, decision making and self-assessment are prerequisites for effective leadership.
- Herman, R. D. (2011). The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management. John Wiley & Sons.
- Jones, S., Lefoe, G., Harvey, M., & Ryland, K. (2012). Distributed leadership: A collaborative framework for academics, executives and professionals in higher education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management,34(1), 67-78.
- Parris, D. L., & Peachey, J. W. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(3), 377-393.
- Van Knippenberg, D., & Sitkin, S. B. (2013). A critical assessment of charismaticâTransformational leadership research: Back to the drawing board?. The Academy of Management Annals, 7(1), 1-60.
- Waldman, D. A., Balthazard, P. A., & Peterson, S. J. (2011). Leadership and neuroscience: Can we revolutionize the way that inspirational leaders are identified and developed?. The Academy of Management Perspectives,25(1), 60-74.