
Importance of HR Department in an Organisation


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2230
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HR7003
  • Downloads: 894
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • N Foray is a global organization dealing in fast moving goods. Evaluate and critically analyze major ideas and practices in the field of people management.
  • Elaborate major contemporary theoretical and managerial perspectives on people management.
  • Establish ability to effectively apply HR theories and models to situations and various scenarios in the N Foray.
  • Effectively implement key ratios appropriate for analyzing the financial performance of the B. N Foray organization.
Answer :
Organization Selected : B.N. Foray


HR is the department within the organisation which is responsible for all the work related which include recruiting, vetting, selecting and hiring of the efficient employees. Beside this, they also provide training and development programmes for improving the efficiency of the workers (Uteng and et., al., 2020). The study is based upon the B.N. Foray which is an worldwide delivering and provide FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) sector. They have around 9000 employees and have the prime vision to provide healthy and nutrition at the fair price. There main products are soft drinks, cereals and snacks. The present report talks about the HR issues and also aid in providing the proposal to offer better HR process in the well define manner. Further this report explain about the implementation of planning outline and risk register for the betterment and growth.

Primary HR Issue in B.N. Foray

HR can be challenging for the big company like B.N. Foray as this reduces the efficiency as well as productivity present in the market. To manage all this kind of issues the organisation must focus on providing effective policies which help in improving the working culture in the organisation (Parikh and et., al., 2020). There are various responsibilities for the HR of the company such as Job design, workforce planning and training and development. Here are some of the HR issues which is faced by the B.N. Foray are explained briefly down below:

Employees engagement: This is essential for the company to manage the employees effectively and also make sure that each employees to participate as this help in reducing the conflict. For the present company B.N. Foray the major issue is the employees engagement as the top level do not involve the employees for making the decision regarding the product.

Management issue: The management issue is prime factor which creates chaos and conflict in the organisation. So the manager of B.N. Foray should develop new policies and structure which help solving such kinds of issues in a well define manner. Further there must be proper flow of information which tend to reduce the management conflict.

Leadership issue: Leading improvement is important in keeping the administration team occupied and driven to achieve the desire goals and objective in the well define manner. The major issue in B.N. Foray is about the team leader as the senior management is incompetent as the result it reduces the work efficiency and also help in reducing the decision making process . The manager are seems to be divided and there no proper flow of communication which slow down the working process of the company.

Lack of talented employees: The major issues in B.N. Foray is regarding the talented employees so the HR must make sure to hire talented and skills employees which help firm to grow and expand in the well define manner. The skills employees will reduce the waste and use proper utilization of resources. Further it is the prime duty of HR to manage and control all the activities present in the organisation so that the risk and uncertainty can be reduced. Prior training and development programmes which help in offering high quality product and services to the consumer.

Delivery issue: The logistic team in B.N. Foray is the core function which help in offering timely delivery of goods and services in the market. The issue with the logistic may impact the product and quality of the fresh goods. This is important for the HR to implement new technology which the minimize the time and risk for the firm. There must be proper and effective decision which should be made for the organisation to operate successfully. Hence this aid the firm to deliver the product on the timely basis.

Proposal to Optimise The Delivery of HR Process at B.N. Foray

There are new opportunities for HR to maximize its value as well as the productivity. Where HR has more time and resource which help them to focus on the effort on managing the strategies which help in improving the role of the HR leader (Nordentoft and et., al., 2020). There are different kinds of key priorities which is matter in such kind of era. Here are some proposal for the effective HR process down below:

Continuous process Improvements:The first step to process improvements is to conduct an audit in the existing process and identify the different opportunities for the streamline for offering better quality product and services present in the market. In the context of B.N. Foray the HR manager should focus on implementing new technology which help in improving logistic issue and also aid in providing timely delivery to the consumer. The next step for HR manager of B.N. Foray is drive continuous improvement by using different tools which help in making effective decision for the organisation. This not only drives a higher quality of the service for employees which turns to support positive employees experience and ultimately employees engagement.

