
Employability Skills


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Introduction to Employability Skills

Employability skills are very essential elements which are basic requirements of employers and employees. These aspects are based on the nature of the particular job offered to employees. It includes communication, problem-solving, initiative teamwork, etc. In this context, the present report is based on the case scenario of David was suffered from a learning disability working for the supermarket. He was redundant in September 2008 when the company is working with 10 years of closed down. After this, he was selected for a care home job in November 2009. In order to focus on the case scenario, the report covers a set of responsibilities and performance objectives. Furthermore, it includes solutions for work-based problems. Moreover, team dynamics are included that assist in accomplishing group goals. Moreover, it demonstrates tools and methods that assist in enhancing solutions for problems.

Task 1

1.1 Set of Own Responsibilities and Performance Objectives

In order to analyze the present case of David, as an employee of his I have various responsibilities and performance objectives that need to be developed. It includes effective communication, fulfilling the requirements of each person to meet goals and targets, etc. With the help of proper communication and care of David, I can meet responsibilities and performance objectives as well. When I talked to him, I found his difficulties and also understood how he can work in the present situation of the care home. Further, I ensure that no discrimination will occur towards people. Therefore, proper care for David is demonstrated. In addition to this, health and safety needs to be implemented for him so that he can work effectively at the workplace.

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In order to enhance skills and knowledge of David, it is essential to provide proper training and development to him. It assists in enhancing performances that accomplish their objectives at the workplace. Therefore, it can also foster enhanced coordination among various people who are working with David. In this way, the participation of each employee will easily be gained by the manager who assists in framing decision-making at the workplace of health and social care practices. For example, if David is working in Cedar Lawn England. There are so many people working together so that it would be beneficial to enhance relations among various members. Further, when the employer of David provides timing according to the feasibility of David it creates a positive impact on him. In this context, positive outcomes can be seen in the workplace.

1.2 Recommendation for Improvement

In respect to assessing the case scenario, there are various recommendations have been provided at the workplace. Therefore, it will assist in enhancing positive results and outcomes that increase profitability at the workplace. With the help of proper planning and performance, services can be delivered quickly and effectively within the enterprise. For example, Cedar Lawn is providing day services to each patient. Thus, it would be beneficial to enhance the performance of David in a care home. In this aspect, the following recommendations can be provided for improvements...

Give importance to teamwork

With respect to performing group tasks and activities, in care homes people are encouraged to work in a team. For this aspect, proper and effective communication will be needed in the workplace. For example, in the care home, David is unable to understand patients to other team members so it creates proper understanding among them in a successful manner. Therefore, problems can be solved in systematic manner.

Team-building exercises that make group cohesive

In addition to this, every member of a team needs to be motivated to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization. In this aspect, a team-building exercise is an effective tool that helps to make proper functioning. In this way, all persons can participate in different exercises such as management games, and role play, so that it encourages David to make effective results. With the help of management games, employee performance can be developed which assists in meeting positive results.

Set priorities

Another recommendation can be given that; care homes should set their priorities first. In this aspect, the Employer of David should be determining their objectives which are accomplished from the participation of him and other members as well. Conflicts also arise in this aspect due to working in a group. To reduce conflicts, setting priorities helps employers to determine the participation of employees at the workplace.

Training and development for disabled employees: Further, proper training and development elements need to be implemented assist to grow effective results at the workplace. In this way, care homes like Cedar Lawn can enhance their performances to deal with various situations. Therefore, they have to provide proper training to disabled employees so that they can work.

1.3 Motivational Techniques to Improve Quality of Performance

In order to deal with various outcomes and results, different motivational techniques take place which assist in increasing the performance of employees. It assists in achieving enterprise goals and objectives that are helpful in meeting targets. Therefore, the following techniques are implemented in the workplace...

Implementation of a reward system

In order to deal with effective outcomes, a workplace reward system assists to motivate people. In this aspect, employers can deal with developing results that would be taken from the quality of performances. It includes incentives, bonuses remuneration, etc. This will assist in making effective results that are beneficial to gain the participation of each member including David as well. It assists in improving the quality performance of particular employees at the workplace.

