
Contemporary Hospitality


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Introduction to Hospitality Industry

Hospitality industry includes hotels, restaurants and additional fields within tourism industry. Hospitality industry is very old and it has changed over time. This industry is the most flourishing sector in contemporary world. Thus, it has got improved and having an efficient structure in the organization with continuous improvement in the services of customers. In contemporary hospitality, customer has become the main focus for every organization. For this, firm has to adopt several changes in order to cope up with the challenges.

This report is mainly focused on the scope and scale of hospitality industry and for clear understanding of this report, Hotel Marriott has been chosen. Marriott is an American diversified company which was founded by John Willard Marriott in 1927 when the couple opened the root beer stand in Washington D. C. Now Marriott manages and franchises a broad portfolio of hotels and also some related lodging facilities. This organization owns more than 4,087 premises in around 80 countries. In Hotel Marriott, the management structure is effectively organized. Moreover, discussion has been made about the emerging trends of demand and supply for the hotel staff and also about meeting the staffing requirements of Hotel Marriott. The recent development in staff of hospitality firm has affected the legal, management and operational area of Hotel Marriott in both negative and positive manner. The overall image of hospitality industry and that of hotel is very good in the minds of customers as this sector provides high level of satisfaction to them. The potential trends and development may have positive or negative effect on Hotel Marriott.

Task 1

1.1 Scope and scale of hospitality industry and management structure of different hospitality organizations

Hospitality Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the World. The scope of this industry has become very wide. Scope refers to the range of business that provides services and facilities which includes accommodations, food and beverages, entertainment, etc. The UK hospitality industry has represented itself in every country in the world and is diverse and complex. From global perspective, the scale and scope of this industry is widening over time. Many firms have entered in this industry and still many opportunities are prevailing in this market for the new enterprises to establish their business. Many hotels and restaurants have globalized themselves in order to expand their business. This has provided jobs to many candidates and people have got the exposure of world by doing job in the globalized organization of hospitality industry.

The major contribution in UK economy is done by this industry alone. Overseas visitors have spent £21.01 billion in the past years and shows 12% increase every year. 32.8 million people visited UK from overseas which shows 5.6% increase from the previous years. Year by year, the visitors are increasing in this sector. People who visit UK, they provide benefits in every field or aspect of this industry such as tourism sector, hotel industry, restaurants, amusement park, entertainment sector, heritage and museum, etc. Thus, it increases the scope and scale of this industry every year. Data shows that future scope is very wide in this industry.

1.2 Discussing the management structure of different hospitality organization

The management structure of Hotel Marriott consists of General Manager under whom housekeeping, maintenance, sales, Human Resource, Food and Beverages, front desk and audit departments are there. Sub departments are there who report to their supervisors and then final reporting is send to the general manager. Thus, it can be assessed that effective management structure has been designed so that needs of employees can be assessed and satisfied easily.

1.3 Assessing the role of professional bodies and hospitality organizations

The role of professional bodies such as institute of hospitality is very crucial role in the development of contemporary hospitality. These bodies provide various courses and practical aspects to the people who aspire to pursue their career in the hospitality industry. They perform several roles in bringing efficient human resources for this sector. Some of the roles are discussed as follows...

Preparing Future Managers

Professional bodies such as Institute of Hospitality provide admission to students in their institute and teach those including theories and practical aspects of hospitality industry. They provide the highest quality management education to them based on the recent trends of industry. These bodies help people to become the best managers for industry. Various courses are provided to them such as hotel management, customer relationship management, tours and travel management, etc. It would help the students in getting opportunities in Hotel Marriott.

Matching the Demand and Supply

These bodies for example, British Hospitality Association, HOSPA and Institute of Hospitality, help Hotel Marriott in meeting the demand of human resources by supplying efficient human resources to them. These institutes provide placement facilities to those who acquire education from such institutes. They get placed in Marriott. Whenever the organization requires human resources, they provide resources to them. It provides international hospitality professionals with the highest professional standards of management. Thus, it helps the economy and Marriott in matching the demand and supply of human resources.

Contribute in the UK Economy

By providing large employment opportunities to people, Institute of Hospitality and other professional bodies helps the economy in maintaining equilibrium. Thus, they encourage people to pursue their career in hospitality because there is a wide scope in such industry and they make candidates efficient in influencing the customers for repeat purchase in Hotel Marriott and thus, contributing in the UK economy by generating great business.

Task 2

2.1 Emerging trends in demand and supply for hospitality staff

In present scenario, hospitality industry is facing an issue of demand and supply of hospitality staffs. The type of staff requires at Hotel Marriott as per the staff hierarchy are as follows...

