Digital technology is important for business as it makes the task of others easy and simple. The present project is based on importance of digital technology in the company. The company chosen is Morrison which is a multinational company in UK. The aim of this project is to assess the ability of individuals to research.
- what are different research methodologies in research process?
- How to conduct and analyse research in a project?
- How to communicate the outcome of research to stakeholder?
- Write the reflection on applying research concept and methodologies?
Digital technology pleffthe workplace. an important role in business success. Therefore, Morrison considers customer relationship software implementation in it. In this regard, desired results will be developed successfully to cope with different strategies and techniques. As per the implementation of customer relationship management software, the manager of the chosen business can gain more customer base at the workplace (Gatautis and Medziausiene, 2015). Therefore, it will increase significant advantages to manage innovations.
1. Data Collection Tool to Match Research Questions
Research questions |
Resources |
What is the meaning of digital technology? |
Internet sources |
What are different customer relationship management software? |
Primary and secondary data collection through interview |
What are the different advantages and disadvantages of customer relationship management? |
Surveying with questionnaire design |
Questionnaire Name: Age: Gender: 1. Does Morrison consider a corporate strategy that gives importance to customer requirements?
2. Does customer relationship create great value in the business?
3. What are the factors implemented in customer relationship management?
4. What are the advantages of customer relationship management?
5. How much are you satisfied with the implementation of digital technology in the workplace of Morrison?
6. Which is the best method to implement customer relationship management?
7. What is the most important element of CRM for success?
8. What types of customers are generally dealt with by Morrison?
9. The chosen business is leading with marketing efforts and time.
10. What is the preferred method to contact other people of Morrison?
11. What services must be offered to satisfy customers?
12. Opinion about dealing with the products and services of Morrison.
2. Ethical Implications Connected With Research
In research, ethical implications are considered an important role in success. In this regard, the researcher needs to focus on the norms or standards to conduct distinguish between right and wrong thing. It assists in ascertaining the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. As a result, it aids in preventing against fabrication and falsifying of data (Fouad and Al-Goblan, 2017). Hence, the primary goal will be to complete in research to focus on collaborative work. It includes guidelines, standards, confidentiality, etc. All these will assist in maintaining welfare, compliance with the law, etc.
3. Collecting Data Using Appropriate Data Collection Tools
There are several tools used to collect appropriate data in research. All these elements help to ascertain desired outcomes with different activities. They are as follows:
- Research philosophy: Research philosophy considers belief as an investigator that is related to information. In this context, two types of research philosophies exist such as interpretivism and positivism (Mackey and Gass, 2015). Based on the present information, the researcher selects an interpretivism research philosophy that helps to collect specific elements towards the topic to undertake the aim and objectives.
- Research design: Research design also plays an important role in research to collect and present effective information. Systematically, it would be beneficial to consider the research outcomes (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015). There are different types of research designs such as explanatory, experimental, descriptive, etc. In the present research, the researcher selects a descriptive research design based on which study will be covered.
- Research approach: The research approach is also an important element of research that assists in creating systematic procedures to carry out and undertake results. In this regard, two kinds of approaches exist in front of the researcher such as inductive and deductive (Lewis, 2015). The present report is based on exploring relationship management so an inductive approach has been taken to focus on and collect specific information regarding the topic. It also helps to focus on collecting relevant data. It focuses on collecting specific and relevant work performances for valid outcomes.
- Data collection: Data collection is also an important source of research methodology. It helps to collect relevant information for the project to analyze and interpret information. There are mainly two methods implemented such as primary and secondary data collection (Ledford and Gast, 2018). Primary information was collected from the questionnaire which was incorporated with a survey to find useful information. Furthermore, secondary information is collected from all published sources that assist in gathering information that is already used and helpful in the present research.
- Data analysis: Data analysis must be implemented in research that considers effective results to incorporate evaluation. Based on two tools such as qualitative and quantitative information, the researcher explores proper findings at the workplace to analyze results. It is an effective tool that considers findings and maintains a large amount of information (af Wåhlberg, 2017).
- Sampling: Sampling is the most useful tool in research methodology in which a group of data is selected for collection. In this study, simple random sampling has been implemented to find more relevant and effective information. 10 managers of Morrison have been selected as respondents (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015).
Collating Evidence Using Frequency Distribution
Theme 1: Morrison considers corporate strategy which gives importance to customer needs and requirements.
Does Morrison consider a corporate strategy that gives importance to customer requirements? |
Respondents |
Yes |
7 |
No |
3 |
Cannot say |
0 |
Theme 2: Customer relationship creates great value in the enterprise.
Does customer relationship create great value in the business? |
Respondents |
Yes |
6 |
No |
2 |
Cannot say |
2 |
Theme 3: Training with the new database is the main factor that is implemented to create customer relationship management.
What are the factors implemented in customer relationship management? |
Respondents |
Building roadmap |
1 |
Business strategy |
1 |
Training with new database |
8 |
Theme 4: With the help of customer relationship management, the business increases better services, facilitates new customers, enhances customer revenue, and helps the sales team.
