
Theory Evidence and Practice in Public Health and Well-being dissertation


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“The aspects of mental disorder especially Autism in patients and their behavioural impact on the family members and society”.

Background of the Research

In today's modern society, people are mainly concerned about fulfilling their basic desires  to live an easy and comfortable life. The potential focus of each individual is to make their own self, family, friends satisfied and happy by fulfilling their basic needs and desires. Mental health is considered as a level of psycho well-being or an absence of mental illness. It also refers as a psychological state of an individual who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioural adjustment (BeadleBrown and et. al., 2016). The term mental health is mainly applied as a substitute for mental health conditions likewise depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, autism etc. Mental health represents to an individuals cognitive, behaviour and emotional well-being, which is based on an individual's, thinking, feeling and behaviour. Mental health also involves an individual's ability to enjoy life to achieve a balance among life activities and efforts to attain psychological resilience. Among all of the, mental disorders Autism is refers as a serious developmental disorder which impairs the ability of an individual to communicate and interact with people in family or in society as well. Autism is considered as a neurological developmental disability which hampers the significant brain development, affecting communication, social interaction, cognition and behaviour. Autism is also known as a spectrum disorder as its symptoms and characteristics appear in the large variety of combination which impact on an individuals life in  different ways. Autism is mainly considered as a lifelong, developmental disability which impacts on an individuals behaviour and attitude. Thus, it also reflects how an individual interacts with other people and how they experience the world around them. Autism is a serious mental issue which has a huge influence on the living of an individual or its family and society. People with autism are facing various kind of issues in their life and not even able to establish a good communication with their family members, friends, relatives and society (Bertelli and  et. al ., 2013). The range and severity of symptoms can vary vastly. Common symptoms involve difficulty through communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviours. A recent study describes that autism is affecting approximately 1 in every 110 children and is growing at a rate of 10% to 17% per year. ASD is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society with males being affected 4.5 times higher by this diagnosis than females. Early recognition, as well as behavioural, educational and family therapies may reduce symptoms and support development and learning regarding autism. The present report will discuss about the aspects of mental disorder mainly autism in the people and their behavioural impact on the family members and society. People are autism are reserved in nature as they are not concern about making relation with others and they interact with less number of people because people with autism are in stroma of fear as they are having fear of talking with number of people.

Frameworks use to explain the topic

A research framework provides a clear direction to the researcher to implement all the research activities in systematic manner. The research is based on the aspects of mental disorder especially Autism in patients and their behavioural impact on the family members of society. The study claims that mental disorder mainly autism and the behavioural influence of people with autism on the society, family and friends (Corcoran, 2013). Autism is considered as the most essential issue which has huge influence on the society and the family of an individual who is facing the issue of autism. It is third most common developmental disease, which significantly impact on individuals life, their family and society. As per the epidemiological study, the prevalence rate of Autism is around 1.7 million which is estimated of 1 in 250 children. Autism is a crucial neurobehavioural condition which involves impairments in social interaction and developmental language and combination skills combined with rigid, repetitive behaviours, due to high range of symptoms, this condition is known as Autism spectrum disorder. The family member of the patient also suffers with issues like Less interaction with the patient, they are not even able to described their feeling or situations. It is essential for the family members to keep proper eye on the patient so that appropriate services can be provided as per their requirement.

Topic of the Literature Review

This considered as the most essential section of the research as it helps in conducting an in-depth analysis of the research issue. In this section a theoretical frameworks is created for discussing the research issue with the opinion of relevant authors and writers. The potential literature topic is "To study the aspects of mental disorder, especially Autism in patients all around the world and their behavioural impacts on their family members as well as on the society as a whole".

Research Questions

  • Explain what is the conceptof Autism and the major issues that are faced by human beings suffering with Autism?

Research Aim

"To study the aspects of mental disorder especially Autism in patients and their behavioural impact on the family members and society".

Research Objectives

  • To understand the concept of Autism and the major issues faced by people with Autism.
  • To analyse the main causes of mental disorder especially autism in people.
  • To determined the behavioural influence of people with autism on their family or society.
  • To evaluate the measures that are effective in making improvements in the well-being of patients who are suffering from Autism.

