
Ways through which companies manage grievances and disciplinary issues


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Conflicts are part and parcel of each and every company wherein people get upset with one another. However, it becomes essential to take necessary actions in order to minimise the same and promote discipline in the organizational setting (Disciplinary and grievance procedures, 2009). In this regards, Ritz hotel has been selected to demonstrate the varied kinds of grievance and disciplinary issues being witnessed in the organization along with that the manner in which these shall be handled by the management. Therefore, the main aim of the present research is to highlight the methods in which people at companies are managed and handled.



Grievance and disciplinary issues

The organisation mainly consists of different skilled and level of employees and staff within the workplace that sometimes lead to attain the disciplinary or grievances issues. The situation of grievance mainly arises within the hospitality organisation that is Ritz Carlton as all the staff have different attitude and perspectives related with treating the guests. For instance, the key grievance issue arises among the employer and staff within the hotel in the situation when employer engage in the unfair or unethical activities within the premises with the lower level staff that is by providing them unsafe environment. Along with this grievances issue also arises within the hotel when the individual may get feeling of unfair or wrong towards them.

On the other hand, another important aspect within the hospitality organisation include engaging in the disciplinary procedure. It is consider that in the contemporary scenario disciplinary issues often arises within the hotel so that employees may not engage in the activities that might results in attaining the legal penalties. The disciplinary issue often arises when the staff within the hotel engage in the activities that are against their moral aspects. Different form of disciplinary problems within the Ritz Carlton include disrespecting the individual, bullying as well as aggression etc. that impact the activities within the premises.

Ways through which the company manages grievance and disciplinary issues

In order to manage the different grievance and disciplinary issues within the hospitality organisation that is in Ritz Carlton manager need to focuses on different ways and approaches through which they can minimize the issues (Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2010). In order successfully overcome the grievance issue from Ritz Carlton manager must focuses on open door policy. With the help of this policy within the hospitality organisation management focuses on creating openness as well as transparency to the lower level employees so that they can easily mark their view point as well as thoughts related with topic (Aycan, Kanungo and Mendonca 2000). Along with this using this policy within the premises also support the staff to engage in openness with the management regarding their likes and dislikes within the workplace. Along with this, it also focuses on fostering the collaborative environment within the hotel through which staff can easily communicate with the management without any boundaries or limitation.

In addition to this, implementing this policy also assists the Ritz Carlton management in respecting the suggestion provided by the staff along with this it also empowers the employees to put forward their views without any issue. From the view point of Ahmad, and Schroeder (2003) this practice within the organisation is also viewed as an effective approach that boost the morale of staff as they can freely speak regarding the issues and problem that are faced by them via engaging in face to face communication. Along with this another approach that is used by Ritz manager for managing the grievance issue include taking quick decision (Cook, 2009). It has been assessed that with the situation of grievance in the workplace manager must ensure taking quick action. With the help of engaging in training activities manager can easily enhance the skills through which they may timely manager the grievance that arises within the hotel.

Disciplinary issue often arises in the Ritz Carlton hotel that need to overcome by the manager. It has been assessed that it is required by the organisation to engage in the disciplinary procedure so that they may engage their staff in adhering the policies and rules that are framed by the company. It has been also assessed that disciplinary action within the hotel ensure smooth functioning of the activities that create healthy environment. In order successfully engage in disciplinary activities within Ritz Carlton manager must engage in implementing the progressive disciplinary actions that mainly include assessing the reason of misconduct, conducting meeting to discuss the issue, disciplinary decisions and implementation of the decisions.

The foremost step in the disciplinary process within the organisation include measuring the key reason so that staff may engage in the in-disciplinary action. The disciplinary issue often arises when the management or other party do not need the requirement of staff (Allen and Bryant, 2012). Therefore, management must ensure proper appealing of the reason that results in in-disciplinary action by the staff. Another step in the procedure include conducting meeting of the employer and staff so that they may discuss the issue and decision that they may incorporate to overcome the issue from the hotel. Another step in the process include taking effective disciplinary decision by the manager so that they may overcome the issues that has been arising within the Hotel so that they may lower the in-disciplinary action and maintain conduct within the organisation. The last step in the disciplinary procedure include implementation of the decision within the hotel so that it smoother the environment with avoiding the wrong and tortous activities from the premises.

Therefore, it has been assessed that grievance and disciplinary procedure within the organisation plays significant role as it benefit them in enhancing the organisation activities. Along with this, it also enhances the individual performance within the organisation so that they may easily accomplishes the objectives and goals.Get Coursework Help at affordable prices with free Plagiarism reports.