What are the advantages of customer relationship management? |
Respondents |
Increase better customer services |
0 |
Facilitate and discover new customers |
1 |
Increases customer revenues |
1 |
Helps to sales team |
1 |
All the above |
7 |
Theme 5: Managers are highly satisfied with the implementation of digital technology in Morrison.
How much are you satisfied with the implementation of digital technology in the workplace of Morrison? |
Respondents |
Highly satisfied |
6 |
Satisfied |
1 |
Neutral |
1 |
Dissatisfied |
1 |
Highly dissatisfied |
1 |
Theme 6: Strategy implementation is the best method for customer relationship management.
Which is the best method to implement customer relationship management? |
Respondents |
Strategy |
5 |
Training |
2 |
Internal guidelines |
2 |
Superuser |
1 |
Theme 7: People are the most important element to consider in the success of CRM.
What is the most important element of CRM for success? |
Respondents |
People |
7 |
Processes |
2 |
Technology |
1 |
Theme 8: Both types of customers dealing by Morrison B2B and B2C
What types of customers generally deal by Morrison? |
Respondents |
B2B |
1 |
B2C |
1 |
Both |
8 |
Theme 9: Morrison leading with marketing efforts and time
Is the chosen business leading with marketing efforts and time? |
Respondents |
Yes |
7 |
No |
1 |
Cannot say |
2 |
Theme 10: The Internet is the preferred method to contact different people of Morrison.
What is the preferred method to contact other people of Morrison? |
Respondents |
Telephone |
1 |
Internet |
7 |
Personal contact |
1 |
Any other |
1 |
Theme 11: Safety in the quality of products and services must be offered to satisfy customers.
What services must be offered to satisfy the customers? |
Respondents |
Information and customer inquiry |
1 |
ATM withdrawal |
1 |
Demand draft or mail transfer |
2 |
Safety in quality of products and services |
6 |
Theme 12: Opinion to deal with products and services must be considered successfully in Morrison.
Opinions about dealing with the products and services of Morrison? |
Respondents |
Very high |
7 |
High |
1 |
Moderate |
1 |
Low |
1 |
Very low |
0 |
Analysis Findings
Theme 1: Morrison considers the corporate strategy which gives importance to customer needs and requirements.
Interpretation: To carry the above graph, it can be stated that there are around 7 managers who said that Morrison considers corporate strategy to give importance to all customers' needs and requirements. It will help to attain overall growth and profitability to attain more successful advantages in the workplace. Furthermore, 3 people said that corporate strategy is not useful to meet the desired results in enterprise. As a result, overall it can be interpreted that corporate strategy is the most useful perspective that assists in attaining creative results and outcomes in a business environment.
Theme 2: Customer relationship creates great value in the enterprise.
Interpretation: As per the above graph, it can be said that 6 managers said that customer relationship assists in creating major value in the business that assists in increasing significant advantages at the workplace. It will help to focus on maintaining strong relations with different people in the enterprise. Furthermore, 2 managers said that customer relationships do not create effective relationships in the business so it is not useful to make innovations and creativity. As per the remaining manager's views, it could be ascertained that it cannot be said whether customer relationship is a great perspective or not in the business.
Theme 3: Training with the new database is the main factor that is implemented to create customer relationship management.
Interpretation: According to the above graph, it could be said that 8 respondents consider their views that training with a new database of main factor implemented to maintain strong customer relationship management. Furthermore, there is 1 person who said that building a roadmap is also a useful perspective in Morrison that assists in creating customer relationship management. The remaining 1 person said that business strategy is an effective consideration that assists in focusing on the implementation of customer relationship management at the workplace.
Theme 4: With the help of customer relationship management, the business increases better services, facilitates new customers, increases customer revenue, and helps the sales team.
Interpretation: From the above graph, it can be stated that 7 managers said that with the consideration of customer relationship management, Morrison can gain increasing customer satisfaction increase in customer revenue, facilitate new customer discovery, and help to sales team. All these perspectives assist in focusing on attaining significant results in the workplace. It will help to maintain more creative growth in the workplace with customer relationship management. However, there is one manager who said that customer relationship management assists in enhancing customer revenues. Furthermore, there is one person who said that it assists to facilitate and discover new customers. The remaining person said that it assists the sales team in coping with innovation and creativity.
Theme 5: Managers are highly satisfied with the implementation of digital technology in Morrison.
Interpretation: In the above graph, 6 managers stated that they are highly satisfied with the implementation of digital technology in Morrison. As a result, it will help to focus and maintain more effective work performances in the business environment. Furthermore, there is one person who said that he is satisfied with using digital technology to maintain customer relationship management.
Theme 6: Strategy implementation is the best method for customer relationship management.
Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be said that 5 managers depicted that strategy is the most important method to implement customer relationship management at the workplace. In this regard, successful results will be gained in the research. Furthermore, 2 people said that training is the most important perspective to implement in customer relationship management. As a result, it will be helpful to focus on attaining a more desired perspective. Furthermore, 2 people said that internal guidelines are also important to attain significant results in the business. The remaining person said that super use is also an important element in customer relationship management.
