
The Role of Leadership in the Organisational Transition


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3320
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HRM4002
  • Downloads: 1216
Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Johnsons of Whixley is a family run plant nursery business in UK. Describe the ways organisations motivate workers.
  • Analyse the role of leadership in the organisational transition.
  • Examine the relationship between organisational structure and culture within organisational transition.
  • Discuss the attributes of effective teams
  • Produce the strategies used in the case study to motivate teams.
Answer :


People or employees are one of the major resources of an organization. An employee always puts a huge effort into the daily operations of a company or business. A company can't achieve its targets in a decided time period without a workforce or employees. Top-level management within a company should properly manage their people in the workplace. It is a necessary task for existing managers because proper people management always contributes to increasing the overall performance of the company. Currently, each business is trying to provide an effective work culture to their employees because this type of work culture mostly helps employees increase their productivity. This report discusses the people aspect of Johnsons of Whixley. It is one of the largest commercial nursery companies in Europe. There are ways that company uses to motivate their employees or people also as discussed in this report. Structure, culture, and leadership aspects of the company have been included in this report because these aspects play a very great role in the Johnsons of Whixley.


Structure, Culture and Leadership

Currently existing business structure of Johnsons of Whixley is too wide because it is one of the largest commercial nursery companies in Europe. The top-level management of a company always uses different ways to motivate its existing employees (Ruch, 2016). Structure, culture, and leadership aspects highly support to company in its transitional change. The existing workforce of a company is too effective because it can easily run their nursery operations with the support of its employees or workforce. The management always makes various productive decisions toward motivating their employees. For example; management has taken different steps for building an ethical and positive work culture because a positive work culture always gives an opportunity to the company to motivate employees. According to upper management of the company, an employee always puts their huge efforts into a positive and ethical work culture. That's why existing management is continually trying to improve or develop their work culture. On the other side, the company chooses various ways or methods to motivate their employees, these ways have been discussed below.

Ways to Motivate Workers or Employees

The top-level management at Johnsons of Whixley uses various ways methods or theories to motivate their employees of workers (Carmichael 2018). Some major ways to motivate have been discussed below;

Maslow's Hierarchy Theory of Motivation

This is one of the most popular motivation theories that this company uses to motivate its employees. This theory was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. It includes five major needs of people that motivate them to work hard. The reason is that when a person is working hard, then it can easily fulfill their prime needs. These five needs of Maslow's hierarchy motivation theory have been discussed below;

Physiological Needs:

These needs include such needs of people or employees which they always highly need to improve because these needs are base of human life. For example; food, water, air, sleep, shelter, and clothing, etc. That's why each person or employees always get motivated to fulfill these needs.

Safety Needs:

After fulfilling physiological needs, an employee and people always take various steps towards fulfilling safety needs, because humans always want a safe and secure zone around them (Gouveia, 2016). People always think about their personal security, job security health security, etc. That's why top-level management within Johnsons of Whixley mostly tries to provide a safe and secure workplace to their employees.

Love and Belonging Needs:

A person is not able to survive without love and belonging in this world.  There are employees and people who always take various steps toward fulfilling these needs. Many times existing management of a company appreciates their employees. This step of management increases the motivation and dignity employees of employees.

Esteem Needs:

An employee always needs high status, recognition, freedom, dignity, and strength in their personal life. In this situation, existing management always gives rewards to their employees to increase their dignity, status recognition, etc.

Self-actualization Needs:

These needs include such needs where a person expects to become the most intelligent and best performer. To fulfill self-actualization, an employee takes various steps. For example; employees get special training to put great efforts in the workplace (Winkler and et.al., 2017). Under these needs, the management motivates their employees to develop some unique skills and talent.

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Some other ways to motivate workers


The nursery business is rewarding its employees to motivate them. Existing management always gives rewards to high performers in front of all employees. This way motivates high performers to improve their existing skills and talent. On the other side, when management rewards high performers in front of other employees, in this situation the rest employees also get motivated to work hard.


Promotion is another productive way to motivate workers or employees. The management has been required to give promotion opportunities to those employees who have well performed in the workplace. The promotion method always highly motivates to employees put huge efforts into the workplace.

Friendly Workplace:

This is too productive way for the company to motivate its employees (Tudor and Dutra, 2018). Currently, management mostly tries to maintain a happy and healthy work environment in their workplace, because this type of workplace always motivates existing employees and workers to improve their productivity.

These are some major ways and methods that Johnsons of Whixley company uses to motivate their employees and people. Currently, it has very effective workforce because of these motivational ways, theories, and methods.

