
Developing Individuals, Team and Organisation on Vodafone


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Development means to learn new skills which is important and significant for growth and development of individual. With the help of development of individual, it gives positive impact on performance of team as well as organisation. In order to develop skills and knowledge of individual, there is requirement of training programme. In organisation, there are different operations which can be performed in ethical manner with the help of team (Aubry and et. al., 2012). Manager must emphasise on effective team development which helps to attain goals and objective in specified manner and within time limit. This report is based on Vodafone, which has god brand name in telecom industry. HR skills, behaviour and knowledge required by HR, personal skills audit, PDP plan are covered. Apart from this, difference between individual and organisational learning, training and development, need of continuous learning and professional development for sustainable growth of business are also discussed. At last, there is discussion about contribution of HPW to employees engagement and competitive advantage, different approaches of performance management.


P1. Determine Appropriate and Professional Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours that are required by HR professionals

HR professional is the person who deals with various employees working in organisation. In Vodafone, there are many employees working to attain organisational goals and objectives. Hence, there is requirement to interact and analyse their mindset. So positive result can be achieved. HR must have professional knowledge, skill and behaviour which assist in providing confidence to employees. This improves working performance of Vodafone. HR is the person who has some skills, knowledge, behaviour which helps to perform operational activities in effective manner. As there are many employees in Vodafone having different mindset so these skills, knowledge helps to create synchronisation in activities (Belbin, 2012).

HR professional is responsible to perform entertainment activities among workforce. With this there is positive relations among workers and they are ready to work in team. This improves overall performance of Vodafone.

Skills of HR Professionals

Active listening- For HR manager of Vodafone, it is important to listen properly to employee's grievances, queries, etc. This helps to understand queries and hence corrective actions can be taken. When HR manager listens carefully then they can easily solve query and this makes good and long term relations with Vodafone.

Negotiation- It is not important that employees are ready to work according to managers. There are some indifferences among employees and managers of Vodafone. To deal with this situation, HR professional has to negotiate with workers.

Knowledge of HR Professionals

Law and government- There is requirement of laws and regulations in order to perform business operations in effective and efficient manner (Bolden, 2016). There are different norms for employees such as equal remuneration act, so it is responsibility of HR professional of Vodafone to take acre it and in case of alteration, organisational policies has to be considered.

Education and Training- Education and training are important aspect for overall performance of Vodafone. In order to improve performance of workers, it is important to polish performance of employees with training programme. Vodafone is the organisation which deals in telecommunication sector where technological changes are frequently taking place. Hence it is responsibility of HR manager

Behavuiour Professionals

Collaborative- there are many departments in Vodafone such as operations, marketing, sales, research, etc. So it is responsibility of HR personnel to create collaboration among them. This can be done with the help of some entertainment activities among employees.

Purpose oriented- There is some purpose for which organisation is working. It is important that HR manager of Vodafone must focused with such purpose and accordingly actions are taken. When actions are taken according to goals, then targets are achieved in effective manner (Duffield and Whitty, 2015).

P2. Analyse a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours and develop a professional development plan

Personal skill audit means process of analysing skill of an individual. Aim of making skill audit plan is to analyse difference between skills possess by employees and requirement according to workplace. There are various requirements for a job of HR Professionals which are described below:

  • The HR Professional of Vodafone must lead the organisation and integrate activities for its long-term success.
  • Effective communication is another requirement to effectively communicate to customers as well as employees which would help in solving conflicts and effectively.
  • Professional must be an integral support to the company in hiring and training employees that could contribute in its success in the long run.

With such extensive requirements, it is essential for me to enhance my communication, decision-making and leadership skills to match the requirements of the job. I possess effective decision making and conflict resolution skills that would fulfil the requirement of enhanced communication in the company and hiring effective employees. My leadership skills are satisfactory which would help in leading the organisation towards success and integration of activities. To measure it more effectively and effectively perform the duties of HR Professional in Vodafone, a skill audit plan has been effectively made by me which is presented below:

Skill audit plan of HR professional (Out of 10)

Skills and competences

Self assessed score

Score from others


IT skills




Decision making




Conflict resolution




Presentation skill








Above skill audit plan shows some strengths and weakness. Figures shows positive numbers are weakness, while figures shows negative figures are strengths. According to this skill audit plan, decision making and conflict resolution are strong because other rating is more as compared to self assessment. While in IT skill and presentation skill others rating is less as compared to self assessment. Hence these are weakness.