Rational of the Research

The research into consideration is based on the aspects of mental disorder especially Autism in patients and their behavioural impact on the family members and society. The present study is related with the analysis of health care and well-being of people (Cross, Lester and Barnes, 2015). The present exploration wok is based on the appropriate analysis of mental health condition of people, especially autism is considered as the most essential issue which has a huge impact on the well-being of people and society.

  • The potential purpose of this particular research is to providing a knowledge and idea base to the learner about the aspects of Autism and how their behaviours impacts on the family and  society.
  • Another importance of this study is that it is a health research which has high value to the society, thus the research is effective in providing appropriate information in regards to the disease, various risks that impacts on the living of people, various measures that are used for curing the disease.
  • The study will also support the learner in attempting their future projects, that are based on similar area of study in most effective manner through collecting relevant information from the investigation work.  With the help of this research an appropriate idea about the issue of autism and how it can be improved can be attained by the learner.


Research methodology is the most essential part of an investigation work as it provides an appropriate direction to the researcher to carry out all the research activities in appropriate direction through providing support to the literature. This section of research is based on various applications in which some suitable methodologies are described as below:

Database search is considered as a online collection of resources which can search in respect to find out data and information. Database helps the investigator in covering a particular subject area by accumulating appropriate data and information (Evans, Smokowsk and Cotter, 2014). With the help of data base appropriate and reliable information is gathered by the investigator through analysing various online scholar materials. The present research is based on mental health so in this major database and information is being accumulated through peer reviewed, scholar material and various health care articles that are based on similar area of study in respect to ensure about the reliability and relevancy of the information.

Search Terms

This section of the research is based on the key elements of the research on which the overall exploration work is based. In this particular research aspects of autism, causes of autism and measures that helps in improving the issue of autism. Family, friends and society are the key elements of the research.


Hits strives for a long term investigation agenda through exploration which represents high potential for appropriate outcome and results. Research related with health care has vast agenda to provide appropriate information in regards to the issue which is selected for the investigation (Fleiter, Worrell and Eichhammer, 2011). The particular research has long term objectives to provide appropriate information about the issue of autism and its behavioural influence on people from family and society.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria is considered as a predefined characteristic that are applied to analyse the subject who will be involved in the specified area of study. In the present exploration work, inclusion criteria of people, who are facing various issues and having appropriate idea and knowledge about the issue of Autism. In this major targeted people are the family member, friends of the patients who are affected through the issue of autism (Hamid and Mudawi, 2015). On the other side exclusion is refers as the criteria which is applied to analyse the subject who will not be involved in the research. In this people who are not having idea about the issue of Autism are not involved because they are not able to providing appropriate discussion on the issue of Autism.

Scope of the Research

The present research is based on the exploration of the  aspects of mental disorder especially Autism in patients and their behavioural impact on the family members and society. The significant purpose of the research is to provide an appropriate information in regards to he issue of autism in respect to addressing the research issue through providing support by conducting appropriate theoretical framework. The aspect of mental health is sometimes applied to mean an absence of a mental disorder. The mental health of an individual affects the daily life, relationship and even physical health of an individual (Holt and et. al.,  2012). Another scope of this particular research is to attaining appropriate knowledge and idea about the aspects of autism and how its influence can be reduced from the family members of society. Proper execution of data helps the learner in conducting their future projects in more reliable and effective manner. This study will also helps an individual in gathering reliable information about autism and also found various suggestions for resolving the impact that are arises due to autism.


The potential ethics of the research is to ensure their respondents about the safety and security of their personal data and information, so that misconduct about the personal data can not be taken place. Time and cost needs to be managed by the investigator in regards to proper and systematic execution of the research activities.


  • BeadleBrown, J.,  and et. al.,  2016. Quality of life and quality of support for people with severe intellectual disability and complex needs. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 29(5).  pp.409-421.
  • Bertelli, M., and  et. al., 2013. Quality of life and living arrangements for people with intellectual disability. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 7(4).  pp.220-231.
  • Corcoran, N. ed., 2013. Communicating health: strategies for health promotion. Sage.
  • Cross, D., Lester, L. and Barnes, A., 2015. A longitudinal study of the social and emotional predictors and consequences of cyber and traditional bullying victimisation. International journal of public health. 60(2). pp.207-217.
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