Literature Review
In today's era, people are focusing on making use of more and more technology. According to Zeytonli and, (2013) as per a recent study, it is identified that consumer behavior of people has changed and now they are visiting websites before purchasing any dearer item. It can be said that if one wants to purchase computers then he will visit websites and read people's reviews and on that basis, he decides whether to purchase a product or not. It can be observed that in few years back when one wanted to purchase anything he usually discussed his plan with another person and identified which brand product he must purchase. Now situation has changed and people not only believe in word-of-mouth communication but in order to verify information that is received from others they visit websites and read reviews about the product. This helps people make wise decisions.
According to Zeytonli, Madadi, and Dana, (2015) in the case of restaurants also due importance is given to reviews by the people before the selection of a restaurant. It has been observed that the price charged by the restaurant is very high and the main aim of individuals is to go to a restaurant where they get value for money. Hence, in order to get detailed information about the restaurant there are a large number of people who like to visit specific websites in order to collect information about the restaurant.
Abomeh, (2012) claims that not every person visits websites to read reviews given by the customers about the restaurant. This is because it is well well-known fact restaurants always make available the best quality food. They charge high prices but also make available delicious and good quality food to the people. Hence, there are many people who does not think that it is important to visit a specific website in order to select a specific one.
According to Sharma and Sharma, (2013), there are many people who believes in word-of-mouth marketing rather than online reviews because, in the case of word-of-mouth communication, they get detailed information about the restaurant. They come to know about things that are good and bad in the restaurant. Such kind of information helps individuals in selecting a restaurant. In online reviews, one provides brief information the same thing that is available through word-of-mouth communication. It can be said that there are many individuals that gives an importance to the word of mouth communication than online reviews.
As per the views of Mottalib and, (2011) all people do not make use of online reviews to make their decisions regarding the selection of restaurants. People make use of their experience of restaurants, information that they have about specific restaurants, and reviews that are available on the internet. On the basis of information that is received from these sources, a final decision is taken by an individual regarding the selection of a restaurant.
It is very important for restaurants to identify from which websites most individuals collect information about the restaurant. There are a number of websites from which information can be obtained like Facebook and Trip Advisor etc.
According to Zhang and, (2010) Facebook is emerging as one of the sources from which people receive lots of information about restaurants. There are a number of restaurants that develop their own page on Facebook and through the same provide information. On pages, information about edible items is provided by the restaurants. Along with this people also share their experiences on the Facebook page some give positive comments about the restaurant and some give negative comments on the same. It can be said that Facebook has emerged as one of the most important platforms where restaurants advertise their products and people share their experiences with restaurants. On Facebook, there are a large number of people and hence one gets a number of reviews regarding specific restaurants which help him in making appropriate