
Constitutional Law


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The constitutions are the primary sources of law on which every statue has been based. Further, government introduce legislations by considering each article from this fundamental law. In New Zealand, every law is made within the limit of constituion' clause therefore, any provision is beyond the statements than whole law become unaffected and is not applicable in countries. On the other hand, only centre government has the power to change its provision for public interest along with this, queen permission is require to be recived. It consists of fundamental right and duty which has applied on new Zealand citizen with same manner further, any existing law effected to fundametal right than resident person has right to claim in court for demanding rigth again.

In the present time, New Zealand constitution has written an individual act of parliament (Bovens, Goodin and Schillemans, 2014). The British parliament constitution has described the political norm for New Zealand territory. Further, these structures are more flexible which cannot be changed without the public consent. Therefore, every change in fundamental law requires prescribed process in a systematic manner (Ratnapala and Crowe, 2012). Indeed, changes must be required at regular time period with effective manner according to the internal environment. Hence, presidential style government has not suitable on these countries because proper execution is only possible when public interference is exist with proper manner. Hence, in the demographic changes gives right to each citizen to choose their own government by using voting right.

In the pastime, every power has delegates to few authorities which they used for maintaining proper operation within the specific jurisdiction area (Cox and Samaha, 2013). So there is arise chances to wrong operation . , in fact, it may impact on public interest in negative way. . Indeed, demographical constitution impact on total power structure. Where public contribute their part interest for securing country interest . The power is categorized in three manner one is Political power, Judicial and administrative. Therefore, every power is divided into different part for public interest which citizen can use this authority for safe guarding own interest (Arjomand and Brown, 2013). Thus, each authority divides their responsibilities in small parts and executes it according to the resident’s interest. At the time of preparing legislation the authority considers fundamental law's article properly and also emphasizes that law not impact the right of any residential person.

On the other hand, single person is not able to take appropriate decision with effective manner because the decisions are made according to one’s own perception (Stone, Chowdhury and Clark, 2013). In monarchy system, decision making power has not distributes to different authority that is why effective decision making will not be possible. Secondly, this type of judgement are treated as a dictator opinion which has adopted by north Korea government. This type of decision are not match with public interest properly therefore, there is chance to harm interest of citizen (Clarke, Keyzer and Stellios, 2013). On the other side, in case of power has delegated to various authority or decentralized then rules and regulation are prepared for public interest by adopting proper process. But there are also chances for corruption and making wrong decision (Bellia Jr and Clark, 2012). In Bureaucracy, citizen has the right to take free decision as state in fundamental law.

In the present period, it has adopted system i.e. monarchy and bureaucracy system where citizen of this country has the right to appoint their parliamentary representative by using their voting right (Rosas and Armati, 2012). Therefore, in the present time, John Key represent to new zealand as prime minister of the whole nation who has elected from citizen voting. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth represents the monarchy power whose consent is necessary for major changes in New Zealand countries.

A constitutional monarchy refer to delegate power to specific person or group only where any laws has not been passed until final confirmation has not received (Constitutional Change in New Zealand: The Monarchy, The Treaty of Waitangi, and Social Rights in a Supreme Constitution, 2015). Therefore, parliament member pass every bill by conducting proper debate on the particular topics. Hence, every national interest decision has been made under parliamentary procedures where public representative makes discussion for maintaining growth in the national territory (Bovens, Goodin and Schillemans, 2014). Therefore, finally this bill has been sent to queen for last confirmation. If permission has been granted for bill then it will be applied in nation and vice versa. Constitutional law defines the role, powers, and structure of different entities within a state,parliament ,legislature and the judiciary.

Union list refer to government power for making rules and regulation as per the country’s interest. It will give power to union government for making rules according to the internal environment (Ratnapala and Crowe, 2012). Therefore, When constitution system has introduced then every task has accomplishment with proper system as described in fundamental law.

In case whole power has converted into parliamentary body then it may impact on public interest positively because every statue has been prepared on the basis of citizen interest (Cox and Samaha, 2013).

