
Main Approaches Of Quality Management


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Strategic quality and system management refers to an area of management in which an organisation's quality management operations are systematically and strategically linked with strategy formation, in order to gain competitive advantages and enhance performance of organisation. Managerial personnel engaged in strategic quality and system management always tries to frame a strategy while emphasising on total quality management (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). This report exhibits approaches of quality management and performance evaluation, role of quality management and administrative systems, importance of continuous improvement and difference between compliance and ownership based approaches of quality management in the context of Airdri. It is a medium sized manufacturing company engaged in manufacturing of hand dryers. This report also explains how quality management supports performance, how advantages of adopting a holistic approach of quality management and role of administrators in supporting management of quality.


1. Main approaches of quality management:

Quality management includes set of activities and task related to maintenance of a desired level of excellence. It assists organizations to improve and standardised their internal activities and processes and to build an environment to provide quality products and consumer satisfaction (Kneese, 2013). Following are the major approaches of quality management the context of Airdri, as follows:

  • Continuous Improvement: This approach emphasises on ongoing or continuous improvement in processes and activities related to all products or services in order to achieve standard quality.
  • Quality at the source: Under this approach responsibility of concerned employee or worker is fixed by management in Airdri to enhance quality of process, activity, product or services.
  • Six Sigma: It is a technical approach used by management to improve processes or activities of Airdri. Under six sigma a process is established by management in which 99.999966% of all opportunities to construct some feature of a part are statistically expected to be free of defects.
  • Lean manufacturing: It is a standardised method for minimising or optimising waste or obsoleted activities in an organisation in order to enhance productivity and quality. In this approach non value added activities are identified by management to eliminate them systematically in selected company.
  • Just-in-time:It is an approach for quality management in which order of raw-material and other goods are placed as per requirements in order to enhance efficiency and to reduce waste or closing inventory. This method requires producers like Airdri to forecast demand in order to reduce inventory cost (Laudon and Laudon, 2016).
  • Process improvement:In this approach major steps are taken by management towards improvement of overall process to maintain and improve quality in Airdri.

2. Benefits of continuous improvement for management:

Continuous improvement includes activities that are directly or indirectly associated with improvisation of tasks or activities for optimum utilisation of an organisation's resources. Following are the key benefits of ongoing or continuous improvement for Airdri, as follows:

  • Increased Performance: Steady improvement in activities or task can lead to increase in performance. Surplus of Airdri has decreased in 2017 due to bad performance. In this case, by continuous improvement in production and marketing techniques company can  enhance performance  as well as revenue and surplus.
  • Improved Quality: Ongoing improvement assists in cross checking of activities which are already done and provide hints for future improvement. In Airdri revenue is deceased in recent year and it is analysed that one of the reason of decrease in revenue is quality. Company can achieve quality standards of activities and processes by applying continuous improvement.
  • Lowered Costs: Profitability of organisation purely depends upon increase in productivity and reduction in costs. Airdri is facing decrease in surplus and increase in costs. Using continuous improvement process, organisation can achieve improved quality and increased productivity that ensures lower cost or reduced costs.
  • Quick and timely accomplishment of tasks: Organisation by improving day to day activities can reduce the scheduled time of tasks and activities and also repetitive task can be completed quickly(Sallis, 2014). In Airdri due to delay in task leads to late or adequate supply of product so steady improvement in manner of accomplishment of task can provide quick and timely accomplishment of tasks in company.
  • Reduced employee turnover rate: Day to day improvement helps to increase in efficiency of employees and to develop an employee friendly environment which results in reducing employee turnover. In Airdri employee turnover ratio has increased in recent years, company by using outputs of continuous improvement process management can develop a strategy to retain employees while considering their needs.

3. Difference between compliance and ownership based approaches to achieve quality:

Approaches adopted by management for quality controls are classified as compliance based approaches and ownership based approaches, following are the key differences between both type of approaches, as follows:

Compliance based approaches

Ownership based approaches

Compliance based quality control approaches are adopted by organisations to implement a strict control over activities of quality controls (Oakland, 2012).

Whereas Ownership based approaches are implemented by management through developing a self motivated spirit in employees and workers like Six Sigma.

Compliance based quality approaches are rigid and some times hurts sentiments of employees and working staff such as ISOs.

Ownership based approaches are flexible and motivates employee to increase their performance.

These approaches are used by management for quick results or to short out some major temporary quality issues.

These approaches does not provide quick results.

While formulating long term strategies regarding quality control these approaches are normally avoided by management personnel.

These kind of approaches are mostly preferred by management while formulating a long term strategy regarding quality control.  

These approaches are not suitable in long term.

These approaches are suitable in long term.