Top Management

In this, senior managers of each department that is marketing, HR, finance, operations are included. Their responsibilities are to make strategies for their department and for the hotel as a whole.

Tactical Management

In this, teams of functional specialty, and other employees are formed. They implement the decisions taken by the top management of Hotel Marriott.

Operational Management

Skilled and semi-skilled employees, supervisors, management trainee, apprentices, part-time employed are grouped together and they worked to carry out the operations of a hotel.

According to this hierarchy, hotels demand the staffs for these posts thus, staff requirement can be met in Hotel Marriott by doing tie-up with the hospitality placement agency that may provide the personnel whenever required to meet the demand of organization. They can also meet the requirement of employees by doing campus placement on institutes of hospitality. Further, they can recruit people by giving website advertisement about recruiting.

2.2 Skills and qualification requirement for the personnel

Skills and qualification are essentially needed in order to work efficiently in Hotel Marriott. Without this, any candidate cannot even get the job. This is required because hotel employees have to perform multi-functions in the industry. Thus, the person should have required skills and qualification based on the roles and responsibilities of Hotel Marriott. There are several roles and responsibilities of staff of hotel Marriott. Some of them are discussed as follows...


Every employee of hotel has to perform his work such as housekeepers has to perform their assigned duties, assistant general manager has to do the reporting work and need to allot the daily tasks to employees. Kitchen staff and waiter staff have to cook the food and need to serve the customers accordingly.

Customer Interaction

Role of every employee of hotel irrespective of their job profile is that they have to communicate to the customers at one or the other point. Their responsibilities are that customers should be satisfied in every context whether in maintenance, laundry, food or other services.

Technical Role

Hotel staff has to work on computers while performing their duty. They have to maintain the records of customers, records of rooms occupied or vacant, customer’s footfall, records of inventories, providing cash or credit/debit card receipt to customers, etc.

Sales and Marketing

Employees of this department have to perform the operations as well as field work by doing marketing of the hotel. Responsibility is that the goals of organization should be met within given time line. Based on these roles and responsibilities, personnel required various skills and qualification in order to perform their work effectively and efficiently. Some of the skills are listed below...

Communication Skills

While interacting with the customers, communication skills of an employee should be highly effective. This is because the hotel's main focus is customer’s satisfaction and repeat business which can be achieved by effective communication skills by which customers can be influenced for doing the repeat business.

Interpersonal Skills

To be successful in the hotel industry, one must possess interpersonal skills as in this sector, main task is to provide customer service and without this, customer relations cannot be maintained.

Excellent organizational and administration skills

This is required in order to perform the role of operations in hotel in effectually. Qualification required for getting placed in Hotel Marriott are Diploma or full time course in hospitality, apprenticeship in any major hotel, other vocational qualifications, etc.

Task 3

3.1 Recent developments affecting the hospitality industry in the areas of legal, operations, management

Recent development in hospitality industry has affected three different sectors of Hotel Marriott in both positive and negative manner...


The recent development in UK are like improved customer services, high level of employee and customer satisfaction, intense competition in the industry, customer awareness, safety regulations, etc. Due to this, government of UK has introduced various laws in the hospitality sector which have an impact on the working of Hotel Marriott. Government has introduced the Health and Safety Act, 1974, Occupiers Liability Act 1984, Equality Law, Customer protection Act, etc. This has impacted the hotel's working after implementation of laws and regulations. Unfair trading has been avoided, sex discrimination cannot be done, healthy and safe environment has to be provided to customers as well as employees come under this. It has helped in maintaining the decorum of hotel but also the government interference have been increased which may hinder the performance of hotel’s working.


Along with the recent development, management efficiency can be developed over time. Recent development in hospitality industry has put a challenge on the hotel to survive in the competitive market. Management of Hotel Marriott makes the strategies in order to achieve the competitive edge and to meet out the customer satisfaction by employing and retaining highly qualified personnel. This has made the management efficient and effective. Many times, shortage of qualified employees leads to difficulty for the managers to cope up with the recent developments.


The operating activities are the main task of Hotel Marriott. Many recent trends have impacted the operating activities of hotel. Development is needed like providing delightful services to customers by using the latest technologies such as electronic check-ins, providing privilege and luxurious services to high-end customers, mobile-enabled front desk management, etc. To adopt such development, hotel has to hire highly skilled and qualified personnel and timely recruitment has to be done as well.

