
Developing Individual Learning and Training in Organizations - KERING

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4572
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Question :

Some of the main questions in the assessment are:

  • Evaluate the skill and knowledge with the behavior of
  • Give all the factors and evaluation of the business performance of KERING.
  • What is the high-performance methods in all such working evaluation by KERING
  • Explain performance management.
Answer :
Organization Selected : KERING


Developing employees means to increase the performance capacity of the organization. Measured improvement in employees abilities to contribute to specific results and builds a culture within the organization. Using the knowledge, skills and behaviours for the growth of the organisation and for the better performance of the employees (Kaunnil, 2013). Developing individual and team is by constantly providing them proper education training program. Encourage employees to improve their skills through training and by communicating with co worker. KERING is an international luxury group based in Paris , France. It develops an ensemble of house in fashion, leather goods, jewellery and watches. It use HR policy and focusing on combating harmful traditional practice. This organization provide all source of his employees for developing individual team and organization for achieving its organisational goals.


P1 Professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR professionals


It is a awareness, understanding or familiarity of something or someone which includes skills, information, descriptions acquired by help of education or experience. It is theoretical and practical knowledge or understanding of particular subject (Appiah,2013). The knowledge required by HR professional are:

Technical knowledge

Technical knowledge includes both accounting and tax. The manager of Kering should have proper knowledge about bookkeeping, data entry, journals, ledgers for maintenance of records in business. It helps in proper keeping of books and data.

Business awareness

The manager must be aware about its business, activity in order to know situation of firm in market. It helps in resolving conflicts which may arise in future through awareness.

Ethical standards

Ethical standard are very importance for every organisation. They are set rules, values, principle, moral required in business. As kering has set ethical standards for its business for survival in market.

regulation and compliance

The proper regulation of laws and rules should be followed along with compliance of objectivity, integrity. The manager should check about follow of regulation in business at Kering (CICMA,2012.).

System and process

Kering has set proper system and process in business and accordingly they work for achieving results.


It includes activity or work with special knowledge and training of a particular field. It is capacity and ability of an individual gain from sustained, systematic efforts involving ideas, skills to carry out complex work. The skill required by HR professional are:


HR professional at kering should create and interpret information and use of those information effectively.


It is the most important skill requires in HR professional for relevant information and communicating to stakeholders in verbal and written formats.


The manager at Kering should possess this skill in order to committed to their profession and job profile.

Planning and prioritisation

Before doing any work planning is must. Kering plans all it task before performing and work accordingly.

Produces quality and accurate information

The applying of skill which can be accounting or tax delivers high quality services and goods, accurate data and information to user at Kering ( Dan, 2016.).

Team working and collaboration

Team working and collaboration at Kering helps in working effectively with other employees, builds professional relationship at internal and external organisation.

Uses systems and processes

Each and every employer and staff should be aware about organisation system and process. This easily helps in achievement of goals and objectives.


It is manners or actions made by group, individual, system with surrounding or themselves or physical environment (DAVADA2018). It is the way through which one act on others. The behaviour required by HR professional are:


The company should be able to listen and learn to accept changing and working environment. This helps in maintaining standards in dynamic world. Kering should work as per need and demand of consumers.

Adding value

The positive contribution in business influence decisions of firm which add value in market. There should be continues improvement on performance of employees at Kering.

Ethics and integrity

There should be honesty and principled in actions and interactions which respect others and achieve ethical requirements. (Enyioko,2012.) This behaviour helps in kering for achieving results and maintenance of standard.


It means taking responsibility and able to work under pressure in case of emergency. Kering has lots of work profile so they need proactive employees who can work for them anytime, this reflects positive behaviour.

Professional scepticism

Employees should possess professional behaviour for performing task at kering for achieving maximum results.

P2 Personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge,skills and behaviour and develop professional development plan

It is the process of comparing an individual strength on the criteria of past and future development of the person. Personal audit's point is been discussed.

Examine the present: It means to analyse the current skills on the basis of behaviour,functional and technical knowledge. (Faisal,2013)

Look ahead to the future:The person need to improve his knowledge and skills as per the future requirements.

Know the gap: It means to plan capabilities and analyse the skill and knowledge that will be acquiring for future. Points to be considered while identifying the gap rate is discussed.

  • No current skill and knowledge.
  • Skill and knowledge are less but not proficient
  • Skill competent and get knowledge
  • Expert with a high degree of skill and knowledge

Personal skill audit helps to identify the person's skill and knowledge. My personal skills audit as a Trainee are determine as.


Personal audit ( rating scale:0-10)


Remedial action

Deadline for remedial action

Innovative Thinking


I don't have creative ideas while working and try to bring innovation in my plans.

I used to consume content which is out of my comfort zone and write a 500-100 article on it.

3 months

Technical Knowledge


I was not from technical background so it was difficult for me to get technical knowledge.

I need to improve this by reading technical books , read online tutorials and take classes.

5 months

Communication skills


I am not fluent in public speaking and require to enhance my vocabulary.

To enhance my communication skills, I need to learn new words and refer to dictionary.

