
Super Easy Ways to Write a Perfect Dissertation in Less Time

Here’s a seven step guide to writing an interesting dissertation in just 7 steps.

Super easy ways writing perfect dissertation
22 Apr 2019 5599
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    Table of Content

    Earlier we discussed writing an interesting dissertation introduction, and now the next step is moving to the body. Yeah... writing an introduction was a little easy as compared to preparing the complete dissertation that would require a little more time and a lot more efforts. Here is a quick recap of what we discussed previously to write an interesting introduction.

    5 Easy Steps of Writing a Dissertation Introduction

    • Plan Your Writing Task
    • Do Your Homework Properly
    • Frame the Outline of the Work
    • Start Writing Your Introduction
    • Read the Complete Work


    Now let's move to the next part of writing the dissertation, the body part. The MBA dissertation help experts associated with us suggest any document is prepared in three steps: the Introduction, the body, and the conclusion. We have already discussed the introduction part, so the next is the main document part.

    The dissertation will surely be the largest academic document that you would prepare and it can be daunting to realize how to start.
    No worries about how and where to start from, the expert dissertation help providers are here. This is how they do it.

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    Step 1: Decide the Structure

    Before you start writing the main body of the dissertation, decide the structure of your document. It majorly depends on the subject you have opted for. A very theoretical subject would have a lot of words to be worked on, whereas a subject that is more practical would have different aspects to be considered.
    For example, the work on philosophy assignment writing or psychology assignment help would be more about a wordy essay, the work on subjects like mathematics or accounting would be more about calculations and the MBA dissertation help providing experts suggest they need to focus more on practical elements like case studies.

    Step 2: Know the Elements to Be Added

    There are a lot of elements that are to be included in the work other than just discussing your argument. It is important that when you start working on the main document you list down all these elements and gradually fill them with information. It would ensure that the document is not very wordy and has connectivity throughout. The man elements that you need to consider are:

    • Literature Review
    • Theoretical Framework
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Discussion

    Expert's Tip: Work on Each Element One at a Time
    It is important that when you start working on your dissertation you move one step at once.

    Step 3: Writing Literature Review

    A literature review aims to reflect a few things about your dissertation, such as :

    • Reflect the loophole that you considered for your work
    • The new approach that you have decided to move forward with
    • Discuss the problem and your solution to it

    The literature review of your dissertation also includes the literary sources that you are considering for the research of your document. It gives a brief insight into the work that already exists on your topic. This step basically involves

    • Collecting research sources for your work
    • Evaluating and analyzing each of these
    • Plotting a rough connection between them

    Other than this, you also need to work on framing a perfect connect between the studies that you would be discussing and your understanding of the topic.

    Step 4: Theoretical Framework

    Writing a good theoretical framework is not just art but science too. All the points need to be connected and put in a way that the complete work keeps the reader engaged until the end. For the perfect structure of your dissertation, all you need to do is consider these basic points.

    • Determining the Content
    • Think of the question you are about to address and also the research you have done. While deciding what to write in the dissertation always consider these points:
    • What is the key point?
    • What are the relevant theories, concepts, and models?
    • What other necessary elements can be considered for the work?
    • The Structure

    Although there is no hard and fast rule for writing a perfect dissertation but putting up your content in a comprehensive structure does no harm. Also, it would make it very easy for you to pen your information in the best possible manner.

    • The Length

    Again there is no hard and fast rule that states the length of the document. It is important that the dissertation you have framed is well written, with concise use of language and crisp information.

    Step 5: Methodology of Findings

    This section of the dissertation would reflect your complete research method and its authenticity. It is important that your reader relies on your work, research and the sources so that you can be rewarded with your final degree in a click.

    When framing this section of the dissertation you should consider:

    • Your approach and research on the document
    • Your data collecting methods
    • Sources of the data you have collected
    • Different tools and methods that you considered
    • Major obstacles in the process

    Step 6: Results

    In this section of your dissertation, all you need to do is discuss the results of your research. You can adopt some interesting ways to complete the task such as,

    • Ask questions
    • Consider the hypothesis
    • Discuss the topics

    Some universities take discussion and results as different, while others may consider them one (Just check what rule your university follows).

    Step 7: Discussion of the Work

    When it comes to writing a discussion of your work you get a vast ground to explore the results that you have found. It is suggested your discussion should involve the previous researches and scholarly work and talk where your findings fit in the work.

    WOAH...7 Steps and the Dissertation Is Done!!!

    Now that you have written your dissertation, it is important that you proofread the complete work twice at least (But make sure to have at least a gap of twelve hours before you move forward). For this you must follow a simple 7 Step guide for proofreading and editing which can add value to your work. Once, you are done with proofreading and editing of this section, move to the next section the conclusion.

    We'll be discussing writing a convincing conclusion in the next blog. Till then, keep reading, keep researching and stay tuned.!

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