
Stuck with Dissertation Topic? Move Ahead in 8 Easy Steps

When finding a perfect topic for your dissertation just stay focused and work strategically.

Social work dissertation topic list
25 Apr 2019 5490
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    We have been talking about the dissertations a lot lately. Yeah, we understand it is never enough to talk about these herculean tasks that make a lot of students feel at a low ebb. Don’t panic, we’re here with another blog. Here we would be discussing another major issue that many students face when they are given a dissertation writing task. Introduction writing, body, and conclusion will come in the play in a while, the first step is to get a topic finalized for your work.

    Tried a lot of topics that may help?

    Can not figure out what topic can do wonders for you?

    Sick of searching for steps to help?


    "The main thing is to think strategically about what will engage your readers.”

    Thinking strategically for your dissertation topic may be a tough call to make, but no worries, here we share the trick. No matter if you need help with fashion dissertation topic, or social work dissertation topic or any other field these tricks are going to prove their worth. But, before we discuss how to select the topic let’s discuss what are the important factors that make a topic a good topic for your work.

    • Requirements of the department head and university
    • Areas of the Subject that interest you
    • Relevance
    • Availability of data and the sources

    Now that we know what major factors affect the title that you have been looking for let us get back to the main point.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Select the Best Topic for Your Dissertation

    Step#1: Check the Requirements

    It is important that when you sit to begin working on the title of your dissertation just move forward in the most planned way possible. Do not randomly start skimming through the study materials and sources. Consider a few points before you start finding the topics.

    • The minimum and maximum word count
    • Deadline to get the title finalized
    • If your professor has provided a list to choose from or you need to work on it on your own.
    • Academic or professional restrictions?

    Some universities have strict rules that need to be followed when working on the documents. It is important that when you decide to research the work you are all set to deliver the best and that too according to the university guidelines. (Violating the guidelines is going to take you nowhere)

    Step# 2: Keep the Research Field Broad

    A broad research field offers you a wider perspective of your topic. You can use the topic with different theories and studies. By having a broader field we do not mean jumping to different fields of your topic. It is important that the topic you are looking forward to intrigues your interest. Some very basic things, that you need to consider are:

    • The research field is vast
    • Pick topics that add a naive tone to your document
    • Do not confuse between the perspectives
    • Do not be very rigid with the topic just be sure about the theme

    These are some very basic points that you must consider when working on your dissertation topic. We would suggest selecting a topic from a field that you are familiar with so that you can form a lot more ideas with the one you have started with.

    Also Read: Super Easy Ways to Write a Perfect Dissertation in Less Time

    Step#3: Run to Your Books

    Now that you have planned your work well, just rush to your books and class notes and see if you can find something interesting to work on. Also, skim through a few journals and other sources that can lend you some interesting topics for your dissertation.


    Do not copy or take the exact statements. They would land you in great trouble.
    Just stay calm read a lot and find an interesting way to put your argument in the most creative way possible.

    Step#4: Find Your Niche


    A lot of self-analysis goes into the picture when you have to find a perfect dissertation topic for your work. Now that you have read a few resources and have done a little research you can narrow down your field. We suggest not to cut short your area at once, but to move step-wise and narrowing the field. It is more like setting filters when you shop online. Just calm down one by one select the filters and you’ll be getting what you want soon.

    Step#5: Research Type an Important Aspect to Consider

    You have been following the steps really well. By now you must have had a few themes and topics ready. Now, let’s see what to do next. To move forward, now think of the research method you want to work on (Make a wise call as you may get stuck with your research method if you aren’t very sure).

    Different research methods that you can opt for your research work are:

    • Analyzing Data
    • Collecting Data
    • Interpreting the Work
    • Comparing Previous Work

    Most probably your dissertation will include two or more of these methods. It is important that when you move forward with the work your research method complements your title. (By title here we mean the theme you have used). For example, a topic that talks about comparing works can not have a research method that elaborates the theory. So, just keep a check on the research method and the topic of your dissertation.

    Step#6: Relevance of the Topic

    The best filter to use to eliminate some of the topics that may have sounded really interesting in the beginning. All you need to do is check the aptness of the topic in three major different fields that are to be considered.

    • Social Relevance: dissertation is a lengthy document and you are going to give it a lot of your time. It is important that when you frame a topic for your dissertation it does help you acknowledge the social problems.
    • Academic Relevance: Since the dissertation, you are writing is to fulfil the academic needs, it is important that the work has a lot of academic relevance too. (A lot of academic relevance for your work!!!)
    • Practical Relevance: It is important that the dissertations that you have worked on are not just well written but also have some resemblance with the practical application too (Practical resemblance is the key).

    It is advised to choose a topic that talks about the current scenario in the field and also focuses on the training programs that you have attended to add a little personal tone where you get some space.

    Step#7: Be Sure You Can Do It

    It is important that when you decide to work on your dissertation the topic you have chosen is quite practical. There should be enough resources for the research of your topic.

    In case it is a case study, just watch out if you can find a relevant place where you can go to get your work accomplished. These are just a few important aspects that you need to consider when you move forward with your dissertation topic.

    Also Read: Dissertation Introduction Writing Isn't Hard Anymore! Read These 5 Tips

    Step #8: Finalize Your Title


    The last step. Just reach to your professor and get your work done. Get your topic finalized. Yeah, the final filter is your professor. He would finalize the topic taking into consideration all the points that you have been considering.


    Your professor may reject a few titles, so be ready with a list of relevant topics around your theme.


    And here you have the title for your work ready. Now, all you need to do is move ahead with the writing task, i.e introduction writing for your engagging introduction. So need to follow this 8 simple step guide for dissertation writing. Write a perfect introduction and a better conclusion and body document that would help you get the best results that too in the snap of fingers. We also provide disssertation writing service for students all over UK.

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