On going



I am not able to coordinate with people under pressure. I feel hesitation while interacting with new people.

To improve this I need to communicate with new people.

2 months



I am not a passionate learner.

I acquire this by learning more and being dedicated towards my work.

On going

Decisive learner


I don't have the ability to analyse the data and information.

I can improve this by giving myself feedbacks

3 months


After determining my strength and weakness, I can overcome my weaknesses by development of my personal skills. According to my personal development plan discussed below.

Professional Development Plan


Resources required

Issues faced at the time of achieving objectives

Success criteria

Target dates

Decisive learner

Learning from feedbacks, innovative ideas and thinking.

I was unable to take quick and appropriate decisions.

Have adequate knowledge about the topic.

1 ½ months


Working in team and group

I do not cooperate with teams and subordinates and performing tasks.

Communicate with new people and work in team.

2 months

Technical knowledge

Online tutorials, classes and technical books

Due to lack of knowledge about technical field I find difficult to solve the problem.

It helps in solving problem related to technical field.

3 Months




P3 Differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development

Organisational learning

Organisational learning is defined as the process of creating , transferring and retaining knowledge in an organisation. It keeps on improving from time to time through experience gained. From experience, it develop knowledge which helps in betterment of business. The examples are: production increment, developing relations with investors. Knowledge can be of four units which are: individual, group, inter organisational and organisational. Organisational learning is measured through learning curve (Jackson,2013). It is the curve which shows relationship of how an organisations produces products, manage efficiency, quality.

Individual learning

Individual learning is the capacity in building knowledge through individual reflecting of sources and external stimuli with others environment. It is the way through which organisation improves capacity of individuals to adopt learning opportunities and recognise more advantages.

It helps in developing person's potential, meet changing demand, effective understanding.

Training and Development

It is defined as an educational process including concepts, sharpening of skill, attitudes to enhance and improve performance of staffs. It is subsystem of company which focus on improving performance of groups and individuals. It is very important to have regular basis training and development programmes for their workers (Kaplan,2014). As environment is dynamic in order to survive in that dynamic world, new skills and knowledge should be learned. It helps in developing skills, productivity increment, optimum utilisation of resources, improve quality, safety. It is required for job responsibility, test new methodology in the business.

Differences between Organisational learning and Individual learning

Organisational learning

Individual learning

It is the process of using and sharing knowledge within the organisation.


It is a method of teaching content, instructional technology and pace of learning.


It helps in improving organisation productivity and efficiency overall.

It helps in measuring individual objectives.

Through observation learner learns.

Learner find it cost effective.


Differences between training and development



It is for operatives user.

It is for executives user.

Training is reactive process

Development is pro-active process

It aiming in developing skills

It aiming in developing personality

It process is short term in nature

It process is continuous in nature

The main objective is to meet present need of staff.

The main objective is to meet future need of staff.

Management takes the initiative

Individual takes the initiative.


P4 Need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance

Continuous learning and professional development

Continuous Learning refers to the capacity of enhancing the skills of learning by upgrading skills and expanding knowledge. It helps to bring flexibility in work and adjust to situations of the organisation. On an individual basis it refers to the methods and strategies an individual adopts for expanding knowledge in his daily routine. In the workplace, it is important for teams as well to adjust to the changing working environment (Kaunnil,2013).

Professional development is the process of improving and enhancing the skills of the employees by giving them education and training benefits in the workplace. It helps to encourage and boost the morale of the employees.

Kolb's Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle

This cycle of theory includes two different levels: a four stage cycle of learning and four separate learning styles.

The Experiential Learning Cycle

This theory is described by a four stage learning cycle in which the learner has to go through all the stages for effective learning.

  • Stage1 Concrete Learning: This is the initial stage of learning cycle in which a new experience is encountered and relates to experience faced in daily life.
  • Stage2 Reflective Observation: The second stage of experiential learning cycle is reflective observation. It occurs when a person has new experiences (Lama, 2014.). Under this the experiences are being observed and reflected upon and can create confusion if the ideas does not suit.
  • Stage3 Abstract conceptualization: Under this stage, new ideas or modification of an existing idea is done. This theory also resolve confusion if created in the reflection stage.
  • Stage4 Active Experimentation: After following the above all stages , the learner adopts the ideas and implement it to analyse the results. It can also be termed as a practising stage.

Learning Styles

Learning styles are adopted according to the situation and preferences of a person.Breif descriptions of the four Kolb learning styles is discussed.


Under this style, people are sensitive and they look at things in their own way and are best in watching situation from different perspective, they do not collect information or use ideas to resolve problems.


Under this style, Ideas and concepts are given more importance than people. People involved in this style are less focused on people and concentrate more on ideas. This style brings effectiveness in information.


Under this style practical use of ideas and theories are done. People involved in this style focuses on technical tasks and problems rather than interpersonal issues and they tend to do experiment with new ideas and techniques and work with practical applications. They are quick in decision making because they find answers to questions or problems.


Under this style people depend on others for gathering information rather than analysing their ideas to the situation (Lin, 2012.). They rely on intuition rather than thinking by themselves and implementing their own ideas to the problems and are influenced by new challenges.


