
Communication In Health And Social Care


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Introduction to Communication

Communication plays an important role in every aspect of business as it helps in boosting overall performance and assists in building a cohesive and efficient team. Well-organized communication skills are important to managing the performance of the entire team communicating a suitable message to large groups and reducing the risk of industrial issues by developing in organizations (Reeves and et. al., 2011).

Here, in this report, a detailed evaluation has been accomplished to understand the significance of communication in the healthcare industry. It can also be considered as a channel through which information gets exchanged among patients and doctors. A prominent communication channel helps to assess the details about patients and patients communicate their requirements to health care staff.

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Attributes Of Communication

In this respect, three different cases have been discussed on various attributes of communication and accordingly, analysis has been accomplished by focusing on the development of effective communication channels as it plays an important role in the process of change management.

Relevant Theories Of Communication To Health And Social Care Contexts

There are various theoretical approaches of communicaton that are used in this industry and can be aligned in the given case study. As the situation in the case depicts a patient who arrived for a skin predicament before time in the hospital and was forced to wait for 40 long minutes before getting assisted by any caretaker.

Eventually medical doctor came and briefed them about some antibiotics and went, as a result patient felt she was not properly diagnosed and had not been given any opportunity to voice her concerns. Finally, it was found that the patient was totally dissatisfied with the healthcare corporation and was not certain about her treatment. Here, it can be seen that there is a clear communication gap between the staff and patient and it ultimately leads to negative word of mouth for organization and dissatisfaction among patients. In this regard there are various theories given on proper communication in health and social care as stated below;

Psychodynamic theory

It is grounded on the work of Sigmund Freud who stated that the theory merges all those who are united to the psyche and includes not only the minds but also inner feelings that represent experiences and thoughts with differences that precisely state the concept that the mind is not stable but remains active.

Psychodynamic theory also talks about the fact that interactions with every person are very important as they help in strengthening a person's ability to communicate and also help in developing an assumption that every person writes his own history (Vactor, 2011)

Another belief is that individuals live in two worlds i.e. internal and external and every behavior of them is done with a purpose. It is very impactful as it helps in determining the ways in which a person interacts within health and social care.

Behavioral theory

The strong factor of this theory is that the behavior of every individual is based on the kind of response generated from each stimulus. Behavioral theory can be further described as a method of acquiring any language like in the case of infants when they imitate sounds that a healthcare practitioner might make. This further reinforces the ways in which infants behave leading to highlighting the current as well as future condition.

Humanistic approach

In this, the main highlight is a person of interest that includes the significance of behavior and it focuses on person-centered and transactional analysis. With respect to healthcare companies, the main motive humanistic approach is to make its customers open to their personal experiences so that challenges can be reduced. (Moonie, 2005)
To achieve this it is crucial to frame a prominent relationship between therapist and clients and it must be realistic and accept the critical conditions of the client, through this distance between therapist and client can be reduced.

Social cognitive theory

It places more emphasis on observational learning and focuses on the kind of treatment the way children are nurtured at home and it helps shape the behavior from starting and is shaped as the child grows. The social cognitive theory also talks about the communication that takes place between people and their surroundings using theoretical competencies such as the achievements that can be modified and molded within the environment that exists like that of between parents, guardians, and societies, etc.

Use Of Communication Skills In a Health And Social Care Context

I ensure to make use of communication skills in a health and social care context in the best possible manner.

Verbal communication is the main technique that is used by me to communicate with patients and other professionals. In this aspect, I take care of my tone of voice, speak on a similar level, and pitch, and never talk back. Non-verbal communication is mainly carried out with patients who have difficulty hearing. I take care of factors such as facial expression, hand gestures, body posture, and physical appearance (Fisher, 2005).

Here, in the given case the patient's dissatisfaction was raised only due to improper communication between the professional and client. In the present situation, there must be clear verbal communication between the patient and nurse so that she can be diagnosed well and provide the details about her skin problem. Active listening, an open style of questioning, and different verbal communication would have helped both the patient and nurse to develop a proper connection. Due to a lack of efficient communication skills, the service user was dissatisfied with the service provided by healthcare professionals (Collins, 2009).

Communication helps to ensure that trends, best practices, and innovative ideas are shared among healthcare staff for the betterment of the profession and is mostly utilized through diverse mediums like print and other channels. Other than this, communiqué is also used for fostering relationships with the service users and also respecting their self-esteem by providing regular assistance. This will help in stimulating the overall intellectual development of patients and also meeting their responsive needs.

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In order to gain higher benefits from improved communiqué practices, service providers and caretakers need to deal with all out-of-the-box practices that are being followed in communicating with each other. Like for example, if there is any constraint in channels of communication, they should be resolved at the same time so as to avoid any misunderstanding in the professional areas concerned.

Methods Of Dealing With Inappropriate Interpersonal Communication

Service providers in the healthcare sector should regularly interaction with each other so that they can understand patients' needs and assist them in the desired manner...
Here, in the present case, the problem arises because of a lack of communication and one of the factors that can be considered inappropriate practices in organizations. The patient with skin problems in the case must have been adequately treated firstly by the reporting nurse and after assessing her issues she should have been sent to the doctor's chamber for proper diagnosis. It is the duty of health and social care worker to provide information to patients and provide them with treatment in a systematic manner.

