
BA4F05 Managing Business Project Level 4 Business Management


  • Unit No:
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 28 / Words 6932
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 6506


P1 Aims and objectives


With respect to consider digital technology in hospitality industry, it can be stated that they incorporate their functions and operations to make successful results. In this way, business able to attract maximum number of customers from different areas of the world easily. Success is also depends on assessment of risks that increases quantity and quality of goods and services. It is important element to enhance more desired results (Nápoles, Appelle and Satterfield, 2016). Computerised activities helps to make easy work and performances that increases positive outcomes. Along with this, digital technology also provide creative ideas and access to expose new diverse information.


In order to conduct present study, it can be stated that digital technology must be focused with different elements. As results, it fulfils several goals in creative manner. With this regard, researcher will able to gain relevant work performance to attain more systematic work performance in whole research (Fitzgerald, Kruschwitz and Welch, 2014). As per aims and objectives, they should kept their information to focus and gain successful implementation of new technology at workplace. New ideas and innovations will help to solve issues which reduce effectiveness of the enterprise.

Aim: To analysis impact of digital technology on business development and profitability of hospitality industry - A Case on Hilton Hotel.


  • To understand concept of digital technology in hospitality industry.
  • To analysis factors that included in digital technology of Hilton hotel for development and profitability.
  • To interrelate digital technology and business growth of hospitality industry.
  • To recommend ways through Hilton Hotel get successful results in business.

Research questions

  • What do you understand by the concept of digital technology in hospitality industry?
  • What are the factors that included in digital technology of Hilton hotel for development and profitability?
  • How to interrelate digital technology and business growth of hospitality industry?
  • What are the recommendation provide to Hilton hotel to make successful results in it?

P2 Project management plan with incorporate costs, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources

In project management plan, there are several elements covers that assists to meet with desired results and outcomes. With this regard, following elements included to make successful results at workplace of research:

  • Cost: Determining cost function in initial stage of project management plan assists the firm in managing effective planning. Therefore, in accordance with digital technology project, the Hilton hotel will invest 4 percent of its total revenue every year in social media, internet tools, etc. (Fichman, Nambisan and Halpern, 2014). In addition to this, cost also help to identify appropriate development which helps to focus on maintaining desired results. On the basis of appropriate alignment of cost, researcher get effective information.
  • Scope: Deriving scope plays an important role as it helps in determining the interest of firm in changing plans. However, as per aim of project, the restaurant has planned to take initiatives for implementing digital technology with increasing profits. In order to determines digital technology, it can be stated that there is wide scope to measure its effectiveness. It helps to increase profitability and productivity in business in successful way.
  • Time scale: The hospitality industry monitors business plans and procedures regularly in order to maintain sustainability of functions. However, to set strict measure of in research project, so that management will modify programmes and policies of enterprise in every six months. Setting time constrains for management is step which helps organisation in managing successful business project (Collins and Halverson, 2018). In respect to accomplish results, 2 and half months have been taken to accomplish project management plan. It increases effectiveness with using digital technology at workplace of research.
  • Quality: Quality is the major aspect of food business and therefore it will ensure implementation of successful project plans.  Further, the enterprise will implement use of quality check tools like Benchmarking in which the management will be able to evaluate performance of restaurant according to competitors. In addition, Hilton Hotel will implement the use of key performance indicator in which entity will quantify performance on basis of achievement within time constraints (Mohr, Lyon and Schueller, 2017). Every person has major concern towards quality. Therefore, it is important to collect data that are qualitative and standards also maintained to accomplish aim and objectives in positive way.
  • Communication: Communication plays a prominent role in managing the project and changes in policies and plans. However, in accordance with Hilton Hotel activities, the restaurant will modify its communication structure and will turn it into flat instead of hierarchical communication (Bondy, Moon and Matten, 2012). This will help the management in interacting with every employee and customers which is the best way to determine further improvement measures. In order to formulate more effective functioning, it is essential to maintain appropriate communication among researcher and respondents. This is because, it increases effectiveness to develop ideas and opinion with each other in systematic way. On the basis of opinion and ideas, it can be stated that desired results will be gain successfully.
  • Risk: Risk is the common part of project and is uncertain. Therefore, the hospitality business will make use of risk assessment tool when applying plans and policies of corporate social responsibility (Bhattacharya, Korschun and Sen, 2017). Further, the tool will assist in determining risk at initial stage which will aid in setting risk mitigation strategy like optimum utilisation of resources, minimum consumption of natural resources like water and energy. In the research, time and money main risk to considered overall effectiveness. It creates challenging environment in project management plan to operate functioning in positive way. Consequently, researcher need to focus on assessment of these risks to attain overall aim and objectives in positive consideration.
  • Resources: Resources are the most crucial part of project management plan because it helps in executing programme for accomplishing goals and objectives. Therefore, the resources required for implementing digital technology strategies with different activities and tools (Kozarovska and Larsson, 2018). There are several resources that assists to accomplish more desired results. In this context, technical, financial and human resources undertaken to attain more creativity and effectiveness.

