
Influencing Factors for Playing Pokemon Go


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  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1662
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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

A significant development in Information technology has brought several revolutions in many industries. Hence, the benefit of same has also being gather by mobile gaming industry. Herein, it is examined that in today's scenario mobile gaming industry is gaining immense popularity (Wetzel, Blum and Oppermann, 2012). It is due to the presence of many factors, hence the smartphone can also being consider as one of such type of factor which is playing very critical role in mobile gaming industry. Herein, prior to the development of smartphone, there are very general and basic games has been introduced in mobile phone such as Snake. According to the view point of (Irwin, Kline and Streeter, 2013) the main of these game is to reduce the boredom of individual and entertain them. In the year 2000, mobile game has gained immense popularity in Japan's mobile phone culture. Here, till the year 2003 there are wide variety of mobile games has been found out in the Japanese mobile phone and some examples of the same are puzzle game, virtual pet title which make use of mobile camera phone and finger print scanner technology game etc. These are some inbuilt mobile games.

However, there are some other games have also introduced which can be downloaded by the users from the app store and these games are Angry bird, Rolando and Fight Control etc. However, nowadays a very new and different type of concepts has been developing in the mobile gaming industry. In accordance with the given context, it can be said that now people have the option to physically involved themselves in the gaming world. Hence, the game such as Pokemon Go is being regarded as one of the biggest example of the same. It is the location based mobile game which is developed by Niantic in July 2016. This game is for iOS and Android mobile users. This game is played by using GPS (Global positioning System) feature of mobile. This system is used with an aim to locate and track the virtual creatures which is called by the name of Pokemon. This game was first released in the nations such as Australia, United State and New Zealand etc. However, after gaining immense popularity the game was introduced in several other countries too. This game is highly popular among young people who prefer to travel from one place to another.

This study is based on the topic of “To identify the factors which influences players to play Pokemon Go”. Hence, in the given dissertation detailed explanation will be given regarding the fact that why people are attracted more towards location based mobile game. The whole focus of respective study has been on Pokemon Go game. This dissertation make use of different research methodology in order to get insight into the examined problem.

1.2 Problem Statement

The main and basic problem which is related with location based game is of increase amount of accidents. This is because, here in the given type of game user or player will have to play the game in actual real world situation. For example, take the case of Pokemon Go there are several socking incidents have been associated with the given game (Celino, 2015). For instance, in this game players will have to search Pokemon by using their mobile GPS devices. The Pokemon can be located at any location, hence even in the location which are more prone to accidents. Thus, it can be consider as the type of game which may threaten the life of people. But, still there are many people who are attracted towards this game. Thus, this study reveals answer to the question that which factors induces players to play Pokemon Go.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The main aim of given study is to assess the factors which influences the player to play Pokemon Go. Herein, on the basis of given aim following objectives are framed for the current study:

  • To define the concept of location based mobile game especially with respect to Pokemon Go.
  • To examine the factors which has influenced player to play Pokemon Go.
  • To assess the disadvantages which are related the Location based game.
  • To recommend the ways of mitigating limitations which are associated with Pokemon Go.

1.4 Research Questions

On the basis of above mentioned objectives, the study tend to give answer to the following questions:

  • What is the concept of location based mobile game especially with respect to Pokemon Go?
  • What are the factors which has influenced player to play Pokemon Go?
  • What are the disadvantages which are related the Location based game?
  • What are the ways of mitigating limitations which are associated with Pokemon Go?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study which is conducted on the topic of assessing the factors which influences the player to play Pokemon Go has its benefit for number of people. Herein, the respective study has its significance for the scholars who is also performing their study in the mobile gaming industry. By taking assistance from given study, researchers can explore several new ways which are associated with the mobile gaming industry (Jordan and, 2013). Hence, it is through this way only they can prepare some new base regarding their conducted study. Furthermore, the respective study has its benefit for different companies also which make the production of mobile game for their users. Herein, this study gives the explanation about the different limitations which are related with location based mobile game.

Thus, by working upon the given limitations mobile companies can gain benefit in the form maintaining satisfaction level of the buyers in an effectual way (Schmitz and, 2015). The satisfaction level of buyers is affected when firm does not make efforts in terms of improving their own services in an effectual way. In addition to this, the conducted study has its benefit for students and PHD scholar too. This is because, given study assist them in their knowledge improvement.

1.6 Dissertation Structure

The present study has been structured in the following form:

  • Chapter 1 Introduction: The first chapter of dissertation which is related with the topic of assessing the factors which influences players to play Pokemon Go is of introduction. In the given chapter, brief explanation has been given regarding the respective game. This section also give explanation about the problem which is related with current study.
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review: It is being regarded as second chapter of the study. In the given section, number of secondary sources has been used in order to get in-depth details regarding the conducted study. The sources consist of books, journals and online articles etc (Procyk and Neustaedter, 2013).
  • Chapter 3 Research methodology: This section gives description about varied research tools and techniques which has been used by researcher in order to conduct the study in an effectual manner. The success of dissertation thoroughly rely upon given section. This is due to the fact that with the help of given section scholar can make its effort in terms of attaining the formulated aim and objectives of current study.
  • Chapter 4 Data analysis and discussion: In this section, the data which has been collected by researcher has been analysed by making use of different tools and techniques (Schell, 2014).
  • Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendation: The conclusion which has been ought from conducted study has been determined in the given section.

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  • Celino, I., 2015. Geospatial dataset curation through a location-based game.Semantic Web
  • Irwin, K. E., Kline, C. and Streeter, G., 2013. Scientific Games International, Inc., 2014.Method for Verifying the Age or Location of a Player Before Initiating Play of an Internet-Based Game. U.S. Patent Application
  • Jordan, K. and, 2013. November. Identification of structural landmarks in a park using movement data collected in a location-based game. InCOMP@ SIGSPATIAL.
  • Procyk, J. and Neustaedter, C., 2013. GEMS: a location-based game for supporting family storytelling. InCHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • Schell, J., 2014.The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses. CRC Press.
  • Schmitz, B. and, 2015. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes: The impact of a location-based, collaborative role-playing game on behaviour.Computers & Education.
  • Wetzel, R., Blum, L. and Oppermann, L., 2012. Tidy city: a location-based game supported by in-situ and web-based authoring tools to enable user-created content. InProceedings of the international conference on the foundations of digital games.

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