
Impact of Vegan Diet On Health


  • Unit No:
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2232
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: BMA6032
  • Downloads: 1912
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Evaluate how important to collect data to address research question.
  • Explain the timescales of the research with Gantt or milestone chart.
  • Demonstrate the understanding of the suitable or relevant literature in accordance to your topic.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Minted Lounge restaurant


Vegan food are the kind of a vegetarian diet which does not include any sort of food products which comes from animals such as eggs, meat, dairy products and not even honey. This particular diet is also known as Veganism. Many of the individuals who take vegan diet also do not consume food which has been processed through animal products such as wines or refined white sugar (Abeliotis and et.al., 2016). Vegan generally refers to weather an individual is following this ort of diet or to the whole diet itself. Mostly vegan diet is consist of beans, grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and the dishes which has been made through a combination of such sort of food products. There are many vegan versions of some food products available such as vegan cheese, vegan ice cream, no dairy yogurt vegan hot dogs and many more. However, it can sometimes prove to be a negative factor on health of individual as it contains low amount of protein and also cause changes in blood sugar levels in individuals. In this study, the impact of vegan whole food as well as vegan processed food on the health of London consumers is going to be covered which is necessary in order to analyse the effects of this diet on overall population of the country.

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Vegan diet is basically a plant based diet which is consumed by number of individuals these days. It consist of only plants and food products which are made from plant such as grains, nuts, vegetables, fruits etc. Vegans exclude food which are made from animals including dairy foods and eggs also (Cramer and et.al., 2017). The impact of vegan diet may vary from person to person as it depends on how much and for how long an individual is on vegan diet. However, a proper vegan diet will help to prevent a number of diseases such as heart strokes, diabetes and many other chronic diseases. Body will somehow get better if intake of nutrients like iron, calcium, Zinc can be reduce in a vegan diet.

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Impact of Vegan Food On Health Of Consumers

Vegan diet is mostly consider as rich in magnesium, fibre, vitamin C and many other essential nutrients. It is a part of lifestyle of number of individuals which eliminates any sort of consumption or utilization of any food products which are made from animals. It could proved to be a nutritious choice as it contains low level of fats and rich in nutrients. It basically reduce the risks of consuming any kind of animal fats which can be harmful for the health of an individual. Animal fats are mostly related to number of diseases and illness such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and even cancer. Through reducing such aspects in diet, risks of occurrence of many health issues can be minimize (Gjerris and et.al., 2016). However, sometimes there is a risk of some nutritional deficiencies that could be arise due to less intake of animal diet. Studies has shown that a vegan diet collects different kind sof bacteria than anima diet. It help in to reduce inflammation in the gut and could have benefits such as enhancing metabolism. Individuals who takes vegan diet are mostly of low weight as vegetables and fruits contains high nutrition and low calories. The diet even help over weight persons to reduce excess amount of fats.

Difference Between Whole And Processed Vegan Diet.

A whole vegan diet is a diet which consist of food products which extremely excludes any sort of animal food products. It is totally dependent on plants. It does not include any kind of processed food products. Being a set diet it is more of a lifestyle. There are some basic principles of whole vegan food which is emphasizing whole food and reducing processed food. It limits the amount of animal food and totally avoids it. Eliminates any kind of refined food products like sugar, processed foods or white flour. It promotes organic food and totally avoid any kind of processed food products. It helps in losing weight and improve overall health conditions of the individuals. Many of the studies has been suggested that plant based diet or whole vegan diet generally helpful in losing weight. Whereas, a processed vegan diet is a diet which is harmful for the individuals as it consist of packaged food. It is generally formed through the combination of certain vegan food products like grains, beans, vegetables, fruits and legumes. The combination thus results sin formation of some familiar food products such as vegan ice-cream, cheese, hotdogs and many more (Hartmann and Siegrist, 2017). It is generally not totally excludes animal or diary food products. It is harmful for the overall health conditions of the individuals. It does not even contains large amount of nutritional value as a whole vegan diet does.

Spreading Awareness Regarding Consumption Of Vegan Diet.

