
Working in Partnership


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Introduction to Working in Partnership

Working in partnership is an imperative aspect of health and social care because it supports the care homes to deliver good quality of services to patients and cater to their needs effectively (Health and social care working in partnership. 2007). Partnership in health and social care makes it possible for a single agency to resolve the issues by taking new as well as better solutions. The present report covers partnership philosophies and their relationship to health care services. Further, an explanation has been given on the promotion of positive partnerships working with professionals and organization as well as users of HSC. In addition to this, potential barriers to partnership working in health and care services are analyzed.

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1.1 Philosophies of Working in Partnership in HSC

The philosophies of working in partnership depict that health and social care settings need to work with integrity in order to provide quality services. According to the given case study, following philosophies are considered by the care home. These philosophies support the corporations to work with integrity and to give good experience to a number of patients. Some of the philosophies are listed below-

Empowerment- It is the most effective method where the health and social care setting can distribute the roles and responsibilities of the workforce in accordance with their qualities. It proves to be effective in enhancing their level of motivation and enabling them to improve service quality (Fanjiang and et. al., 2005). Further, under this philosophy, emphasis is laid on developing a good partner relationship. However, the power is shared among those who lack the same. It assists the workforce to contribute towards well well-being of society as well as the care home. Apart from this, service providers also find it feasible to get a good position at the workplace where they can work with positivity.

Autonomy- This is another imperative philosophy of working in partnership. In this, service providers are provided with the freedom to work according to their interests and they approach the right kind of resources to complete their duties. This aspect facilitates to bring improvement in the service quality of nursing homes where quality issues are being faced (Glasby and et. al., 2008).

Respect- This philosophy helps to promote the partnership in HSC by providing respect to clients by sharing detailed information among them with regard to their treatment and medication (Estes and Harrington, 2008). Furthermore, beliefs and values are considered while rendering services among patients or service users.

Power sharing- In this philosophy, power is shared among employees of care homes who intend to work in partnership. This aspect proves to be effective in developing mutual understanding among them with regard to roles and responsibilities (Fonder and et.al., 2008). These certain criteria help in collaborative partnerships working in health and social care settings and enhance the level of satisfaction among clients and service providers.

Informed choices- The information choices philosophy is where care homes come to know about the solution to ethical dilemmas by providing detailed information of treatment to all related parties (Haworth and et. al., 2002). This philosophy results in a way that healthcare organizations give good experience to clients and ensure good quality of services by providing them better treatment along with informed choices. Thus, the aforementioned philosophies help to resolve the issues faced by one of the chains of nursing homes as it motivates the care setting to work in partnership in bringing alteration in the present quality issues.

1.2 Evaluating Partnership Relationships Within Health And Social Care

Partnership in health and social care can be succeeded only when different parties work to achieve common goals with long term relationships. The relationship of different partners within health and social care are evaluated as follows-

Relationship with social workers- Working in partnership must develop good relationships with social workers. This helps the health and social care setting to raise the awareness among general public by working with social workers. Here, social workers play an important role in bringing improvement in society, and care homes can work with the same so as to work with integrity (Adams, 2007). It enables the health and social care setting to enhance the level of satisfaction among service users. Further, by developing good relationships with social workers, the care setting can assess the needs of patients and accordingly, provide them treatment.

Relationship with colleagues or organizations- Nursing homes in the UK are working with partnerships where they need to build good relationships with other organization from which they get full support in rendering services to patients. However, they can be institutions, academies, and groups of experts as well as diagnostic centers (Burbach, 2002). These all work jointly in order to ensure the safety of overall society and to promote the good living of general people. Here, it is very important for health and social care settings of UK to establish a long term relationship with organization to bring improvement in service quality and to give a high level of satisfaction among users. By this, corporations can easily cope with the changing scenario and can also bring technological updation in the care home. In addition to this, the aspect of working in partnership also proves to be effective in getting all kinds of health services in one place (Glasby and et. al., 2008).

Relationship with clients or service users- Service users are the main party who is directly associated with the health and social care firm. Here, partnership organization needs to work in accordance with the preferences of service users. Also, they need to make informed choices as well as required to ensure the use of a person-centered approach. This facilitates to development of trust among clients. Apart from this, patients can be integrated into the decision making process and they should be invited to provide feedback. (Fanjiang and et. al., 2005) As per their feedback, there must be a positive change in the work culture of the care home. It leads to building good relationship among patients and service providers or care homes.


2.1 Analyzing Models of Partnership Working Across The Health And Social Care Sector

There are several models of partnership working across the health and social care sector. These are listed as follows-

Coordinated Model

According to this model, the health and social care setting works independently according to the functionally specialized structure of the corporation. This will help the agencies working in partnership to operate in a self-directed form. However, they should coordinate with respect to management, training, and staff in rendering services among service users. Furthermore, this model can be helpful in achieving quality standards and accordingly, in providing services among service users (Burbach, 2002). In addition to this, the local government provides full support for all care settings to work independently.

