
Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results


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Introduction to business management

For any business organization it is very important that the management is able to carry out an analysis, so that they can evaluate the various business activities and make sure that they are in line with that of organizational goals and objectives (Birnbaum, 2012). Herein it may not be wrong to say that it is a process through which firms can make progress and try to attain their aims and objectives. In this report an attempt has been made to identify and describe the various activities that authorities of such a company has to do and look to acquire the aims and objectives. Different companies and organizations have been cited as examples.


A) Organizational Culture and Structure

OLC Ltd is an educational institution which provides training, scholarships and research facilities for UK and overseas students. At present the organizational structure adopted at the institutes is that of functional structure, wherein tasks and jobs are divided on the basis of functions to be performed (Day and Wigens, 2006). Through such an arrangement, authorities and management can divide work which has to be performed by teachers and other employees according to the tasks that they carry out while in organizational setting. Following is a complete hierarchy of the institute:

Organizational Culture and Structure

Through the above analysis it can be seen that OLC is a hierarchical organization and entails that whatever information is to be given to the subordinates is disseminated through a predetermined channel and stages (Hillier and, 2009). The culture adopted by management and authorities in the company is very open which has helped them to develop healthy and positive relations with employees and also in motivating them. Herein it may not be wrong to say that organizational culture is the basis through which good working environment can be created and staff members be made to work to achieve the specified targets and goals.

B) Process and functions involved and their relation with that of aims, objectives, strategies and culture

OLC being an educational institute has completely different set of goals, objectives, processes and functions (Ellis and, 2007). In this regard it also may not be wrong to say that the relationship between these is completely different from that of conventional or traditional business firms. There are various types of functions that the company performs. One of them is that of the admin department, or the section which looks at overall operations and functions of the firm. They are tasked with duty to maintain records of both the faculty and students. Also they have to ensure that the activity of teaching and learning goes on smoothly and without any kind of obstacle. Other than this, another major department of the organization is that of education, where in faculties and teachers are employed of different qualifications and experience. They have to make sure that quality education is provided to the students. Thus it can be said that if both of these departments work in perfect harmony, then the goal to provide quality and superior learning to students can be attained (Bonehill, 2011). Main mission of the institute is to provide quality education to learners, regarding which they have developed special functions and departments. Along with that attempts also have been made to recruit the finest teachers, who will provide the best education to students. By using and inculcating this approach into daily working of the said organization, a lot of changes can be brought about in the workplace. Furthermore by developing special departments, authorities can be sure that their different aims and objectives can be attained and fulfilled with great ease and comfort. One of the main functions of the organization is to provide the best education to learners and students and to ensure that their lifestyle and living standards can be improved for the future. In this regard, the administrative department would help in making sure that varieties of organizational processes are carried out in an efficient and effective way. This can be supported through fact that the admin department will make sure that education is delivered to students in an effective way, which is also the organization's one of the primary aims.

C) Map Processes to organization's objectives and functions

Process map for the Human Resource Department of the organization

  • To understand the nature of business or job.
  • To assess the organizational requirement for any particular department.
  • Select the communication mode to inform people. It could be advertising agency, newspaper publishing, human resource agency, internal recruitment, job portals etc.
  • Prepare the job profile and job responsibility or job description (Healy and Dugdale, 2009).

Quality Gateways basically are the points through which every organizational activity must pass, so as to ensure that they are as per standards of the company and that they can fulfill desires of customers. One of the main quality gateway in OLC is that management pays a lot of attention to ensuring that students are provided with the best educational facilities in the country and also that they learn something that can add value to their lives. The main purpose of having a quality gateway in the organization is that through it, management can ensure that areas where there may be any kinds of errors or deficiencies can be identified and then steps for improvements can be made. Herein, a number of tests have to be conducted by the management in this regard, thus it could be ensured that the firm is able to fulfill its aims and objectives.


