
The Impact Of Online Reviews On The Selection Of Restaurant By Customers


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Literature Review

In today era people are focusing on making use of more and more technology. According to Zeytonli and, (2013) as per recent study it is identified that consumer behaviour of people get changed and now they are visiting websites before purchasing any dearer item. It can be said that if one wants to purchase computers then he will visit websites and read people reviews and on that basis he decide whether to purchase product or not. It can be observed that in few years back when one wants to purchase anything he usually discuss his plan with other person and identify that which brand product he must purchase. Now situation get changed and now people are not only believe on word of mouth communication but in order to verify information that is received from other they visit websites and read review about the product. This help people in taking wise decisions.

According to Zeytonli, Madadi and Dana, (2015) in case of restaurant also due importance is given to on reviews by the people before selection of restaurant. It has been observed that the price charge by the restaurant is very high and the main aim of individuals is to go in a restaurant where they get value for money. Hence, in order to get detail information about the restaurant there are large number of people who like to visit specific website in order to collect information about the restaurant.

Abomeh, (2012) claims that not every person visit websites to read review given by the customer’s about the restaurant. This is because it is well known fact restaurants always make available best quality of food. They charge high price but also make available delicious and good quality food to the people. Hence, there are many people who does not think that it is important to visit specific website in order to select specific one.

According to Sharma and Sharma, (2013) there are many people who believes on word of mouth marketing then online reviews because in case of word of mouth communication they get detailed information about the restaurant. They come to know about things that are good and bad in the restaurant. Such kind of information help individual in selecting a restaurant. In online reviews one provide brief information the same thing that is available through word of mouth communication. It can be said that there are many individuals that gives an importance to the word of mouth communication then online review.

As per views of Mottalib and, (2011) all people does not make use of online review to take their decisions regarding selection of restaurants. People makes use of their experience of restaurants, information that they have about specific restaurant and reviews that are available on internet. On the basis of information that is received from these sources final decision is taken by individual regarding selection of restaurant.

It is very important for restaurants to identify from which websites mostly individuals collect information about the restaurant. There are number of websites from information can be obtained like Facebook and Trip advisor etc.

According to Zhang and, (2010) Facebook is emerging as one of source from which people receive lots of information about restaurants. There are number of restaurants that develop their own page on Facebook and through same provide information. In pages information about edible items is provided by the restaurants. Along with this people also share their experience on the Facebook page some give positive comment on restaurant and some give negative comments on same. It can be said that Facebook emerge as one of the most important platform for where restaurants advertise their products and people share their experience about restaurant. On Facebook there are large number of people and hence one get number of reviews regarding specific restaurant which help him in taking appropriate decision.

improving quality in all things As per views of Sparks and Browning, (2011) sites like Trip advisor are commonly used by the people to obtain lots of information about restaurants. It is the website that provides an information about the hotels at different price, facts and figures regarding price charged by the airline firms and many other information in respect to hotels. On this site people give there reviews. This site is more popular then Facebook because in Google search page when hotels are searched trip advisor site appears at top of web page. When one visit this site he obtain an information about the hotels and people experience on same. This website is specifically related to travel and tourism and due to this reason there are number of people who find reviews on this site authentic. It can be said that firms by visiting this website can get lots of information about their strong and weak points. By taking action on weak areas same can be convert in to strength. It can be said that it is very important for business firms to review these sites in order to make service better.

According to Hu and, (2012) reviews that are available on different websites to great extent put impact on individual’s decision regarding selection of restaurant. It is very important to note that online review only put high impact on decision of those people that give due importance to same. Means that if there is an individual who does not give too much importance to online reviews then if he will read reviews about the restaurant on specific website it will not put any big impact on his decision regarding selection of restaurant. Whereas, on other hand there is a person who give much importance to the online reviews then he will give importance to each positive and negative review and on that basis he will take decision in respect to selection of restaurant. Hence, it depends on an individual that what extent reviews affects his decisions in respect to choice of restaurant.

As per views of Pantelidis, (2010) online reviews put a great impact on choice of restaurant from people side. This is because those who visit websites to read reviews are very sensitive in nature and they read each review very carefully. If review is positive then there is no problem but on other hand if online review is negative then it create negative image of the restaurant among the people and one does not prefer to visit the restaurant. Negative online review may be related to service quality and the way in which employees of restaurant treat customers. It can be said that it is very important for the restaurants to make sure that there will be less number of online negative reviews about the restaurant. In this regard restaurant can take many steps like it can advise its employees to treat customers in proper way and to make available things in systematic way.

According to Lu and, (2013) one when visit specific website read many reviews and some of them are positive and some are negative. It became very difficult for an individual to determine that restaurant is good or bad because there are some customers who are appreciating restaurant for its service and at same time there are some people that are giving negative comments about the restaurant. Hence, by reading reviews one cannot easily and perfectly determine that restaurant is good or bad. Thus, word of mouth communication is the one of most important way through which one can get detailed information about the restaurant.

As per views of Zhang and, (2011) negative online reviews have too much impact on the selection of restaurant by customers. This is because it is psychology of an individual that is if there is negative review of the restaurant then there will be poor service quality. This prevent one from visiting specific restaurant. It is very important for one to read all negative reviews and then correlate them with each other. This is because if one will correlate all negative reviews with each other then he will come to know common point where most of customer’s think that restaurant is providing poor service to the customer’s. This thing help one in taking rational decision regarding selection of restaurant by using reviews. Thus, it can be said that reviews are available on internet but it depends on the individual that in what way he take these reviews. By reading specific restaurant review one can assume that restaurant is good but other one by reading same reviews can think that restaurant is not good. Hence, if one will follow right approach then he will be able to make best decision regarding selection of restaurant.