Task Mode

Task Name





Auto Scheduled

Task Name

4 days?

Fri 5/18/18

Wed 5/23/18


Auto Scheduled

Research project

1 day?

Fri 5/18/18

Fri 5/18/18


Auto Scheduled

Formulation of activities

1 day

Fri 5/18/18

Fri 5/18/18


Auto Scheduled

Evaluating topic of project

1 day

Mon 5/21/18

Mon 5/21/18


Auto Scheduled

Determining problem statement

2 days

Tue 5/22/18

Wed 5/23/18


Auto Scheduled

Evaluating allocation of resources and time

29 days

Fri 5/18/18

Wed 6/27/18


Auto Scheduled


10 days

Thu 5/24/18

Wed 6/6/18


Auto Scheduled

Drafting Literature review

5 days

Thu 6/7/18

Wed 6/13/18


Auto Scheduled

Analyzing research methods

4 days

Thu 6/14/18

Tue 6/19/18


Auto Scheduled

Calculation of Cost

10 days

Wed 6/20/18

Tue 7/3/18


Auto Scheduled

Interpretation and analysis of data

5 days

Wed 6/20/18

Tue 6/26/18


Auto Scheduled

Sorting outcomes and conclusion

5 days

Fri 5/18/18

Thu 5/24/18


Auto Scheduled

Project closer

2 days

Wed 6/27/18

Thu 6/28/18


Auto Scheduled

Drafting summary and recommendation

2 days

Fri 6/29/18

Mon 7/2/18


Auto Scheduled

Proper documentation of outcomes

1 day

Tue 7/3/18

Tue 7/3/18


Auto Scheduled

Submission of report

1 day

Wed 7/4/18

Wed 7/4/18


P3 WBS and Gantt chart

Work breakdown structure

 Work Breakdown Structure

Gantt chart


Network planning

Network Planning

P4 Carry out small scale research with qualitative and quantitative research methods

With respect to conduct present research, it can be stated that digital technology play very important role in business success. It assists to focus on qualitative and quantitative both kinds of information with relevant information and solve issues and problems. In the present research, questionnaire has been prepared to conduct survey and find more appropriate results in whole program.





1.Does Hilton hotel has benefit with using digital technology at workplace?

·       Yes

·       No

·       Cannot say

2. Which tool implement by Hilton hotel to increase their significant advantages?

·       Social media

·       Internet tool

·       Any other tool

3. What is main purpose of customers to visit Hilton hotel?

·       Meeting with relatives or friends

·       Business purpose

·       Enjoy

·       All the above

4. What things must be included in hotel to increase customer attraction?

·       New ideas and innovations

·       Clean and tidy rooms

·       Catering offers

·       Staff members must help their guest

·       All the above

5. Do you agree with gaining new knowledge and experience towards customer attraction?

·       Yes

·       No

·       Cannot say

6. Which social media element help to increase customer attraction and perform creative result?

·       Facebook

·       Twitter

·       Instagram

·       All the above

7. Who is accompanying to visit Hilton Hotel?

·       Partners

·       Family or other relatives

·       Friends

·       Co-workers

·       All the above

8. Does chosen business provide any discount and offers to regular customers?

·       Yes

·       No

·       Cannot say

9. On which element, generally customer focus to visit new place?

·       Transportation

·       Accommodation

·       Restaurant or cafe

·       Food

·       Entertainment

·       Other shopping

·       All the above

10. Does expenses incurred according to customers affordability?

·       Within planned

·       Higher than planned

·       Lower than planned

11. How are you satisfied with using digital technology in Hilton Hotel?

·       Highly satisfied

·       Satisfied

·       Neutral

·       Dissatisfied

·       Highly dissatisfied


Theme 1 Hilton hotel has benefit with using digital technology at workplace

Does Hilton hotel has benefit with using digital technology at workplace?






Cannot say


: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are 18 respondents said tat Hilton hotel has several benefits with using digital technology at workplace. It consists more relevant information and functions that are beneficial to find more systematic outcomes. As per the other people views, it can be interpreted that Hilton hotel has no benefit of digital technology at workplace of business. It creates negative impact on performance so that company should consider less technology implementation.

