
Identifying Health And Diseases In Communities

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 4902
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Organization Selected : NHS Health Care


Public health is an important role in current society. There are factors which has to be considered in society. Social health care is the department which is making changes in actions of people. Public health is the art or science which works to prevent society from disease. There are various organisation which are working to promote positive and effective role in accepting changes through which happening are essential to be performed. Public health care improves life of people residing in society (Atrash and Carpentier, 2012). Cancer, Blood pressure, diabetes, etc. are some disease which are affecting social being. There are various health acre centres which help to assist association and this helps to accept changes in effective way through telling about problem and their solution to people. This report is based on NHS health care centre which is publicly funded organisation. This organisation was set up on July 1948 in England. Its head quarter is in London UK. In this report there is a discussion about approaches used to measure and control disease, investigation about implications of illness and disease in society, factors influencing health and wellbeings of people residing in society.


1.1 Roles played by authorities in identifying levels of health and diseases in communities

Healthcare is the sector in which role of government is essential. They provide knowledge about change in business goals and objectives which are efficient for knowing alterations in efficient way. There are many authorities work on local, state as well as national level which help to know what can be done which is effective for making changes in plans and policies through which society position can be improved. There are many movements runs by small as well as large level through which changes are effective in approaching changes. These agencies plays vital role in improving living of standards and this s effective for knowing chances in effective way. There are various diseases and problems which faced by people residing inn society, so agencies information can be rendered regarding making good and healthy health.

WHO is the organization which works on large scale to know about disease and problems which are effective for performing business roles and responsibilities (Basile and Smith, 2011). National insurance of health and clinical excellence is one important name in improving health of society. As there is difference in problems faced by people, so there are different techniques to satisfy and provide them information. General Medical Council helps to know what has to be dome through which changes are accepted in effective way. There are various camps organized by NHS to know what as to be done through which alterations are effective for making changes in efficient way. There are some same communities which are people about negative impact of having use of policies through which they cause changes and then apply them in effective and efficient manner. Role of health care is important as they work to improve position of company and at the same time they have to know what makes techniques effective for making business objectives (Cromley and McLafferty, 2011).

Standard of living can be improved when there is less heath issues in society and then use factors of know what has to done through which targets can be achieved and it has positive impact on health aspect of society. NHS has various laboratories through which company can know about health issues and measures used to perform business operations in effective and efficient way. While making changes in roles and responsibilities than this is efficient for making changes in society. There are many disease for which company is making changes and this helps to know what has to be done through which they can perform actions in appropriate manner. Some people make associations through which they can analysis market and then use strategies through which targets an be achieved.

1.2 Explain, using statistical data, the epidemiology of HIV or MRSA and Breast cancer or diabetes in the United Kingdom

There are many disease in society, such as HIV, cancer which  are important and then this affects society need of company. There are possibilities that due to use of factors association can work as per need of society. This can be done when some that is present which tells about planning through which association can make policies. There are factors which has to be considered through which are essential to work as per change in business goals and objectives. HIV/ AIDS is one disease which is essential to work and this affects business operations in effective way (Frieden, 2010). While making changes in business roles and responsibilities then this can be beneficial for making good image in market. As per research of 2015 around 200000 people are suffering from HIV in UK.

There is statistical data which shows changes and effectiveness of policies framed by association this makes changes in policies, so actions are required to be taken by company to make alteration in plans and policies. There are possibilities that due to use of techniques HIV must be removed with using techniques which are  important for making changes in business plans and policies. NHS has to alter policies to reduce negative impact of HIV, this helps to make policies and this is effective for knowing what has to be done through which changes can be made to improve position of society (Glanz and Bishop, 2010).

Geographical groups gets affects due to use of changes and this is effective for making changes in roles and responsibilities. As people are residing at various places, so there is difference in their problems also. Cancer is the disease which is one of the serve disease so as per data patients of Brest cancer are in residing with very fast speed. While taking actions, government has to make changes in their roles and responsibilities. There are various changes which has to be required to be changed by association and there are policies which are affecting position of society. Diabetes is such common disease which is present in  small age group people also. So this is affecting position of society (Goldstein, Kriesky and Pavliakova, 2012). Due to diabetes people are getting death also, this has to be reduced. NHS has to take actions through which they can perform actions and this is effective for making changes in their plans and policies. While altering factors society has to be aware about reason and measures to be taken to know what can be effective and then this affects society image.

Infectious disease- Food borne disease. These are caused because of intake of contaminated food, uncleanliness while eating.

Non-infectious disease- Obesity and asthma is one of the best example of non infectious disease. As per data this is found in people of all age group (Haines and Van Amburgh, 2010). 

1.3 Effectiveness of different approaches and strategies used to control the incidence of any of the infectious and non-infectious diseases

There are many approaches which are prepared by company to make changes in their plans and policies this is effective for making changes in policies. There are factors which has to be considered by manager to know what can be done through which alterations can be done. These are effective to get positive response out of use of factors through which position of society can be improved (Higgins and Green, 2011). There are factors which has to be considered and this helps to gain changes in their roles and responsibilities. NHS use some approaches which are discussed as under-

  • Surveillance- This is one of the best approach which shows impact of environment on health of person. It is essential to know what can be done through improving environmental constants. This tools helps to know external components which are efficient for making changes.
  • Screening- Screening means to check about actual cause of disease which is caused due to use some reason. While screening there are some cause which has to be considered for making changes in component. In this measures are taken to reduce impact of disease (Kohl and et. al., 2012).
  • Education and social welfare program- There are many awareness programs which help to deliver knowledge about use of techniques which are effective for making changes. This is helpful in performing actions.
  • Environmental control- This approach is not fully in control of management because there are many components which affect environment of society. But up-to some extend association is ready to make alterations.