Self-improvement with a positive work environment

Another motivational technique can be implemented that enhances self-improvement through encouraging team members at the workplace. In this way, ideas can be shared with tools and knowledge that assist in performing the job well. Further, conflicts need to be solved at the workplace through work will be done independently.

Management Practices

Management practices are another important element that assists in growing effective results at the workplace. In this way, regular surveys of employees can be seen at the workplace to assess their satisfaction level. In this aspect, it is essential to know about the opinions and wants of each employee that improve working conditions. Therefore, it will help to develop effective results in the workplace.

Task 2

2.1 Solution to Work-Based Problem

David is a disabled employee so his employer also faces many issues in dealing with activities that are performed by him in a care home. This is because dealing with disabled people makes it very difficult to understand them and create effective results in the institute. For example, if there is a communication gap it creates an impact on handling queries of patients. Therefore, this issue will impact on performance and operations of care homes. To resolve this issue and problem, there are several strategies that can be implemented in the workplace. It includes making smart decisions, establishing of baseline, assessing patients' needs demonstrating a commitment to making change, etc. Smart decisions assist in developing the right results with the backup of communication that measures the progress of people within the environment. Therefore, it will aid in accomplishing understanding that encourages positive outcomes. In addition to this, effective communication also develops a baseline that analyzes success and progress that creates for future research. These strategies assist in making solutions to the communication gap at the workplace.

In addition to this, another problem is occurring for the development of employees. In this way, management games, training, and development programs assist in creating positive outcomes in the workplace. In management games, people are eligible to develop their effective performances and outcomes within the business environment through participating in games. With the help of training and development programs, the skills and abilities of a person will be enhanced that reduce conflicts and increase the participation of people. Through providing systematic work, organizations can implement it to accomplish goals and objectives. Hence, it will assist in enhancing successful operations and gaining results to make solutions for different issues.

2.2 Communication in a Variety of Styles Inappropriate Way

In care homes of David, there are lack of proper communication which creates issues for each person in development programs. At each level, conversation among people creates problems that need to be solved, so that, effective results can be made. Effective communication encourages people to handle issues that people face at the workplace. In a systematic way, the use of technology assists in enhancing technology, and technical tools are also required to perform proper functioning and interaction at the workplace. With the help of effective resources and tools, care operations can be developed easily. Therefore, communication is the best part of determining a variety of styles. Through the interaction of each level employee, the proper conversation is enhanced which promotes results.

The size and structure of the business assist in making effective results with an appropriate communication style. Higher authority Cedar Lawn can communicate with board members. It will assist in managing professionalism and it is important to make discussion in proper aspect. In addition to this, at middle level managers of the care home can use seminars and conferences. It will assist to show experience and build confidence of a particular person at the workplace. It is a significant technique that is helpful to make effective communication. Verbal and written forms of conversation can be developed at a middle level which would be beneficial to keep proper records at the workplace. On the other hand, in order to deal with lower-level staff members, the manager needs to focus on the notice board and seminars that take place at the middle level. Hence, information can be provided effectively that assists in getting proper data regarding professional outcomes for each employee. Thus, they can work with the guidance of upper and middle-level managers to deliver effective results. Informal and non-verbal communication has been formed that assist in enhancing understanding to concentrate on significant outcomes of business environment.

2.3 Time Management Strategies

Time-management strategies assist in finding effective results and performances in order to focus on the achievement of the best results. In this way, care homes can do things in an efficient and better aspect to avoid overload and stress. In this context, the following stages in time management can be used at the workplace or care home...

Planning tools

Planning tools are very helpful in enhancing the productivity of a care home in less time. In this way, the manager can deal with different aspects of David's performance. They can make priorities of a list of tasks to make a plan so that David can be developed in an effective aspect with regular adjustments whenever needed. In order to break large tasks into smaller activities, it would be beneficial to manage tasks and easier to accomplish goals. This is helpful to better use of time.