Theme 2 Social media is important tool that implemented by Hilton to enhance significant advantages

Which tool implement by Hilton hotel to increase their significant advantages?


Social media


Internet tool


Any other tool



Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are 17 respondents exist that said social media is must implement in Hilton hotel that would be beneficial to increase significant results at workplace. As per other candidates views, it can be interpreted that internet tool must be consider at workplace of Hilton so that business will able to communicate their outcomes to increase significant advantages. Remaining person said that any other tools of traditional marketing assists to develop more systematic work performance at workplace.

Theme 3 All the above are main purpose of customers to visit Hilton hotel

What is main purpose of customers to visit Hilton hotel?


Meeting with relatives or friends


Business purpose




All the above


: In order to visit Hilton Hotel, 15 respondents said that their main aim is to meet with relatives or friends, business purpose and enjoyment. Furthermore, there are 2 people said that they have main aim is to meet with relatives or friends and visit Hilton hotel. Moreover, there are 2 people said that business purpose is also accomplished with consider Hilton Hotel visiting. Remaining 1 person said that enjoyment is most important purpose of the company to visit Hilton hotel. All over, it can be interpreted that all purposes has been accomplish to attain more desired outcomes in the business.

Theme 4 All the above things must be included in Hilton hotel to increase their customer interaction

What things must be included in hotel to increase customer attraction?


New ideas and innovations


Clean and tidy rooms


Catering offers


Staff members must help their guest


All the above


: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are 16 respondents said that all the above elements helps to focus and maintain more significant advantages. As results, it would be beneficial to create new innovations and ideas for increasing its performances.

Theme 5 Employees of Hilton hotel agreed to gain new knowledge and experience towards more customer attraction

Do you agree with gaining new knowledge and experience towards customer attraction?






Cannot say


: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are 15 respondents said that they agreed with gaining new knowledge and experience towards customer attraction. As results, it is one of the important element which would be beneficial to focus and maintain Hilton hotel results. There are 3 candidates stated that they are unable to gain new knowledge and understanding with digital technology.

Theme 6 All the above tools assists to increase customer attraction and perform creative results

Which social media element help to increase customer attraction and perform creative result?








All the above


: With the help of above graph, it can be stated that there are 18 respondents have views that Facebook, twitter, Instagram, all these elements helps to implement digital technology at workplace. Furthermore, remaining people said that it would be beneficial to attain overall goals and objectives.

Theme 7 All the people accompanying to visit Hilton hotel

Who is accompanying to visit Hilton Hotel?




Family or other relatives






All the above


: In the present graph, it can be interpreted that there are 15 employees of Hilton hotel said that company must cope up with partners, family, other relatives, friends, etc. Therefore, they are able to communicate several benefits with large number of audience.

Theme 8 Hilton hotel provide discount and offers to their regular customers

Does chosen business provide any discount and offers to regular customers?






Cannot say


: In this consideration, it can be stated that there are 17 respondents said that Hilton hotel must provide discount and offers to their regular customers. This is because, it is beneficial to focus and maintain more significant advantages at workplace.

Theme 9 All the above elements consider main role to focus and visit new place 

On which element, generally customer focus to visit new place?






Restaurant or cafe






Other shopping


All the above


: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are around 14 respondents said that customer visit new place because of transportation, accommodation, restaurant or cafe, food, entertainment, etc. All these perspective helps to maintain more creative results in the business.

Theme 10 Within planned customers incurred their expenses

Does expenses incurred according to customers affordability?


Within planned


Higher than planned


Lower than planned


: In the present graph, it can be interpreted that there are 18 respondents said customers incurred their expenses according to their planning. As results, it is important to implement customer affordability with business products and services. Furthermore, there is 1 person said that customers incurred expenses higher than planned.

Theme 11 Employees are highly satisfied with using digital technology in Hilton hotel

How are you satisfied with using digital technology in Hilton Hotel?


Highly satisfied








Highly dissatisfied


: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are 15 respondents said that they are highly satisfied with using digital technology in business. It would be beneficial to attain overall goals and objectives in desired manner. However, remaining people have different views to perform their functions and operations.