The above enumerated methods are an effective means to minimise grievances from the organizational setting of Ritz hotel as well as promoting disciplinary situation (Taylor and Woodhams, 2012). There are numerous kinds of situation that may arise in the concerned company and that is likely to affect its operations. Therefore, management plays a pivotal role in managing people and removing the conflicting situation from the organizational setting. In regards to the Ritz hotel, it can be illustrated that, there are certain circumstances in which the employees clash with one another. These are likely to arise due to the mis-communication that arise between the staff members of room division and floor level which further affects the services provided to the customers (Wood, Saundry and Latreille, 2014). In such cases if the above described method or procedure is being applied in an appropriate manner then it can help the management in dealing with the situation in a profound manner.

Conflict in this case can be effectively managed by the means of reviewing policies and procedures laid by the management. However, the first and foremost step is problems shall be reported at higher level authoritative. Further, these shall be identified by the personnels and then strategies or methods shall be adopted to resolve the same (Renwick, Redman and Maguire, 2013). However, from the above description it can be stated that when the policies and practices are adopted by the organization in an appropriate manner then it is more likely to be followed by its workforce. Moreover, the staff member at the respective hotel will keep decorum in order to deal with people. These situation can also be avoided at the Ritz campus by proper investigation method. Furthermore, it has been assessed that these norms and practices shall be similar to all the staff members so as to avoid arising of other disputes in the organization (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2012).

Apart from this, there are certain rules and regulations of each of the company which needs to be followed by the employees. These can be inform of attendance, code of conduct, performance, prolonged acts, infringement of rules and regulations, etc. These can be in form of the criminal offence which includes fraud and theft, deception, breach or repudiation of confidentiality, harm to companies reputation, etc. (Storey, 2014). Therefore, procedures are considerably needed in order to deal with each of these situations in a proper manner. In any course of act which have been demonstrated above, employees can be charged high amount of penalties or compensation. This could be quite difficult for the employees. Therefore, they will try to maintain discipline in the organizational setting at Ritz hotel. Furthermore, it has been ascertained that, recently one of the staff member from the floor level has violated the policies by stealing the items of its colleagues (Taylor, 2010). This was recorded in the camera and was punished for not following a perfect decorum at the hotel.

Apart from this, it has also been analysed that the last arrival time for the employees at Ritz is 9.30 AM. However, any employee being late and arriving at 9.31 for three consequent days shall be deemed absent from the duty and his salary shall be deducted. Another crucial example of disciplinary issues and the manner in which these are dealt includes violation of rules and regulations. Any employee found infringing the policies and procedures of the concerned organization in the course of employment and disclosing the secret information of the Hotel with any other outsider is penalized (Martin and Siebert, 2016).

All the above demonstrated examples aids the organization in maintaining workplace morale and also improves the performance thereby leading the organization to grow and develop. Further, the methods or ways in which the disciplinary issues are dealt with has a high amount of prominence in creating discipline in the Ritz hotel. Staff members will avoid engaging them in any such activities that can result in disadvantage to themselves (Thomson, Arney and Thomson, 2015). However, the effects of these could only be determined when these are followed constantly and in a strict manner which will help the management to handle the employees in an effective manner.

Every company has certain amount of strategies and tactics that aids in gaining a competitive edge over the other rivalry firms. Likewise, Ritz hotel has its  own set of actions plans which cannot be disclosed with any other members. Therefore, all the disciplinary actions laid in regards to the present organization helps the organization to manage its operations effectively as well as assist in maintaining workplace morale which is a crucial part of every concern (Taylor, 2008).

In addition to the above, if grievances are tackled in an effective manner, it will assist in improving the performance of the employees. If same procedure and practices are adopted by the management to deal with the situation then employees will be satisfied which can further be seen in the performance of the organization. Some of the most common cause of arising dispute in the organizational setting of Ritz includes Seniority, promotion, layoffs, incentive, bonus plan, working hours, holidays, overtime, etc. (Bush and Middlewood, 2013). It has been ascertained that sometimes improper employee employer relation is also the reason behind grievances. Therefore, if proper consideration is laid by the management of Ritz hotel while dealing with these issues, then definitely the performance of the individuals as well as the organization can be raised. However, for this purpose, due consideration shall be given to the feeling and emotions of each of the personnel which will thereby assist in better understanding of the situation (Dawson,  2013).


From the above essay it has been concluded that it is essential for the management to focus on the grievance and disciplinary process within the organisation as it ensure smooth functioning of the activities within the organisation. Along with this, it is also consider that in the contemporary scenario disciplinary issues often arises within the hotel so that employees may not engage in the activities that might results in attaining the legal penalties. On the other hand, it is also assess that there are certain procedure and ways that is incorporate by the hotel for minimizing and overcoming the issues related with disciplinary procedure.

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  • Wood, S., Saundry, R. and Latreille, P., 2014. Analysis of the nature, extent and impact of grievance and disciplinary procedures and workplace mediation using WERS2011. Acas Research Papers. 10. pp.14.
  • Online
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