3.2 Creating and managing overall image of hospitality industry

The image of hospitality can be created by providing excellent services to customers, by satisfying their needs, through attracting the customers towards products and services of hospitality such as luxurious facilities at hotels, good food at restaurants, recreational facilities at parks, etc. Customers and employees should be provided with health and safety as well as proper rights to customers should be provided. Through this, overall a positive image of hospitality industry can be created in the minds of customers. The good image of hospitality industry should be maintained in order to widen the scope of hospitality and for growing the economy of UK. This can be managed by doing effective communication with the customers. By hiring efficient employees, needs of customers can be satisfied. Influencing people can be influenced by making healthy relations with the customers to have repeat purchase from them. Also providing safety to customers during their visit by following the laws and regulations is initiated by the government. These may help in maintaining the overall a positive image of hospitality industry.

The current situation of Hotel Marriott is that management and employees are highly efficient and this has helped the hotel to obtain competitive advantage in the industry. They provide high end customer services and satisfy the needs of customer services. 97% customers are truly satisfied with the services of Hotel Marriott. The employees’ behavior and communication process with the customers are up to the mark. This can be continuously improved by providing training and development to the hotel staff. The image of Hotel Marriott in hospitality industry is quite good. To maintain this image, hotel should continuously develop and improve their performance by coping up with the recent changes and by assessing the potential changes as well.

Task 4

4.1 Potential trends and developments in hospitality industry

Recent trends in hospitality industry have been discussed in the former question. Organization has to do the predictions for potential trends and development in order to achieve the competitive advantage, to provide customer satisfaction by effective management, to capture the first mover advantage, etc. Some of the predictions have been done which are discussed as follows:

Young Customers

There will be a new segment of young customers in the future which may change the trends of industry. These people will have new needs and demand which has to be fulfilled by Hotel Marriott in order to be successful in the future. This can be achieved by searching and adopting the measures which will satisfy their needs. There is a great chance that Millennial will be the new customer segment because main focus of this group is on exploration, interaction and experience which can be achieved by visiting and traveling to the new city or country.

High-tech Customer Service

Services to customers will be provided by using excellent technologies and high-tech instruments such as customers will be provided with a Tab or Smart phone by their hotel for placing an order, room services, calling housekeeper, etc. This would be done by selecting the options on Tab. Moreover, automated services will be provided such as automatic cleaning of rooms by pressing the button. To cope up with such changes, Hotel Marriott starts the planning of adopting these changes.

Political Uncertainty

Due to adverse economic condition of UK, political issues are arising every day. Thus, there is a possibility of political uncertainty which may hinder the performance of Hotel Marriott. Firm should prepare themselves to cope with the unfortunate trends.

Expectations of more international visitors

With changing trends, people are visiting to foreign countries and in gradual development of UK; people are keen for visiting UK. Thus, it states that international visitors will be increased in the coming years. Hotel Marriott may generate maximum profit through foreign exchange and by incoming of more visitors. So, planning for this may be done in advance.

4.2 Impact analysis of potential trends

In a former question, potential trends have been discussed. These trends may have positive or negative impacts on Hotel Marriott. For this purpose, impact analysis should be carried out so that hotel can prepare them in advance to avoid the negative impact or to convert them in an opportunity. Some of the impacts are as follows:

Positive Impact

If there is a chance of having young segment of customers in the future then it will be advantageous for the hotel as they can get the new variant of customer segment and this will enable the hotel to develop an effective strategy. It will be easier for the hotel to make strategies for them as hotel is already aware about the recent trends and satisfaction source are known as well. For providing high-tech services to customers, technological advancement can be brought in the organization. This will aid the company to become automated and technologically upgraded. This will reduce the training and development of personnel as they have to interact less with the customers because most of the work will be done by the machines. If more international visitors will come then firm may generate more profits through foreign exchange and there will be inflow of international currency.

Negative Impact

Younger customer base will be more aware about their services and rights and thus any mistake from the hotel may impact badly as they can file suit in the court for any mis-happening. This will generate a negative image in the minds of consumers. For this purpose, hotel has to take due care about the consequences and need to prepare themselves in advance.. Installation of high-tech machines may result in over expenditure for the hotel which may exceed the budget of the firm. This may result in loss for the hotel. Political uncertainty may hinder the performance of hotel because there will be more interference of government and economic imbalance may affect the profitability of organization.


After preparing this report, it has been concluded that contemporary hospitality is the most flourishing industry as it generates the maximum profit and help the economy to grow. This industry is having a wider scope for the new firms and also for the new candidates. The emerging trends and development in this industry have affected the Hotel Marriott in both positive and negative manner. The professional bodies are playing crucial role in providing efficient employees to Hotel Marriott and also it has solved the problem of matching the demand and supply of human resources. There is a great chance of having potential trends and development in this industry which will impact the hotel and for this, hotel may prepare itself in advance.


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