Unified Model

This is another appropriate model of working in partnership under which there remains only one financial system and a single strategic direction. Also, corporations work on the basis of common aims and objectives. This aspect makes it possible to lower additional charges and bring improvement in the service quality. Similarly, this model gives several types of benefits for corporations as well as clients (Fonder and et.al., 2008). This includes a reduction in waiting time, accessing good quality services relocation of hospitals, and development of strong infrastructure facilities. It contributes towards the upward direction of the business.

Coalition Model

This is another approach to working in partnership for health and social care. Under this, all corporations or health care settings work according to their own self-interest in order to achieve common objectives (Haworth and et. al., 2002). This way corporations work jointly for a common purpose but represent themselves individually in order to provide good quality services to patients at a number of locations.

In addition to this several practical models are also there by which health and social care can work effectively. This includes local health care strategic partnerships as well as local healthcare area agreements. Under this, corporations support each other to achieve common aims and objectives. This in turn country can have less impact on a number of diseases and the successful running of healthcare organization can be ensured (Mumby, 2012).

2.2 Reviewing Current Legislation And Organizational Practices And Policies For Partnership Working in Health And Social Care Practice

There are several legislation and organization processes as well as policies for partnership working in health and social care practice. The first legislation is related to The Health and Social Care Act 2012 wherein care homes accountability is enhanced. Also, guidelines are provided for care homes to improve service quality by taking into account rules and regulations. Further, the Care Quality Commission Regulations 2009 sets standards for all care homes to protect clients and ensure their safety with effective work practices. In addition to this, the Care Standard Act 2002 also specifies regulations for the ethical conduct of care setting and fulfills objectives set by the government. On the other hand, several kinds of practices and policies for partnership work also apply. Under this, risk assessment processes and adult safeguarding as well as health teams are some of the specific ways through which health and social care practices are working with integrity in order to achieve the set objectives (Petch, 2012). Apart from this, the government can take legal action in case care settings do not follow the set standard. The main reason behind such a strict approach is to provide safety for the general public and ensure their well-being in society. In order to grow and operate smoothly in the long run, care-setting standards are required to be developed in effective manner. It is the prime duty of every care organization to provide the best quality services to its patients. Further, the organization is required to ensure that all the ethical aspects are taken into consideration in an effective manner. If such practices are not followed then fines, penalties, and charges can be imposed which will affect them in the long run (Mumby, 2012).

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2.3 Differences in Working Practices And Policies Affect Collaborative Working

There are a number of working practices and policies used by health care organization that affect collaborative working to a great extent. However, they work together but because of the implementation of regional and local policies, corporations may have an impact on collaborative working. These differences can be understood as follows-

Roles and responsibilities This, collaborative working invites conflict among professionals, practitioners, and other staff members. This in turn corporations face barriers in meeting organization objectives (Rogers, 2011). Furthermore, healthcare professionals may have confusion in certain situations which creates barriers in providing services to users. Thus it can be stated that the roles and responsibilities of each and every person involved in collaborative working must be clear. This will result in the smooth flow of all the activities, and operations and will also provide the best possible outcome.

Organizational structural differences to different organization structures collaborative working is not easy at the initial phase. Here, care settings have their own set of objectives and aims. Owing to this, it is a critical process to convert different care homes into integrated approaches (Moss, 2012).

This is another issue because all organizations adopt different processes for meeting communication needs. Owing to this, collaborative working creates issues in managing work and delivering good quality services to a number of patients. It can be stated that effective communication is very essential for the success of collaborative working. Lack of communication has a direct impact on the entire efforts and productivity of all people (Petch, 2012).

Cultural differences organization has a unique set of culture, beliefs, and values as well as patterns of doing work. Owing to this, collaborative learning creates issues because of cultural differences and distinct philosophies of all involved organizations. One of the best ways to overcome the issues related to cultural differences is by encouraging more and more team activities. The benefit of this is that at the time of working together, people will be able to understand the culture of each other. This will automatically result in eliminating cultural differences (Rojko, Lesjak, and Vehovar, 2011).


3.1 Evaluating The Possible Outcomes of Partnership Working

The possible outcome of partnership working has been explained according to different parties involved with the same such as service users, health professionals, and organization. It has been explained as follows-

Outcome for service users- Collaborative working of health and social care facilitates providing support for service users., This is because service users will not be required to search for the appropriate care home. Instead, they can easily access good quality services as per their requirement (Willcocks, 2008). Furthermore, service users can get their issues resolved in most effective manner because they can access to right kind of experts and professionals.