A) Plan to promote goals and objectives

To be able to effectively establish and run the new clothing retail store, the management will have to be wary that there are some major steps and stages which will have to be cleared first. In this regard, it can also be said for the store to open within specified time and budget constraints, they would have to make sure that they have access to skilled employees and various other resources (Bradshaw, 2005). In this regard, one of the very important aspects that would have to be kept in mind is managing human resources. Herein the plan which can be used by the firm is that they first of all would have to develop and implement such a human resource strategy at the workplace, which would enable them to motivate the employees and keep them happy with the firm. In addition to it, the company also might have to recruit new people in the organization, as it can be the most effective way through which organization's goal of efficient and effective operations can be promoted. This means that as project manager for the task, I would have to develop my own skills. Some of the areas wherein I would have to improve consist of managing the manpower. To do so I would have to attend various classes and workshops on the same topic. I can also look at the option of developing relations or bonding with the employees, so as to effectively manage them and make them give their best performance. Furthermore, I also would have to improve acumen of finance. It is imperative that money available for the project is managed in an effective way. To work on this aspect, attending evening courses on financial management can be a very good option.

B) SMART Objectives

It is very much necessary for the management that they develop some very specific goals and objectives, because of reason that they will help in measuring performance of both the employees and management and also in motivating the employees to give their best.

Following are the SMART objectives in this regard:

Specific: The very first objective here would be to hire skilled workers and labor, along with arranging for necessary tools, equipments as well as finances.

Measurable: Current workforce of the shop is only 10 people, but attainment of the current objective can be measured when there are more than 20 employees working at workplace.

Achievable: This is an achievable objective, as there are plenty of persons who can be recruited and employed in the company; in addition to fact being that the company will get easy loans.

Realistic: It is a realistic goal, as employing new people in the firm are not a very tough job that management has to carry out.

Time: Recruiting new staff members will take time period of two weeks. A time period of one year would be required so as to complete the construction of the new shop. For the purpose of making sure that the goals and objectives are attained efficiently and effectively, feedbacks from workers and supervisors will be taken so that it can be ensured that the specified work is completed on time and within budgets. These SMART objectives would help me to align the human and other resources for the project with that of goals and targets and make sure that the outlet opens on time and within the specified budgets.

C) Implementation Plans

For authorities of this project it would be imperative that they pay attention to not only development of different plans for meeting strategic targets; but also make sure that they are attained efficiently and effectively. In this regard some of the aspects which would have to be kept in mind include the likes of capable human resources; availability of finances as well as other tools and equipments. Herein the project manager(s) would have to make sure that the manpower involved in this project is capable enough to complete the tasks assigned to them on time and by wasting minimum of resources. In this regard they would have to acquire the required and provide them with training sessions so as that their skills can be developed and improved. To implement the various plans, such factors would have to be taken in due consideration of the management as well as authorities related to the project. For starting this new project, the authorities would have to contact some construction as well as recruiting agencies. They would provide the management with information regarding costs that might be incurred along with time that would be consumed in the said tasks. In addition to it, management will also have to conduct a thorough internal analysis, so as to gather information about how many more employees they need, along with their own financial status as well.

D) Monitoring and Controlling Plan

For the management it will be very important that they monitor and evaluate progress of the project, as it is the only way through which they can make an attempt to make sure that the plan does not deviate or derail from its aims and objectives. There are a lot of ways through which it can be done (Hubbard and Love, 2004). It includes the likes of feedbacks, constant evaluation, scrutinizing, etc. Herein the management will have to be wary of such techniques, so that it can be made sure that the project is completed on time and within the budget. By giving feedbacks to workers and the employees authorities will be in a position through which they can measure progress that the project is making and what all are the areas where there is any kind of mistake or deviation. Another way through which such a monitoring process can be carried out is that of constant evaluation of the tasks performed by employees. This will provide the management with scope through which tasks and duties can be performed efficiently and effectively (Ericson and, 2001).

E) Appropriate Systems to Achieve the Goals

There are a lot many systems and processes which can be considered by management so as to attain objectives of the project. One of them is that of ‘Just-In-Time' (JIT) approach. It entails that the management would have to pay attention to ensuring that the resources which are required so as to initiate the process and thus attain the objectives with ease, are made available at the right moment, not before or after it. This would help in ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget and also that none of the resources are wasted even by the slightest of margins. Statistical Process Control may also seem to be a very good option, as it would require that management uses various statistical techniques to measure progress of the project and make corrections in it, if any required. The JIT approach would help management to ensure that different resources are used right at the time when they are required and that they are not wasted to any extent. This way the authorities can ensure that resources are utilized in such a manner that results in their efficient and effective use. In addition to it, the management would also be able to ensure that the new clothing store opens on time and in the specified budget.