As vegan diet is full of nutrients and eliminate the risk of any kind of diseases and illness among individuals it is important to aware them regarding positive impacts of this diet on their health conditions. Consuming vegan food products will help the individuals to lose weight and will eliminate the accumulation of extra fats. A lot of individuals these days are suffering from lot of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and many more. Thus, to reduce the ratio of occurrence of these kinds of diseases among individuals it is important to educate them about improving their lifestyle. This can be done through conducting some sort of social programs where health dieticians, care professionals give suggestions and information about consuming vegan food products ad risk of food products which is come from animals (Jones and et.al., 2016). Improved health conditions of overall population of London will lead to a healthy country. It will help in increasing productivity of the country as less of the individuals will be effected by any sort of processed or junk foods. Government of the country should implement some programs on different locations of London in order to reduce the health risks which are arising in the area. It is important for the individuals to know that low level of fats and cholesterol in diet will add ages in their life and will help them to stay healthy for a longer time.


Aim Of The Study

‘'To analyse the impact of vegan whole food and vegan processed food on health of London consumers. A case study on Minted Lounge in London''

Research Objectives

  • To identify the impact of vegan food on health of consumers.
  • To determine the difference between vegan whole food and vegan processed food.
  • To spread awareness among individuals regarding effect of consuming vegan diet.

Research Questions

  • What is the impact of vegan food consuming by individuals?
  • What is the difference between vegan whole food and vegan processed food?
  • What measures can be taken to spread awareness in individuals.


Data collection can be referred to as process of measuring and gathering information on interest of variables in a systematic manner that makes a researcher to answer a number of quarries along with research questions (Lonnie and et.al., 2018). There are two methods of collecting data which is primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. Primary data collection method is first hand method which is performed in different forms such as surveys, interviews, questionnaire and so on. Whereas, secondary data collection utilize databases, government reports, already done research study, directories, financial records and many more (Martin and Brandão, 2017). In this particular study, data has been collected from different sources in order to analyse the impact of whole and processed vegan diet on the health of individuals in London.

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Study Location

The concept of developing population based data regarding analysis of impact of vegan diet on health conditions of consumers was raised by the service users and workers of Minted Lounge restaurant in London. It is one of the most popular restaurant in the country where a large number of individuals comes on daily basis for having different kinds of meals. Hence, the data was collected within the preemies by using methods of data collection. It provide an idea of information related with the research area.

Sample And Sample Size

There are two types of sampling methods which is random sampling method and systematic sampling method (Perignon and et.al, 2017). In this particular study, random sampling method has been used. However, the sample size is the number of participants which has been selected for conducting particular study. The sample size use for analysing the impact of whole and processed vegan diet in Minted Lounge restaurant in London was 150 respondents.

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Mode of Administration

The research was carried out in Minted Lounge in London. Number of questions were asked form the consumers of respective organisation regarding their food habits. The qualitative research design was conducted in the home care and the mode of collecting data was survey, questionnaire, one to one interviews and direct observations. The survey was begin with a brief introduction about the motive of the particular study which is to analyse the impacts of vegan food and to know what quantity of population is on vegan diet and what proportion of them is on junk foods and unhealthy diet.


The questions were asked to the service users of Minted Lounge restaurant in London. It was conducted for analysing the impact of vegan food products on their health. Some of the questions are given here.

  • How often do you take meat and dairy products?
  • What kind of diet do you take?
  • If you are a vegan, then what are the sources of protein in your diet?
  • What is the reason behind being a vegan?
  • Are you on whole vegan diet or vegan processed diet?


Timescale of a research project is basically the time which has been consumed in conducing the research (Ranganathan and et.al., 2016). For this particular study, Gantt chart can be used for analysing the time scale. It is one of the most important tool for presenting tasks and activities which has been going throughout the study against a time scale. It shows different aspects of the study such as what were the activities, what is the time for ending and initiating the activity, what activities are overlapping with other activities and so on. In this particular study, Gantt chart has been used for providing a graphical illustration of impact of vegan food on consumers of London which helps to co-ordinate, plan and track activities of the study.

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From the above study, it can be conclude that vegan diet is considered to be healthy for the individuals as it contains number of good nutrients which are necessary for an individual to lead a healthier lifestyle. These days there is a growing phase of this kind of diet as individuals now are becoming conscious for their health conditions and tying to reducing the risk of any kind of occurrence of any diseases or illness. Vegan diet is helpful in maintain weight of the individuals as it contains low amount of fats and calories as compared to the food products which come from animal sources. Whole vegan diet is proved to eb beneficial for health conditions of individuals as compared to processed vegan food which is quite harmful to consume as it contains some amount of fats that could be accumulated in boy parts and may result in occurrence of obesity.

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