
Promote and maximize the right of individuals, legislation and laws have influence on organizational policies and practices


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In health and social care sector, support and care services are provided by the social workers, health professionals and other caring staff members. This sector combines few elements of biology, sociology, nutrition, ethics and laws. With the help of all these elements, effective health-care services are provided to the patients. The present report mainly focuses on the term health and social care. In this context, care organizations have to adopt legislations and laws in their organizational policies and practice (Narayan, Theodosis and O 'Neill, 2013). The effective policies of organization help to promote and maximize the rights of employees and service users. Further, it also evaluates importance of communication in this sector.


1.1 To promote and maximize the right of individuals, legislation and laws have influence on organizational policies and practices

There are several types of acts and legislations which are present in health and social care sector. In this context, the policies, procedures and acts are implemented to ensure about safety and well-being in context of both employee and individuals. The statutory laws are created by the governing body. The motive of legislation is to promote positive outcomes, get rid of discrimination and to give guidance and direction in the practices which are related to care and support (Hughes, Tysall and Suleman, 2014). The organizational policies enable the care taker to offer better quality of care to the all individuals. According to the given case study, Mr Taz in age of 18 years had the tragic accident. This accident left him with hearing impairment and physical disability. He also refused to eat and speak to anyone. Further, his GP referred Taz to rehabilitation centre. Henceforth, he started to exclude himself from other service users and he became aggressive etc. (National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014). All these things were not good because they were working as a barrier in the treatment. In this context, to promote and maximize the rights of Mr Taz, the relevant legislation are defined below in tabular form which have influence on practices and policies of care organisation.

Legislation Organizational policies/practices Justify the influence on maximizing Mr Taz's Rights

Equality Act 2010

In this context, care organization provides equal opportunities of medical treatment to their patients. At the time of treatment service user's religion, race, culture and other social grounds will not be considered (Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2016).  This law protects an individual from discrimination. With the help of this, people with disabilities could be discriminated by others  (Narayan, Theodosis and O 'Neill,  2013)
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 To ensure about health and safety of the patients, cited rehabilitation centre is required to monitor and inspects all areas (Hughes, Tysall and Suleman, 2014).  The present act covers  several issues which are related to the safety, health and welfare. As per case scenario, Mr Taz requires safety and attention from caring staff members because patient is not able to move from one place to another without of any support and guidance (Disability, discrimination and the Equality Act, 2015). 
Human Right Act 1998 By following this act, care organization treats all the individuals with fairness, quality, respect and dignity (National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014). It involves the basic rights of individuals and it allows them to defend their rightful rights in courts. This act protects the rights of all persons such as old, young, poor, and rich. It gives guaranteed freedom and rights under the European Convention (The Human Rights Act, 2010). 
Disability Discrimination  Act (DDA) 1995   This legislation helps to promote the civil rights of individual with the disabilities and it also protects disable people from discrimination ((Disability, discrimination and the Equality Act, 2015)). This act helps the Taz from any types of discrimination at care organization because he is sensory and physical disable patient. There are more chances that care worker does not give him support and care on this behalf (Mechanic, McAlpineand Rochefort, 2013). 
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 By adopting this act, care organization has the responsibility to manually handle all the operations in an appropriate manner which respects the dignity of all individuals (Aveyard, 2014). The rehabilitation centre will also protect the identifications and personal data of service users (National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014).  While taking care of patients with the physical disabilities, manual handing is required from the caring roles (National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014). To carry out theses operations it is required to reduce the risk chances in respect to the care worker. At the same time it is also required to maintain autonomy, privacy and dignity of individuals  (Narayan, Theodosis and O 'Neill,  2013). 
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 The rehabilitation centre have to timely sensitize the medical equipments by considering the hygiene level (Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, 2013). With the presence of this act it is required for caring roles to ensure about the presence of first aid equipment. This will also maximize the rights of Mr Taz at the time of getting treatment. In this context, care organization has to focus on their quality of care services (Hughes, Tysall and Suleman, 2014)

The above listed legislation and organizational policies helps to promote and maximize the rights of services users in health and social care sector (Snape, Rawcliffe and Popay, 2015).

1.2 Communication contribute to promoting and maximizing the right of users

In health and social care sector, communication skills play an important role. So, it is important to have open and good communication between health care professionals and service users. To meet the expectations and requirements of service, it is important that caring roles have to develop good communication skills (Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, 2013). With the help of effective communication, service users also feel comfortable to share their medical problems and issues. In this context, health professionals and caring roles of rehabilitation centres are required to learn the techniques of technical communication because many types of service users comes to care organization to gain care and treatment (Hughes, Tysall and Suleman, 2014). In case if a patient is from other country then in this situation both patient and professionals will face the tragic condition because in this situation communication gap will arise (National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014). Without understanding the needs, requirements and expectation, professionals could not understand the problems and on that basis they could not start their treatment in more effective way (Knapp, Hall and Horgan, 2013). In the same way, as per the given case study, Mr Taz is having the problem of hearing impairment. In this situation caring roles of rehabilitation centre have to use various methods of communication like non verbal. In non verbal communication, to convey or receive the information from other party few sources could be used such as graphics, presentation, videos or signs. For the effective practice in health and social care, both communication and interpersonal skills are essentially required (Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, 2013). In this, the interpersonal skills such as language skills, beliefs, attitudes, pace, reflective listening, dignity and respect re also required at the time of offering service to individuals. With the presence of all these factors, any service provider is able to offer service to patients in the excellent manner (Le May, Martin and Oliver, 2013). Further, the caring roles are required to respect the needs of patients while communicating with them. To convey the information to Mr Taz, many sources of non verbal communication could be used. It is very essential for health care professional to support him in the decision making process. The caring organizations are required to encourage the all caring roles to adopt various types of methods which will help them to improve there communication (Luce and Elixhauser, 2012).