There are several ways or strategies that need to be framed in health and social care organization so that they can enhance their communication process. As the case depicts due to the absence of proper communication channels patient was dissatisfied and further improvement in the hospital management. For this strategies needed to develop the process are adequate training of employees, defining roles and responsibilities, open communication, and framing prominent policies and plans.

Reasons for inappropriate communication between physician and the patient

In the above-mentioned cases, an inappropriate mode of communication between the physician and the patient is noticed. The service user was unaware of the cause of her skin problem because the care provider did not give her any verification to satisfy that she was sick (Heineken and Toivonen, 2008). Due to a lack of proper communication between both individuals, the patient was left unsatisfied.

Use Of Strategies To Support Users Of Health And Social Care

Two of the significant factors that are considered very important within interactive channels are culture and values. It includes factors within it that are associated with demographics such as age, race, and gender, educational and economic conditions. Culture states about incorporated basic behavior that a person follows in a general sense such as values, viewpoints, attitudes interactions, etc. Values and culture have huge significance in health and social care as they occur mainly in every group and are generally included in interaction procedures and cultural identity is of crucial significance (Bryan, 2009). One of the factors in it is that everyone is influenced by cultural programming which makes it crucial to understand culture and the ways in which they can be accomplished in a better form.

Moreover, it has been found in the case study that a patient with severe dental arrived at the clinic and the receptionist answered his queries at a high pitch and told him to register his problem in the computer. But the patient found difficulty as was not able to understand the English language was having difficulty handling computers and was not able to convey the exact message to the receptionist. Here, in problem was mainly raised due to differences in culture and values among the patient and receptionist. Proper training and communication skills should have been provided to the receptionist before appointing her to the particular position. The receptionist should have been directed by the hospital staff to communicate in a low pitch with all the patients so that service users do not feel uneasy explaining and conveying their problems on the telephone (Stewart and MacIntyre, 2013).

The most important aspect of values and cultural development that impacts communication is gender because people are generally with their typical qualities which can either be noticed while interacting with them. Healthcare service providers need to be conscious of such differences and must be sensitive in nature to handle patient's issues. A technique that needs to be considered over here is to get to know the differentiating factor that makes an individual an active listener in a more professional manner and communication must be done in a different approach so that the patient can feel comfortable within the environment.

Moreover, the pattern of communication also differs according to nationality and culture in which some use verbal and others use nonverbal communication techniques. It must be clearly understood that every individual belongs to a diverse culture and the mode of interaction also differs accordingly hence, communication must be done in a manner so that there is no misinterpretation and confusion in the transmission of the message.

In health and social care, one of the most significant factors is the legislation and charters that impact techniques of communication that facilitate the stipulation of equality. The present laws and policies that monitor healthcare practices are generally formed on the basis of principles of equality (Moss, 2012.). This legislation provides fair employment, race relations, discrimination acts, and other laws that depict professional practice.

Such rules and lawful regulations act as a foundation stone in determining the behavior of service providers and communicate their message prominently. The serious issues of going against the legislation will be a critical factor for the management. In the given case patient can easily file a legal case as the situation depicts that due to loss of trust in the service provider, different confidential information is leaked about the patient when the receptionist speaks in a higher voice (Effective communication, 2011). There are various laws made to deliver impartiality and anti-discrimination policies at the workplace and help in shaping communication practices in healthcare organizations.

Healthcare organizations are required to come up with adequate policies or systems that help in to foster good communication and it incorporates numerous factors that are associated with documentation, information systems, establishment of processes and practices (Health and Social Care Act, 2001). Here, in the given scenario the corporation develops vibrant and advanced knowledge system effectiveness in different activities. Stated are some of the policies that need to be developed within the present corporation;

Whistle-blowing policy - It states about blowing the whistle for anything done wrong and it provides a clear guideline to the workforce so that procedure can be corrected and it can impact the reputation of organization (Hurtley and et. al., 2012). This policy focuses on commitment and openness to effective communication.

Bullying in the workplace - It states that every employee has the right to get employed in such an atmosphere which is at without any kind of nuisance and management must allow its employees to love their work and fulfill expectations by creating a sustainable organizational culture (Mitchell and Boak, 2009).

Safety from accidents - It is the responsibility of management to provide a safe working environment that complies with all statutory practices and codes of practice. Employers need to notify certain categories of accidents with specified dangerous occurrences for the health and safety of employees.

Health and social care employees should be eternally involved in the enhancement and growth of interaction procedures so as to become the best fit for their companies and professions. Another way to improve the overall provisions of information to maintain confidentiality and privacy can be attained to avoid misunderstanding. Moreover, the entire information-sharing process can be enhanced by using different and sustainable rules that are set in relation to the documentation so as to improvise and maximize the attainment of results. (Robb, 2004).

