
Complete Health Care for Infants during Hospitalization


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Introduction to Child Care

Child care and nursing constitutes to be one of the most critical and sensitive matters, as every child has specific needs and requirements. One of the primary reasons for the excessive sensitivity is the inability of children to clearly express their suffering and the extent of impact of illness which is made on their long term physical and mental health (Behlau, 2015). In respect to the same, nursing becomes a serious challenge for the personnel handling children. It requires the concerned people to undertake additional care of children, in comparison to other adults. In the instant report a nursing management schedule is being developed for a five year old child who is purportedly suffering Croup diseases. Further, it shall also illustrate the role of family in recovery of the child and impact of hospitalization on a child.

Child's presenting condition

The child presents condition of child is that he is suffering from the coughing from the last one week and also suffering from mild fever as well. Child is also sneezing and nasal congestion the major problem which is identity in child is coughing. He had cough from the last one week and also suffering from the fever (Bennett, Dolin and Blaser, 2014). Along with this he is also sneezing and nasal congestion. Along with this the child is also suffering from the cold but he has no allergic from food of medications. Main problem of child is cough so the working diagnosis can be x-ray. X-ray won't reveal the most common reasons for a cough but its helps to hospitals to understand the problem of child. It is use by them to check the if any lung diseases is exits.

It is identified that the child may be suffering from the Croup diseases. Symptoms of this disease are cough, stridor, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing which usually worsens at night. Along with this the child is also suffering from the fever, sneezing and nasal congestion. All these are signs of the Croup. This fist step of diagnosis is frontal X-ray. With the help of the x-ray they can measure the performance of neck . Other from of investigation includes such as blood test and viral cultures. The viral inflection that cause Croup leads to swelling of the Larynx, trachea and large bronchi. Swelling produce air way obstruction a when significant, leads to dramatically increased work of breathing and the characteristic turbulent, noisy airflow known as stridor

Nursing management of child condition

The nursing management consists the performance of leadership function of governance and decision making within organization and employees nurses. The main elements of nursing management includes planning, organizing, staffing and Directing (Caparrelli, Calogero and Lombardi, 2015)). The present case is based on the child who are suffering from the croup diseases. Following are elements of nursing management.


At this stage, nurse of organization need to make plan. In this they develop different sources which can be use by them for preventing diseases along with they are also needed to plan, ways to flight with disease. It is also included identification of sings and diseases and t take the fist step of diagnosis. In this child problem planning includes to provide the basis of the diagnosis and then take further steps.


In this step, according to the nurse management they have to manage their resources effectively (Green, 2016). It also includes to give complete resources such as medicines, conduct different types of test which are required to check the main problems of the child, along with its also includes to provide standard treatment to child and provide clear description of this disease to other staff members.


Another elements of nursing management is to staffing. At this stage, the nursing management is conduct different types of person such as doctors, nurses and other staff members which are required for the performing the operation. In this case the child is suffering from the cough so one member from the hospital is required to check the performance of child and if any problem is rises then conduct to other member of hospital.


The directing includes give directing to the staff members and ways to prevent from the diseases. It also includes the various types of guidelines which are provided by the organization to their staff members (Narayanan and Funkhouser, 2014). In this hospital give direction to junior level staff members ways to care the child. The child is suffering from croup diseases so manage need to make them calm as possible.

Medication of diseases

In this present report the child is suffering from the croup diseases, which is very rare in the present world. Major symptom of this disease is that the child is suffering from cough and also suffering from fever (Caparrelli, Calogero and Lombardi, 2015). There are very types of medication are available for such disease. Medication of this disease Dexamethasone and Budesonide. In this two types of medication helps to child to prevent from the croup. From these two medication croup patients get relief and also considered as the effective medication.


Dexamethasone is a type of corticosteroid medication. This treatment used in many diseases such as rheumatic problems, numbers of skin diseases, lung disease and brain swelling. The main reasong to give this medicine by administration is to prevent from the croup diseases. It is considered as the anti inflammatory and autoimmune condition (atel, Kitchin, and Pfeifer, 2017). This medicine help to child from swelling and other problems which are faced by child during that problems. Administration with the help of this medicines want to give relief to child and generally injected in child's body. With can help to child to recovery from that disease early.


Budesonide (BUD), sold under the brand name Pulmicort among others, is a medication of the corticosteroid type. It is available as the inhaler, pill nasal spray and rectal from. From the preventing d disease like croup inhaler is the most effective way. Through this problems like infection, cough and headaches can recover. With the help of this medication administration of the hospital want to remove their problems. The child is suffering from cough and fever, these medicines helps to them form recovery from croup and help to child to from swelling and breathing problem. It also helps to that child from other problem like asthma and generic problem.

