
Innovation of an application which facilitates GCSE students


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GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is an international academic qualification programme held by Commonwealth countries under educational programmes. In UK, it is generally used for wide range of subjects in the secondary education for pupils. It was introduced in the year 1988 that replaced earlier educational programme that are CSE and O-level examination. The main aim of this is to allow pupils to finish their coursework during their study so as to contribute towards maximizing their grades. With the changing period and fastest-growing technologies, educational institutions started to incorporate use of advanced and upgraded technologies so as to maximize the skills, knowledge and understanding level of the students (Mainstream games sector with a strong UK presence, 2016). Emergence of advanced and innovative tools and techniques helps to develop a quick understanding among students to expand their skills and knowledge so as to build a bright career path.

Nowadays, information technology is everywhere and it totally transformed the way how people learn diverse area of knowledge. Most important, in UK educational industry, it has a stronger influence over young generation children as teenagers are greatly affected by playing games. Therefore, this research project aims at examining the role of innovation and advancement so as to assess its prospective impact on teenagers (Games in education, 2015). This report will investigate that how various apps or gaming applications to help teenagers to expand their learning, talent or knowledge base. Moreover, the study will also shed light upon currently utilising apps that delivers wide range of information to the GCSE students. Along with this, it will examine the real prevailing situation by identifying the effectiveness of different apps on students learning. With the help of such analysis, scholar will be able to determine the most excellent or well-performing that is using by greater number of students. On the basis of this, a new app development plan will be prepared comprising necessary stages and activities that will be needed to carry out to design a new app for guiding and supporting teenagers of GCSE students. By creating an excellent app, educational institutions will be able to develop diverse field of knowledge and understanding among younger students, which in turn, maximize their skills and capabilities to assure brighter career.

Research objectives

The aim of the present research is to examine the use and effectiveness of innovative applications to facilitates GCSE students to make their career brighter or stronger. This aim will be effectively addressed by conducting study upon following research objectives, presented hereunder:

  • To investigate the importance of educational or gaming application for the better engagement of people
  • To carry out the research to identify existing or current apps and information regarding GCSE students
  • To compare and analyze various apps so as to determine the most excellent performing apps
  • To identify that how many GCSE students are utilizing smart phones in the UK and the current platform
  • To identify various stages in order to create a final design of new android app

Literature Review

To investigate the importance of education or gaming application for the better engagement of people

According to the study of East, (2016) which says that the student learn Through the process of playing game as the student will understand the concept and logic and they must familiar with new experiments and invention which help to acquire the knowledge. Through games the student learns variety of new skills: There are number of skills that student can develop such as creativity, Team work, thinking skills, sportsmanship. Games provide a source of engagement practice. Students have to do lots of practice to get familiar with English vocabulary. By downloading the apps in their cell phone students have a lot of practice with various exercises in the textbook. The games grab the attention of student and engage them in the regular work (Mindel, 2016). Through such technique student have a rapt attention on the games and content which improve their concentration skill .Games improve the language skill of individual in the form of writing, listening, speaking, reading. Vocabulary games increase the intellectual level of students and they acquire competent skills in the schools.

Games have outcome and feedback: Games have positive result in the minds of student through which various brainstorming session could be conducted .Appropriate feedback is provided in case of following wrong rules and regulation of games. Games have representation and story: Various story could be depicted to students in their classroom in which there is moral and conclusion which help them to learn and familiar with new things in their life.

Games have interaction and problem solving objectives: Through games various students interact with each other this help them to understand the games. If any problem occur through the execution of that particular game they any intelligent student should guide and instruct to other students.

Cognitive improvement: One of the importance additional advantages of this apps that it increase the mental development of individual (Solomon and Lewin, 2016). This help in overall development of individual.

Self improvement: Through this app the students are able to develop intellectual development skills. An educational app with content quality can help them to become a content writer.

Educational standard changing :Through these apps the living standard of student has increased by using the new rapid technology and advancement.

The games can increase the fun and excitement among the student which helps them to gain knowledge and to get familiarize with new trends. Through game's student have a positive memory in their classroom and it helps in developing emotional relationship among students.Interacting games helps the student in facing various challenges from outside world and it helps them to resolve various conflict among all the students.

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To carry out the research to identify existing or current apps and information regarding GCSE students

According to the study of East, (2016) which has observed that GCSE which is an acronym that stands for general certificate of secondary education is an academic qualification achieved by a student in order to pass the level of exams. This is one of the grade given to an individual who completed its two years of study in order to get this tag. The education plays a significant role in today's society as this will enhance the existing capabilities of an individual in order seek external market opportunities. The education is important phase of someone's life which raises their importance in the whole society by giving an additional respect by giving the title of literate. The rigid nature of study that create boredom and generates fear among kids and all other individuals to stay away from the studies. The basic distractions which affect the interest of a person from learning and seeking education is the technology. The technology plays a significant role in the current systems of education by changing the attitude of an individual in different contexts.