  • I am good in decision making related to organisational circumstances.
  • There are some conflict at work place so I resolve them in effective manner.
  • I have weak IT skills which creates hurdle in recording employee's data.
  • As HR sometimes, I have to give presentation to delegates and I am lack in it.



  • One of the biggest opportunities for me is that there is a high requirement of HR professionals in telecom industry.
  • Another opportunity would be that my skills would help in the firm to provide better customer service that would ensure my long-term growth in the company.
  • The biggest threat that I could face is the competition. New professionals are searching good job opportunities in telecom industry and there might be heavy competition.
  • Another threat I could face is the pressure which is exerted due to the nature and size of the company.

Professional Development Plan

The professional development plan is the way through which individual takes actions in order to deal with polish skills which are weak. In PDP plan, there are various steps through which targets are finalised and techniques are identified with the help of which knowledge can be enhanced.

Learning goals 


Development opportunities



IT skills  

I want to improve my IT skills through which data related to employees can be stored in systematic manner.

In order to develop this skill, I use various online classes, seminars, etc.

After use of such skills, I am able to store and access data in systematic manner.

4 months

Presentation skills

I have to present data, employees performance, rewards, etc. at month end in meetings among organisational staff. I am not able to present in systematic way.  

I took part in various seminars, conferences, etc. I read books of good authors in order to polish this skill.

After enhancing knowledge I am able to make presentations attractive and eye catchy.

3 months


P3 Analyse the differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development

Meaning of Individual Leanring

Individual learning means improving knowledge by person in accordance to current market trends. This helps to gets positive impact on performance at work place. When individual has good knowledge, then they are able to perform business operations in appropriate manner (Fagerholm and et. al., 2015).

Meaning of Organisational Learning

Organisational learning means creation of new ideas which helps to improve performance of organisation. Organisational learning consist of three elements they are concieve, act, reflect. Organisation learning is away through which person can learn, reflect and act according to market trends.

Difference Between Individual and Organisational Learning


Individual learning

Organisational learning


Objective of individual learning is to polish knowledge of individual to perform specific operation.

Objective of organisational learning is to improve working style of overall organisation. This gives growth to Vodafone.


Scope of individual learning is less as compared to organisational learning.

Scope of organisational learning is more because performance of all employees of organisation gets improved.


Outcome of individual learning is positive impact on performance of workers.

Outcome of organisational learning is get edge over competitors in industry and maintain good and long term relations with workers.

Meaning of Training

Training means actions performed in order to develop particular skill in individual. This is the way through which individual can perform operations in correct manner. This is the act to improve knowledge and skill of individual. In case of Vodafone, there are different approaches through which employees can be trained. As there are many technological changes taking place in environment, hence with the help of training hey are compatible to market (Holden and et. al., 2012).

Meaning of Development

Development means use of systematic and technical approach which helps to attain goals and objectives. Development means gradual growth of current knowledge which are relevant for external market. Development programmes are one when some new has arise in technology. There are various technologies used in Vodafone for operating business, hence with the help of development programme advance and alterations in current technique can be learned.

Difference Between Training and Development





Training is job oriented approach.

Development is career oriented approach.


Its objective is to perform business operations with new technique.

Objective of development is to learn and work with advanced technology.

Levels of trainees

Training has lower and middle level employees.

Development is for improvement in skills of top level managers.

P4 Analyse the need for Continuous Learning and Professional Development to Drive Sustainable Business Performance

Meaning of Continuous Learning

Continuous learning means actions improving knowledge on regular basis. This is important for association because with regular polishing of knowledge of employees helps to give positive impact on performance of Vodafone (Mahembe and Engelbrecht, 2013).