Role of Leadership in Transitional Change

 A leader always plays a great role in most activities of the company. Currently, this nursery is not able to run its daily operations without a leader. It has various leaders in the workplace which helps to company take extraordinary work from the existing workforce. A leader plays a very effective role in transitional change as well. There are transitional changes refer to those changes that an organization does in their daily operations to improve existing performance. Concept transitional change says, that each business or company always needs to make some productive changes in their existing operations to get better and excellent results in the market. In this situation, a leader always takes various steps toward informing their employees or team members about transitional changes (Stenvall and Virtanen, 2017). Some major roles of a leader in transitional change have been discussed below;

Implement Decisions:

When top-level management of a company makes decisions towards changing something in daily operations, in this situation a leader is responsible for implementing the manager's various decisions in the workplace. For example; existing management has decided to improve the productivity of employees. In this case, a leader plays a great role in implementing that change decision in the workplace.

Develop Plan:

A leader is responsible for preparing a specific plan as well as running all leadership activities in proper manner. During the changing process, a leader is able to do their best with the support of a specific plan. That's why this role of a leader is also too important in terms of organizational change.

Inform Employees:

A leader always informs their employees or workers in Johnsons of Whixley about what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and where to do various activities within organizational change tasks. It plays a great role in directing employees about how to conduct each activity during change.

Remove Conflicts:

There are various conflicts always arise in a teamwork and the workplace. In this situation, a leader plays an effective role in removing different conflicts from the workplace. It needs to use some productive team development theories and approaches to remove such conflicts from existing teamwork.

Supervise Processes:

During organizational or transitional changes, a leader is highly required to properly supervise each process within change (Magalhães and Proper, 2017). It is too necessary task for a leader to achieve positive results from organizational change.

Role of Organisational Structure and Change

There are organizational structure and change also play a very productive role in transitional change. For example; the existing structure and work culture of Johnsons of Whixley is too effective. On the other side, existing employees are completely satisfied with the company's culture and structure, so this factor of the company is influencing these employees and workers to put their great efforts into the operations of organizational change. The top-level management of the company always tries to make their business structure and culture happy and healthy. The reason is, that existing management completely understands that, if the company provides a positive work culture to their employees, then these employees can put their great efforts into transitional change operations.

On the other side, when a company develops its structure and culture more effectively, then it can easily gain positive results from its organizational change process. An effective structure and culture always give opportunity to the existing management of the nursery to properly conduct each activity in its changing processes (Aaltio Mills and Mills, 2017). According to many business experts, a business or company that has a poor and ineffective structure and work culture, in this situation that business can't conduct its organizational change task. In this case, top-level management of Johnsons of Whixley should maintain a proper and effective environment in their business structure and work culture. These steps of management should give opportunity to this company to gain positive results from their transitional change operations.


Motivation and Effective Teams

Currently, motivation and effective teams are making great contributions to the overgrowth of the Johnsons of Whixley. The top-level management of the company always takes various steps towards highly motivating their employees and teamwork. Existing management uses various strategies to improve the productivity of their employees. Companies should continue conducting these steps in their business environment. managers and leaders always want to make their teamwork highly effective, because effective teamwork gives the opportunity to the company to gain a high competitive advantage (Voordouw, 2018). Management completely understands the actual value of an effective team because without effective teamwork this company can't achieve its objectives in the decided time period. The company still needs to employ various effective team development theories to make effective teamwork.

Attributes of Effective Teams

There are some major attributes of an effective team have been discussed below;

Effective Leadership:

This is one of the major attributes of effective teams. Each effective team always has effective leadership, because this type of leadership plays a great role in making an effective team. A leader within these teams always properly conducts every activity in the workplace. Currently, Johnsons of Whixley has many effective teams because of this effective leadership.

Excellent Communication Skills:

In each effective team, existing employees or team members always have excellent communication skills. These skills also play a great role in making effective teamwork, because without communication skills a team can become an ineffective team (Kukhnavets, 2018). That's top-level management of the nursery always needs to promote effective communication skills in the workplace to develop effective teamwork.

Stay Focused:

People or employees within these teams always have focused on their final targets and objectives. This is another major attribute of an effective team, so existing employees and workers of Johnsons of Whixley always need to stay focused on achieving their targets on time. Existing management should motivate their employees to stay focused on teamwork.

Problem Solving Abilities:

Employees within effective teamwork always have productive problem-solving abilities. Each teamwork mostly faces various challenges, problems, and issues in their daily operations, so with the support of problem-solving abilities, a team can easily solve various problems in the workplace.

Take Risks:

Effective teamwork always has ability to take various risks. Risk-taking abilities are too necessary to face different risky situations in the workplace. Without risk-taking abilities, a team can't become an effective team. That's why employees of this company should improve these skills for dealing with different risk factors in teamwork.