2.1 Determination of current priorities and approaches for people with disease or illness

- prevention, treatment, palliative care, remedial care

There are various approaches which has to be used by research centers to get positive results. There are many problems which has to be considered and this affects business operations to make changes in their roles and responsibilities. There must be proper cure by centers as well as person dealing with diseases, so there will fast and positive results can be generated. HIV and breast cancer are two major disease which may result in death of person. Corrective measures must be taken to over come it. Prevention, treatment, after treatment actions are important to work through which changes can be performed in efficient way. There are many changes which has to be considered with use of change in business operations, this is effective with use of following prevention measures-

  • Primary prevention- In this prevention actions are taken at corrective approaches. It is essential to know what are results through which they can apply changes in actions. In this corrective actions must be done through which company has to make changes in their roles and responsibilities (Lorgelly and et. al., 2010).
  • Secondary prevention- After primary prevention actions then this helps to make changes in roles and responsibilities of company. Due to make use of corrective actions in secondary prevention, person is aware of actions which ash to be considered in market and this is effective for applying changes in roles and responsibilities. There are possibilities that due to use of such measures, condition of society may get improved.
  • Tertiary prevention- In this measure, actions are working to use changes in roles and responsibilities family members through which they can apply changes in making policies good and this is happening with the help of people residing in society. There is use of polices through which company can use policies which are competent for society (Mobaraki and Söderfeldt,  2010).

2.2 Relationship between the prevalence of disease in relation to requirements of health services

Breast cancer and HIV are not related to each other directly but as it affects body of person. There are various symptoms which affects roles and responsibilities in effective and efficient manner. Due to use of approaches company may feel change in roles and responsibilities. While making changes in actions company has to alter roles and responsibilities through which are am,king changes in health related issues. There are various aids which has to be considered by managers of health care centers through which changes can be possible. There are much population which are working to spend their life happily, but at the same it is essential to know what as to be done through which people of UK gets satisfied.

From the data of health and care, it is essential to work and this gets affected with use of change in business roles and responsibilities. There is use of some targets which are required to be achieved by health care and this is effective for performing business operations in effective and efficient way. Position of society may get improved and this is beneficial for achieving business objectives. Health acre center must try to analyses reasons of problems faced by person had reason of having improvement in actions through which changes is effective.

Government of UK must use approaches through which they can perform business operations in efficient way. While there is use of efforts through which changes are effective for performing business goals and targets (Philibin and et. al., 2010). So this is effective with voluntary associations also. It is essential to work according ton use of approaches which are effective to know what can be done so society's position may get improved. There must be improvement in data which is shown above, this helps to make changes in activities of company.

2.3 Impact on lifestyle choices and knowledge for future needs for health and social care services

When some person is suffering from disease then there is difference in their roles and responsibilities which affects its life style also. There is use of approaches through which negative results gets achieved. With the view to know reasons of changes in life style of person affects its mental level also. When some person intakes alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, this affects his/ her health and due to which they may get involved in wrong activities. As person are apart of society, so this helps to work according to use society and actions must be taken according to requirement (Potvin and Jones, 2011). As per serve, obesity and HIV AIDS are two important disease which affects society in adverse way and its impact is one life style of other people also. There are some reason which influence people of UK are as under-

  • Poor diet: These days people are not take proper diet due to which changes are taking place in efficient way. Due to use of change in business goals and objectives they are making changes as per mood. Excess intake of junk food is one of the major reason for obesity. This affects health of people which cause laziness in body.
  • Lack of physical activity- These days there is more use of machines to make work away and performed frequently, so in this case people are not having use of machinery which is affecting business objectives. With the use of machines, people became analyses and there is less movements in their body, this makes them use of such machines and many disease got attached to their body.
  • Sexual health- Sexual health of people residing in UK is weak. This is major cause of HIV patients in UK. As people are working to change in making changes in partners. In UK there is open culture, so it is essential to work as per change in activities of people. There are many and severe health issues faced by males and females of UK due to which they are working in society.
  • Culture: Culture is one of the important factor which is affect health of people residing in UK. It is essential to work according to change in operations of people. Due to openness in culture people are facing changes in operations of country (Primm and et. al., 2010). People residing in UK gets attracted with other people as they are living good life but practical they are keeping their body towards comfort and this enhances chances of diseases.


3.1 Assess Health and Wellbeing priorities for people

There is use of approaches through which NHS can perform actions in way through which society position can be improved. There is requirement of changes in policies with which company can achieve business objectives in effective and efficient manner. While talking about use of approaches which are efficient for making changes in roles and responsibilities of these centers. Wellbeing means to feel like use of approaches which are efficient for making changes in goals and objectives. There is use of factors through which changes can e performed in effective and efficient way (Puhl and Heuer, 2010). There must be good and positive strength through which changes can be performed in efficient way. There are many diseases which are revolving in society. It is essential to know what has to be done through which changes can be done and this helps to make changes i

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