Meaning of Professional Development

Professional development means training of employees through training in order to provide professional skills. This helps to perform business operations in more ethical and significant manner.Professional development helps to develop morale of workers and hence they perform operations to give high quality to Vodafone.

In Vodafone, there is requirement of continuous learning and professional development which helps to keep employees satisfied and improves their performance. As employees have knowledge related to current market, so this gives positive impact on growth and development of Vodafone. They are able to sustain ion industry to long term. Requirement of professional development and continuous development for Vodafone are as under-

Lifelong Learning- With the help of continuous learning and professional development, employees gets chance to learn for all lifetime. As there are many technological changes which are taking place in market. So with the help of professional development, employees of Vodafone have knowledge about relevant changes and this provides sustainability to business (Payne and Calton, 2017).

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Relevant Information- These days, changes are taking place with rapid speed. So managers of Vodafone can enhance knowledge with the help of continuous learning. This helps to maintain knowledge of workers as per current trend. Vodafone is the company which applies innovation in business operations. This makes long term relations with employees and maintain customer satisfaction. This ultimately provides sustainable growth to business organisation.

Develop Confidence- When employees has appropriate knowledge related to current scenario, then they are confident to present themself. Confidence of individual can be developed with the help of professional development which helps them to perform operations in effective and efficient manner. When employees face challenges associated with business operations, then sustainability of Vodafone also increases.

New Ideas- There are different business operations in organisation. As per change in market trend, with the help of continuous learning it is easy to grab new opportunities present in market. With the help of professional development new ideas are used to perform business operations. Vodafone has many services for customers. With the help of continuous learning and professional development, new and trendy services are provides. This maintains resistance of Vodafone in industry (Salas and Rosen, 2013).


P5. Demonstrate understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High performance work means use to improve performance of employees through performing operations in systematic manner. This helps to improve quality, productivity of organisation. High performance work differs in form of functions, incentive, etc. high performance work focus on transparency, open communication, trust at workplace. Vodafone of the organisation which operates in different parts of country, so they have flatter organisational structure through which high performance work can be achieved.

Accountability- high performance work focus on creating transparency in operations. When employees of Vodafone are are of their roles and responsibilities, then this helps to fix accountability for them. This gives positive impact on performance of work. Employees are liable for their job roles hence, they tries to get perfection in their work and achieve edge over competitors (Truss and et. al., 2013).

Mutual Respect- At work place, employees does not work for monetary benefits. They want respect also. High performance work has emphasise on working creating good and ethical behaviour at work place. This gives positive and long term relations with employees because workers are satisfied at Vodafone. When employees are satisfied then they meet grievances of customers, this provides competitive advantage in industry.

Transparent Communication- Vodafone is the company which operates all over the world. So they have different working style. With the help of high performance working, there is transparent communication which helps to understand working style. With the transparent communication, operations are performed in ethical manner and this achieves competitive advantage for Vodafone.

Knowledge Updating- With the help of sessions of professional development, knowledge of employees gets updated. Vodafone must focus on providing knowledge to employees through high performing working style to increase employees engagement of Vodafone. When some training is provided to employees then it is necessary to ask workers to perform it. This promotes employment engagement and motivate them to get best. This helps to achieve competitive advantage to Vodafone in industry (Wellin, 2016).


P6 Evaluate Different Approaches to Performance Management

Performance management is a management technique to provide feedback, document folder related to the performance of an employee. This is the way through which c9ommunication occur between managers of Vodafone and employees related to achieving business operations in effective and efficient manner. This is the process in which managers analyse performance of subordinates and provide them view about their performance. In Vodafone, there are different department working to attain goals and objectives.

For instance sales managers has given target of pitching sales of 500£ in specified time limit. After completion of time, top level managers analyse performance. At this time there are possibilities of positive as well as negative results. In case managers is able to attain 500£ sales, then this is positive. While if this targets is not able to achieved, then this is negative. This process is known as performance management (West and et. al., 2014).