From the point of view of Achinewhu-Nworgu, Azaiki, Babalola and Achinewhu,(2016) which says that this particular technology will give negative direction to all the students by distracting them by offering variety of games and all other applications which generates their interest more in the games rather than in the learning new concepts and completing their studies. The most complicated subject is the maths which created fear among the students due its complicated numbers and different theorems. Another complicated subject which will not understand by the majority of students is science. The Science is very difficult for all the students who find no use of using these kinds of experiments and they feel bored. The games in turn distracted the minds of all age groups whether it can be kids, teenagers as they feel more comfortable whole playing games like Angry birds, Hot wheels car racing, Counter strike, Subway surfing which is enjoyed by all age groups and male girls and boys.

Mindel, (2016) has asserted that apart from distraction and showing negative direction to all the students regarding education they also play a positive role in the lives of an individual. The Modern business world who raises the scope of education in the current society by developing different educational applications. The technology is properly utilised in order to provide unique and attractive application in order to increase the interest of an individual in their studies (McCrone, Hopwood, Wade and White, 2015). The biggest challenge accepted by the education sector by improving their existing educational services by adding the touch of technology to simplify the existing subjects. The primary aim of developing different variety of applications and the software such as Android and IOS is to expand knowledge and learning base of the students. The selection of the different platforms will facilitate all the clients to use the educational services to complete their study. The education application developed by the businesses in the UK that is GOJIMO this application is regarded as one of the leading revision. This application which will provides free study material which can be accessed by all individuals for taking help in any exam given by them (Korenova, 2015). The uniqueness of this software is that all kinds of material can be accessed by all the students at free of cost. The questions will be presented in form of quiz questions that covers the complete syllabus of GCSE, AS Level, A level and all kinds of entrance exams. The presentment of the study materials in form of quiz questions which challenge the ability of an individual. This quiz will help the students to prepare for their exams as the questions that can be solved in less time will help a person in order to complete their paper in fewer periods. The basic advantage enjoyed by all individuals using this particular application which allow an individual by providing the detailed explanations about the questions related to any stream. The questions incorporate in these applications which allow a person to understand completely (Ping, 2016).

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The score allotted to each individual after completing quiz that motivates the students in order to improve their score till it reach to the final score. The student can used this application for their revision as all concepts learned by the students by heart. The application which can be said that mobile library which consists of all kinds of subjects which will improved the existing knowledge of an individual. The wrong answers will be improved by showing detailed explanation in the screen of the users to facilitate them in order to increase their existing score. The important element of this application is that the students can mentioned their doubts in the student review forum in which all their questions and queries will be solved by the experts of various fields. This application will provide the feeling of virtual classroom to an individual in which the study can be completed from their own convenient place. This facility will offer to the variety of students to reduce the barriers in the path of study and the student (Mindel, 2016). Moreover, another importance of educational application is to provide specialised services of subject regarding physics. The toughest and complicated part of the whole science is the physics whose terminology will create great chaos in the minds of all the students. This platform will provide variety of services in order to test and increase the existing knowledge of students. This application will emphasize on the GCSE physics in order to test the ideas. The refraction and reflection concepts are properly explained by using examples for each and every question as the image of all the examples are used in order to create visual impact on the minds of all the individuals. This application has transformed in form of games by offering the variety of games in order to please all the students. The primary aim behind the development of various games is to create friendly and interesting environment which creates curiosity rather than boredom. The visual effects used in the existing applications by using pleasing sounds. The experts believe that the visual impacts will directly created a large impact on the minds of students as they will memorise the concepts for long time (Nehring and Szczesiul, 2015). The practical approach is adopted by these applications to increase the memory power of an individual as all these efforts made with a clear aim to provide assistance. The assistance is provided to all the individuals in order to help all the users to get good grades in the exam. This app will provide three types of games such as Best of 10, Sudden fail and Time trial. All these types off games are presented in the form of multiple choice questions with short explanations of each answer to facilitate the users to rectify their mistake. The questions over 300 are offered to meet the needs of different individuals as they can take quizzes at any time according to their convenient.