With the presence of open communication at rehabilitation centre, the organization environment will also become friendly, through this patients will feel secure, safe and comfortable. In this care sector, to provide the effective services of care partnership working strategy is also used (Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, 2013). In this context or partnership working, two or more service providers work together to meet the expectation of patients and top understand their medical problems. At the time of communicating with Mr Taz, professionals have to focus on their behaviour because he is becoming more aggressive towards the other caring staff members (Aveyard, 2014). With this behaviour, Taz also does not participate in any type of interventions and activities which are required to improve his well being and health. To improve the health of Taz, physiotherapy are specially required. In this situation, therapist and care members have to encourage and motivate him to communicate with others. With the friendly communication, Taz will easily overcome on his health condition which was caused by tragic accident (Snape, Rawcliffe and Popay, 2015). In addition, to boost the morale and confidence in him, professionals could involve him in the decision making process like before starting any new therapy, suggestion could be asked. The small talks will help him to come openly while communicating with others which will come with the time. Further, health professionals could also encourage him to participate and contact with other patients, so, that Taz could make social relationship like friendship with others (National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014). By making the friendships, I feeling of isolation will be reduced. Further, to monitor the improvement of Taz. Timely monitoring process are required. For this purpose. Daily routine records are required to maintained (Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, 2013).

With the presence of lack of communication there are chances to occur several types of medical errors and problems. The reason is presence of communication gap at care organization among service users, professionals and other caring roles. At the time of treating the patient, if he is not able to convey the medical symptoms about his health then professionals are able to provide care service and treatment to him (Leathers and Eaves, 2015). It is also analysed that lack of communication at rehabilitation centre could also arise severe errors like unexpected injuries and sudden death. On the basis of case scenario, it is very important to provide special attention to Taz because he is facing two medical conditions such hearing impairment and physical disability (Subandriyo, Sumarti and Sayudi, 2015). So, it is required to stay with him all the and the care taker of Taz are also required to have the knowledge of sin languages. In case if Taz is also not aware about the sign language then rehabilitation centre could also help him by providing training about sign language. This will help him to communicate with others (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). Henceforth, if Taz is aware about the sin language then cited centre could hire a translator as a care taker because care taker will act as an intermediate between Taz and health care professionals at the time of communication (Snape, Rawcliffe and Popay, 2015). In case of Taz, appropriate communication methods are essentially required which will help him to improve his health and well being. By covering all the above mention description it is evaluated that communication also plays an important role to promote and maximize the rights of health care services of Taz (Hughes, Tysall and Suleman, 2014).


With the help of present report it is articulated that in health and social care legislation, organizational practices and policies plays an important role if context of providing the quality of care service. The legislation helps to promote and maximize the basic and other rights of service users and as well as employees who are working in this sector. In addition, with the help of research the importance of communication is also evaluated that if the communication is not present it may create medical hazards and problems at care organization. The effective and open communication helps to improve the well being and health.


Books and Journals

  • Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, R., 2013. A handbook for action research in health and social care. Routledge.
  • Aveyard, H., 2014. Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Hughes, J., Tysall, C. and Suleman, R., 2014. Mapping the impact of patient and public involvement on health and social care research: a systematic review. Health Expectations, 17(5), pp.637-650.
  • Glasby, J. and Dickinson, H., 2014. Partnership working in health and social care: what is integrated care and how can we deliver it?. Policy Press.
  • Snape, D., Rawcliffe, T. and Popay, J., 2015. Values associated with public involvement in health and social care research: a narrative review. Health Expectations, 18(5), pp.661-675.
  • Luce, B.R. and Elixhauser, A., 2012. Standards for the socioeconomic evaluation of health care services. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Narayan, M., Theodosis, C. and O'Neill, J., 2013. Health systems and services: the role of acute care. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91(5), pp.386-388.
  • Subandriyo, J., Sumarti, S. and Sayudi, D., 2015. The importance of communication in hazard zone areas: case study during and after 2010 Merapi eruption, Indonesia. Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk, p.267.
  • Le May, A., Martin, W. and Oliver, D., 2013. The meaning and importance of dignified care: findings from a survey of health and social care professionals. BMC geriatrics, 13(1), p.1.
  • Mechanic, D., McAlpine, D.D. and Rochefort, D.A., 2013. Mental health and social policy: Beyond managed care. Pearson Higher Ed.
  • Knapp, M., Hall, J. and Horgan, T., 2013. Nonverbal communication in human interaction. Cengage Learning.
  • Leathers, D.G. and Eaves, M., 2015. Successful nonverbal communication: Principles and applications. Routledge.


  • The Human Rights Act, 2010. <>.
  • Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2016.>.
  • Disability, discrimination and the Equality Act, 2015. <>.
  • National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services, 2014. [Pdf]. <>.
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