Schedule time

Concerning scheduling the task, all activities are needed to be accomplished on time. This is because it will assist in developing effective results and performances that make sure profitability can be developed in successful manner. Through conducting market research, it has been shown that all activities are to be scheduled so that the task will be completed. It enhances the outcomes of the company which would be beneficial to assess the capabilities of a person at workplace.

Reduce multitasking

Multi-tasking is a very effective element but it consumes time because of taking several decisions together. In this way, David is unable to do more tasks at one time. This is because he not easily understand the problem of patients in care homes. Thus, it is important to determine time according to the specific needs of a person and perform various functions as well.

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Task 3

3.1 Roles of People Play in a Team and How They Work Together

In order to deal with developing ideas, various people work together at care homes which assists in getting effective results. In this way, employers play a vital role in the success of an enterprise in terms of motivating people as communicators. They are continuously motivating team members so that proper care for all patients can be undertaken with various responsibilities as well. Team members are encouraged towards objectives so that David is also responsible for dealing with effective aspects. The main aim of a care home is to deliver effective and good services to patients. In sharing ideas and opinions, communication has been develops that assist in providing effective services to patients. It enhances the understanding level of people so that it would be beneficial to get targets in positive aspect.

With the help of gathering information, all employees can keep themselves in successful operations. Within a team, all people need to ensure that productivity will be enhanced which would be beneficial to understand the performances of people at the workplace. It encourages David to gather relevant information which would be beneficial to understanding effective results.

3.2 Team Dynamics

Team dynamic is another effective element that would be determined to develop effective results in successful manner. In this way, David needs to work in a team so that he can learn how to deal with different situations. There are several factors in a group which assessed by the care home and give benefits to David. It includes unconscious, psychological forces that influence in term of direction of team behavior and performance. By creating a common purpose, effective groups can be created that assist in understanding dynamics through form strategy. It includes the effective building of team members which assists in forming a group with the health care system. Each team leader needs to know about opportunities that ensure all group members are working in very good aspect.

There are several elements in which team dynamics create impact such as profitability of the institution, people enjoying working, retention rates of staff members, performance of team or individual, reputation of the business, and many more. However, sometimes team dynamics are neglected and ignored. It creates a significant impact on teamwork. In addition to this, there are several causes that also create problems that need to be improved.

3.3 Alternative Ways to Complete Tasks to Achieve Team Goals

There are several ways through team can achieve their goals. In this way, various people are working in a group to determine long-term and short-term targets. In the case of David, motivation is required so that he can work hard according to targets and goals to enhance his capabilities. There are various ways explains under here through team can achieve mission and targets...

Brainstorming sessions

With respect to ascertaining targets and team goals, every member of the group needs to focus on brainstorming sessions. In this way, people in care homes can share their ideas and opinions regarding the workings of the institution. With the help of brainstorming sessions, organizations can move towards successful operations to care for patients in proper way. Therefore, short and long-term goals are accomplished through providing training and development. In addition to this, brainstorming also creates ideas that lay in specific tools and gives direction to the thoughts of a person.

Visual aids

Further, visual aids are also used to draw and show participants towards goals and objectives. Therefore, progress has been achieved as overall results which are used in long-term and short-term projects. Visual aids also register at a subconscious level which assists in keeping all team members on track in outside meetings. Goals-oriented aids are used to emphasize the concept with the completion of the mission as organizational commitment.

Measure success continuously

Business leader of care homes need to measure their success continuously so that they can assess team activities which is more likely to pinpoint the problems. By addressing issues, they can encourage team members which assists in growing overall profits in a team.

Task 4

4.1 Tools and Methods for Developing Solutions to Problems

In order to solve issues and problems, there are several elements used. These tools are required to facilitate the process of problem-solving and take corrective actions as well. They are as follows...

