
Managing Human Resource


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Introduction to Manging Human Resources

Human resource management is considered as one of most critical aspect which need to be referred by every business. Managing Human Resource is a function of designing organizational structure and objectives in such a way to improve employee’s performance. It deals in various functions such as hiring, compensation, performance management etc. Managing human resource also deals in safety, wellness, organizational development, benefits as well as employee motivation. In present report, case study will be evaluated in context to the human resource management. In this, issues of human resource management will also be discussed effectively in order to meet key goals and objectives.


New workplace practices introducing by the new yard manager

In top trucking company after some time this is new manger is appointed but in that situation existing employees are not comfortable with new manager they always resist to change management. In that situation manager face so many problems in workplace. But the new manager is participative in nature, where they also show their contribution in their working practices. In that situation there is various new working practices which may concerning by the new manager as follows...

Positive Attitude

A new manager get adopt positive attitude towards their working patterns. In this point all employees are also get feel positive in their such kind of working practices. Positive attitude is create a render impact on the whole organisation. Positive attitude will help to creating positive environment n their said organisation.

Participative in nature

A new manger has to develop their participative leadership style in their workplace practices. They follow participative leadership style . In this style existing employee will get help from the new manger and build healthier relationship with employees and mangers.

Build healthier relationship

Manager focus on create a healthy workforce environment in concerning organisation. A new manger is ensure to make more effective organisational environment. Where each one of employee are get freely with other one's.

Provide equality

A new manger has to be develop their policies about equality where manger focus on to give them equal opportunity to each one of them to get motivated towards their work and grab new opportunities. They treated each one of them as equally weather is the employee is male or female.

No culture differences

A new manger has to be develop their no cultural difference in their workplace. They treated each one of them as equally weather they belong from different religions and different culture.
rewards and retention policies: A new manger has to be develop their rewards and retention policies where manger focus on the performance basis they give them some rewards and benefits to deserving employees . With the help of rewards and benefits employee get motivated towards their working patterns. This techniques will help to retain more and more employees in their workplace.

These are the various new workplace practices in Top trucking organisation. Where as, with the help of new workplace practices existing employees were feel comfortable and put trust on new managers. On the basis of these practices manager is participative and help every one to their in work. They will help to performance enhancement, and they also provide authorities to put their vies and ideas to create effective organisation.

What are the risk to sustaining these changes

As per detailed study, it can be stated that there are number of risk which might affect the business entity operations. Top trucking is focused towards application of change management but due to improper consideration of employees needs the risk has advanced. It is because any change that does not cover employees support cannot be employed effectively. Cost is one of most critical aspect which can impact the overall development and change application. If business firm is not having proper financial resources then it might be possible that business firm can face issue in application.

If George and the yard manager willing to move on with the changes they required step-by-step planning to implement it effectively. Without proper planning changes may cause terrible losses instead of benefits. First they need to understand that what changes will take place and how those changes will occur. There is need to assign the role to the individuals who are responsible to look through the change process. Resistance to change is common risk factor. People are usually reluctant to change which comes in their way and probably afraid to adopt the new procedures. The change in the organization required leadership, so the one who managing the changes should have previous change management experience or should be adequately trained for meet the demands which may occur in change process.

Lack of knowledge and experience may cause the reverse effect of whole process. Operational disruption is another factor which generate risks in organizational change process. The change strategies may vary depending upon the size of the organization or project. Lack of consensus create drastic problems at the time of the strategic change, everyone should be on board with the corporate change because there may be so many problem occurred in between the process. Communication of the guidelines about the probable changes should be properly spread among the organization, particularly if you are facing major changes. If other employees are not well updated wit the information then the change process will be cause reverse effect. Changes can cause failure in integrate the plan into the culture, operations and financial planning, which can cause organization a drastic and terrible loss. The result of changes are not fully predictable, but the risk at the time of changes occurred is that organizations become too ambitious only after the assuming the positive result post changes, which can be harmful for the organization in the context that they cant focus on the change process and what disturbance it is causing in the current operations.

Workplace changes in Top transport company

As per Case study Analysis

Top transport company like Wollongong yard transport company was getting reputed and growth happened within the company and in region too as it was high performance workplace. but manager named George person was union leader delicate and playing an important role in transforming information throughout company. The yard held strong position in market but it had a tough workplace to work. Yard manager was very autocratic preferred to tell people rather then taking their opinion and yelling at them if it was a bad day. This family company was more reluctant to spend a huge amount of money on truck. There were some drivers called bad eggs, and there were holding a lot of conflicts, lots of accident and lots of stoppage. 3 years ago this family company was brought by big national transport group and old yard manager was retired. The new owner had enough capital to spend on trucks and maintenance drastically. They cleaned up the yard and brought new uniforms to drivers. New computer system was installed in yard and even more new manager was appointed. This time new manager was very firm and gentleman and used his managerial quality to take situations in control. He began to talk to driver and union leader and then things begun to change. This man was not like previous manager who was shouting on workers rather he is more concerned to ward workers. He first listen to the problem and find solutions rather then shouting on them. earlier it had some major issues with union leader George with some short strikes but after he realised that manager had genuine reasons and point of view to his problem. Some workers who were bad eggs started to pulling out support from his leader and started working on their proper way. Managers started sharing problem with workers and workers were not treated as child now. So Manager the personally discussed with union leader and then things changed. The result was that company won number of new contract in next few years and companies performance was increased. They started to get visits from head office and other areas of country to observe their way of operations.


Blue collar unions like transport working unions are more likely to engage in workplace then public or private sector. Union leads play major role in transforming and creating working environment as their name they are leader of all workers. So they have duties and responsibilities toward their workers. Whatever mistreats happen to worker is responsibility of union leader and whatever changes in rules and policies form companies side circulate it should be informed by union leader. So as per my opinion union leaders are more engaged in workplace changes like this in private sector as compared to public or service sectors because in public sector government rules are followed and government always give requirement as per need of employees.

I found out if I am right from taking this case study after analysing situation was before and after manager changed and working environment change. So this obvious indicates that managerial behaviour is core key to success. When previous manager improperly behaved with workers huge conflicts, strikes and other things took place. So After company was owned by National transporting group and this company made investment in improving working convention and also most importantly changed manager whole thing changed. New yard manager was more kind and skilled then previous one. He listened to problem carefully and changed working conditions. So Firstly union leader opposed but he agreed on manager that it had genuine point of view to the problem. The working area was computerised. New uniform was given to workers. they listened to problem by manager and they felt themselves involved in company. So because of this company won many contract and Growth.


Blue collar union are as important for their organisations as white collar in administration department for their organisation and same important place for pink collar in service sector. Every worker is important for its organisation. & union leader have to be responsible and involved in working condition for their workers. They link as communicator between management and organisation or company. So their responsibilities are graters for there colleagues.
If favourable working environment is given to employees productivity of firm can be increased. Leadership skill is must for manager.


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