4. Benefits of adopting a holistic approach of quality management:

Following are the significant benefits of adopting a holistic approach of quality management, as follows:  

  • Assists in highlighting requirements of potential or existing market:Approaches adopted by business organisation for quality management assists in identifying major needs of the market. Holistic approaches are universal and helps entity to trace out and meet requirements of existing or potential market in a systematic way. Highlighting requirements of market assists organisation to trace out key factors which directly or indirectly affects quality management (Kneese and Bower, 2013).
  • Encourages improved and better quality performance in every sphere of activity: Unfriendly and conflicting nature of personnels in organisation creates barriers for organisation to achieve its objectives and growth. Holistic approaches of quality management focus on changing such type of attitude of employees and enhancement of performance of employees by modifying activities for quality control as per employees requirements. It also gives an environment for self development and building employee’s interest.
  • Assists in analysing non value added activities and waste:In order to increase profitability organisation always tries to improve productivity and reduction in cost. By using holistic approaches of quality management management can identify waste or non value added process or activities and reduce them by establishing a systematic cost effective approach (Dale and Plunkett2017).
  • Helpful in meeting the competition:Universal or holistic approaches of quality management are useful for defining competition and for framing an efficient strategy accordingly. In present time due to heavy competition survival organisations has become very hard, in this situation these approaches provide a framework for organisation to face competition and to gain competitive.
  • Helps in developing a competent system of communication:Business organisations are highly affected by deficient and erroneous communication and, indecent procedures because these act as barriers for quality management activities. These barriers result in misconceptions, low- quality, poor productivity, repetition of work and low morale (Shin, Shin and Lee, 2013).
  • Continuous review of progress:Universal approaches of quality management helps to review activities and process required to build strategy on the basis of continuous and ongoing improvements. These approaches emphasise on continuous improvement in order to face dynamic challenges.


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The person who are have administrative roles in Airdri should aware of their role that they have to play to support the management of quality. As the staff turnover of the organisation is continuously increasing and it is very important for the organisation to control it (Psomas, 2013). The administration department needs to find out the issues that are taking place and affecting operational efficiency of the company. The roles that are going to be played by them are as follows:

· Administrators are required to look at each and every activity which is performed by the employees to accomplish all the tasks that are allotted to them.

· They have to find out the causes of problems that are resulting in poor quality of management (Birolini, 2012).

· All of them are required to measure performance of employees who are working in the organisation and then provide them appropriate compensation accordingly.

· The persons who have administrative roles they have to play the role of analyser in which they are going to analyse the problems and then find effective solution for that.

· They have to motivate the employees by appraising them, providing them benefits, promoting them etc.

For effective management of quality, the administrative system also has to play vital roles in order to successfully operate and execute the business without any interruption. All the roles of administrative system are as follows:

· It is responsible for different tasks such as managing groups, coordinate with management and other functional departments of the company is order to get insight of the issues that are taking place in the organisation (Allen, 2013).

· The administration system has to make sure that human resource, finance, marketing, information technology etc. divisions are effectively performing all of their tasks.

· The main role which is required to be played by this system is a motivator that influence the workforce to work hard and enhances their work quality so that overall efficiency of the business entity can be maximised.

· The main tasks that are performed by the system are planning, controlling, administrating, directing and organising because it helps to keep a track record of all the executional activities.

· An effective administrative system can result in effective management of quality because it helps to figure out the consequences and find best ways to deal with them.

· It will help to control the issue of high employee turnover by maintaining quality of the operational activities (Grochau and ten Caten,2012).


From above report it has been concluded that Strategic quality and system management is a vital aspect of organisation's management structure and strategy. Various approaches of quality management assist organisation to enhance their performance and achieve sustainable growth. Administrative system is like backbone of quality and system management and supports all activities related to quality management.Get online coursework help  at pocket-friendly prices.

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  • Goetsch, D. L. and Davis, S. B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, N J: pearson.
  • Kneese, A. V., 2013. The economics of regional water quality management. RFF Press.
  • Laudon, K. C. and Laudon, J. P., 2016. Management information system. Pearson Education India.
  • Sallis, E., 2014. Total quality management in education. Routledge.
  • Oakland, J. S., 2012. Oakland on quality management. Routledge.
  • Kneese, A. V. and Bower, B. T., 2013. Managing water quality: economics, technology, institutions. Rff Press.
  • Dale, B. G. and Plunkett, J. J., 2017. Quality costing. Routledge.
  • Psomas, E. L., 2013. The effectiveness of the ISO 9001 quality management system in service companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence24(7-8), pp.769-781.
  • Allen, L. C., 2013. Role of a quality management system in improving patient safety—laboratory aspects. Clinical Biochemistry. 46(13-14). pp.1187-1193.
  • Grochau, I. H. and ten Caten, C. S., 2012. A process approach to ISO/IEC 17025 in the implementation of a quality management system in testing laboratories. Accreditation and Quality Assurance. 17(5). pp.519-527.
  • Birolini, A., 2012. Quality and reliability of technical systems: theory, practice, management. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Shin, J., Shin, W. S. and Lee, C., 2013. An energy security management model using quality function deployment and system dynamics. Energy Policy. 54. pp.72-86.
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