P5. HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High performance work

HPW means high performance work . It is a group of different but interconnected human resource practices. HR practices such as selection, training, performance appraisal and compensation designed to enhance the effectiveness of employees. In Kering the attitude of employees examined job satisfaction, organizational commitment and empowerment. HPW had a significant positive effect on these attitudes and enhanced the organizational citizenship behaviour of the employees ( Mishra,2015).In Kering if the employees are not performing well according to the organization because they are not satisfied with their jobs and committed to the company. So Kering, stop blaming employees and fix the systems if they want to improve attitudes, behaviours and performance.

Employee engagement

It is an emotional attachment of the employees towards their colleagues and culture, place of work, job role, position in the company. In Kering the employees that connected to their positions deeply are go to the extra miles, remain loyal and perform to best of their ability. Positive employee engagement is find the best fit for the job or position. Better engagement provide better productivity to the company (Weerakkody,2012). When the employees are engaged at work in organization, they feel a connection with the company. The employees believe that the work which they are doing is important and they do work hard.

Competitive advantages

It have an identifiable part of companies preposition that allows them to achieve a greater

degree of success than smiler businesses in their industry. There are different type of competitive advantages such as pricing structure, manufacturing capacity, access to contects and superior customer service.

Pricing structure

It an approach in products and services pricing that defines various prices, discounts, offers consistent with the organisation goals and strategies (Zakari,2017). In market many companies sell the same or very smiler products and according to economics, the price for these products should be at an equilibrium.

Manufacturing capacity

It is known as production capacity. In Kering, It is measure of efficiency of production according to the demand. It is all about that how they manage raw materials, employer, times and storage in a efficient way to equalize demand.

Customer Service

It means that helping customers in a goo d and friendly manner. In karing if it provide good customer service, it is ensure that company produces a profit and delivers services and products that satisfy and please customers.

Importance of HPW

It is important for measuring and managing the employees because its give the employees ability for work properly and efficiently. It help in improve organisational performance, employee retention and loyalty, improved productivity, clear accountabilities and cost advantages. The main importance of it is to ensure that the employee is carrying out their duties which are effective and beneficial for the growth of the organisation. Its most important factor is to achieve goal by better performance. It is important that employees are motivated, positive minded and energetic then they achieve their goal. It is important to cultivate strength of them so that they perform effectively in the organisation.


P6 Different approaches to performance management which can support high-performance culture and commitment.

Performance management

It is a process by which managers and employees work together to plan, moniter and review an employee's work objectives and overall contribution to the organization. It promote and improve employees effectiveness. It is developing clear job descriptions and employees performance plans which result and performance indicators. It is designing effective compensation and reward systems for recognizing those employees who doing beeter cand achieve their goals in accordance with performance plans. The primary focus of the performance management is towards the achievement of results.

Approaches of performance management

In the organization, for measuring performance of employees by assessing how much the contribution of employees in the growth of organization. Kering use different approachers for measure the performance of their employees. The five major approaches are as following:

performance management.

Comparative Approach

This approach provide ranking to the employees according their performance with respect to that of others in the group. There are different techniques or this approach such as paired comparison, forced distribution and graphic rating scale. In kering reward are provide to the top performer and provide training and guidance these performer for promoted to higher managerial positions.

Attribute Approach

In this approach the employee rated on the basis of problem solving skills, Teamwork, communication, judgement, creativity and innovation. In this the organisation judge the employees that they can solve problem or not and comfortable for doing work in team and they can communicate with others in a proper way.

Behavioural Approach

This the oldest performance measurement techniques. It is a rating scale consists of five to ten vertical scales. It provides specific description along with frequency in regards to the employees behaviour for an effective performance. The major drawback of this approach is the voluminous data that the mangers have to remembers.

Results approach

It is a straight forward and simple concepts, in which organizations rate employees on the basis of employee performance results. This technique focuses on four perspectives such as financial, customer, internal and operation,learning and growth. The main objective of this approach is that it convert strategy in to operation.

Quality Approach

It focuses on improving customer satisfaction by reducing errors and achieving continuous services improvement. It is for employees regular feedback on the personal and professional traits of the employee for managers, peers and clients to resolve performance related issues. The advantages of this approach are involvement of both internal and external factors, slove problem through teamwork and use of multiple sources for evaluation of the performance.

Also Read:Innovation and Commercialization


From the above mentioned assignment it can be concluded that kering HR requires professional knowledge, skills and behaviour for running of business. It also contain personal skill audit of an individual to identify knowledge, skill and behaviour which helps in preparing professional development plan. The file has described differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development. It has discussed learning cycle theories to analyse importance of continuous professional development along with driving sustainable business performance. The assignment has covered high performance working benefits which helps in achieving employee engagement and competitive advantages. There are different approaches for performance management which support high performance culture and commitment. This report also describes about developing individuals, teams and organisations for achieving goals and objectives. Kering need to follow all for success and sustainability. Are you worried about the assignment writing service in the UK? Connect our Experts online. 

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