Health professionals aspect of collaborative working provides a rich experience to health professionals because they can share their knowledge with a number of health experts. Also, this is the right way to learn from others and adopt the best method for providing services in society. In addition to this, collaborative working creates barriers for health professionals to fulfill their responsibilities because of the operation of care homes at diverse levels (Gajendran and Brewer, 2012). Owing to this, they face difficulty in assessing the risk at the initial stage. On the other hand, resources need can be fulfilled because of partnership working by which health professionals can easily reduce the number of incidents that take place in care homes.

Organizations-Working in partnership is the most effective aspect for organizations because it aids in reducing the cost of production and reduces the waiting time of clients to a great extent (Matin, 2006). Also, care homes get experts who have potential knowledge in the same field. However, at the initial stage, it becomes critical for all corporations to manage collaborative working because of changing culture, values, and practices. Apart from this agencies cannot follow the standard imposed by the government which in turn ethical aspect may be affected. However, working in partnership is profitable in both financial and non-financial aspects.

3.2 Analyzing The Potential Barriers to Partnership Working in HSC

There are several barriers faced while working in partnership in health and social care settings (Worley, 2013). It generates active participation of all care workers as well as health professionals to resolve the issues and ensure the successful implementation of collaborative working.

Poor communication- The first issue may be faced because of improper communication. As all care homes have their set pattern or process for communication among different departments. In this regard, it might be possible that care workers do not get enough guidelines for work to be done by them (Willcocks, 2008). Here, due to a lack of guidance staff members may not be able to achieve their targets at the right time.

Lack of coordination-The main motivation of collaborative working is to work for a common purpose in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the corporation. However, because of a lack of coordination among each department, it might be possible that care settings do not work with integration. However, these issues are likely to occur because of the different cultures, values, and beliefs of all corporations (Petch, 2012).

Conflict because of different partnership philosophies- Under this different corporations have their own set pattern of doing work by which it becomes critical for them to work in partnership at the initial stage. It is the reason conflict may take place among them. On the other hand, conflict may arise because of unwillingness to share data and information with another care home. Owing to this, agencies cannot work with integrity and the set objectives are not achieved at the right time (Worley, 2013).

Lack of training among partners-Under this process due to lack of training staff members may not be able to cooperate with each other. Hence collaborative working may affect all work practices of a corporation. However, there will be a low level of motivation among the workforce and they cannot concentrate on their work. At this juncture, service providers do not get a clear direction for working (Rogers, 2011).

3.3 Devising Strategies to Improve Outcomes For Partnership Working in Health And Social Care Services

In order to grow and earn adequate profits in the long run, working in partnership is very important. The relationship and coordination between service provider and user in health and social care is required to be very effective. Along with this, all the professionals who are associated with health and social care are required to perform their tasks and deliver services in the best possible manner (Making sure health and social care services work together, 2013). Below mentioned are some of the strategies that can help in improving the outcomes for partnerships working in health and social care:

Equal respect for all It may happens that the people working in partnership belongs to different cultures, educational and social backgrounds. In such a situation, the partnership can be successful only when people have respect for each other. At the time of discussion or any issues, the views and opinions of others are required to be listened to and respected (Estes and Harrington, 2008). This will create a sense of satisfaction among all the people who have formed a partnership and will also result in getting the best possible outcome of the same.

Communication- In every type of partnership, communication plays a very important role. It can be stated that effective communication is when messages and information are sent and received in the best possible manner (Moss, 2012). In case of emergency proper communication between health care professionals, service users, and providers is a must.

Allocation of rights and duties of partners- One of the effective ways to get the best outcome is by making all the partners aware of their roles and duties. Most of the time when people are not aware of their roles then obstacles are created in the accomplishment of aims and objectives (Fanjiang and et. al., 2005). In case of emergency, if the professional and service provider are aware of their roles then the best possible services can be provided to users.


From the aforementioned report, it can be concluded that for working effectively in partnership in the health and social sector various aspects are required to be considered. The implementation of the devised strategy in the report will help in improving the functioning of partnerships in HSC and will result in fruitful outcomes. The study also reflects that while offering services to service users it is important for care workers to consider a range of legal policies and frameworks. With this aspect, the customer's interest can be safeguarded and the optimum benchmark required for maintaining health care services can be attained.

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  • Adams, R., 2007. Foundations of Health and social care. Palgrave MacMi
  • Bakar, H. and Mustaffa, C., 2013. Organizational communication in Malaysia organizations: Incorporating cultural values in communication scale. Corporate Communications: An International Journal.
  • Burbach, F., 2002. Service Development Through MultiDisciplinary and MultiAgency Partnerships. Mental Health Review Journal.
  • Estes, C. and Harrington, C., 2008. Health Policy: Crisis and Reform in the U.S. Health Care Delivery System. 5th ed. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Fanjiang, G. and et. al., 2005. Building a Better Delivery System:: A New Engineering/Health Care Partnership. National Academies Press.

Working in Partnership with Health and Social Care Sectors

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