As per views of Dellarocas, Gao and Narayan, (2010) to what extent negative review will impact on one’s decision regarding selection of restaurant depends on the to what thing he gives a due priority. When an individual visit a restaurant he may give due importance to price of dishes, quality of edible items or the way in which staff members treat customers. If there is negative review about the price and one does not give priority to same then it will not put any impact on decision regarding selection of restaurant. This is because individual is not giving any importance to price and due to this reason negative review on restaurant in terms of price does not matter for him. Thus, it can be said that negative online reviews affects one decision regarding selection of restaurant only when one give importance to the factor with which that negative review is linked.

According to Filieri and McLeay, (2014) there are number of people that visit specific website for reading online reviews to determine which restaurant to choose. Those who rely on online reviews to large extent in relation to taking decisions regarding restaurant every-time visit specific website to collect relevant information about same. On other hand, there are many people that does not give much importance to the online reviews but for knowledge purpose visit websites to gather relevant information. Frequency of reading of reviews is very low in case of such kind of customers. It can be said that to what extent one will give importance to online review depends on the past experiences that one have in the restaurant. More customer’s will be conscious or sensitive about service quality or product price there decisions will be based on online reviews. Thus, there frequency of reading online customer’s review will also be high.

As per views of Wu, (2013) the frequency of reading of online review to great extent depends on age group to which one belongs. Researches that are conducted in past years clearly reflects that it is age of the people where frequency of reading online reviews is different. It is observed that in case of youngsters there is a high frequency of reading online reviews then old people. This is because old age people does not give too much importance to price and quality. Contrary to this, youngsters give due importance to online reviews and due to this reason there frequency to visit specific website to read reviews always remain high. This difference is observed between both groups because youngsters wants to take new and different experience in restaurants. Hence, they often read reviews to find out the restaurants that are preferred by people to take lunch or dinner. It can be said that people give due importance to value for money.

As per views of Park and Allen, (2013) in future time period frequency of visit to restaurant will increase because now more and more people give importance to service quality and they give importance to their satisfaction level. In other words, it can be said that people like to confirm that restaurant in which they intends to go excellent service will be given to them. According to Mangold and Smith, (2012) there many people who does not give much importance to the reviews but they like to know about the restaurant before visiting same. In other words, it can be said that individual before visiting specific restaurant like to know about the edible items they serve to the people at the specific price. By doing this individual try to assure two things one that he will get dish that he wants to eat in the restaurant. Secondly, he will get information about the price at which that dish is available in the restaurant. Thus, on the basis of available information from different websites one can determine that on which restaurant he must go to take lunch or dinner. It can be said that such kind of people does not spend so much time in checking that what things are good or bad in the restaurant. Their main focus is on the fact whether price charged by the restaurant is appropriate. This clearly reflects that it is not necessary that every time when individual is visiting website then his main aim is to identify whether restaurant is providing good service quality to its customer’s. There are different aims and objectives due to which people like to visit websites before taking their final decision regarding specific restaurant.

According to Akoglu, Chandy and Faloutsos, (2013) apart from reviews there are many other that affects one decision regarding selection of restaurant. In past researches it has been seen that there is positive relationship between reviews and selection of restaurant. But this relationship is low and moderate which means that there are some factors like preference, liaison of restaurant nearby to house and availability of less time that affects decision of individual regarding selection of restaurant. One after considering number of factors select specific restaurant for taking lunch or dinner.

Jeong and Jang, (2011) claims that the online advertisement that are viewed by an individual does not play any role in formation of positive or negative review from his side. This is because in advertisement every restaurant shows positive things. Restaurant never shows negative things about its business or services. Hence, by viewing an online advertisement one cannot give positive or negative reviews about the restaurant. It can be observed that in advertisement every restaurant shows the same thing which is availability of delicious dishes at reasonable price. Thus, for one it is very hard to give accurate positive or negative review about the restaurant on websites.

As per views of Kang, Yoo and Han, (2012) many times one prepare a plan about the restaurant where he will went to take lunch or dinner but when that specific person visit any site his plan get changed. This happened because either he find out some negative reviews about the restaurant in which he plan to visit or he identify very good reviews about the restaurant on the website. On the basis of reviews one bring change in his plan by reading same about the specific restaurant on website.

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  • Abomeh, O.S., 2012. Hospitality and tourism manpower training and education in Nigeria. Afro-Asian Journal of Social Sciences. 3(3). pp.1-18.
  • Akoglu, L., Chandy, R. and Faloutsos, C., 2013. Opinion Fraud Detection in Online Reviews by Network Effects. ICWSM. 13. pp.2-11.
  • Cheng, Y.H. and Ho, H.Y., 2015. Social influence's impact on reader perceptions of online reviews. Journal of Business Research. 68(4). pp.883-887.
  • Dellarocas, C., Gao, G. and Narayan, R., 2010. Are consumers more likely to contribute online reviews for hit or niche products?. Journal of Management Information Systems. 27(2). pp.127-158.
  • Filieri, R. and McLeay, F., 2014. E-WOM and accommodation an analysis of the factors that influence travelers’ adoption of information from online reviews. Journal of Travel Research. 53(1). pp.44-57.
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