FEMA (Failure modes and effect analysis)

This tool is used to make sure that all potential problems are related particular person and how they can be resolved. For example, at the care home, David fails to seek out all issues of customers so that he can use FEMA which assists in predicting outcomes at the workplace.


It is a statistical approach, that signifies the degree and index of relationship with developing strength between two or more than two quantities or variables. Relevancy is determined by different variables to make conclusion regarding issues. For example, Satisfaction and services are two variables that need to be analyzed to assess a range of correlations that can take place from +1 to -1.


It is a very simple technique that assists in gathering ideas of many people towards particular results. This tool assists in determining diverse experiences within a team member to solve problems and develop solutions. This element assists in enhancing the confidence and satisfaction of self of all team members to feel ownership of the problem. Therefore, it could be stated that this method assists in finding solutions that are faced at the workplace.

4.2 Strategy to Resolve a Particular Problem

The main issue in a care home that faces by David is understanding the problems and issues of patients at the workplace. In this way, care homes should focus on strategies that assist in meeting solutions regarding issues and problems. There are various strategies have been used in care home that seeks information, generate new knowledge, and make decisions. With this aspect, care homes can work efficiently by concentrating on analyzing information that assists in taking responsibility for new learning for personal action. Firstly, it is essential to understand the problem and after these barriers are described so that solutions are made which create guesstimate and make a solution for a problem. Further, communication is also needed very strongly so that David can understand the problem of a particular person.

With undertaking a solution to the problem all information must be recorded in list of the processes which quite used frequently to map the plan. In this way, the team can assess and resolve problems in an effective way. It would be far better to generate ideas in a list. At last, results are evaluated to ascertain the objectives and goals of the care home.

4.3 Impact on Business to Implement Strategy

In order to implement the strategy, it creates a positive impact on the outcomes and results. With the help of such resources, pictures have been made to set conclusions to solve particular issues and problems. It also creates effective communication which makes logic to solve

problems. With ongoing results, systematic conclusions can be drawn that would be better to enhance the communication level. It also encourages team members to take part in accomplishing targets and outcomes at the workplace. By undertaking the ideas and views of many people, learning capabilities will be enhanced to work on their own time. They are motivated to create benefits by working in a team. It improves relationships and communication levels among various people and managers as well.

In addition to this, people are learning more about their team members which would be beneficial to make a successful career. It fulfills the objectives and goals of the care home. Sharing goals and ideas is more likely to frame principles over time to time. When, every person in a group believes other members, that assists in sharing goals and objectives in a systematic way. Therefore proper carrying of person can be achieved. They can also make small targets for the future that assist in working on successful results. It creates various opportunities and roles to accomplish results and focus on each person's participation. Each person can improve communication by introducing themselves. Thus, it would be beneficial to reduce harassment of people at the workplace.

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From the above report, it has been concluded that employability skills play a vital role that improving the performance quality of a person. In this way, the enterprise accomplishes its goals and enhances objectives to develop future results. Furthermore, it summarizes the case of David who suffers from a disability and is unable to work as a normal person. After his injury of one year, he got an opportunity to work in a care home. It creates a positive impact on his life to work in effective way with developing ideas as an assistant supervisor. Staff members also provide training and awareness to him through guidance and support. In this aspect, challenges are faced as issues arise and support disability action which ensures successful work at the care home. Moreover, it explained strategies that assist in protecting the workplace by monitoring the performance of a person. It includes planning tools, multi-tasking, and many other elements. There are several alternative ways summarized that assist in completing tasks and achieving team goals as well.

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  • Abas, M. C., 2016. Application of Employability Skills and Contextual Performance Level of Employees in Government Agencies. Journal of Education and Learning.
  • Baumann, M. and et.al., 2014. First-year at university: The effect of academic employability skills and physical quality of life on students' well-being. Work.
  • Cottrell, S., 2015. Skills for success: Personal development and employability. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Griffin, M. and Annulis, H., 2013. Employability skills in practice: the case of manufacturing education in Mississippi. International Journal of Training and Development.
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