The motivational aspect plays a very great role in an effective team. Currently, those teams are only able to become an effective team which has highly motivated team members or employees. In this case, top-level management of the company should use various strategies, methods, and theories to motivate their employees (Schoultz, 2017). The reason is, that without motivated employees or members, a team will never become an effective team.

High Trust:

Employees and members within these teams always have high trust in each other. Trust is too necessary to run all activities of teamwork in productive manner. That's why employees within Johnsons of Whixley need to trust each other to develop and make effective teamwork in the company.

These are some attributes and qualities of an effective team. Top-level management should always improve the quality of their employees or people to make an effective team. Currently, various productive strategies are available to a company that existing management is able to use for motivating teams. Providing proper motivation to employees is a very necessary task for management because the motivation aspect promotes effective teamwork within a business or company. A productive team development theory is available to the company below which can support to the company in making effective teamwork in their business environment.

Ways to Build Effective Teams

There are various innovative ways or methods currently available to a company that will contribute to its business success (Mehta, 2019). Existing management is able to employ various team development theories in its workplace to build effective teams. In this situation, one major team development theory is called Tuckman's team development theory or model. This theory will help to company motivate employees and make effective teams.

Tuckman's Team Development Theory

This theory of team development was introduced by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. The theory includes five major stages of team development. According to Tuckman, leaders at Johnsons of Whixley should highly consider these five stages of development in their teamwork to develop or make an effective team. These five stages of team development have been discussed below;


Forming is the first stage within this team development theory. According to this theory, a leader is always responsible for informing each piece of information about existing teamwork to their employees or team members. For example; what to do, when to do, how to do, and where to do any task to activity within teamwork. Leaders need to clarify the roles of each member of the team to remove various conflicts, barriers, and errors (Hughes, Kinder, and Cooper, 2019). Forming term basically refers to a formulation where a leader needs to formulate their teamwork in proper manner.


Storming is the stage where a leader need is responsible for communicating with their employees or team members to know their different opinions on how to conduct various activities in teamwork to achieve common goals and targets in the decided time period. Through this stage of team development, a leader can easily get some productive ideas to properly run various operations in their teamwork. According to this stage, a leader is always required to involve all team members during the decision-making process. The reason is, that when a leader involves employees in the decision-making process, in this situation employees feel valued by the leader. On the other side, this stage helps to leader motivate their team members to work effectively.


In this stage, team leaders need to encourage each team member to appreciate each other. This is too necessary stage for a company to highly motivate their employees within a teamwork. When a team member appreciates another member, then these steps of all team members motivate them to work more effectively in teamwork. A leader is always responsible for rewarding those team members who are well-performing in the daily operation of teamwork. It needs to appreciate high performers in front of other members, because when a leader does this, on that time other members also get motivated to perform well and effectively in the teamwork.


In the performing stage of team development, leaders need to give some freedom to their existing team members to make a few decisions on a self-basis (Walton, 2019). This stage gives the opportunity to leader to make their employees more confident and motivated. Leaders need to run their teamwork without high supervision, because when a leader highly supervises teamwork, then existing team members become frustrated in the workplace. That's why leaders always need to give some freedom to their employees or members.


Adjourning is the final stage in Tuckman's team development theory. In this stage, the leader is responsible for terminating activities within the existing teamwork. Teamwork has always started by the company to achieve only a specific target or goal. Once the team achieves that target, then Johnsons of Whixley needs to terminate that team to focus on new future projects and tasks. But before terminating existing teamwork, the leader is required to celebrate the achievement with their all team members. This step leader motivates employees and team members to work more effectively in the future teamwork.

These are five stages of Tuckman's team development theory which top-level management should highly employ in their business environment to make or develop effective teamwork (Arch., and et.al., 2019). This is one of the major ways for the company to motivate their employees to work hard in the workplace. Without employing these various innovative ways, methods, and theories in daily operations, this company can't achieve effective teamwork and can't motivate its employees as well. That's why existing management should necessarily consider these all ways to gain huge returns from their business operations.

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It can be concluded that top-level management of Johnsons of Whixley always needs to employ or implement different innovative strategies, ways, and theories in their business environment to achieve productive results. For example; currently, various motivational theories are available to companies that will help to highly motivate their employees. On the other side, culture, structure, and leadership play a very great role in the operations of organizational changes. Without effective leadership and work culture, the company can't easily conduct various operations of transitional change. Existing employees within the company should improve various skills and abilities to make or develop effective teamwork. The reason is, an effective teamwork always makes a very high contribution to the success of the Johnsons of Whixley nursery business. The management of the company should consider different team development theories and strategies for developing or improving the productivity of employees and teamwork. These strategies and theories will give opportunity to this company for gaining a huge competitive advantage in the market.

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