A) Quality Standards and how they can be managed and controled

Quality can be defined as a standard or benchmark against which performance of something is measured and evaluated. Quality management is an approach through which the management can ensure that there is a predefined consistency in their products and/or services which are offered in the market to customers. Similarly, quality standards are those benchmarks, which provide an indication as to whether the said quality has been achieved and maintained or not. Quality in tourism and hospitality is the delivery of products and guest services that are expected according to the standards. Quality management in this industry has very specific within this business sector as it does not only aims to assure ‘good quality' but also ensures that the company's services are consistent. Quality standards of RUS Plc should be dedicated to delivering the utmost value to its customers and should make all efforts to benchmark for the luxury in hospitality industry (Kapiki, 2012). The quality standard that is specified by this hotel chain is that the organization judges and accepts the periodical reviews given by the managers and monitors its current performance on the basis of the same. If it does not find them aligned with company's standards then it revises to adapt to the changing landscape and guest expectations (Alvarez and, 2012).

B) Demonstrate quality culture

Quality culture is basically a long term and an extended method that helps in involving all the bodies in charge of delivering services with the objective to attain higher degree of customer satisfaction. RUS Plc can continuously monitor its internal processes of quality and after that can develop certain policies to gain business objectives (Ingram, 2013). By taking into consideration the basic beliefs to sundown rules, organization should respect its customers, suppliers, associates and also strive to treat them as we as in person wants to get personally treated. In building and nurturing such relationships with the customers and also serving the communities, RUS Plc can build in better business that is committed to excellence (Duffy and Griffin, 2000).

C) Recommend improvements

The hotel chain is suggested to bring in time table and bulletin boards as well as technology usage should be emphasized more so as to acquire higher market share. It is also recommended that company should also focus on quality training and experienced trainers should be hired so as to provide better quality delivery to the end customers (Grinic, 2007). If the staff of the hotel chain is well trained then they will bring in best of the industrial talents in actual practice that will directly help in attaining organizational goals and objectives. If these steps are undertaken then it will also bring in great improvement in the business performance and bring in overall service quality enhancement (Kapiki, 2012). By providing training to the employees, management of the hotel would be able to make sure that their performance meets the quality standards and also that they give their best performance, so as to make the organization attain its goals and objectives. Apart from this, the hotel chain would be benefited by using the latest technology into their daily operations. It can be supported through fact that using such aspects into daily functioning of the company would help in making sure that particular quality standards are met and maintained in every task or operation carried out at the workplace.

D) Wider implications for proposed changes

The changes that will be brought in the organization will help in making RUS Plc even more competitive as its quality of service will be improved by a wider margin. The plan that company has for future which is to provide ‘high quality service for the discerning guests' can be attained as such sensitive guests do look for the opportunities which can provide them with a difference which is better than the rest (Alvarez and, 2012). People will find out that the organization has great ability to provide higher customer satisfaction at certain pocket friendly prices whenever they plan out any of their family or official event.


A) Risk Assessment as Required by Legislation, Regulation and Organizational Requirements

Risk assessment is a process involving five stages such as (Hughes and Ferrett, 2012):

  • Looking for hazard;
  • Deciding who could be harmed and how;
  • Analyzing risks and deciding whether all the existing precautions are sufficient or whether more needs to be introduced;
  • Recording findings and communicating employees about them; and
  • Reviewing assessment and revising the same if necessary.

Risk assessment at a construction company must be done while keeping in mind all the regulations regarding risks management at workplace. These regulations are related with management, manual handling, personal protective equipments, display screen, noise and health, asbestos and lead (Lèfstedt, 2011). All these regulations are to be considered while taking on assessment of risk on following features:

  • Purpose of Assessment - To identify measures which need to be considered to comply with prohibitions and requirements imposed by or under statutory provision.
  • Who has to assess the Risk? - Risk are to be assessed by employers of the construction organization and also by those of self-employed people that work as private authorities that are hired for risk management purpose (Cruickshank and Cork, 2006).
  • Whose Risk should be assessed? - This involves employees, customers, self-employed people at work, and those people not in employment.
  • What Risks should be assessed? - Risk concerned with health and safety to which employers as well as employees are exposed at work, and also the third parties associated with the organization at workplace (Harris, 2002).
  • Recording and Reviewing - The risk must be recorded later on in order to keep a track on the all the potential risk that can arise at a construction workplace. All these must be reviewed so that better ways of dealing with risks can be developed (Gibson and Kidd, 2002).