On the other hand, after World War 2 New Zealand became free from taking decision by adopting parliamentary system because in earlier time monarchy system was operated in this nation (Arjomand and Brown, 2013). It changed= their parliamentary method which was adopte from British Westminster model but now it select by election method where every representative is elected by voting. Therefore, it also governs election commission for reviewing all process regarding selecting candidates in a proper manner (Stone, Chowdhury and Clark, 2013). Then it also being member of European Union where it plays a vital role for preparing policy and rules. As a recent data shows that, New Zealand contribute large share in trade with other member countries along with, it also made agreement with china for free trade policy where it is not required to paid duty regarding export charges (Clarke, Keyzer and Stellios, 2013). Hence, these strategies have given more benefits to these countries in a fair manner.

The queen represent as governor general who has supreme power for take countries relates decision. Therefore, she has power to take major decision for the country’s interest (Bellia Jr and Clark, 2012). The role of governor general is dominant whose final consent is required to establish legislation. In addition, no rules and regulation will come into effect until the queen sign on bill. Therefore, when democratic concept has introduced then all power has been delegated to parliamentary body automatically. Further, they will able to introduce every law as the mutual consent. Moreover, legislation process system will be improve when each citizen interest will be considered.

The health sector of New Zealand is good than other member countries because it launched separate policy for developing health sector (Rosas and Armati, 2012). Further, it secures the citizen interest by adopting area specific health policy. Monarchy system performance regarding health sector was not better because it able to solve the highlighted issued only therefore, It is ignore general issue(Constitutional Change in New Zealand: The Monarchy, The Treaty of Waitangi, and Social Rights in a Supreme Constitution, 2015). Therefore, now a day, parliamentary body introduced various types of legislation for public health according to the area basis and applied it in a better manner. On the other hand, this system also assist to connect with international countries in regard to raise in effective health environment. . It also deals in human resources and knowledge with other countries for solving health issue in New Zealand therefore; it shows that parliamentary systematic gives many benefits than monarchy system.

The major benefits of constitution system is that every law has been formed as according to specific area because every parliamentary person has appointed from different jurisdiction area. Therefore, elect person from this area is well known the actual problem. (Bovens, Goodin and Schillemans, 2014). Ultimately they gives their suggestion as actual problem. . But in autocracy system, , it is not possible to observe pinpoint area where issue has arisen. So it forms rules and regulation by seeing specific area where authority lives and ignore other area problem.

It is to be noted that if power has been delegated to one person only then such person is responsible for everything like solving problem by justifying manner. Therefore, it is not possible to solve each person problem and it is also not possible for every citizen to compliant to the authority (Ratnapala and Crowe, 2012). On the other hand, parliamentary system governs various departments at each place which are responsible for giving appropriate solution by applying effective method and techniques. In administrative system, it delegates all power in small part where every person is able to solve their issue by indicting issue to competent authority with adopting proper process. (Cox and Samaha, 2013). Hence, parliamentary system are more effective than monarchy system.

In the pastime, queen or their representative gives justice on the basis of their own legislation to their resident. . Therefore, this process is not able to gives proper justice to any person because proper methodology has not been followed. But now a day, the courts are established for providing proper justice on the basis of sufficient evidence (Bellia Jr and Clark, 2012). Further, it follows the systematic process for giving proper justice. In the court, every decision has been taken by appropriate authority that specializes in law area that is why they can take proper decision on the basis of available evidence. On the other hand, It is also responsible for protecting the to residence from unfair action by any government authority. Along with this, proper operation of government body is required with systematic manner therefore, it can take decision for obliagtion to any authority for doing their job properly. Apart from this, any legislation which is not described a proper meaning then it has right to interpret with systematic manner.

Therefore, parliamentary system is better than monarchy method because it is totally based on proper rules and regulation and therefore, public are involved in taking any decision (Rosas and Armati, 2012). The power has decentralized where each authority has right to take decision with proper manner. System has carried out with proper methodology and techniques which describe in rules which help-full in effective performance. The power has been distributed to each person according to the capabilities so effective operations can be carried out easily .

The constitution has described the fundamental right regard to living in national territory.. Which, everyone can enjoy without any restriction. (Clarke, Keyzer and Stellios, 2013) In addition, every statue has been formed per the article stated in the constitution. contrast of any article being non effective of any legislation. In addition, it is also helpful in developing social culture. It gives freedom to citizen within the society for using the right in a proper systematic manner.