It is responsibility of managers of Vodafone to motivates employees to give best. There are some approaches which has to be considered by managers of Vodafone in performance management. According to..... there are some factors such as working environment, compensation, bonus, technology, etc. which affects performance of workers.

Comparative Approach- In this approach, ranking is provided to employees. This ranking creates bridge between highest and lowest performers. Techniques used under this approach are paired comparison, graphical representation, etc. With the help of training, graph of performance can be improved and this improves performance of Vodafone (Aubry and et. al., 2012).

Attribute Approach- As per this approach, there are different parameters such as team work, problem, solving ability, creativity, judgement, etc. to judge performance of employees. Managers of Vodafone use graphical Rating scale, mixed rating scale in order to get to get results. In graphical rating scale, 1to 5 is the rating which is used by managers to rate performance.

Behavioural Approach- This is the oldest approach for measurement of performance. In this technique there is use of BARS technique. According to this technique there are five to ten measures which are common for workforce. On the basis of performance, employees are ranked. This approach is most reliable because it is reliable and accurate for judging performance (Belbin, 2012).

Result Approach- this is the approach which focus on result or final outcome. There are different job responsibilities to employees. According to its result, workers are being judged. According to this approach, there are four elements which has to be considered. They are financial, customers, operations and growth.

Quality Approach- According to this approach, quality of product and services are considered. This approach more focused on Kaizen approach in which quality of product and services and less defects has to be considered. This aims at continuous improvement (Bolden, 2016).

Collaborative Approach- This is the approach which is based on mixture of all approach. This approach aims performance measure through different approaches. This is effective and significant for improving overall performance of Vodafone.


From the above discussion it is clear that HR managers must have some skills, knowledge and behaviour such as negotiation, knowledge about laws and management which creates good relations with employees. Personal skill audit and professional development plan are two approaches which are significant and effective for improving weaker area. Individual leaning, training and development has direct link with organisational development. Professional development and continuous learning is effective for sustainable growth of business. Lifelong learning relevant information, etc. can be achieved with the help of high performance working and helps in achieving competitive advantage. Employee engagement helps to make good relations with employees and improves overall performance. Performance management is the technique which is important and significant for analysing results from performance of individual.


Books and Journals

  • Aubry, M. and et. al., 2012. Organisational project management as a function within the organisation. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 5(2). pp.180-194.
  • Belbin, R. M., 2012. Team roles at work. Routledge.
  • Bolden, R., 2016. Leadership, management and organisational development. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development (pp. 143-158). Routledge.
  • Duffield, S. and Whitty, S. J., 2015. Developing a systemic lessons learned knowledge model for organisational learning through projects. International journal of project management. 33(2). pp.311-324.
  • Fagerholm, F. and et. al., 2015. Performance Alignment Work: How software developers experience the continuous adaptation of team performance in Lean and Agile environments. Information and Software Technology. 64. pp.132-147.
  • Holden, L. and et. al., 2012. Validation of the research capacity and culture (RCC) tool: measuring RCC at individual, team and organisation levels. Australian Journal of Primary Health. 18(1). pp.62-67.
  • Mahembe, B. and Engelbrecht, A. S., 2013. The relationship between servant leadership, affective team commitment and team effectiveness. SA Journal of Human Resource Management. 11(1). pp.1-10.
  • Payne, S. L. and Calton, J. M., 2017. Towards a managerial practice of stakeholder engagement: Developing multi-stakeholder learning dialogues. In Unfolding stakeholder thinking (pp. 121-135). Routledge.
  • Salas, E. and Rosen, M. A., 2013. Building high reliability teams: progress and some reflections on teamwork training. BMJ Qual Saf. 22(5). pp.369-373.
  • Truss, C. and et. al., 2013. Employee engagement, organisational performance and individual well-being: exploring the evidence, developing the theory.
  • Wellin, M., 2016. Managing the psychological contract: Using the personal deal to increase business performance. Routledge.
  • West, M. A. and et. al., 2014. Developing collective leadership for health care. London: King's Fund.
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