Using automation technology: Today technology has the power to redesign HR operations to become more efficient as possible. The automation in the organisation reduce lots of manual work and it is also reduces the time which is taken in the complete the order. For the organisation like B.N. Foray this is essential for the HR to have effective decision which help them to create a brand image in the minds of the customers. Further automation ensure about the compliances with the process,ensuring that every step is accounted for even if the different employees belongs to different location.

Employees experience: The impact of the HR services on the employees engagement which provide your employees with the positive Human resource activities which improve the productivity to offer better quality product and service to the consumer. Any negative experience for the employees may develop wrong image for the workers which reduces the efficiency and other work performance of organisation. For the organisation like B.N. Foray this is essential for the HR manager to make employees experience effective by providing compensation and benefits on there hard work. Along with this, HR have the functions to engage with every employees as this improve the capability of organisation to deliver timely services.

In order to optimise the delivery of HR process the company have to improve the employee engagement which include psychological contract and worker voice. Hence this will create a sense of understanding in the minds of customers if there voices are heard and actions are taken. Further the organisation have to improve the turnover which is important to sustain for the longer time duration. Along with this it is essential to have leadership training which help improving the efficiency and also increase the motivation of the employees to achieve the desire goal in the well define manner.

Implementation of Plan

In order to improve the strategic aliments of the staff and other issues which is related to the organisation it is crucial to understand the working process of regrading how the HR works . At the basic level the human resource planning ensure about the adequate staff which have high skills to complete the task in the effectively manner (Trost, 2020). Along with this, HR plan involves making operational goals and match the right employees for the optimum utilization. The planning begins with an assessment of current staffing, including whether its suitable for the organisation or not. For better performance B.N. Foray must include new software which help in ensuring as well as tracking all the activities going in the organisation.

The cost for implementing new software and technology will be around £10000 and this is feasible for the organisation like B.N. Foray to handle the operational decision in effectively manner. For the FMCG organisation timely delivery of goods and services essential as this help in making goodwill in the market. The main responsibilities of HR is to make sure that new software runs smoothly and to manage this kind of technology the expert must be appointed for for ensuring the proper work . Another responsibility for the HR to provide proper training for the new software and other increase the capacity because it assist in capturing large market share in limited time frame.

Further the major responsibility of HR in the organisation is to forecast the resources for making better decision. Hence this is essential for the company to figure out the numbers to improve the staff or to manage the work as per the requirement. There must be vast improvement in the IT sector as this help in offering better quality product and services to the end user. The implementation change helps in creating positive environment and also build the healthy relationship among the employees.

There must be proper training should be taken by the HR regarding improving the efficiency of employees. Hence this will improve the productivity and delivering of the goods and services in the well define manner. Along with this, leadership training must be given to the management as this will help to encourage the leaders to inspire the workers to achieve their target.

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Risk Register For B.N. Foray

A risk register is a tool for documenting risk and taking actions to manage each risk. This is essential for the organisation like B.N. Foray to have risk register as this aid in successfully manage and control the risk present in the organisation. Further the risk is logged on the register and effective steps taken to reduce the risk and uncertainty for the betterment of firm. Apart from this, it also help in project management, understanding the risk and how to minimize the impact in the firm. Risk register should be regularly reviewed to monitor the progress and to make effective decision for making organisation profitable.

Therefore, in context of B.N. Foray the Strategic Risk Assessment is discussed below:






Equipment Failure


Quality Manager

There can be major consequences such as failure and malfunctioning of the machinery.

R&D and Manufacturing Department

IT Sector


IT manager

This leads to slow down the servers and software of the company. In order to avoid such kinds of issues present in the market the IT manager should check the system effectively.

IT department

Employee Disloyalty


HR Manager

Disloyalty within an worker would negatively impact the organisation in relation to discouraging and demotivating other employees due to internal tensions within the firm

Marketing department



From the above mentioned report it has been analysed that Human resources is essential for any organisation to manage and improve the productivity. Hence this also help in making effective decision for the organisation. Along with this organisation must use risk register as this an effective tool to identify the risk and theft and aid taking proper actions to reduce the risk. At last there must be proper communication which help in taking fast actions for managing and taking prior execution in the efficient manner.

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