
Strategies and Techniques of Hiring an Employee

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Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover the following questions:

  1. Identify the role of HR planning in the resource process and their contribution the effective management of the organisation.
  2. Examine the internal/ external recruitment tool and other selection techniques that are adopted by the organisation to hire the centre manager.
  3. Discuss the current scenario of UK employment market and how it impacts the resource strategy for centre manager.
Answer :


People resourcing as a subject incorporates the key features of HRM practise with links to organizational performance. Central to success as a high-performance organization is an ability to attract and retain the right number of appropriately skilled and motivated individuals and teams engaged and committed to adding value to the organization and its stakeholders. This report covers issues such as role of HR, importance of job analysis, tools and selection techniques of recruitment, importance of effective induction and strategies for retention with the current state of employment in UK.

(i) Role of HR Planning

Selection and Staffing-

In order to achieve the goals the company needs to hire right and skilled people in their centre. HR department of every company has all the knowledge of the market and it helps them to take more effective decision as they have a clear path in their mind. In order for a fitness centre to succeed most important things are trainers with appropriate skills as people will only be attracted if the training facilities of the centre is good and the equipment they have been up to date (Adisa and, 2017). These all factors are ensured by the HR of the company as they are the ones who hire the trainers and look after the maintenance of the centre.

Organizational Development-

Strategic planning is done by the company when they want to bring change in their style of working or their work process. Individual departments are aware of the status of the department. HR of the company takes initiative so that they can bring change in the whole organization. They will analyse how the changes will impact the system and processes which are already existing in the centre. To develop the centre HR department works on evaluating all these factors.

Training and development-

According to feedback trainers of the facility don't have the necessary skills which are required to satisfy the people according to the current needs and demand of the people. This states that department of HR needs to provide them with appropriate training so that they can meet with the standard of people. Department of HR provides them with information so that the fitness centre can easily achieve their goals.

Forecasting Demand-

This is one of the most important aspect which the HR department of the centre needs to be prepared with. During the peak season many people take the membership which states that they will require more people to manage more people (Armstrong, 2016). Some of them take personal training, some do it on their own. More people will bring more revenues but it won't satisfy many people and if proper management is not executed then they will leave the centre. It is important for HR to cope up with the needs of people and satisfy them so that more people can work out at same place and both the centre and the clients can get benefit from that.

Finding Balance-

Key to make the services of the centre effective and successful HR department of the company needs to maintain a balance between them. During peak season they will need to handle and deal with more no. of people and when the demand is low they will have to work on attracting more people to their facility so that they can generate more revenue. When there is off-season of the facility then they have the scope to improve and explore new areas.

(ii) Importance of job analysis

Job analysis helps the fitness centre to look out on all the important areas such as recruitment and selection, evaluation and designing of job, packages of compensation and benefits, performance appraisal, need of development and training, assessing the job so that they can increase the employees and productivity of the company.

Recruitment and Selection-

This aspect helps the company to analyse how many people with what skills will be suitable for the job. Their qualifications, experience in the field and skills regarding technical, physical are required (Panagiotakopoulos, 2016). These are the factors that comes under this aspect. The main aim of this aspect is to assign an individual a job according to their suitability.

Performance Analysis-

Analysis helps the centre to look out that whether they have achieved their goals. It helps the company to analyse the current standards and criteria of evaluation and on the basis of that performance of employees is measured, and they are appraised on the basis of that.

Training and Development-

This factor helps the facility to look out those areas of the trainers which needs more attention. Goals which are achieved and goals which were expected was achieved by them has a gap and that gap helps the company to provide the trainers with necessary skill set and training (Taylor, 2016). Apart from that this aspect is concerned with using appropriate tools and equipment which are required in the process.

Compensation Management-

The analysis of job helps the company to decide the package of an individual which also include aspects such as incentives or bonuses. Package of an employee of the company depends upon the title they are assigned to, their responsibilities and duties, their position. According to that worth of the trainer is derived so that they can set the package according to that.

Designing and Redesigning of job-

Aim of the analysis is to look out for efforts of the personnel in order to get the best output. It includes a lot of factors such as enriching, designing, redesigning, evaluating and the responsibilities of the job. Purpose of this aspect is to satisfy the employees with increasing the output.

(iii) Internal and External Recruitment Tools and Selection Techniques

There are a lot of tools and techniques which a centre uses for selecting an employee for the centre. There is internal and external recruitment which take places in the centre and it is very important to take the right measures to get an employee for the better functioning and efficiency in the centre (Kurrle and Poulos, 2017).

Internal recruitment

The tools of internal recruitment of fitness centre chain are-

  1. Nomination- It is very important the manager of the centre to promote the employees who are capable of becoming the manager of the centre.
  2. Skills, knowledge and abilities- It is very important for the management to have a trust on the employees of the centre that they will be able to take over the post in the centre, and they have the right knowledge, skills and ability to be in the centre (Bal and de Jong, 2017).