Theme 7: People are the most important element to consider CRM success
Interpretation: In the present graph, 7 managers stated that people are the most important element to make successful operations and functions. Furthermore, 2 managers said that process is the most important consideration that is useful to focus on customer relationship management in Morrison. As a result, it increases the attainment of effectiveness and development of business goals. The remaining 1 person said that technology is a useful perspective that assists in considering the success of CRM in the business. Technology plays a very important role in the business's success in coping with customer relationship management.
Theme 8 Both types of customers dealing by Morrison B2B and B2C
Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be interpreted that 8 people said that Morrison deals with B2B and B2C types of customers. As a result, it can be stated that Morrison will be able to attain more desired results and creative performances. There is one manager who said B2B ttypesof customers are mainly considered by Morrison to develop significant advantages. As a result, it will help to maintain contact with different businesses to attain more desired outcomes. Based on the remaining manager's statement, B2C is an important customer for the Morrison deal systematically.
Theme 9 Morrison leading with marketing efforts and time
Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be interpreted that 7 managers are stating that Morrison leading their operations and functions with marketing efforts. As a result, it will assist in attaining more creative work performances and outcomes with business development. Based on 2 people's views, it can be stated that the chosen enterprise does not deal with marketing efforts and time. Overall it could be interpreted that the selected business needs to lead with more systematic results with time and effort.
Theme 10: The Internet is the preferred method to contact different people in Morrison
Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be stated that 7 managers said that the internet is a more important and preferred method that helps to connect different people of Morrison. In this regard, the chosen enterprise will be able to communicate several benefits in a business environment. As per the views of 1 manager, the telephone is an important tool to connect several candidates of Morrison. Based on more creative work performances, it could be said that the company will gain more success and profitability in the workplace. There is also one manager who said that personal contact must be developed to ascertain significant advantages in Morrison. It will grow opportunities and systematic results at the workplace.
Theme 11: Safety in the quality of products and services must be offered to satisfy customers
Interpretation: With the help of the above graph, it can be stated that 6 managers said that safety in the quality of products and services is the main consideration ascertained with digital technology. It will help to focus on growing desired business performances in a significant manner. Furthermore, two managers said that demand draft or mail transfer is one of the important considerations that help to look at the satisfaction level of customers. It helps to focus and maintain creativity that assists in satisfying customer demand and requirements systematically. The remaining manager stated that information and customer inquiry assist in developing more creative work performances. It will help to undertake creativity at the workplace that helps to maintain more profitability and revenue in business.
Theme 12: Opinion to deal with products and services must be considered successfully in Morrison
Interpretation: In the above graph, it can be stated that 7 managers said that opinion is an important consideration in dealing with the products and services of Morrison. As per the views of 1 manager, it can be interpreted that products and services determine a moderate level of satisfaction in the business. As a result, it will help to focus and maintain desired performances at the workplace. As per another manager's views, it could be said that a high level of customer satisfaction could be seen in the business that assists in meeting innovative results at workplace.
From of the above report, it can be stated that Morrison considers more systematic work performances by implementing digital technology in the workplace. It will assist in focusing and maintaining creative work performances to attract a maximum number of people. As per the view of different managers, distinguishing advantages and disadvantages has been implemented at the workplace that helps to meet with innovative work performances. Furthermore, it can be summarised that digital technology helps to promote more profitability and revenue with consideration of activities and tasks. Morrison promotes customer relationship management concerning innovations and creativity. As per the views of respondents, it can be interpreted that the safety of products and services quality must be implemented to focus on business goals and objectives. At last, it can be articulated that management must follow their rules and regulations to attain customer relationship management. This is because it assists in maintaining effective work performances in Morrison.
Concerning conducting present research, it can be stated that I have learned many things. It helps to develop my communication and presentation skills that support attaining more significant advantages at the workplace. As per qualitative information, it can be interpreted that I need to focus on respondents' views so that it increases my understanding of them. Along with this, a report also helps to conduct data analysis so that it develops my skills and provides in-depth knowledge towards present research. It will assist in attaining more creative work performances in the whole research. At last, I provide recommendations based on my understanding so that it also increases my knowledge to produce more effective work performance.
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Concerning developing more creative work performances, it can be stated that Morrison must focus on following recommendations that assist in meeting innovative results.
- Provide training regarding customer relationship management software: Morrison should provide training programs to all their employees regarding new software. This is because it helps to focus and maintain creative work performances. As per training, they should deal with products and managers' services to satisfy customers. It will develop profitability with management software so that desired performances will be ascertained to gain creativity (Nyadzayo and Khajehzadeh, 2016).
- Dealing with creative work performances: Concerning dealing with systematic work performances, it could be said that managers must implement innovations and creativity that help to attract maximum customers with one strategy. Hence, it is important to focus on business development, which would be beneficial to maintaining innovative transactions (Khodakarami and Chan, 2014).
- Focus on new tools and techniques of digital technology: With the help of new tools and techniques, marketers should perform their functions and operations. As a result, it will help to increase their performance in new areas. According to business needs and requirements, it is important to consider digital technology in the workplace. Furthermore, more creative work performances in the workplace are ascertained to perform several operations and functions (Kumar and Reinartz, 2018).