Strategic management is always important part of institution management. It helps the company identify potential threats and opportunities for its business. Critical Success factors are also important factor of strategic management. This report will describe the international strategy of Marriott Hotel, which is one of the biggest hotel in UK. It will also identify potential internal and external factors for business and their impacts on hotel. We will also discuss marketing communication model and its processes in context of the company. This report will analyze different marketing strategies adopted by the organization and their impacts on business activities.
(A) Internal critical success factors
Critical success factors
It can be defined as important element for business to achieve the organization's objectives. It is an activity that offers institution to ensure its success in its business missions. The critical success factors for the hotel industry have been changing over time due to global competition, quality and customers exceptions to attract more customers (Ahmad and Cuenca, 2013.). Internal key success factors are those aspects which give direction to chosen strategy and provide correct information for the firm to reach goals. Internal success factors for the organisation can include strong supplier relationship, quality management, price determination, training or advance career opportunities for employees so that the establishment can establish its venture in the international market. Internal critical success factors for market development planning are given below.
Enhancement of quality
Quality does not mean customers services but also additional factors like employees' involvement. Good communication with hotel employees can change outlook of the customers for company. Satisfied customers always give good reviews, which increases business of the firm (Baker and Saren, 2016). By giving equal attention on employees' satisfaction and customer's satisfaction, a correlation can increase its likelihood. Marriott hotel always ensures customer's satisfaction on internal as well as external level. The establishment management analyzes customer's demands and implements constant improvement in quality. Quality of services is not good then customer's utility cannot be increases and organization market share as well. Problems arise in service quality due to lack of measurable parameters for determining quality (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). To ensure quality in services, establishment offers specific services to the customer according to the guest preference. This method enhances effectiveness for the entire business firms and develops strong customer relations for long-term purposes.
It is an important key success factors for the Marriott business firm. An organization where environment is not flexible and managers always need to consult before making any decisions can harm the business of institution. A set of inflexible policies always creates problems for managers to solve for their customers (Grimm, Hofstetter and Sarkis, 2014). Customer loyalty cannot be gained by the managers in inflexible environment. Management of organization gives authority to its managers and employees to handle the situations and maintain good customer's services. Establishment believes' that different customers have different outlook towards hotel, so management give some authority to its managers to solve the problems on their own level and gain customer's loyalty (Iqbal, Nadeem and Zaheer, 2015). It is important to develop market for the firm and maintain strong interactions with the customers.
Global outlook
Every business need to develop an international outlook towards its business. In Marriott hotel, they are always aware that what hotels are doing to attract more customers. company's focus is not only on price competitions but also on enhancing customer's experiences. Global outlook aids the organization to gain more customers (Jeston and Nelis, 2014). Consumer's preferences are growing on the basis of experience rather than material purchases. In Marriott hotels, visitors come from different parts of the world and belong to different cultures, which aid in building strong relationships with their customers by offering services according to their customer's preferences and gaining loyalty.
Training and development
Customers satisfaction is gained only by providing best services to the customers but to provide best services, the employee's needs to be well trained to make good interaction with their customers (Li and Yu, 2013). In the Marriott hotel, training begins after fresh recruitment, which primarily focuses on initial orientations, organization policies, and employee's benefits. Investing in new employees and giving them learning opportunities and resources to motivate them and make long-term relationships with the company's employees (Johnson, 2013). Good communication skills are an important part of a company's training programs, as by these the employees are able to interact with their customers and gain customer loyalty. By providing appropriate training to their employees, they also develop potential future leader for the companionship. Employees training aids the hotel in developing its markets because most of the customer interactions are done by employees, not by top authority.Get the best quality coursework help at Assignment Desk.
Technology development
In today's world, no business can survive without technology. Technology is an integral part of every business. In hotel industry, technology also plays important role in making contact with their customers. Marriott hotel management provides online booking systems, which bring new dimension in the hotel industry (Majaro, 2013). Well-designed and user-friendly websites are easy for the customers as well as for organization to enhance their business in worldwide. Customer's relationship software and social media are other tools to interact with the customers. CRM software helps the company organize customer's information on one place. Technology is that tool which assists the organization to develop its market share and further expand their business a