Selection techniques for the internal recruitment of the centre are-

  1. Behaviour- The understanding of the employee's behaviour in the organization is studied so that the management can make the right selection for the post. There is a lot of pressure on the manager of the centre and it is very important that the manager has the right behaviour in the centre.
  2.  Skill test- The Human resource will take a skill test of the employees who has the ability to become the manager of the centre because the manager has a lot of roles to play, and they employees who are getting promoted will have to be tested so that the right person is selected.
Also Read:- Importance of HR Department in an Organisation

External recruitment

The tools of external factors of fitness centre chain are-

  1. Promotions- There are a lot of promotions methods which can be used by the centre for advertising the vacancy the centre is having for the manager so that there are more employees who come for the interview (McCredie, 2017).
  2. Experience- The person who is coming for the interview must have the right skills and experience so that they will be able to take over the place of the manager very well. It is very important to have experience because that will lead to making the centre have a better functioning without any pressure on them.

The selection techniques the centre uses are-

  1. Interview- Interviews of the person is taken by the management and the human resource of the centre so that they can come to a common decision as to what they can do for the centre and if they have the right qualities for the manager of the centre. Group interviews or panel interviews are also taken so that there is a better understanding of the person (Brannelly and, 2019).
  2. Communication and experience- These are two important factors which the centre will be focused on in the manager of the centre so that the manager will be able to have a better start in the centre. It is very important to have the right skills of communication so that the manager will be able to reach out to the other employees of the centre better.

(iv) Effective Induction and Appropriate Retention Strategies

It is very important for the companies human resource manager to make sure that the employees of the centre feel welcomed when they join the organization. There has to be an involvement of the entire team to work as whole and there has to be a sharing of visions and missions of the centre and the individual of the centre so tat they both can grow simultaneously (Michie and, 2016). There are a lot of creative ways through which the centre has made a change in the induction so that the employee is given all the details about the centre and that will make the centre have a better relationships. The manager must have interacted with everyone in the centre during his/ her induction so that when they take over the office they have a good relationship with the employees so that there is a better working of the centre so that the centre will be able to make a profit. During the induction it is also important for the human resource manager to make sure that the manager is aware of all the factors which are making the centre have a better functioning and the work of the manager in the centre.

When a manager takes over the centre it is very important that the manager is there in the centre for a long time because there is a lot of information which is shared with the manager of the centre. The employees and the manager of the centre must have the right skills, and they should be paid according to the efforts they are putting in the centre. The environment in the centre should be so healthy and all the employees should be having a good relationship that is a very important factor so that the manager does not want to leave the centre because of the internal factors of the centre. Manager should be a leader in the centre and not a boss so that there is a better understanding and comfort which the employees can share with the manager of the centre. The manager should have a high level of engagement with the centre so that they feel an attachment which will keep them from working harder in the company so that the organization can run effectively and efficiently in the market (Nigam and Dokko, 2019). The centre has made a place for themselves in the market from a long time and that has made the company have a manager so powerful so that the company can be managed by the right person and since the brand has a good name for themselves that will keep the manager in the centre for a long run. Incentives and appraisals should be given to the manager time to time so that there is a sense of motivation in the manager of the centre.

(v) Current State of United Kingdom's Employment

The current state of employment in United Kingdom is decreasing which will give the fitness centre a great advantage to get a manger at a low paying scale. The centre can also find a great experienced manager for themselves which will be willing to accept all the terms and conditions of the company which will be very beneficial for the centre. Government of the country is trying to find out ways through which they can solve this issue permanently but it is because of the Brexit that there are a lot of people who are leaving the country and the stability of the economy in the country is not stable. It is very important for the country to have a stable economy therefore the country is trying to have a change in the people of the country because there going to be a lot of factors which will get influenced because of Brexit. According to the latest record there are just 75.6 % of the people who are working in the country and the others are not so the centre will be able to find the best person for themselves as the manager of the fitness centre (Taylor, 2018). Manager is a great responsibility and it can be done by a trained and experienced person only and it is very important for the manager to have the right skills and techniques to run the centre.

The centre is looking for a trained and experienced employees so that they can make the change in the company so that the centre can get innovative and creative ideas to promote themselves in the market (Worlu, Jikawo and Omotoyinbo, 2016). In today's competitive world it is very important for the company to have new ideas which can get the company get a higher place for themselves in the market. Experience can make the company grow more because there will be a lot of new learning which the person can get from other centres they have worked in before. Employment rates of United Kingdom is decreasing therefore the fitness centre chain should take the maximum advantage of that factor. With time the employment rates of the country is getting better but there are always a little ups and downs in the country which the centre should take full advantage of so that the country will be able to make a lot of profit.


The human resource of the company is doing a very good while recruiting the employee's in the company and the responsibility of hiring a new manager for the company is not a big task for them because they are experienced. The manager has a lot of responsibilities therefore the right manager has to be selected for the organization and the centre will do a good job for the future. There are a lot of strategies and techniques which the human resource has to use which have been discussed in detail in the above report and those are a very important factor for the fitness chain centre.

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