To compare and analyse various apps to determine the most excellent performing apps

According to the study of Atkins, and Flint, (2015) the selection of various educational applications is to deliver diverse knowledge to the students according to their needs by accepting the visual appealing request of the developer in developing their applications. The selection of the best application selected by an individual is to meet the requirements of passing in the exam. The market research has been conducted in the whole UK in order to identify the best performing app currently operated in the application market which have higher base of customers. The results obtained from the above mention analysis which states that an entity has produced different outcomes in terms of variety of applications currently operating in the whole market (Solomon and Lewin, 2016). The educational applications currently operating in the whole UK are offering variety of subjects and all other categories to please the needs of the students. The different substitute's products current available in the market will complicate the existence of the developer. The wide range of application will force an individual in order to amend their applications by adding additional services to meet the higher expectations level of all the individuals.

Thompson and Alex, (2015) has asserted that the best suitable approach which remains at the top position in the race of excellent and the best performing applications in order to please the demands of the students. The GOJIMO has remained at the top level among all other software development companies. The primary aim of this is to develop different applications in order to meet the educational requirements of all the students. This app provides free of cost material in order to offer different number of materials to allow all individuals to prepare for various entrance and the common school level exams. This provides detailed explanation about all the questions in these particular applications. The doubts of all the individuals will be clarify by this entity by allowing additional feature of providing expert advice to the students. The students use the variety of applications in order to relieve their overall stress which are imposed by the external entities which further transformed into boredom that increase dissatisfaction among all kinds of students (Towns, 2015). Another important applications used by the students in which the Homework application. This application will lessen the workload of all the students by reducing their load of assignment given in the class. This application will also provide the benefit of making the time table which allows in planning about their exam time table. The physics application is also useful for the students in meeting their needs related to this particular stream. The physic concepts are presented in the unique format of questions presented in MCQ format. The variety of questions are offered to facilitate the different number of students by showing practical experimentation of all the activities in the form of Videos. The history app is helpful for the students as it visualises the historical timelines to enhance the memory power of a person. The history timelines and other important events takes places in the London will create confusion in the minds of different individuals. The students will learn about new and historical places situated in the London by showing area in the map to facilitate all the students to visit the place personally. The personal visit made by the individual in order to memorise all important places. The particular can be accessed by using different platforms such as android and the IOS (Solomon and Lewin, 2016). The additional and unique features of these applications will offer photographs of the historical places and the events. The 3 D drawings about the historical buildings of the London paintings are presented in the form of painting with the short commentary about its architecture and the year in which its builds.

To assess the extent to which GCSE students use smart phones in UK

According to the view points of Korenova (2015) usage rate of smart phone is increased with the very high pace in UK. Now, using smart phones become the part of the lifestyle of each person including students as well. The rationale behind this, smart phones have several apps which develop familiarity of the students with several aspects. Hence, smart phones enhance the knowledge level of students to the large extent. However, on the critical note, Alas and, (2016) said that use of smart phones also has negative impact on the marks and performance level of students to the large extent. Moreover, smart phones affect the concentration level of the students in a negative manner. Usually, more of the students make use of smart phone in searching other kind of activities rather than utilizing it for the study purpose. Thus, by taking into consideration such aspect there are several universities which banned mobile phone within the institutions. Educational institutions think that mobile hampers the study thereby grades as well as performance level of students to the large extent.

By doing investigation Walker (2016) found that pupils studied in a phone free school performs better in the examination as compared to others. In the present times, smart phones are one of the main distraction points which affect the performance of GCSE students. Hence, schools which do not allow students with phone found improvement in the result of their GCSE examination. Such action of the schools has enhanced the grade level of the students in examination who come under the category of bottom 60%. On the other side, Davies and, (2015) criticized that this statement is not true that by banning the mobile phones performance of students cannot be enhanced to the great level. Moreover, smart phones have several learning apps which in turn provides student with the easy approaches of understanding the concepts. For instance: Internet contains number of easiest approaches which in turn helps in getting understanding about the concepts and models of mathematics. The reason behind this, internet has variety of which provide deeper insight to the students about alternative methods of resolving the maths related problems or issues (Do Smartphones Have a Place in the Classroom, 2016). By considering such aspect it can be said that smart phones also assist in maximizing the grades of students. In this way, mobile-free schools negatively affect the performance, understanding and knowledge level of students in a negative manner. Hence, results performance level of GCSE students can also be enhanced through the means of mobile phones.

In accordance with the views of Reida and Pruijsenb (2015) strict action which is taken by the schools in relation to restricting the use of mobile phones has placed positive impact on the test scores. In UK, schools which follow GCSE university has taken decisions in relation to restricting the use of their phones. High concentration is one of the main requirements to perform better in the test and final examination. Along with this, wide knowledge level and grades achieved is the key to build bright future or career. Hence, study which is done by author clearly presents that grades level of students are significantly increased which shows that mobile-free school strategy is highly effective.