P5 Research with using appropriate tools and techniques

In respect to consider effective results, in the Black Penny, there are different techniques has been included to find useful results. With this aspect, digital technology activity helps to maintain success and attain results in proper manner. Hence, following are certain tools consider that helps to analysis the research:

  • Introduction: In this regard, researcher need to focus on the desired outcomes to attain more profits and revenue. Data collection is the important tool that helps to attain more profits and revenue in systematic manner (Vaioleti, 2016). It is the best way to attain more growth and productivity with digital technology in small scale and manage different activities as well.
  • Research design: Research design also play important role which assists to develop more relevant functions at workplace. With this consideration, proper functioning will be develop with using proper research design. Therefore, significant advantages will be develop to produce digital technology results in systematic manner. There are different research design such as exploratory, descriptive, experimental, etc. (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). From the above, descriptive research design has been selected that helps to attain more desired results in the business unit.
  • Research philosophy: Research philosophy consider systematic process in the environment to attain desired results at workplace. This tool is the best way to attain more significant results at Black Penny. There are generally two kinds of research philosophies consider such as interpretivism and positivism. From the both, researcher choose interpretivism which helps to find fresh and relevant information in the business environment (Quarshie, Salmi and Leuschner, 2016).
  • Collection of data: Collection of data is also useful element that assists to develop significant results at workplace. With this consideration, primary and secondary both kind of data carry that help to attain systematic results. Researcher carries both data to attain their goals and objectives. It is the best way to increase profits and revenue as well. Primary data collected with questionnaire and secondary data collected with magazines, articles, journals, etc. (Hindle and Vidgen, 2017).
  • Analysis of data: Analysis of data is also important aspect that assists to find useful information at workplace. In this way, collected data carry to make sure than aims and objectives are completed with desired consideration. There are several techniques and tools to focus on the measurement. For instance, implementation of Z test, Chi square test, F test, etc. Thematic analysis has been considered by researcher to find useful information (Venkatesh, Rathi and Patwa, 2015).
  • Sampling: In this way, it is essential to focus on the creative results that helps to maintain effectiveness at workplace. With the help of the outcomes and results, it can be stated that more profits and revenue will be develop in proper manner. In addition to this, in Black Penny there are 20 employees selected as sample size to consider effective functioning. Innovation also helps to focus on desired results attainment.
  • Limitations: In this way, due to lack of time and money researcher unable to collect more facts. Further, issues also exist with collected data and information that is needed at workplace (Sahu, 2016).

P6 Communication appropriate recommendation

In order to find useful results, it can be stated that researcher need to consider proper implementation of digital technology activity at workplace of Black Penny. This is because, it will help to attain desired results and outcomes with responsibilities and goals as well. Hence, following recommendation could be taken:

  • Develop digital technology activity with reducing expenses: Digital technology activity help to focus on maintain effectiveness at business. Therefore, it will help to attain proper functioning at workplace. From the data analysis, it can be stated that digital technology consists most important role in business. In this regard, Hilton Hotel should increase software and tools to develop online information. It helps to reduce expenses and maintaining different books. As a result, it is important to considered digital technology in day to day operations.
  • Consider social media tools for digital technology implementation: Social media tool consider several advantages at workplace. Therefore, it is important to focus on the consideration of people growth and development with include digital technology. In respect to analysis primary data, it can be said that there are several ways to consider digital media. For the present recommendation, Hilton hotel should focus on website, Facebook, Twitter, etc. All these tools help to increase significant advantages at workplace.
  • Implement digital technology for all people surrounded and exist in the business as well: Last recommendation could be provided to create benefits for all kind of people that are existed at workplace. In this way, it is important to focus on the benefits which created to attain desired results. From the data analysis, it can be stated that digital technology must be implemented in all activities and tasks of the Hilton hotel. This is because, it requires to focus on creativity and effectiveness to develop significant advantages.

P7 Reflection

Present research helps to increase my knowledge and understanding in different and positive consideration. It assists to create advance and productive results in systematic manner. With this regard, I have understood importance of maintaining tools and software of digital media. Therefore, it makes creativity to focus on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It assists to gain more knowledge and information to attain desired results in research. Furthermore, different tools in research methods also implemented to gain appropriate functioning. On the basis of recommendations, it can be said that Hilton hotel should focus on social media which is most important and effective medium of promotion.

Digital technology assists to gather information that obtained to find relevant outcomes at workplace. This research also helps me to increase knowledge to talk with respondents which would be helpful to gather more creative results at workplace of research study. Along with this, my learning also develops to conduct research study in appropriate manner to increases effectiveness in positive consideration. Along with this, my personal learning from this study is very good so that it impact positively on me. In good way, it is also develop my understanding level to choose appropriate methodology. This is because, research also assists to carry advance and creative results to gain more knowledge and information from appropriate methodology. In positive way, I have implement understanding and research methodology to develop significant advantages to attain more effective functioning.