B) Health and Safety Regulations related with and Applicable in Construction Workplace

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is an Act of United Kingdom Parliament that as from 2011 describes the principle authority and structure for the regulation, enforcement and encouragement of workplace health, welfare and safety within the UK. The Act is known to define general duties of employers, employees, employees, suppliers of substances and goods for use at work, individuals in control of premises of work, and those who maintain and manage them, and individuals in general (Øvretveit, 2009).
There are six major regulations made under Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. They are all applicable for construction workplace and can be applied effectively to promote safety and security at the workplace. These regulations are concerned with management of health and safety at work, manual handling operations, workplace safety and welfare, personal protective equipments at work, and health and safety with display screen.

All the above regulations are necessary for different types of work situation and for a construction workplace these regulations can significantly help enhance health and wellbeing of employees working in the organization (Clouston and Westcott, 2007).

C) Systematic Review of Organizational Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

The health and safety policies and procedures of ABC company is reviewed systematically every year, or frequently when the law of the UK or its best practice changes. Using of policy or procedure will aid in attaining compliance with relevant statutory codes of practice and legislation, workplace standards and company policies, common law for care of duty, and recognized organizational health and safety (OH&S) best practice. The processes outlined in the organizational health and safety policy and procedures are designed for utilization as integral components in business operations to its maximum potential. As designed approach to management of OH&S is a necessary contributor to making sure that the staff, clients and contractors can do business safely (Lèfstedt, 2011). Approaches used by the organization are in line with that of the various health and safety legislations developed by government. Management follows all the measures and provisions given under the regulation, clearly indicating that organizational policies are according to national policies and procedures.

D) Application of Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

Application of health and safety policies and procedures should be effective and must cover each and every one in the organization. It must be ensured that the policies and procedures are practicable and is providing protection to organizational volunteer workers along with paid workers. For the purpose of applying these regulations in the firm, a lot of steps can be taken by management of the construction firm. One of them is to provide helmets and other safety gears to the workers. This means that the construction company does not have to guarantee that least harm will take place, but must do what is practically able to be done to making sure health and safety of the workers working on construction site. If the company is run by volunteers, then this will be the factor that is to be considered in order to determine what exactly is considerably practical for the company to do in any given situation (Harris, 2002).
In this way, health and safety policies and procedures can be applied to the organization of construction which be beneficial to both company as well as its employees both paid and volunteers.


This report has explained significance of organizational processes in delivering results which are based on goals and objectives. It has also developed plans to cover own areas of responsibilities for implementing operational plan of the organization. Appropriate guidelines have also been discussed in the report to improve organizational performance in both long as well as short run. In the later part, health and safety regulations, policies and procedures have been discussed in order to provide necessary information about health and wellbeing of workers and employees of organization.


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  • Birnbaum, D., 2012. A different kind of public healthcare system. Clinical Governance: An International Journal.
  • Bonehill, 2011. Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice: A Practical Guide. John Wiley.
  • Bradshaw, J., 2005. The role of communication in person centred planning. London: Jessica Kingsley.
  • Clouston, R. J. and Westcott, G., 2007. Working in Health and Social Care: An Introduction for Allied Health Professionals. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Cruickshank,G. and Cork, T., 2006. Construction Health and Safety in Coastal and Maritime Engineering.
  • Day, J. and Wigens, L., 2006. Inter-professional working: An essential guide for health and social care professionals. London: Nelson Thornes.
  • Duffy, M. and Griffin, E., 2000. Facilitating Organisational Change in Primary Care: A Manual for Team Members. Radcliffe Publishing.
  • Ellis, R. A. and, 2007., Managing quality improvement of eLearning in a large, campus-based university. Quality Assurance in Education.
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