However, it is to be critically evaluated by Davies and, (2015) that mobile-free school had not offered high level of benefit those who achieved grade higher than 60%. Hence, such strategy benefitted only to the students who are in the bottom of 60% to the significant level. Thus, it can be said that institution which follow GCSE University needs to employ the strategy that offers benefit to all the students. There are mainly two types of students such as studious and individuals with lower level of concentration. In this regard, strategy of mobile banning will provide benefit only to the students who are suffered from the issue of lack of concentration and motivation. In contrast to this, due to the mobile banning action performance level of studious individual is affected in a negative manner (Mobile phone bans improve school exam results, research shows, 2016). Moreover, internet is one of the main sources which provide students with the wide study material or base. In this, by getting in-depth information regarding the course curriculum or study base students would become able to perform outstandingly in the examination.

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From their own investigation Teki, Kumar and Griffiths (2016) assessed those academic institutions had undertaken the decision of banning the mobile phones. Along with this, several strict and behavioural rules also have been introduced by the institution with the motive to get the desired level of outcome or success. The author said that misuse or abuse of phone was one of the main aspects due to which marks of the students affected negatively. Thus, by keeping such factor in mind schools took decisions in relation to banning the phones. Moreover, along with the study material internet also contains several things which influence the mindset of the students.

In addition to this, multi-tasking ability of students also has an impact on the performance level of pupils of GCSE. Moreover, when students devote their time in relation to the searching of various concepts then it may result into loss of productive time. Moreover, teachers also provide students with supporting teaching note by taking assistance of several books and internet. In this regard, GCSE students can learn and perform better in the examination by taking into consideration the notes delivered by tutor. On the contrary to it, Korenova, (2015) argued that performance level of GCSE students do not increased significantly after taking strategic measure in relation to mobile-free school. Moreover, there is small level of improvement has been assessed in marks and grades of students approximately 2% which is highly lower. Hence, by taking into account all such aspects it can be stated that educational institution affiliated from GCSE needs to framer competent strategic and policy framework for ensuring the growth in student's performance.

To identify various stages in order to create a final design of new android app

There are various stages of app development which needs to be followed by an entity in order to develop its new android application which are given as below:

  • Planning- This phase includes the aim of the developer behind the preparation of the application. The plan will guide an individual in order to conduct all their business operations in relation with the plan cum framework to frame its application (Marcus-Quinn, 2016). The rationale behind the preparation of this app is related with the educational and learning app which provides all kinds of data in order to help in studies along with the sound factor. A student can learn new concepts by listening to the music of their choice which enhances their memory and learning power according to the study conducted by the experts.
  • Analysis- This stage will focus on the existing performance of the business in order to prepare the applications which will be able to meet the requirements of all the targeted audiences. The analysis will be applied by the enterprise in order to test their unique idea with the application of certain parameters.
  • Design- This is regarded as one of the important step as the visual impact created on the audiences which in turn increases the sales and the revenue earned by an entity during the years. The design of the overall application will be presented in the form of 3 Dimensional approach that showcases the architectural design of this application (Wood and Butt, 2014). The design will determine all the pros and cons of the application by explaining all the features an entity try to incorporate in this application. The features will be added in this app will include customer feedbacks, money refund policy, expert advice, admission counselling after passing in the entrance exams, educational contests, rewards given to the students in completing tasks given in the application.
  • Development and implementation- The design will be framed by an entity which will further executed by passing the current product to the next level by giving this product to the pilot. The development of the application is done by incorporating all the changes by connect all the codes in one package in order to develop the application.
  • Testing- This approach will test the current products by applying different methods in order to identify the existing errors lies in the product.
  • Maintenance- the discovered errors identified in the existing products will be improved by sing appropriate technique in order to adapt with the changes takes places in the application in relation with the external market changes (Wong, 2016). In this particular phase the changes will be prioritised into different segment such as positive and the negative figures. The positive changes are directly added in the existing application in order to get higher market advantage by offering that kind of product which has gained the interest of wide number of customers or the users who are downloading it in order to take benefit from this application.


It can be concluded from the above report that the development of the educational application has accepted the requirements of the students. The current report stresses on the variety of factors that help an entity and its users in order to meet all their business obligations. The aim of the report to identify the use of educational application in providing educational information related to the GCSE has been achieved. The presentation of information provided by these apps will be able to meet the needs and the expectations of all the students. The results have been shown that the GOJIMO app has beaten all other applications currently operated in the external market among all other applications lies in the United Kingdom.

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  • Achinewhu-Nworgu, E. and, 2016. Strategies for Improving the Employability Skills and Life Chances of Youths in Nigeria. Education Provision to Every One: Comparing Perspectives from Around the World. p.276.
  • Solomon, Y. and Lewin, C., 2016. Measuring ‘progress': performativity as both driver and constraint in school innovation. Journal of Education Policy. 31(2). pp.226-238.
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