In respect to attain more significant results, it can be stated that I had learned so many things. It assists to focus and maintain creativity with aims and objectives. On the basis of significant performance, I can ascertain benefits in systematic manner. It assists to develop more growth and development with using advance results at workplace. As results, it would be consider social media activities to perform and implement more systematic outcomes. As per respondents views, it can be stated that Facebook and Instagram are most powerful consideration  that create more advance results. Along with this, I also able to gain knowledge from methodology to ascertained information which used to carry results.

Apart from this, present research carry different people views so that it will helpful to gain information for different methods. Hence, present analysis helps to find appropriate tool to make recommendation regarding digital technology. It is also important to attain more desired performance that would be beneficial to find relevant results at workplace.


Template for evidence collection to be attached with the report by learner:

Project Logbook for the chosen organisation:

Name of the learner:

Name of the Supervisor:

Project Title:


Update of weekly research/ tasks achieved (Account for a minimum of six weeks with dates)

➢ What have you completed?

➢ Did you fulfil the requirements of tasks?

➢ Are you on track and within deadlines set? ➢ Did you need to make any changes in your project management plan?




I have completed aims and objectives



No changes required



Any risks and / or issues identified?

➢ Did you identify risks/issues with lack of skills required for undertaking research tasks? ➢ Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project management plan?


·       Risk is less time to accomplish desired results in research.

·       Additional risk is lack of money to cooperate creative work performance in management plan

Problems encountered ➢ What barriers did you face?

 âž¢ How did you overcome them?

Due to lack of time barriers encountered in research. I have overcome it with manage work performance in systematic manner.

New ideas and change of project direction

Yes changes and new ideas prepare to make project direction

What Have I learnt about myself this week?

➢ How did I feel when I had to deal with tasks/problems?

➢ Did I find it useful to complete the tasks?

➢ How well have I performed? What did I contribute?

➢ What can I improve on next week?➢ How might this learning apply in the future?


I have learned with creative tasks and performance.


I perform very well


Presentation and communication skills. This learning can be applied in future if any difficulty I face in solving problem.


Tasks planned for next week

➢ Which tasks are the priority?

➢Have you set aside sufficient time for completion?

 Priority task is conducting survey, collection and analysis of data.

There is enough time for completing of task.

Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)


Supervisor comments to address


Signature of the supervisor and date:




Template for Performance Review to be attached with the report by learner

1. What was the Project supposed to accomplish?

Project has been completed on To analysis impact of digital technology on business development and profitability of hospitality industry - A Case on Hilton Hotel.

2. Did the project succeed in its aim/ how do you know? Specifically, please outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken.


3. What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the project (e.g initial inception, project activities and project outcomes) from a range of perspectives.

I face issue to prepare questionnaire and take respondents views

4. What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there timely identification of issues and resolution during the project process?

I have face issue to tackle activities on time with resolution

5. What did you learn from undertaking the project?

Different ways could be ascertained to take views and outcomes in project

6. How would you rate your performance as a management consultant leading the project?

I face some  issues at the time of carrying out project, so I rate my performance 4 out of 5.

7. What strengths and weaknesses of your performance did you identify?

My strength is that I never get demotivated due to work pressure while my weakness is that I cannot solve problem on time.

8. How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?

Present research assists to support with CPD plan that helps to develop creative results at workplace. It would be beneficial to attain more significant results in creative manner.




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  • Eriksson, P. and Kovalainen, A., 2015. Qualitative methods in business research: A practical guide to social research. Sage.
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  • Fitzgerald, M., Kruschwitz, N. and Welch, M., 2014. Embracing digital technology: A new strategic imperative. MIT sloan management review. 55(2). p.1.
  • Hindle, G.A. and Vidgen, R., 2017. Developing a business analytics methodology: A case study in the foodbank sector. European Journal of Operational Research.
  • Kozarovska, A. and Larsson, C., 2018. Implementation of a digital preparation validation tool in dental skills laboratory training. European Journal of Dental Education. 22(2). pp.115-121.
  • Mohr, D.C., Lyon, A.R. and Schueller, S.M., 2017. Accelerating digital mental health research from early design and creation to successful implementation and sustainment. Journal of medical Internet research. 19(5).
  • Nápoles, A.M., Appelle, N. and Satterfield, J., 2016. Perceptions of clinicians and staff about the use of digital technology in primary care: qualitative interviews prior to implementation of a computer-facilitated 5As intervention. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 16(1). p.44.
  • Quarshie, A.M., Salmi, A. and Leuschner, R., 2016. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility in supply chains: The state of research in supply chain management and business ethics journals. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. 22(2). pp.82-97.

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Vaioleti, T.M., 2016. Talanoa research methodology: A developing position on Pacific research. Waikato Journal of Education. 12(1).

Unit 2 Extended Business Project BTEC Level 5

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