Role of family during child hospitalization and its barriers

Family is called a team of individual which helps to child from preventing diseases. Family play important role which helps to child from the preventing the diseases. During the hospitalization the family play important role to maintain quality of life in hospitalization patients with chronic problems. It also helps to patients to self directed activities and develop self care activities (Schlossberg, 2015). Additionally, family helps to reduce the stress of patients. In the presents report the patents is suffering from Croup diseases so need to be extra care so he can easily recover from the problem.

Role of family

During the child admission on hospital the parents need to make to communication with their family relatives. They ned to give mentally support to their child so he can give equal response to their treatments. During the admission the parents need to make consultancy with doctors and other people who will give treatments to their child. In this process the parents may face some barriers such as the many be staff members of hospitals does not give equal response them.

  • Another role of the parents is to make effective communication with their doctors. In this communication process they can explain home treatments which are given by them and also helps to staff members to understand the main problems of their children which he is facing during the treatments (Searing, 2014). In the given case the child is suffering from the Croup problems. His parents give decongestant syrup which helps to them for preventing cough from two days. Apart, from this he is acting as normal child and also no other diseases found in that child.
  • The next role of parents is to make arrangements of financial resource so their child get the best treatments. With the help of these resources their children get admission in hospitals and receive treatments from their doctors. The main problem which is faced in this stage is arrangement of fund in effective manner (Behlau, 2015). In this parents may face problems to arrange the fund to fulfilled the requirements of hospitals.
  • Apart, role of parents is also includes to give emotional support to their children. The emotional needs is aim to improvement of the therapeutic program the communication with nursing and medical staff. It helps to patient's care. In this the main problems which is faced by family is to make convey child to adopt the treatments.
  • Impact of hospitalization on child

There are several impacts of hospitalization on child. During the hospitalization the child may fear to may elements. Following are impact of hospitalization on child.

The main fear of children during the hospitalization is that they get concern regrading to their parents. In many situations it is found that children many get afraid that may be their parents. In this time the child many to not give equal responses to their treatments and many be they get nervously breakdown. The child is suffering from the croup diseases and he is only 5 years old. During the hospitalization he may concerned to his parents. During the hospitalization child may gets a sense of separation and rejection. In thei hospital the children may get nervous. It many also effects their mental health and physically ability. There are certain other factors which can also be concluded in this. It is that child in under 5 may not understand the environment of hospitals and might get afraid from their treatments. Another impact of hospitalization is that may be child create a sense of fear regrading to the hospital environment. During the hospitalization the child many get fear from the pain which he got during the hospitalization. Apart, form these children is also got fear of many things along with hospitals. The Children get also afraid from many. Hospitalization may increases scale of the stress of children in the hospitalization. During the hospitalization the children gets afraid with many things and also these things leads to many other problem in their situation such as fears and anxieties, especially, separation from parents, etc.

There are many other problems which are faced by the children during the hospitalization. In this hospital child may not give equal responses to their treatments, they do not take proper food and along with this they get also fear of pain. In this hospitalization process child is does not take prop[er food and medicines which is not good sign for the them. In order to recover from the disease they need to follow certain rules and regulation. So they can easily recover from the diseases.

It is responsibility of hospitals and parents to give moral supports to their child so they can recover from the diseases. In order to manage the changes they also need to guide to their child so they can easily prevents from the diseases


The presented information helps in enhancing knowledge about the basic conditions of child when he is suffering from fever and coughing. There are different factors which contribute to this situation and even worsening the impact if not handled properly. Hence, there are facts presented in this report which denote that apart from specific medications the patient must not be given any other medicine because it can lead to serious health concerns. Furthermore, there has been a nursing plan presented here which denotes the steps which have to be followed for providing effective care and health support. This report also helps in understanding the role of parents in critical conditions of a child.

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  • Behlau, I. (2015). 30. Croup, supraglottitis, and laryngitis. Clinical Infectious Disease.
  • Bennett, J. E., Dolin, R., & Blaser, M. J. (2014). Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Bjornson, C. L., Williamson, J., & Johnson, D. W. (2016). Telephone Out Patient Score: The Derivation and Validation of a Telephone Follow-up Assessment Tool for Use in Clinical Research in Children With Croup. Pediatric emergency care. .
  • Caparrelli, C., Calogero, C., & Lombardi, E. (2015). Systemic Corticosteroids in Respiratory Diseases in Children. In Systemic Corticosteroids for Inflammatory Disorders in Pediatrics. Springer International Publishing.
  • Green, R. J., (2016). Obstructive airway disease in children: respiratory. Medical Chronicle. 2016(Aug 2016).
  • Narayanan, S. & Funkhouser, E., 2014. Inpatient hospitalizations for croup. Hospital pediatrics.
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