Fundamental right given by constitution has been applied on every type of legislation which cannot be changed. Even any legislation being unconstitutional if it is contrast constitutional article . Indeed, it applied on every existing as well as new legislation. Further, any statues are effect to article then such legislation become non constitutional which is not applicable on New Zealand territory as well.

The constitutional framework is totally dependent on the legal body which has made by the public representative in a systematic process. Therefore, it is totally based on systematic process. Operational of whole nation requires appropriate constitution which consists of legal body which provides proper justice.

In case it adopts the parliamentary approach, then New Zealand may be part of growing economics because action taking power has been delegated to them properly which may gives maximum benefits to new Zealand . Separate body is responsible for maintaining relationship with other nation as requirement further, it also assist to reduce work load to one authority therefore, there is separate body perform their work with efficient manner.

Apart from this, New Zealand role in European parliament are appreciable because several expert opinion that entry of new Zealand in EU parliament gives large benefits. Therefore, its opinion and trade policy are more beneficial to whole European member countries because it shares unbelievable contribution in the economic growth (Constitutional Change in New Zealand: The Monarchy, The Treaty of Waitangi, and Social Rights in a Supreme Constitution, 2015). Therefore, New Zealand delivers their good and service to every member countries without paying any charges. So it major contribution for growing of of economics with upward manner. On the other hand, commission of European Union may also gives various benefits like security, health, security etc. because it contributes in development of whole countries. which is not possible in monarchy system.

But New Zealand is not responsible for adopting every law as introduced by EU because every member county has the right to adopt legislation according to their internal environment. Therefore, following every rule is compulsory for every country because as per the agreement some exemption has been granted. Therefore, it is not possible in monarchy system because internal trade policy has not performed in the best manner which has performed in parliament system.

Monarchy system performs every task by considering limited area only which are not possible to cover each point which is essential for growth and development of national interest. In addition, ,the republic system is based on power delegation method therefore, effective performance is possible only when power is divided into small parts because when they perform their work with effective manner then it will be give big changes to company . So that it is the best for applicabilities.

Political power has the right to take decision for public interest where they are consider people interest . Therefore, in this power every rules and regulation has been made for securing public interest fairly.. Thus, every decision cannot be taken fast because systematic procedure must be required to be followed in a proper manner for effectual performance of any work.

Appal right is important for getting proper justice. In government by queen system, decision given by queen is treated as final decision which cannot be changed at any condition even it were not justified so that right to justice had been denial openly. Moreover, when it chooses parliament system then right of appeal is given to every citizen for demand fair justice. In addition, when everyone realize that wrong judgement has given by court then this right protect to citizen from unfair judgement. . Therefore, system of justice are being appropriate and effective as laws provision so court give punishment as their guiltiness in same manner. Indeed, the major changes in lawful justice may arise with appropriate methodology.

The conclusion of whole study shows that constitution body is better than monarchy power because in this system power has been divided into small part which has given to each citizen that is why system is being more effective by sharing responsibilities to each person. It will be govern several of department for different purpose which may helps to perform task in effective manner. On the other hand, it consists of fundamental which right relates to living person which cannot be denial by any legislation. New Zealand also part of European Union on various matters which contribute in the effective economy growth. The member of New Zealand role in EU parliament is good. because it contributes large share for growing whole European body.. On the other side, the contribution of New Zealand is appreciable in international relationship because it has maintained separate trade relationship with countries which has given large benefits to other countries. in addition, parliamentary system gives growth to New Zealand which is not possible in monarchy system.. On the other hand, it protects the human right as well as techniques state in fix the right of citizen in fundamental chapter.

Monarchy system are not been based on systematic process where supreme power authority can take decision according to their mood therefore, there may be lacks of effectiveness in decision makining has arisen.. Therefore, decision may be wrong or unjustified and citizen does not have the power to change this decision because it may treats as final decision. Hence, in this parliamentary system, every judgement has been conducted by appropriate method and techniques by collecting proper procedure. So that there are more chances to gives proper judgement as according to actual injury. On the other hand, if it gives wrong decision than also it has right to file appeal against the court order in the higher level court. Even, appeal can be filed for unjustifing provision which has state in legislation. Indeed, higher level court gives proper justice accordingto proper method and techniques.

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