The overall technical and interactive attributes can be improved by using different processes and providing access to interaction to every individual whenever they face any difficulty. They should also be made aware of different constraints in interaction and strategies should be developed accordingly. Other than this, there are different values and principles that are related to communication aspects, and educating employees within the organization about the same will help enhance their wisdom and knowledge. By learning this process, healthcare workers can improve upon their communiqué and also gain a clear understanding of the ways to maintain that with other employees.

Different activities and actions within this service sector are very difficult to carry out if the technology is not available in a proper manner. It includes techniques like spreadsheets, word processing, intranet, internet, email, and presentations. These IT methods help to have critical importance in the accomplishment of daily activities within the workplace.

Word processing application helps in the creation, editing, and amendment of numerous documents that could have been proved otherwise a lengthy work. On the contrary, spreadsheets help in accomplishing mathematical computations by using different formulas that further help in making presentations and preparing visual reports to communicate in a better form. “Intranet and internet help in undertaking the connectivity process among network users within the company and framing emails assists in the interchange of information and ideas amongst one another and document the process at workplace.

Use of Standard ICT Software Packages to Support Work in Health and Social Care

One of the most significant usages of the application of ICT in Healthcare Corporations is tale care which helps in undertaking business-to-consumer service with personal interaction and can be easily completed on computers and telephones. It integrates attributes of automated services that give reminders and monitoring services with increased interaction between users and service providers.

The major benefit of information technologies within healthcare set-ups is the accuracy of records and through this different applications of IT can be readily available that state about condition of clients and it is convenient for employees to resolve queries of employees. Through this healthcare professionals can conveniently enjoy the benefits that help in building a safe, modern, and swift IT system to undertake routine activities (Collins, 2009).

There are many other benefits of these elements in the healthcare sector because they help in fulfilling the requirements of each and every person by regularly monitoring their treatments and making all the administrative practices even more efficient. Keeping records and documentation will again help in attaining improvements in communiqué and also their independence. Information and technology again offer an association amongst their users leading to providing them with more efficiency in service delivery.

In this regard, I possess the following ICT skills;

  • I have a basic knowledge of concepts, terminology, and functions related to computers.
  • I further possess internet skills related to World Wide Web, site navigation, searching, and installing and upgrading a Web browser
  • I am able to effectively communicate with others.
  • I can access the needed information from the software.
  • I am also able to carry out administrative activities so as to support work in health and social care.

Different Software Packages Used in Hospital

Standard traditional and digital software packages can be installed in computers for maintaining and recording hospital data safely. Database software such as MS Word, Oracle, SQL server, and PowerPoint presentations are some of the computer programming that can help in storing patient records and other information in a computer (Bryan, 2009).

Information technology states ways of improving several activities using which healthcare service providers can easily accomplish their set target. With the implementation of IT in this sector organizations have attained increased efficiency, as numerous tools help to frame better practices and services have seen a dramatic enhancement as it has become quite simpler to get access to different records but this has again been limited by the legislations that exists so as to protect and promote confidentiality.

The use of IT has maximized health care Corporation's profitability but certain legislations both internal and external also rely on to administer ICT practices within healthcare units. The information safety norms also bring restrictions and limitations over the use of personal information as well as disclosure of any data is equivalent to a breach of confidentiality. Moreover, the legislative policy that is assumed to be an important factor in the use of IT is the Accessibility of Personal Files Act 1987 which stipulates any general considerations for different information and all these data are related to social services (Anderson and Aydin, 2005).

Other than these legislative policies that give accessibility to the medical reports for employment motive is the Medical Report Act of 1988 so as to ensure the overall purpose. Finally, one of the significant factors in legislative polices is the Accessibility to Health Records Act of 1990 which gives attention to the management of patients' records. It provides the client or any other known person the right to use medical records in a manual or electronic form. However, “in order to protect data from any kind of harm, companies need to use different storage devices so that any information could not be leaked or used without the consent of parties concerned. (Ezzaine and et. al., 2012).

How Legal Considerations in the Use of ICT Impact on Health and Social Care

The administrative department mainly deals with charges of patients, health care costs, details about the next transactions, and outstanding costs. Different healthcare corporations have benefitted immensely from IT systems that they can access anytime and the status of a client is displayed systematically. Medical practitioners can observe patients' details on their computers as well as their past history within seconds. All these records help doctors to manage their database and provide adequate treatment in a swift manner. In 1998 the legislation of the UK enacted the Data Protection Act which included only identifiable officials and personnel who could access the necessary information stored in computers. Computer Misuse Act 1990 was also implemented by the UK government so that the information and data stored in computers are not breached and hacked by hackers at any cost (Gilson, 2006).

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By undertaking the above report it can be concluded that information and technology always come up with a range of benefits within health and social care setup that help in accomplishing needs, making the administrative practice prominent, exact documentation, and enhancing the communication practice in a dynamic form. Further, it can be stated that with more meaningful interactive practices, there will always remain a need to comprehend the dissimilarities that rely on the values and cultural aspects of an individual as it will help in developing strong relationships. There has also been witnessed a regular improvement in communication processes through assessment of the ways and their identified ways through which communication can be improved.

Various Models of Communication Involved in Health and Social Care

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